Demon s souls доспехи

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Armor in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake provides the player with protection and different resistance against all types of damage and negative status effects. such as Blunt Damage, Bleed, Plague, and more.

Armor in Demon's Souls are divided into four categories which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leggings. This page covers a list of all the Armor Sets, as well as information regarding the pieces of each set.

Demon's Souls Armor Set Gallery

Ancient King's Set
Barbarian Set
Binded Cross Set
Black Leather Set
Blue-Eye Knight Set
Boletarian Royalty Set
Brushwood Set
Burrower's Set
Chain Mail Set
Dark Silver Set
Dull Gold Set
Fluted Set
Gloom Set

Imperial Spy Set
Leather Set
Mirdan Set
Official's Set
Old Raggedy Set
Plate Set
Penetrator Set
Red-Eye Knight Set
Rogue's Set
Saint's Set
Shaman's Set
Venerable Sage's Set
Wizard's Set

Нагрудные доспехи (англ. Armor: Chest) - предмет брони, предназначенный для защиты торса в игре Demon's Souls.

Сравнительная таблица характеристик [ ]


Доспех зарослей 42 42 50.4 42 19 31 24 15 0 17.3
Доспех из темного серебра 36 36 43.2 36 27 25 24 15 0 13.5
Доспех из тусклого золота 32 32 38.4 32 27 22 24 15 0 9.6
Доспех сумрака 34 34 40.8 34 19 24 46 46 46 11.5
Кираса древнего короля 31 31 37.2 31 21 34 24 15 0 7.7
Кожаный доспех 28 28 28 28 19 20 15 15 0 3.1
Кольчуга 32 32 38.4 32 19 22 24 15 0 9.6
Мантия почтенного мудреца 27 32.4 27 27 23 19 15 15 0 3.8
Мантия праведника 27 32.4 27 27 23 16 15 15 0 4.6
Обвязанный доспех 29 29 29 29 19 27 15 15 0 5.8
Одеяние волшебника 26 26 26 26 19 18 15 15 0 1.9
Одеяние разбойника 25 25 25 25 25 17 15 15 0 1.5
Одеяние шамана 25 25 25 25 19 17 15 15 0 1.5
Пластинчатый доспех 32 32 38.4 32 19 22 24 15 0 9.6
Рифленый доспех 34 34 40.7 34 19 24 24 15 0 11.5
Старая рваная мантия 26 31.2 26 26 23 13 15 15 62 3.5
Черная кожаная броня 25 25 25 25 19 17 15 62 0 1.2
Чешуйчатая кольчуга Мирда 36 36 43.2 36 21 32 24 15 0 13.5

Комплекты легкой брони
Сет из черной кожи • Кожаный сет • Рваный сет • Сет разбойника • Сет шамана • Сет почтенного мудреца • Сет волшебника
Комплекты средней брони
Сет древнего короля • Обвязанный сет • Кольчужный сет • Сет из тусклого золота • Пластинчатый сет • Сет праведника • Сет странника
Комплекты тяжелой брони
Сет зарослей • Сет из темного серебра • Рифленый сет • Сумрачный сет • Мирданский сет
Некомплектная броня
Головные обмотки монаха • Шляпа Чиновника • Серебряный венец • Серебряные браслеты

Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA, если не указано иное.

Weapons in Demon's Souls, like in real life, are used to defend one's self and inflict damage upon others. A total of 18 weapon categories exist in-game, further split into 78 individual weapons (80 in the remake) with their own stats and attributes. While weapon choice is very important to your build, players can equip up to 4 at once (2 per hand), allowing one account for many scenarios in combat.

  • See Combat for advice, whether you're struggling or wish to start the game with an edge.
  • See Boss Soul Weapons for special equipment forged only by using specific Demon's Souls.
  • See Upgrades for information on empowering weapons through crafting.
  • See Shields for a list of available shields.
  • See Armor for a list of all available armor sets.

How should I choose a weapon in Demon's Souls?

Players create builds around specific weapons that have good movesets, deal significant damage, or are easily obtained. Some players choose weapons for their cosmetic appearance, but in most cases it is advisable to refer to the scaling and upgrading path of weapons to determine if the output is beneficial to the character in PVE, PVP or both. The following categories of weapons have details on their base damage, and all individual pages feature upgrade charts.

What are Boss Soul Weapons?

Boss Soul Weapons are special equipment forged by combining a unique Demon's Souls (dropped by Bosses) with weapons at the proper upgrade level. Certain Demon's Souls can be used for Weapons, Spells and Miracles, so make sure you get the one you want most! Else you'll have to wait for NG+ to get another shot.

Boss Soul Weapons in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake are special equipment forged by combining a unique Demon's Souls dropped by Bosses with specific Weapons at the right upgrade level. Demon's Souls can be used for multiple weapons, and Spells, so make sure where you want to spend them as you may only obtain one soul per playthrough. For Trophy guidance, please refer to this Demon's Souls Trophy Guide.

All Armor Sets in Demon's Souls

Armor Sets are a combination of Armor in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake. Armor Sets provides players with protection and resistances against all types of damage and negative status effects such as Blunt Damage, Bleed, Plague, and more. Wearing Armor also changes the character's appearance. Wearing all Set pieces won't grant any additional effects.

Some sets of armor are available to both genders but are slightly different for male and female characters. Those that are identical in appearance are labeled as unisex

Boss Soul Weapons in Demon's Souls

If you want to know what spells and miracles can be created with a soul, see the Boss Souls page.

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