Exit fate список героев

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Exit Fate character guide / FAQ as compiled on the Something Awful forums:

All 75 Optional + Story Characters

Optional Characters: Stromgaard Thunder - Ranged (None) Location: Alfheim - Inn Recruit: Once you convince Sally to let you use her boat, talk to him BEFORE you leave the island. If you missed him the first time, speak to him in Credence later in the game.

Mike Fire - Melee (None) Location: Mayfall City - Pub Recruit: Hire for 400 Arn.

Outsider Dark - Melee - *War Leader* (Row Strike) Location: Mayfall City - Pub Recruit: Hire for 1500 Arn.

Joe Thunder - Melee (Steal) Location: Amen Corner Recruit: Talk to him with Col in your party. Accept his request and you will have to complete a small dungeon with only Col and Joe. There is a chest with a spell in there so don't miss it.

Cid Ice - Ranged (None) Location: Madrigal - Inn Recruit: Talk to him and he will mention losing sheet music. Go all the way back to Blackwater Inn and get the sheet music from the innkeeper. Return it to him and he will join.

Francesca Dark - Melee (None) Location: Matrech Recruit: Recruit with Outsider (or maybe any Dark element member) in your party.

Midian Dark - Ranged/Mage (None) Location: Midian's Island Recruit: Sail to Midian's Island after Erin mentions him. Enter his house and try to reach the chest on the wardrobe. Push the crate in his house next to the wardrobe to drop the chest on him.

Paris Fire - Ranged - *War Leader* (None) Location: Bergstadt Recruit: Get an A rank in the Battle of Grunthall. Talk to him and he will join. If you missed the A rank, have Rock in your party and recruit him in Ansee.

Bartolli Ice - Melee - Castle Item Merchant (None) Location: Grunthall - Item Shop Recruit: Talk to him and he will complain about a late supply shipment. Go to Ansee. Enter the building in the northwest and wake up the sleeping dock worker. Get the Supplies from him and return it to him in Grunthall.

Richard Thunder - Ranged (None) Location: Mayfall Forest - Richard's Hut Recruit: After the first Battle of Mayfall, bring Ljusalf and speak to him. Agree to help him with the mist problem and defeat the boss at the end of the mist dungeon. The mist maze is annoying and the boss is hard so be prepared.

Naja Water - Melee/Mage (None) Location: Mayfall Forest - Mist Maze Recruit: Joins with Richard after defeating the boss of the mist maze.

Nomad Fire - Melee (Row Strike) Location: Mt. Bosch (North exit of Grunthall) Recruit: Talk to him and he will mention finding the city of Avalon. Go to the bar in Harlinton and the man on the far left will tell you where it is. Go pick Nomad up (he actually joins you here, so you can ignore Avalon if you want) and take him to the new area SW of Mayfall. If you removed Nomad from your party before completing Avalon, you can rerecruit him in front of the entrance to Avalon. The 'key' is back in Mt. Bosch, so take a good look around. (The code is CLVIII = 158)

Marian Lightning - Melee/Mage - *War Leader* (None) Location: Faraday University How to recruit: Clear Nomad's dungeon (Avalon). Bring Nomad and speak to her in the university.

Petra Dark - Melee (Wild Attack) Location: Bayside Town - Inn Recruit: Talk to her with a full party of all dudes including your Entourage.

Mai Ice - Melee - Castle Magic Merchant (None) Location: Harlinton - Inn Recruit: Talk to her and defeat her in battle. She has very high PDF so magic is your only option.

Wilona Water - Melee/Mage - Castle Record Keeper (Scan) Location: Mayfall City Recruit: Have an A rank in total MAG of active group members. To get an A rank, you need to have 400+ MAG.

Meiko Water - Melee/Mage (None) Location: Blackwater Recruit: Keep telling her your war stories. You can only tell a story after every war campaign. Earliest she can join is after retaking Mayfall City for the second time.

Klaus Light - Melee (None) Location: Various Recruit: Find a cat in the following towns (in order): Blackwater (Building), Matrech (Building), Mayfall City (Training Ground), Bergstadt (Governor's House). After you talk to him in Bergstadt, go to the front gate of Elysium Castle and he will join.

Griever Lightning - Melee - *War Leader* (Column Strike) Location: Blackwater Recruit: Talk to her with Klaus in your party.

Johnny Ice - Ranged - Castle Blackjack Dealer (None) Location: Ansee Recruit: After the second Battle of Mayfall, win 5000 Arn from him in Blackjack

King Light - Melee (None) Location: Bayside Town Recruit: Bring Johnny and arf arf arf

Mandala Ice - Ranged (Smokescreen) Location: Blackwater - Shiro's Basement Recruit: Inspect the column in the upper-right corner of the room she's in. Defeat the boss who spawns.

Deke Dark - Ranged - Castle Teleporter (Focus) Location: Amen Corner How to recruit - Have Joe in your party then talk to him in front of his house after the second Battle of Mayfall. Defeat the Iron Golem then go back to the castle. Enter the left building in the courtyard and speak to him.

Myst Dark - Melee/Mage (Focus) Location: Myst's House (SE of Matrech) Recruit: Visit him

Derek Dark - Melee (Row Strike) Location: Myst's House (SE of Matrech) Recruit: He's the experiment.

Fitch (Yes that Fitch) Fire - Ranged (None) Location: Elysium Castle Recruit: After retaking Mayfall, find him in the training room in the west wing

Alex Water - Melee/Mage (None) Location: Oischin Forest Recruit: After events at Cento Temple, go to the eastern side path off the icy area closest to the Matrech side. Speak to him and solve the mystery.

Hawk Thunder - Melee (None) Location: Sibet Town Recruit: Talk to Bartolli in the castle until he mentions needing fresh herbs. Go to Sibet Town and recruit Hawk in his garden.

Teej Thunder - Melee (None) Location: Credence Recruit: After the trial, talk to Teej with Cid in your party. Enjoy the show.

Nikolai Ice - Melee - Castle Blacksmith (None) Location: Bergstadt Recruit: After Gaia's Heart, talk to him and he will mention that he remembers "bronze buildings." Talk to the blacksmith's wife in Harlinton and she'll mention him. Return to him and he'll join.

Reod Fire - Melee/Mage (Steal) Location: Port Jargo Recruit: Talk to him and watch the show. Watch the show again with Joe or Rorschach in your party.

Tiffany Water - Melee/Mage (None) Location: Faraday University Recruit: Bring Teej to see her in the school.

Venkal Fire - Melee - Castle Menu Painter (None) Location: Faraday Recruit: Talk to him in his house in the southwestern end of Faraday (west of entrance). Inside the Academy, find the art appraiser (northeast) then return to Venkal. Head to the large house in the northeast corner of town and confront Walters.

Darwin Water - Melee/Mage (Scan) Location: Faraday University Recruit: Give him the Rainbow Ore from Vishnu Citadel 2F. Return 10-15 minutes later.

Shadfork Light - Melee (Wild Attack) Location: Cento Temple (Courtyard) Recruit: After clearing Elemental Mansion, accept offer to race and lose on purpose.

Tong Wu Lightning - Melee (None) Location: Cento Temple (Inn) Recruit: Bring Shadfork and talk to him

Sef Light - Melee (None) Location: Trarcia Recruit: After clearing Vishnu Citadel, talk to him in Trarcia. He asks you to go to the Magma Caverns NE of the city to rescue a friend. Officially joins after clearing Magma Caverns.

Soth Dark - Melee (None) Location: Magma Caverns Recruit: Joins with Shin after Sef's sidequest.

Shin Dark - Melee (Column Strike) Location: Magma Caverns Recruit: Joins with Soth after Sef's sidequest.

Yomiko Lightning - Ranged (Smokescreen) Location: Ashton Port Recruit: Talk to her with Rorschach. Go through the dungeon and defeat the boss.

Gilbert Dark - Melee (None) Location: Shadow Clan Village Recruit: Joins with Yomiko.

Avelion Light - Melee (Aura) Location: Valduz Recruit: Speak to her then follow her to Mt. Ea, which is right next to Valduz. Defeat the boss at the peak of Mt. Ea.

Ice Ice - Melee/Mage (None) Location: St. Reinard (In an unmarked house in the western part of town) Recruit: Bring Avelion in your active or entourage party to snap him out of his insanity

Marcello Dark - Melee (Steal) Location: Jargo Port City Recruit: Have Reod in your party to unlock the door, Marcello will be inside and ask you for a Black Ruby. You can steal a Black Ruby from Hoarders, which are found in the wilderness surrounding Vishnu Citadel.

Sormaus Fire - Melee (None) Location: Forgotten Cave (NNE of Levier) Recruit: Talk to him and defeat the Demilich.

Frore Ice - Melee (None) Location: Trarcia, Madrigal, Harlinton, Niflheim Recruit: Try to recruit the white-haired man in Trarcia and he says he has to lay low. Find Kella in Niflheim and she'll go to Trarcia after him. Follow her there, then chase Frore to Madrigal. Report back to Kella in Trarcia and she'll head to Madrigal. Rinse and repeat for Harlinton Inn. One last trip to Niflheim and he's yours.

Luther Light - Melee/Mage (Aura) Location: Muspelheim (In the house above the save point) Recruit: Escort him to the vampires mansion north of town, after defeating the vampire Luther will join you.

Vanrushal Dark - Melee (None) Location: Nocturn Keep Recruit: He joins when you defeat him while escorting Luther


[ Как видно все персонажи не указаны, в данной Вселенной их так много и многие не раскрыты, поэтому, просто укажите своего перса в брони. Если же персонаж есть в списке и рядом есть ссылка на акк - то перс занят. ]


Гаррет Махариэль - главный по скринам (посты в группе), рекламе и репостам, так же канонщик.
Александр Лунёв - фараон Та-Кемета, канонщик
Стас Рубцов - ну в общем то это королевский крыс, ивенты, редактура обсуждений, дедлайн - это его забота.

A soldier serving in Mayfall and one of Daniel's first recruits.


  • Shock and Awe: Her element.
  • Stock Ninja Weaponry: Fight with kunais.
  • Smoke Out: Her special ability. It gives a change of escaping from battles.


  • Casting a Shadow
  • The Hermit: He's lived alone on an island since retiring.
  • Hidden Eyes
  • Mistaken for Granite: Parodied. He's just an ordinary guy who happens to stand still in a corner when you break into his house uninvited.
  • Retired Badass
  • Squishy Wizard
  • Robes And Wizard Hat: His outfit is easily this trope, also being somewhat reminiscent of a Final Fantasy black mage with a shadow over his eyes.


  • Adventurer Archaeologist
  • Blade on a Stick
  • Playing with Fire
  • Red Oni: To his sister, Marian.
  • Redundant Researcher: Admittedly, it's understandable that he wouldn't think to ask some random person in another country about where Avalon is, but.


  • Barrier Change Boss: He switches elements every time you knocked off a certain portion of his health.
  • Drunk with Power: Presumably.
  • Slasher Smile

Yan Angwa

  • All There in the Manual: His backstory is only revealed in "The Wanderer" a short comic that SCF made as a reward for a goon for finishing a Let's Play of Exit Fate. He once sought the power of demons and was responsible for the death of Clint's mentor.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III. He's an unrepentant asshole, never shares information that he damn well knows would help Daniel, has absolutely no restrictions when it comes to doing what he feels has to be done, and basically has no redeeming qualities other than the fact that he just-so-happens to be on your side.
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Expy: of Zerase from Suikoden V. In both appearance (Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunettes dressed mostly in in black) and personality (Abrasive, dismissive individuals that continually refuse to explain themselves or anything for that matter until they feel the time is right and thus are widely disliked by the rest of team for their unhelpful nature).
  • Figure It Out Yourself: His main reaction to more or less everything.
  • Jerkass
  • Manipulative Bastard: He'd be a Guile Hero, but he's really not that heroic. Anyway, this part of his personality becomes especially clear when, he discovers that the most powerful demon soldiers are the ones with the most confidence. So, what does he do? He makes up a fake exorcism ritual that tricks Demon Trevor and Sick into believing that they will lose their power .
  • OOC Is Serious Business: He actually starts to provide helpful information once demons start to come into the picture . Daniel notes how odd it is for him to do so.
  • Perpetual Frowner
  • The Quiet One
  • Simple Staff
  • Stealth Mentor/Trickster Mentor: He combines the worst aspects of both. which is one of the reasons why Daniel gets so frustrated with him.
  • Squishy Wizard
  • The Stoic
  • Talking the Monster to Death: Almost literally. See "Manipulative Bastard" for the full details.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: He's such a complete arsehole that even Daniel rages at him on more than a few occasions and he seems to be the only person in the army without any real friends, relationship levels aside.
  • The Unreveal: If you defeat his Shadow, the real Yan Angwa convinces it not to give any information on their backstory.
  • Took A Levelin Kindness: After Nashal sheds some light that the Yan Angwa are a group that he's probably not part of and the man finally starts to communicate with the others by putting into motion his plan for dealing with the demons , Daniel seems a lot more tolerant of him. Although, as The Wanderer shows, they're still far from friends.
  • A Father to His Men
  • Anti-Villain
  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Drop the Hammer
  • Friendly Enemy: With Daniel. He even joins Elysium shortly after Daniel leaves Zelmony.
  • Genius Bruiser
  • Hero Antagonist: The only reason he's a villain is that his rebellion is weakening Zelmony while it is at war.
  • An Ice Person
  • Large and in Charge: He appears to be two meters tall.
  • Meaningful Name: He's named Rock and he's an influential man in a mountainous region.
  • Mighty Glacier
  • Rugged Scar


  • Even Evil Has Standards: He detests Bahnk for being so corrupt.
  • Jerkass
  • Smug Snake


  • Anti-Villain
  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Defector from Decadence: She decides that a country that puts someone as evil as Ash in a position of authority does not deserve her loyalty and defects to Elysium.
  • An Ice Person
  • Lady of War
  • Mighty Glacier
  • Stone Wall: Decent attack power, excellent HP and defense.
  • Token Good Teammate: Of the Almengan generals.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: He poisons himself after being captured.
  • Blood Knight
  • Boomerang Bigot: He hates commoners despite being one himself.
  • General Ripper
  • Meaningful Name: He's homicidal and insane and he is named after the byproduct of burning things.
  • Villainous Demotivator

The Caretakers are a terrorist organization fighting against Cento Temple. Their exact goals are unknown.


  • Ax-Crazy
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Evil Counterpart: To Avelion
  • Evil Redhead
  • Expy: She owes her character design and name to a character in Last Scenario.
  • Meaningful Name: She's a dragon.
  • One-Winged Angel: Her true form is a dragon.
  • Our Dragons Are Different
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting


  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: After being possessed by the Hand of Fate, she realizes that the Hand is too dangerous to exist.
  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to Daniel's Abel.
  • Cryptic Conversation: Frequently, with Siegfried.
  • Demonic Possession: She eventually gets her wish of becoming the host of the Hand of Fate.
  • The Dragon: To Emperor Siegfried.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Daniel. Both are light-elemental, both of their swords are named after angels, and they are twin siblings.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She is primarily motivated by her jealousy over the Hand of Fate's decision to choose Daniel as its host and not her.
  • Leitmotif: "Brunhild", which is actually "Find Your Way" from Final Fantasy VIII.
  • Light Is Not Good: Her element is light, and she is an antagonist.
  • Spanner in the Works: Against the plan, she goes to see Daniel at Elysium Castle. This tips him off that something is wrong with his memory and sets him on the road to defying the Hand of Fate .
  • Split Personality: She's possessed by the spirit of her mother, who occasionally manifests as this trope.
  • Taking You with Me: She blows herself up, along with the Hand of Fate.


  • Betting Mini Game: The proprietor of one.
  • Canon Immigrant: Johnny is from a Something Awful project called the "Zybourne Clock". A similar reference to him was in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • Death Dealer
  • The Gambler
  • An Ice Person
  • Animal Jingoism: Subverted. His relation with Klaus (a cat) is B-rank, which is also reciprocated in kind.
  • Canine Companion: To Johnny.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: You can see him in Bayside, but he's just there for flavour until much later.
  • Joke Character: No, really. He's just a dog. Not even a Talking Animal. He's just a dog.


  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Somewhat. He's clearly a good guy, but he finds a lot about human rules and customs baffling.
  • Cryptic Conversation: With Elder Lothis and a bit later with Chancellor Ryan.
  • Making a Splash
  • Mr. Exposition
  • Squishy Wizard
  • Simple Staff

Clint Harrison

  • Blood Knight: Multiple times, he says things like "the hunt is more important than the game".
  • *Click* Hello: Pulled on Brunhild as part of a Big Damn Heroes moment.
  • The Gunslinger
  • Leitmotif: "Banisher", which is actually the Turks' theme from Final Fantasy VII.
  • Mage Killer: Trained to kill demon hosts .
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: He looks a lot like Clint Eastwood.
  • Playing with Fire
  • Aerith and Bob: He's the only druid with a normal name.
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: Aspiration of this is what Meiko expects from a druid like him, but it's averted.
  • Green Thumb: He's a druid, after all.
  • Making a Splash
  • Simple Staff


  • Dumb Blond: Double subverted. She dumps Teej to become a student, but drops out of school because she finds it boring.
  • Lethal Joke Character: She apparently picked up a fair bit at the university, since she's a pretty good mage.
  • Making a Splash
  • Ms. Fanservice

Siegfried Jadengand

  • Archnemesis Dad: He is Daniel's father and the main villain of the game.
  • Big Bad
    • Non-Action Big Bad: An illness makes it difficult for him to even leave his throne.



    • Doing It for the Art
    • Grumpy Old Man
    • Playing with Fire
    • Starving Artist: He lived in poverty while someone else earned a whole lot of money with his paintings.



    • Badass in Distress: You have to rescue him from another ninja to recruit him.
    • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's very laid back for a ninja.
    • Casting a Shadow
    • Expy: He bears a more than mild resemblance to Kakashi.
    • Glass Cannon: Less consequent than Klaus, though.
    • Technicolor Ninjas



    • Cloudcuckoolander: Comes with the senility.
    • Joke Character: He has horrible stats, with the exception of his MP+, which is the best in the game. He makes a passable mage at higher levels, but there are still many characters who are better than him.
      • Magikarp Power


      • Casting a Shadow: Not only is she a dark elemental, but recruiting her requires having a dark elemental in your active party.
      • Elegant Gothic Lolita
      • Fangirl: Of Dark elemental characters.
      • Goth
      • Purple Prose: How she speaks.
      • Funetik Aksent
      • Hidden Depths: Played for Laughs. According to the ending, his accent caused him to develop an interest in linguistics.
      • Shock and Awe
      • Sinister Scythe: Well, he's a farmer.
      • Video Game Stealing: Joe is a "thief-type character", and so he can steal items from enemies.


      • Anti-Villain
      • Authority Equals Asskicking
      • Bodyguard Crush: On Siegfried
      • Evil Counterpart: Her personality and role are very similar to those of Ayara and Jasper, except that she's more experienced, resented and desperate.
      • Face Heel Door Slam: After Tarlia makes her realize that something is wrong with Siegfried's actions, it looks like she is going to defect. Learning that her beloved Siegfried was murdered by Daniel puts a stop to that, and she gets killed in the final dungeon.
      • An Ice Person
      • My Master, Right or Wrong: With both Sigmund and Siegfried.
      • Undying Loyalty: To Siegfried
      • Unrequited Love Lasts Forever
      • Villainous Breakdown: She loses it after learning that Siegfried has died.


      • Casting a Shadow
      • Crippling Overspecialization: He has awesome magic-related stats (including the highest magic stat in the game), but his other stats are all poor.
      • Necromancer


      • Big Damn Heroes: Does this on multiple occasions.
      • Cutscene Power to the Max: When he joins, he takes out about a dozen soldiers at once. As a playable character, he's fast, but the rest of his stats are okay at best.
      • Defeat Equals Friendship: Subverted. He does join sometime after you defeat him, but it's seeing Ayara attempt a You Shall Not Pass! that makes him realize that Daniel is worth following.
      • Duel Boss
      • Highly Visible Ninja
      • Making a Splash
      • Video Game Stealing
      • You Can't Go Home Again: He was exiled from his clan for seeking revenge against Daniel. He gets to return in the end though.


      • Reasonable Authority Figure
      • Token Good Teammate: The only Zelmony governor who is neither corrupt nor an asshole.

      Almenga Empire (Some unmarked spoilers)


      • Making a Splash: As befits someone who lives her life on the sea.
      • Pirate: She's not one herself, but her grandfather was one and she has the accent.
        • Pirate Girl


        • Asshole Victim: The people of Highland cheer when Rock has him hanged.
        • Smug Snake


        • Black-and-White Insanity
        • Church Militant
        • Deconstruction: He's your typical devout vampire hunter. and a ridiculous fanatic.
        • The Fundamentalist: Well, kind of. While he won't bash the world's holy book over your head, he approaches his task of vampire hunting with a scary amount of fervour.
        • Guest-Star Party Member: Can be permanently re-recruited in a late-game sidequest.
        • Healing Hands: His "Aura" command.
        • Insane Troll Logic:

        "All vampires play the organ! And if all vampires play the organ, then one who plays the organ is most likely a vampire!"

        Exit Fate

        Вы можете задать любой вопрос или попросить совета по этой игре. Это займет совсем немного времени.

        Игроку предстоит странствовать по миру, заходить в многочисленные города, участвовать в сражениях с рядовыми врагами, а иногда и крупномасштабных битвах одной армии на другую. Точно так же как и в Suikoden II, в Exit Fate представлено огромное количество союзников (75), которых предстоит находить и уговаривать вступить в ряды своей армии, дабы получить в конце лучшую концовку. Вскоре герой получит свой замок, в котором буду жить его подчиненные и сможет воочию понаблюдать за их досугом. Каждый герой не то чтобы уникален, но имеет ряд своих талантов, которые игроку будут полезны: как в рядовых битвах, так и в крупномасштабных.



        • Fantastic Science: He's researching the use of elements in magic.
        • Badass Labcoat
        • Casting a Shadow
        • Funetik Aksent: Joe thinks he's faking it.
        • Glass Cannon: He may look very odd and hammy, But he is the second strongest character in the game, his regular attacks dealing out great amounts of damage. He doesn't have much in the way of defense, even with armor, so he's rather squishy.
        • Herr Doktor
        • Mad Scientist


        • Going for the Big Scoop: She is willing to fight in the Elysium army to get a story.
        • Intrepid Reporter
        • Kick Chick
        • Making a Splash


        • Authority Equals Asskicking
        • Cutscene Incompetence: His backstory describes him as a One-Man Army, and yet he could be kidnapped by soldiers who are a pushover for Daniel.
        • Light The Way
        • Retired Badass
        • Samurai
        • Shout-Out: His sword is called the Masamune.
        • Dreadful Musician: Most of the people subjected to him seem to think so.
        • Rockers Smash Guitars: He attacks by using his guitar like an axe, but the instrument seems to be indestructible.
        • Shock and Awe


        • Authority Equals Asskicking
        • Blue Oni: She's definitely the more responsible sibling.
        • Nice Hat
        • Shock and Awe
        • Squishy Wizard


        • An Ice Person
        • Cool Sword: Named after his childhood friend and (presumably) Love Interest.
        • Dark and Troubled Past
        • Laser-Guided Amnesia: He can't remember anything prior to joining the Brotherhood.
        • Late Character Syndrome: Averted. He's one of the last characters you recruit, but his fighting power, coolness and the effort spent recruiting him are likely to net him a spot in your main party anyway.

        Klaus von Lichtenheim

        • Animal Jingoism: Subverted. His relation with King (a dog) is B-rank, which is also reciprocated in kind.
        • Blue Blood
        • Cats Are Superior: Played for Laughs.
        • Glass Cannon: He has very high speed and strength but his inability to equip armor makes him very squishy.
        • Lethal Joke Character
        • Light The Way
        • Small Name, Big Ego
        • Talking Animal


        • The Atoner
        • Crippling Overspecialization: Her unit takes massive penalties if she's leading anything but cavalry.
        • Dark and Troubled Past: She is actually the former Almengan general Freya, who deserted after obeying orders to commit genocide against her own people.
        • The Fatalist
        • Glass Cannon: Her war unit.
        • Horrible Judge of Character: Played for Laughs when she calls the arrogant cat Klaus von Lichtenheim an "innocent creature".
        • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: You recruit her by bringing Klaus along.
        • Lady of War
        • Meaningful Name: That being said, it's an alias.
        • Only Known by Their Nickname: Under certain circumstances, though, she'll come to terms with her past and start using her real name again.
        • Purple Prose: She has a vague and flowery way of talking.
        • Shock and Awe
        • Warrior Poet


        • Brats with Slingshots
        • Guest-Star Party Member: Permanently recruitable later (if you care).
        • Motor Mouth
        • Playing with Fire
        • So Long, and Thanks for All the Gear



        • Master of None: Neither really built for magic, physical offfense, nor survivability, he has no real role in battle.
        • Personality Powers: Averted; the only apparent reason for him being lightning-elemental is so that he has better endurance in his recruitment quest.
        • Shock and Awe
