Enderal forgotten stories чертежи оружия

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

P.S. простите за неполное описание предметов, но так же интереснее? :)

Уникальное и редкое оружие из тех что мне удалось найти:

00022f0f - булава
0101eb8e - меч (лучший что мне удалось найти по урону)
0003c5b3 - лук
00136ffb - меч
000ea29c - двуручный меч
0102413f - молот
0001c4e6 - секира
0013c2af - кинжал
0002acd2 - молот
0102e3b6 - кинжал
000670f2 - меч
0013e219 - Аэтернская стрела
000ea7eb - Горящая стрела.

Комплекты брони (не все полные, так же- что попалось по игре):

Ищейки - 00508с6, 00508с4, 00508с8
Падшего - 000beb55, 000beb6, 000beb8
Немезиса - 000eb423, 000e7491
Пепельного воина - 000377cc, 000377ca, 000377c6
Севера - 000bec36, 000bec37, 000bec38, 000bec35
Сельны - 00034922
Скарагга - 0005087f, 0005087, 00050884
Скитающегося мага - 00077381, 00148a1b, 0007737f
Сорвиголовы - 00032778, 00032775, 00032777, 0003277a
Трибунала - 00050983, 00050985, 00050981, 00050984

Разное: 00150376 - щит
0013b821 - ботинки
000295f3 - шлем
0012781d - капюшон
00061c8b - маска
0102e533 - маска
0101efbd - обувь
000e35d8 - перчатки
0102f235 - "Шкура Спасителя"
000d0d67 - щит
000fc5bf - щит
0013е200 - щит
0007с932 - роба "Архимага Игнациуса"

0101e9a3 - Талисман призыва призрака "Забытый Бродяга" 1 уровня (остальные я так и не открыл)

This page is a summary of all weapons available in Enderal and provides global information about all weapons available. This will also include bows and all arrows. For specific information about a weapon, select the page of the weapon. You can also browse the category and a legend for the explanation of all abbreviations is located at the bottom of the article.

Two-handed melee weapons [ ]

Battleaxes [ ]

Bows are the only ranged weapon being available in the game.

Name Dmg Enchantment Up Wgt Obtaining Notes Item ID
Aeterna Greatsword TH Crafting and finding
Black Widow's Elegy
Commander Greatsword TH Finding
Iron Claymore of Flames 11 5 fire damage FE 08 Finding
Greatsword of the Righteous Path SH
Silver Greatsword
Silver Steel Greatsword
Starling Greatsword FN
Steel Greatsword of the Blaze FF
Winter's Edge 44, 45 Deals six points of frost damage to health and stamina. When dealing a Critical hit, the weapon freezes the enemy for 2 seconds. TH 15 Finding

Warhammers [ ]

Name Dmg Enchantment Up Wgt Obtaining Notes Item ID
Aeterna Warhammer TH Crafting and finding
Bell Hammer Finding
Blood-stained Hammer 31 Finding
Reality Hammer 26 29 Finding

Legend [ ]

For all tables on this page, there is the following legend for abbreviations and general information.

Прохождение Enderal: Forgotten Stories и вопросы по игре

Кира Подшивалова

Виктор Жекю

Лана Валевская

Виктор, оставить до того момента, пока не найдете сам мечтоцвет и не сварите зелье

Лана Валевская

Дмитрий Травин

Евгений Головин

Вопрос по оружию. 65ый лвл, облазил всю карту, улетел на дерижабле, но вопросы остались)

1)так и не нашел кинжала лучше чем Последние слова Йеро, с которым пробегал 3/4 игры :( они вообще есть? И где искать?
2) одноручное оружие - булава.. эмм.. молаг бала и топор слепого шахтера выдают 100+ урона. Самый топовый меч не дает даже 90. При этом двуручных мечей - что катана замораживающая, что элегия черной вдовы крафтящася - в изобилии.. где искать топовые одноручные мечи?
3) по броне.. сет пепельного война фулл, скрафтил сет авантюриста (75 мастерства) - весьма спорная замена. Нашел в продаже дорогущие сапоги комплекта Багряная Ночь - но по статам они хуже чем предыдущие 2. в чес тогда подвох с ценой, гле исктаь остальные части этого сета и какой вообще топовый легкий в игре и где его найти

Рафаэль Хайрутдинов

Ирина Дьяченкова

Detskaya Zabava

Как установить xpmse что бы выбирать положение оружие.упорно видит только скелет с 115 костями

Detskaya Zabava

Как установить xpmse что бы выбирать положение оружие.упорно видит только скелет с 115 костями?

Ася Шепард

Под скажите мод на броню, на женский пол. Только не брони ливчик.

Боря Король

Можно ли мод на компаньона найти вообще? А то 1 постоянно бегать вообще не кул :с

Алексей Нилов

Есть ли совместимый мод на блокирование парным оружием (или допустим оружие плюс заклинание в руке)?

Weapon properties [ ]

Damage: base damage. Every weapon has a base damage, as the amount of damage displayed in the items menu in the menu depends on skill, other items equipped and perks used. Then, during battle, the actual number displayed depends on the displayed damage, the kind of attack performed, talents activiated, other damage and the enemies armor rating, active talents, blocking and resistance percentage to other damage.

Speed: The speed of the weapon is mostly determined by the type of weapon, with daggers being the fastest, followed by sword, then axes and at last maces. The two-handed weapons are slower and follow the same order, but they have some memories increasing the attack speed.


Ranged weapons (bows) [ ]

Bows are the only ranged weapons available in the game.

In the table below you can find all arrows. Unlike weapons, the player character can't craft arrows, improve by sharpening, better materials or with enchantments. So, in terms of damage, the fire arrow is the most powerful arrow, as long as the target isn't completely immune to fire damage.

In this section of the article, you can find all information about the one-handed weapons. This includes daggers, axes, maces and swords.

War axes and axes are the one-handed versions of the axe available in the game.

Name Dmg Enchantment Up Wgt Obtaining Notes Item ID
Axe of the Blind Miner 35 FF 13 Finding 0014BEC8
Pickaxe 03 FE 06 Finding Can be used for mining ore. 000050E7
War Axe of the Righteous Path 25, 26 SH 17 0007C99A
Rune Axe 10, 11 MA 0007C9A4, 001489D1
Skaragg Axe 19 FF 0012E2DB
Silver Steel War Axe 18, 19 MO 0007C9A0, 00148A60
Sunborn Axe 24 FF 00147995
Uunil'Yâr's Promise 38 SH 18 Large stash Most powerful axe in the game. 00036774
Woodcutter's Axe 03 FE 10 Finding Can be used for splitting Wood. 00097CBA
Wood. 0002F2F4

Daggers [ ]

In the table below, you can find a list of all daggers in Enderal.

Name Dmg Enchantment Up Wgt Obtaining Notes Item ID
Aaterna Dagger 20, 21 TH 4 Crafting and finding 0007C98E, 00148A9D
Psionics. 3 00015AA7
Corpse Tooth 34 Dealing an unspecified amount of poison damage when a critical hit is being dealt. 4 000813CA
Dagger of Despair 03 Critical hit chance increased by 5%. FE 2 Buying and finding 00032DFD
Iron Dagger 03, 04 FE 2 000028D2, 00119BC7
Knife 03 FE 1.5 000028CD
Kilra's Redemption Absorbs 7 points of damage. Does 4 points of fire damage. Fire damage burns target and inflicts damage over time. 2.5 0014F9CF
Dagger of Righteous Ambush Critical hit chance increased by 7%. SH 5 000333E4
Dagger of Righteous Arcane Wrath SH 5 000333E4
Rune Dagger MA 3 0007C9A8, 001489D3
Yero's Last Words 19, 20 Absorbs 11 points of Health TH 5 0013C2AF

Maces [ ]

In the table below, you can find a list of all swords in Enderal.

Name Dmg Enchantment Up Wgt Obtaining Notes Item ID
Glowing Thorium Ingot, Malachite Ingot, Moonstone Ingot, 2 Shadow Steel Ingot, 10 Spare Parts. 0007C98C, 00148A9B
Iron Mace of Exhaustion 06 Absorbs 3 Health upon each hit. FE 06 Buying and finding 0005402A
Mace of the Righteous Path SH 0007C998, 00148A7A
Selna's Rage 35 Deals 18 points of frost damage to health and stamina. 13 Finding 00022F0F
Steel Mace of Arcane Wrath 08 Deal 5 point of shock damage to health and half as much to mana. FF 07 Buying and finding. 000E12F5

Swords [ ]

In the table below, you can find a list of all swords in Enderal.

Name Dmg Enchantment Up Wgt Obtaining Notes Item ID
Aeterna Sword 27, 28 TH 13 Crafting and finding Glowing Thorium Ingot, Malachite Ingot, Moonstone Ingot, 2 Shadow Steel Ingot, 10 Spare Parts. 0007C98C, 00148A9B
Al-Rashim's Legacy 37, 40 QK 10
Tharaêl Narys.
Boneripper 14 Absorbing 3 points of health on each hit. MA 10 Finding
Deathstorm 28 19 points of shock damage, of which half the amount inflicts damage to mana. SH 10 Finding
Epicura 07 Enemies up to level 14 flee in combat. Does 10 points of fire damage, which last a while and dealing more damage for the duration MA 10 Buying Can be obtained from shops such as Gaboff's Premium Wares, Northwind Camp travellers until level 15. 0003A43D
Iron Sword 04, 05 FE 04 Buying, crafting and finding. 2 Iron Ingot, Leather Strip, 4 Spare Parts. 000028CF, 00119BC2
Iron Sword of Flames 05 Dealing five points of fire damage with each hit. FE 04 Buying and finding.
Keeper Longsword 10 SH 04 Finding 0013B5F4
Kiléan Falcata 28 Absorbing 3 points of health on each hit. SH 10
Light Born's Memory 27, 28 Undead up to level 19 flee from the wielder for 30 seconds 10 Finding
Morala's Edge 23 Absorbing 6 points of health on each hit. 10 Finding Potential reward from Perfect Thorium Sword 42, 43 10 Crafting
Sword of the Righteous Path Can be enchanted. SH 15 Crafting and finding Malachite Ingot, 2 Moonstone Ingot, 2 Shadow Steel Ingot, 6 Spare Parts.
Rune Sword 10, 11 Can be enchanted. MA 11 Buying, crafting and finding. 2 Leather Strip, Malachite Ingot, Quicksilver Ingot, 6 Spare Parts, Steel Ingot
Scimitar 11 QK 10
Silver Sword 15 Can be enchanted. MO 07 Buying, crafting and finding. 2 Moonstone Ingot, Steel Ingot, 7 Spare Parts. 0007C9A2, 0013EF66
Silver Steel Sword 20 Can be enchanted. MO 09 Buying, crafting and finding. Malachite Ingot, 2 Moonstone Ingot, 7 Spare Parts, Steel Ingot
Skai'Nua's Heads
Starling Sword Can be enchanted. FN Buying, crafting and finding. Malachite Ingot, 2 Metal Ingot of a Forgotten Nation, Moonstone Ingot, 6 Spare Parts, Steel Ingot.
Steel Sword 08 Can be enchanted. FF 07 Buying, crafting and finding. Best item value/crafting material value ratio. Materials: Iron Ingot, Leather Strip, Spare Parts
Sunborn Sword Can be enchanted. FF Finding Sligtly ligher version than crafted Sword of the Righteous Path and cheaper upgrade material. Same damage.
Super Sword of Annihilation 75 Can be enchanted. NA 04 Console 0013B5F2
Psionics skill level. SH 14
Voice of the Forgotten 29, 30 Deals extra damage with a critical hit and unleashes a psionic shockwave. MA 25 Finding

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