Достижения sonic adventure

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Не секрет, что новых Чао можно получить не только, скрещивая уже имеющихся особей. Яйца с ними можно найти во время игры. Правда, получить наиболее раритетные экземпляры не так то просто.

Silver Chao Egg.
Находится в Mystic Ruins. Дотроньтесь до большой плиты, находящейся справа от водопада. Через несколько секунд серебряное яйцо прибьет к берегу. Возьмите его и идите в пещеру налево от водопада. Залезайте в дрезину, она доставит вас к транспорту в сад Чао.

Golden Chao Egg.
Его можно получить только после прохождения уровня Windy Valley. Station Square. Идите к дому, перед которым произошло первое сражение Соника в самом начале игры. На газоне перед домом лежит каменное яйцо. Возьмите его и идите в антикварный магазин. В витрине вы увидите золотое яйцо. Забирайте золотое яйцо, оставив вместо него каменное. Отнесите находку в сад Чао.

Из яиц вылупятся золотой и серебряный Чао, а скорлупу можно выгодно продать на рынке.

Black Chao Egg.
На Яйценосце (Эми или Е-102, впрочем то какая разница) возле так званой "Тюрьмы Эми" (справа) лежит чёрное яицо чао. Если вы играете Эми, лучше сначала (если игру не прошли) побить рекорд Роботника, а то яицо изчезнет под время мини-игры и вам придётся возвращаться за яицом снова.
Стоимость скорлупы в магазине: 500 колец.

Начав новую игру, вы можете играть только Соником. Сначала вам нужно будет одолеть Хаоса. Это пустяковое дело, т.к. нужно всего 3 раза его ударить. Внимание! Ты должен иметь хотя бы одно кольцо, чтобы лезть в драку с противником. Если у тебя нет ни одного, а враг тебя ударит, то тебе хана.

Обращай внимание на всякие предметы вокруг тебя. Они могут подсказать, что нужно дальше делать.

Дальше следует этап "Изумрудный берег". После этого этапа ты можешь играть Теилзом. Когда ты начнёшь с ним играть, иди к твинкл-парку. Там есть канава, иди туда. Там тебе встретится что-то типа люка, поднимайся наверх. Там найдёшь для себя бонус.

Что сказать про Соника, то после этапа Windy Valley (не помню как по-русски), если у тебя русская версия Соника, есть одна недоработка переводчиков. Когда коснёшся подсказки возле вокзала, там будет скрыт какой-то текст. Моя подсказка: иди туда, где в первый раз дрался с Хаосом. Там будет люк, прыгай туда. Потом заскакиваешь наверх и у тебя есть бонус. Ещё: сразу после этого дуй в отель, поднимайся по лестнице. Есть дверь. Нажми на кнопку и воспользуйся ботинками. Там будет ещё один бонус.

Когда дерёшься с Perfect Chaos'ом, разгоняйся. Только так ты можешь набрать силы и грохнуть его. Когда он станет сильнее, старайся перепрыгивать его выстрелы. Так ты и скорость сохранишь, и кольца.

Когда проходишь с Эми, в любом уровне за тобой будет гоняться Зеро (робот). Не долби его часто, а то вообще нельзя будет долбить. Долби его тогда, когда он целится в Эми, а то… хана будет! После 3-х уровней будет финальная битва! Долби его в сторону где электрические провода, Эми не должна сама косаться их. Потом молотом ударь по кнопке, это должно повториться 3 раза. После этого Зеро придёт конец. Таким образом у Эми миссия кончится.

Чтобы победить босса (Бомбу-Гадюку в последнем уровне за Соника) в начале бейте по кнопкам на теле гадюки, когда Эггман будет вылезать из своей кабины. Этот процесс повторится 3-4 раза. После змея начнет ломать платформы, в конце концов добравшись и до вашей. Держитесь конца платформы, где есть кольца. Чтобы атаковать Эггмана, нужно сначала прыгнуть на колёса с иглами.

Чтобы заработать мини-игры, нужно пойти как минимум 3-4 уровня. За какого героя? Да за любого. Только учтите, нужно проходить уровни в "Приключении". Тогда в главном меню появится строка между "Заданиями" и "Настройками" - "Собрание мини-игр".

Не секрет, что в игре есть эмблемы вне уровней. Одна из них находиться на Вокзале. Её лучше всего доставать, играя за Тейлза или за Наклза. Заходишь на платформу перед поездом, доходишь до её центра и летишь в противоположную от поезда сторону (За Тейлза).Там, над дверью Платформа на которой эмблема.

Две других эмблемы находятся в Мистических Руинах. Их можно достать только после битвы с Эгманном. Одна на крыше Мастерской Тейлза. Её достать проще простого. Вторая на выступе за Мастерской. Пытаться допрыгнуть не имеет смысла. Достать её можно только за Тейлза.

Ещё две эмблемы находятся в Джунглях. За Соника её можно достать только после уровня «Небесная Палуба». Первую эмблему можно достать только либо за Наклза, либо за Тейлза. Она около дома Бига, в стволе дерева. Вторую достать можно за любого персонажа. Она за веткой деревца, на тропинке.

На Яйцелёте достать эмблемы в два раза сложнее. За одной придется лететь на зонт, над местом битвы с e102y. Она в самом центре платформы. Вторую эмблему достать ещё сложнее. Нужно зайти и трансформировать корабль, выйти и зайти опять, но на этот раз вниз. Проверьте две двери - за одной комната со столами, там есть кнопка, нажав на неё разложиться кровать, на которой будет эмблема.

Хаоса 6 одолеть можно 2 способами:
1)Подбить летающую штуку, дождаться, когда Хаос начнет засасывать все. Или кинуть штуку самому.
2)Нацелить удочку хорошо и кинуть (если играете Бигом).

Fun fact: Did you know that the Steam version of SADX is actually a port of the Xbox 360 version, which was a port of the 2004 PC version, which was a port of the GameCube version of the Dreamcast original? Yep. All true. In fact, this is the most common w.

In this Guide, I will show you how to get all the Emblems in Sonic Adventure DX (PC, Dreamcast, Gamecube or PS3 Versions).

Sonic Adventure (Title).jpg

Sonic Adventure - первый сониковский платформер, действие которого происходит в полноценном 3D. Изначально игру планировали назвать "Sonic RPG" из-за элементов исследований и головоломок, но позже от этой идеи отказались, и игра получила название "Sonic Adventure". Игра была выпущена для Sega Dreamcast в 1999 году.

Sonic Adventure значительно отличался от предыдущих сониковских игр. Персонажи стали выше и стройнее, у всех изменился цвет глаз. Дизайн уровней стал более реалистичным. Появились и новые персонажи, такие как Хаос, Биг, E-102 Гамма, Тикал и другие. Также это первая игра про Соника, в которой появились люди (не считая Эггмана).

Финальное издание, разработанное в США, было названо Sonic Adventure International и появилось в продаже 9 сентября 1999 года в Северной Америке, 14 октября 1999 года в Японии и Европе, 18 октября 1999 в Бельгии, Нидерландах и Люксембурге и 3 декабря 1999 года а Австралии. В 2003 году вышел порт под названием Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut для Nintendo GameCube и PC.

Development process

With the completion of Sonic & Knuckles, the majority of the Japanese side of the Sega Technical Institute, including producer and programmer Yuji Naka, decided to return to their native land, leaving behind the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise in the hands of other creative teams in other countries. Once back in Japan, Naka finally reunited with the original creator of Sonic the Hedgehog, Naoto Ohshima. Resurrecting the Sonic Team name, a group of both veteran members and newcomers decided to begin work on a title completely separate from the Sonic concept, wanting to prove that the minds behind the biggest franchise in Sega's catalogue were able to create new and exciting ideas without completely relying on the most famous hedgehog in the world. With the Sega Saturn hardware well on its way to being released for the consumer market, the team began development on an idea Naka had conceived right after the completion of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - NiGHTS Into Dreams.

Knowing that the Sonic franchise was still a viable money-making tool, Sega was unwilling to let the series slumber, assigning the members of STI that remained to work on the next major installment of the series: Sonic X-treme. Though filled with people who had grand visions of what Sonic would be like in the third dimension, the project would be almost doomed from the start. With Naka viewing the very first conceptual ideas for the game, the man who would become the head of Sonic Team simply shook his head, saying "good luck" and moving on. Indeed, through numerous shifts and changes in both hardware and the director, the project ultimately would be canceled, leaving a hole in the Saturn lineup that would be felt across the board at Sega. While other titles such as the Traveler's Tales-produced Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island and the Sega 32X exclusive title Chaotix attempted to fill the void left by X-treme, it was clear that these titles would not be the heavy-hitters the company needed. To the outside world, it seemed clear that the only people who would be able to make Sonic work in the new generation of gaming would be the people responsible for helping launch the franchise in the first place - Sonic Team.

Though it is possible Naka and Ohshima were quite aware that they would have to produce another Sonic title at some point, it was Takashi Iizuka, Senior Game Designer for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles who began pushing the idea of a "Sonic RPG" to be the development studio's next big game. Though work on Sonic Team's second non-Sonic property Burning Rangers was underway, it was decided that the group would indeed look into producing the next big Sonic game. Realizing that the majority of the team responsible for the classic games was still under Sega's employment, Iizuka made it a point to discuss with each person what made up Sonic, not just as a compelling character but as a compelling game series, not wanting to lose those essential elements in the jump to 3D.

Not wanting to strictly make an RPG, but knowing that 3D-capable systems offered both the space and graphical capability to expand on a story, it was decided that the game would have a much greater emphasis on plot, just as Sonic 3 & Knuckles had taken a narrative leap over its predecessor, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. However, before any work was to be done on such specific details, the team knew they first had to figure out how to take Sonic and make him work outside of a two-dimensional plane. Arguing over just how Sonic would work, eventually a group consensus was reached as to how a 3D Sonic level would operate. Working with the basic building blocks, a simple test level was put together to see if what they had on paper would work in practice.

— Takashi Iizuka, Director of Sonic Adventure

The earliest builds of the game were originally programmed with the Saturn in mind, as it was the current console the company was pushing and the focus of the rest of Sonic Team's development. However, when it became painfully obvious that the life span of the Sega Saturn was going to be dramatically shorter than the Mega Drive, the team reached a crossroads - either continue working on what would become Sonic Adventure as a Saturn title, or to scrap what they had done and begin working anew using the proposed specs of Sega's next system, codenamed "Katana." Realizing the futility of continuing with the Saturn, and knowing the scope of the project might be better suited for more advanced hardware, what could be ported was done so, the team now working on a game that would be one of the premier titles for the Sega Dreamcast. Wanting to make sure the game would be the perfect demonstration of what the system would be capable of, Yuji Naka became involved in the hardware creation of the Dreamcast, offering suggestions and changes to the schematics of Sega's last great hope.

Not wanting to let the work that had been done for the Saturn version go to waste, the earliest builds of Sonic Adventure were transformed into the Sonic World portion of the compilation title Sonic Jam. Intended to simply be a collection of the main four Mega Drive titles and an assortment of bonus features, this early look into how a 3D Sonic title would work was included, becoming the portal to a wealth of knowledge involving the blue blur. Unknowingly, the gaming public was used as a test subject to see how people would react to such a title.

With production now in full gear for the Dreamcast, the production team wanted to take full advantage of the superior graphical capabilities they now had. Fueled with the desire to create worlds far more realistic than what had been possible beforehand, the core members of the Sonic Adventure development team, consisting of producer Yuji Naka, designer Hiroshi Nishiyama, programmer Tetsu Katano, director Takashi Iizuka, designer Nobuhiko Honda, and art director Kazuyuki Hoshino, went on a trip to Central and South America. Although ruins and jungles had been used before in previous Sonic titles, none of the team members had actually gone to any such locales in person before, instead taking their inspiration from movies, TV shows, and other popular media. With this in mind, it was decided the team would explore on their own, in the hopes that this change in scenery would provide a wealth of inspiration for the game. Starting out in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, the group traveled through Chichen Itza, Tulum, San Gervasio, Tikal, and Uaxactun, then flew down to the South American country Peru, where they visited the Nazca lines, Cusco, Machu Picchu, and Pachacamac.

Confronted with sights and sounds they had never seen before, the team made sure to not let the environment overwhelm them, knowing the trip was not simply a pleasure cruise. Filming their trip and taking pictures of everything in sight, many of their images were then used in the creation of such locations as Emerald Coast, Lost World and the Mystic Ruins, not just as inspiration but in some cases literally. Many of the textures found in the more realistic areas of the game were lifted straight from the team's collected photographs. One idea for the game which hadn't been part of the original plan, but was directly inspired by their trip, was the Sand Hill level in Miles "Tails" Prower's version of the game:

— Takashi Iizuka, Director of Sonic Adventure

However, the trip was not all fun and games, the team having unexpected encounters with tarantulas, snakes, and reportedly Katano collapsing from an altitude sickness at one point. At the end of it all, the team returned to Japan in one piece, full of enthusiasm to create the game.

Along with the idea of making a larger emphasis on story and creating more realistic worlds for Sonic to explore, it was decided that, to truly make this shine out on the market and showcase that it wasn't just a new Sonic game, but a kind of game that had yet to hit the market, it was decided that the principle cast would be redesigned, marking the start of a new era. Yuji Uekawa, who had previously created the title character of Ristar and worked on Flickes' Island and Sonic R, was recruited to redraw characters that had imprinted into the minds of numerous people in the 90's. Such a task was one Uekawa did not take lightly.

— Yuji Uekawa, Character Designer for Sonic Adventure

The first leaked shot of Sonic Adventure circa E3 1998, thought at first to be an untitled motorcycle game.

With Ohshima looking over his shoulder, Uekawa set to work on a stylized version of the main cast, inspired in part by graffiti art. Changing certain aspects of the character and emphasizing them in his line art, the very face of the Sonic franchise changed. Giving "Tails" and Knuckles the Echidna similar overhauls, when it came time to tweak the designs of Dr. Eggman and Amy Rose, Uekawa decided to drastically redesign those characters. Aging Amy Rose and changing everything from her hairstyle to her dress, she visually became a character that fit in with the goals the story set out for her. Eggman, on the other hand, was originally meant to maintain his classic design, but at some point it was decided to alter his style as well, creating an Eggman in stark contrast to the simplistic design Ohshima had come up with years prior.

Though unique goals and playstyles were thought up by the team, Iizuka felt that perhaps there should be completely separate playstyles in the game represented by new characters, to not only change the pace of the game but to also broaden the appeal, and have people who would not normally be interested in a Sonic title look into purchasing the game. The first of these new characters was E-102 Gamma, a robotic creation built by Eggman, his story giving a look beyond Sonic and the gang. His playstyle, that of targeting and shooting, was in direct response to people who had written in to Sonic Team and asked for a shooting component to be added to their games. Feeling it not in Sonic or any other established playable's casts nature to wield a gun, a separate character was developed, designed in such a way that Gamma still felt perfectly natural within the Sonic universe. The second of these new characters, Big the Cat, went with the unusual choice of fishing. Wanting to create a character that "went at his own pace" and broke up the intense nature of the other five, Big was conceived, his gameplay decided upon based on the fact he was a cat.

A Japanese subway advertising the Sonic Adventure unveiling at the Tokyo International Forum.

One element that Iizuka wanted to have in the game was an enemy that was completely separate from Eggman, and also something which, up until then, was impossible to create in a game. Wanting something liquid and transparent, the character of Chaos was thought up. Presenting the original concept art and idea to Naka, Chaos was approved on the spot, his role in the game cemented. His ever-shifting nature and demeanor was something the team wanted to advertise, placing the character in the very first playable sequence in the game.

Another aspect of the game that was decided early on was resurrecting the "A-Life" technology originally developed for NiGHTS Into Dreams. Though simplistic in NiGHTS and only a passive goal within the main stages, the idea was completely retooled, fleshed out for Sonic Adventure. Creating characters called Chao that borrowed visual cues from both the Nightopians and the new character Chaos, a game-within-a-game was developed alongside. The Chao-raising experience was yet another element that was meant to attract people who were unfamiliar with Sonic, and was also meant to help people become better at playing the game. The more time spent with Chao raising, the better the player's skill at the Action Stages was meant to be, turning a casual gamer into a dedicated Sonic the Hedgehog player.

With each element slowly falling into place, it wouldn't take long before word got out that Sonic Team, hot off their critically acclaimed Saturn titles, was busily creating a new Sonic the Hedgehog title. Speculation ran wild, the early concept of a "Sonic RPG" leaking out and causing people to believe the next game would be called Sonic & Knuckles RPG. However, the full details of the game were able to stay guarded, one fuzzy screenshot being all that the public saw, many not even believing the shot to be from a Sonic game. The speculation train would soon go into overdrive when it was announced that on August 22nd, 1998, a public unveiling of the game would happen at the Tokyo International Forum. Accompanied with the now iconic green eyes and grin, the show was advertised on Japanese television and radio (info) (313 kB) stations (info) (313 kB), the initial two shows planned expanded into three based on the projected turnout. Though a handful of screenshots were leaked days prior on a French news site, the anticipation of the event unwaivered, people lining up along the streets hours ahead of time. When the doors opened, the crowd was treated to a wealth of information, hosted by none other than Yuji Naka, along with a pair of Japanese radio personalities Yūko Hamaya and Chris Peppler. Simultaneously streamed on the Internet and recorded on VHS for those who could not attend, live gameplay and prerecorded videos showcased the style of the game, along with the new characters and expanded storyline. Immediately, the game became one of the most requested, Sonic Team hastily finishing it up in time for its December release in Japan. Periodically offering new content up on their website, the game was finally released on December 23rd, 1998.

Although a success for Sega, Sonic Adventure would also serve to be the final game worked on by the character's creator, Naoto Ohshima. Though never officially stated, rumors around his leaving the company proved similar to the rumors that surrounding the dissolving of Naka and Yasuhara's partnership - that Ohshima had run into disputes with Naka over the continued direction of the Sonic franchise. Though unsubstantiated, the result was the same, with Ohshima leaving the company, eventually going on to found his own development studio, Artoon. Curiously enough, when Sonic Adventure was eventually ported to the Nintendo GameCube, Ohshima's name was removed from the end credit list for reasons that have yet to be explained.

Sonic Team's travels

The following is a collection of photographs Sonic Team took while on their many travels across Central and South America in preparation for Sonic Adventure. The trip lasted from November 26th to December 9th, 1996.



  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Miles "Tails" Prower
  • Knuckles the Echidna
  • Amy Rose
  • Big the Cat
  • E-102 Gamma
  • Super Sonic




Много тысяч лет назад, Изумруды Хаоса и Мастер Изумруд хранились в храме рядом с городом ехидн. Семь Изумрудов Хаоса (тогда называемые просто "Изумрудами") были источником абсолютной власти. Их, как и живущих у усыпальни Чао, охранял Хаос (жидкое существо, которое ехидны считали богом или духом этих мест). Позже начались войны за обладание Изумрудами. Клан Наклз охранял Изумруд, назваемый Мастер Изумрудом, который мог контролировать силу Изумрудов Хаоса. Ехидна Тикал - дочь Пачакамака, лидера клана Наклз, подружилась с Чао, живущими возле усыпальни. Когда-то Пачакамак стремился расширить территорию своего клана, он хотел украсть Изумруды Хаоса и использовать их силу, чтобы победить врагов. Тикал и Чао не могли ему этого позволить, однако Пачакамак не остановился. Хаос, посчитавший, что Чао погибли, пришёл в ярость. И он, использовав силу Изумрудов Хаоса, превратился в легендарное чудовище, известное как Перфект Хаос и уничтожил город ехидн клана Наклз, превратив его в руины (ныне - Мистические руины). Часть континента стала отдельным островом (ныне - остров Ангелов). Тикал, жертвуя собой, запечатала себя и Хаоса в Мастер Изумруд. А остров, под воздействием энергии Изумруда, поднимается высоко над океаном.

Выжившая часть клана Наклз стала жить на этом острове, охраняя Изумруд из поколения в поколение. Пока в мире Соника не остался только один из Наклзов и один из ехидн - ехидна Наклз.

Доктор Эггман узнаёт эту легенду. Полагая, что это правда, он разрушает Мастер Изумруд, тем самым освобождая Хаоса (и Тикал). Цель доктора заключается в контроле над Хаосом. Он хочет скормить Хаосу 7 Изумрудов Хаоса, чтобы вырастить из него Перфект Хаоса и тем самым разрушить город Station Square, на руинах которого Эггман собирается построить свой Эггманленд. Чтобы ему помогли, он создаёт E-серию роботов и поручает им задания. Когда Соник узнаёт о планах Эггмана, он и его друг Тейлз начинают поиски Изумрудов Хаоса. Тикал пытается помочь им разобраться в происходящем и показывает отрывки из истории своего народа.


Поля приключений

Поля приключений (англ. Adventure fields) - это нелинейные стадии игры, как правило предназначены для решения головоломок, разведки сюжета, поисков новых этапов и т.д. Они содержат очень мало объектов (колец, врагов и т.д.) или же не содержат вообще. Также они имеют связь с двумя другими полями.

Sonic Adventure went through many ideas and changes during the development process. What follows is a collection of items related to the game's development.

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