Fallout 4 удаление травы

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Убрать траву в Fallout 4 целиком, к сожалению, штатными средствами никак не получится, подобные опции просто не предусмотрены, хотя и очень зря: трава эта никак особо не влияет на картинку, но при этом основательно нагружает систему.

Впрочем, можно понизить до предела дальность ее прорисовки, что делается в настройках графики в лаунчере, там выбирайте пункт "дополнительные настройки", а в нем - вкладку "дальность отрисовки". Там найдете ползунок, отвечающий за траву - двигайте его влево до предела.

Есть и еще один неоднозначный способ убрать траву в Fallout 4 - это моды, заменяющие текстуры с травой на текстуры без травы. Однако совсем не факт, что с ними игра станет работать лучше, а то и вовсе работать может перестать.

Thanks to LotusFireWolf for creating a merge for us. See sticky Post for details.

MDF Grass Fixes - ALL - Cleaned for ITM and UD - NO Precombine or Previs

These are the old original versions. Cells remain decombined and unoptimized for greater compatibility, but lower performance.

MDF Grass Fixes and Cleanups - ALL 2020 Precombine-Previs (PCV) Updates

2020 - ALL Grass Fixes and Cleanups from the Optional Files section have been repackaged into a single download here. If you have any trouble with the Precombined mesh and visibility data in these files, revert to the ITM-UD versions.

MDF Oberland Station Clean HZS - PCV - FIXED

Fixes the un-linked scrap recipe issue in the original file. Overwrite existing files. You will likely need to load a game you saved PRIOR to entering this cell.

Optional files

MDF Abernathy Farm Clean - PCV

2020-01-01 Removed trash and grass growing through the floor at Abernathy Farm. Precombined meshes and Visibility optimizations appear to be working OK.

MDF Boston Airport Clean - PCV

2020-01-03 Grass fix + cleanup + scrappable concrete barricades. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Bunker Hill Clean - PCV

2020-01-03 Grass fix + cleanup + workshop stackable fixes. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Coastal Cottage Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup, damaged garage roof can be scrapped and rebuilt. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF County Crossing Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes + minor trash cleanup. Ruined house can be scrapped and rebuilt. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working now.

MDF Covenant Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Far Harbor Clean - PCV

2020-01-04 Grass fix + trash cleanup + floor to wall gaps + many repairs. Main building 90%+ restored. Precombined meshes and visibility optimizations seem to be working.

MDF Finch Farm Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Graygarden Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup, cleaned up bridge, bus is workshop stackable now. Precombine meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Greentop Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass Fixes and trash cleanup for Greentop Nursery. Optional ESP and BA2 file that makes the house scrappable for those who want to rebuild with HZS Easy Homebuilder. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Kingsport Lighthouse Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup, workshop stackable fixes. Precombine Meshes and Visibility have been buggy here in the past, but they seem to be working OK now.

MDF Nordhagen Beach Clean - PCV

2020-01-03 Minor grass fixes and cleanup. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Oberland Station Clean - PCV

2020-01-03 Minor grass fix + cleanup + option to scrap and rebuild Switching Tower with mods like HZS Easy Homebuilder. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Outpost Zimonja Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup, super-glowy fog and light removed, some existing walls improved, stairs scrappable so you can change 2nd floor layout if you like. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working.

MDF Recon Bunker Theta Grass Fix - PCV

MDF Sanctuary Clean Minimal - PCV

2019-12-30 - Cleaned Workshop house in Sanctuary. Optional HZS version allows scrapping Workshop house to rebuild with HZS Easy Homebuilder. *MAY* add option for Player Home as well in future. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working OK.

MDF Somerville Place Clean - PCV

2020-01-01 - Fixed twigs growing through floors. Removed interior trash. Repaired attic floor. Made structure workshop stackable. Made damaged roof scrappable in case you want to rebuild it. Precombined meshes and Visibility seem to be working OK.

MDF Taffington Clean - Re-Roofed - PCV

2019-12-29 Taffington update. Precombine and Previs seem to be working OK. Cleaned up and repaired. Structures, phone pole, boulder are workshop stackable now. Precombined meshes and visibility seem to be working OK.

MDF Tenpines Bluff Clean - PCV

2020-01-01 Removed trash, fixed grass overgrowth in farm plots and buildings, made damaged farmhouse scrappable so you can rebuild with mods like HZS Easy Homebuilder. Precombined meshes and visibility optimizations seem to be working OK.

MDF The Castle Clean - PCV

2020-01-04 Updated The Castle cleanup with Precombined meshes and visibility optimizations.

MDF The Slog Clean - PCV

2020-01-02 Grass fixes, trash cleanup, workshop stackable fixes. Precombine Meshes and Visibility seem to be working OK.

Cleaner Lived-In Settlements is a lore-friendly settlement mod that removes most of the unwanted trash from all surfaces. It also makes many lore-friendly and opinionated trash objects scrappable in workshop mode, plus has a few more features to make them even more "lived-in".

DLC requirements

DLC name
Far Harbor
Vault-Tec Workshop
Nuka World

Mods requiring this file

Mod name Notes
Red Sanctuary Vault Wall (formerly Sanctuary Rocket Wall) optional but recommended
Ultimate starlight very useful for removing objects and interference

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

- Nexus Mods: Hosting mod
- Bethesda: Literally everything
- Ghozt03: Creating the mod

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 2.5.5

  • - fixed 02 bugs
    - updated county crossing
    - updated sanctuary hills
    - added 38 new scrappable objects

Version 2.5.4

  • - fixed 04 bugs
    - updated county crossing
    - added 07 new scrappable objects

Version 2.5.3

  • - fixed 05 bugs
    - fulfilled 03 user requests
    - updated sanctuary hills
    - added 188 new scrappable objects

Version 2.5.2

  • - fixed 04 bugs

Version 2.5.1

  • - fixed 01 bug

Version 2.5

  • - optimized dalton farm
    - optimized national park visitor's center
    - updated abernathy farm
    - updated boston airport
    - updated bunker hill
    - updated egret tours marina
    - added dalton farm
    - added national park visitor's center
    - added 35 new scrappable objects
    - added 21 new scrappable collections

Version 2.4

  • - optimized county crossing
    - optimized echo lake lumber
    - updated county crossing
    - added echo lake lumber support
    - added 22 new scrappable objects
    - added 07 new scrappable collections

Version 2.3

  • - optimized longfellow's cabin
    - added longfellow's cabin support
    - added 110 new scrappable objects

Version 2.2.2

  • - removed mechanist's lair support
    - added 25 new scrappable objects

Version 2.2.1

  • - added 05 new scrappable objects

Version 2.2

  • - optimized mechanist's lair
    - added mechanist's lair support
    - added 68 new scrappable objects

Version 2.1.0

  • - optimized vault 88
    - added vault 88 support
    - added 126 new scrappable objects
    - added 18 new scrappable collections

Version 2.0.2

  • - fixed 01 bug

Version 2.0.1

  • - fixed 01 bug

Version 2.0

  • - added nuka-world red rocket truck stop support
    - added 93 new scrappable objects

Version 1.9

Version 1.8

Version 1.7

  • - fixed 01 bug
    - added egret tours marina support
    - added finch farm support
    - added greentop nursery support
    - added hangman's alley support
    - added 334 new scrappable objects

Version 1.6

Version 1.5

Version 1.4

  • - added home plate support
    - added kingsport lighthouse support
    - added murkwater construction sitesupport
    - added 55 new scrappable objects

Version 1.3

Version 1.2

  • - updated abernathy farm
    - updated red rocket truck stop
    - updated sunshine tidings co-op
    - updated graygarden
    - added sanctuary hills support

Version 1.1

  • - added sunshine tidings co-op
    - added graygarden

Version 1.0

  • - initial release
    - added abernathy farm support
    - added red rocket truck stop support

Premium membership donations accepted

* Link to info-sheets

Cleaner Lived-In Settlements is a lore-friendly settlement mod that removes most of the unwanted debris, trash, papers, stains, and ugly plants from all surfaces. It makes many lore-friendly and opinionated trash objects scrappable in workshop mode, adds trash collections to scrap multiple pieces at once, cleans debris off shelves and tables, and cleans surfaces of rust and stains. All of this is done while optimizing precombines so that game performance is not sacrificed!
*Only objects inside the settlements' borders are affected, not the entire cells. Objects outside the settlements' borders are already added to the scrap-list, so mods that increase the settlements' borders will allow you to reach and scrap these objects in workshop mode.

This is intended to give a more "lived-in" atmosphere, only cleaning up useless trash-like objects from the settlements. As you would most likely do if you planned on living there for quite some time. People normally want their residence to look nice, if not decent.

Keywords are used to locate objects inside the settlement's cells, then trash-like objects are removed from inside the settlement's borders. Immersion trash-like objects are left alone and added to the scrap list to be scrapped from the workshop mode in-game. Large piles of debris are grouped together, allowing for easier and less arduous scrapping. Debris-filled shelves and tables are swapped out for debris-less versions. Rust, moss, dirt, stain, blood, and indoor water decals are removed from structures and objects.
*Precombines are optimized. Most are still intact, but some are altered to remove debris objects while maintaining performance. For precombines that are altered, new precombine data is generated.

Currently, all 30 base game settlements, along with 6 DLC settlements (excluding Mechanist's Lair) are supported. As well as 1409 newly scrappable objects.*
*To view a full list of supported settlements and newly scrappable objects, click here.

If you have a request for this mod or another, feel free to message me.

To give the best sense of immersion, install this mod after you've discovered all or most of the settlements.
This will give you an immersive role-playing feeling that you and your settlers cleaned up the place, rather than first discovering it that way.

Есть-ли мод на отключение растительности,такой как трава и кусты?
Или знает кто нибудь строку в конфиге,которая её отключает?


Пойщи мод *Генеральная уборка*
Данный мод "Генеральная уборка" добавляет в Fallout 4 возможность удаления мусора, беспорядка, объектов, которые изначально невозможно было удалить в пределах населенных пунктов. Например вам не нужна трава которая растет сквозь асфальт, удалите! Мешаются заросли и кустарники, удалите! А если вообще хотите снести все здания, то удалите! Больше нечего сказать.

Ребята вы наверное знаете что недавно вышел Fallout 4 и я хотел бы задать спросить я случайно посадил слишком много мутафруктов в режиме строительства как их удалить буду очень признателен за ответ!:))

И ребят я сделал как ты сказал всё уничтожил но вот тут фигня

надо их сломать сначала. потом обычно удаляешь. и кстати проходи за институт)

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