Atlas чертежи кораблей

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Как построить корабль в Atlas ? На данный момент времени – это действительно важный вопрос, потому что все больше новых пиратов-новичков стремятся совершать набеги на других игроков, до сих пор использующих обычные плоты. В этом подробном руководстве по строительству кораблей вы узнаете, как создать судно – будут описаны все шаги, начиная от сбора материалов и заканчивая непосредственно крафтом морского транспорта.

Этот гайд будет весьма полезен для новичков, так как самостоятельная постройка корабля является довольно сложным процессом, из-за чего многие игроки часто остаются на базовых плотах, а не переходят на малые и средние корабли (шлюпы).

Как построить шлюп и шхуну в Atlas

Чертежи и требования для постройки корабля варьируются в зависимости от размера лодки, то есть для больших судов вам понадобятся огромные паруса, палуба и верфь, в то время как для малых и средних кораблей (шлюпа и шхуны) будет достаточно их малых аналогов.

  • 120 Волокон
  • 12 Металл
  • 220 Тростник
  • 140 Дерево
  • 380 Волокон
  • 48 Металл
  • 640 Тростник
  • 440 Дерево
  • Паруса
  • Листы
  • Рулевое управление
  • Потолок
  • Палуба

Основы постройки корабля

Если вы уже знаете все, что мы отметили в нашем руководстве для новичков (особенно о том, как получить определенные ресурсы), и ваш персонаж достиг 6-го уровня, тогда вы должны быть уже готовы к планированию и постройке корабля. Первое, что вам понадобится для создания собственного судна (Маленькая Лодка, Шлюп или Шхуна) в Atlas – это небольшая верфь или док. По этой причине ваша первая цель будет заключаться в сборе ресурсов для его возведения.

После этого сконцентрируйтесь на добыче достаточного количества материалов для создания каркаса корабля (вы можете начать строить первые части судна – внутренний корпус на вашем доке или верфи).

Чтобы начать второй этап кораблестроения, вам нужно будет сделать Ткацкий станок (Loom) и Кузницу (Smithy). Последняя позволит вам создавать металлические инструменты, используемые для сбора ресурсов и материалов, которые понадобятся вам при строительстве морского транспорта – вы не сможете добыть их примитивными каменными инструментами. И кузница, и ткацкий станок также применяются в крафте корабля, например, дощатый пол изготавливается в кузне, а паруса – на станке.

Кузница может быть изготовлена из 40 волокон, 5 кремней, 65 шкур, 20 металлической руды, 125 камней и 20 дерева. Металл – это самый редкий ресурс из всех вышеуказанных. Вы можете собирать металлическую руду, ударяя по булыжникам каменной киркой.

Рецепты кузницы (чертежи):

  • Металлический топор
  • Металлическая кирка
  • Металлический серп
  • Ножницы
  • Ледоруб
  • Грейферный крюк
  • Фонарь
  • Лопата
  • Подзорная труба

Obtaining a ship [ ]

New Pathfinders start on islands in freeport regions the Shipyardsman found near the dock sells both Rafts and Ramshackle Sloops for Resources which can be readily gathered around the island. Otherwise new ships require a Shipyard to be laid down and crafted.

Resource Requirements [ ]

75 x Fibers
20 x Hide
80 x Wood

240 x Fibers
220 x Thatch
180 x Wood

225 x Fibers
75 x Hide
250 x Wood

160 x Fibers
70 x Stone
280 x Thatch
560 x Wood

240 x Fibers
220 x Thatch
180 x Wood

125 x Fibers
60 x Hide
250 x Wood

240 x Fibers
105 x Stone
420 x Thatch
840 x Wood

110 x Fibers
8 x Metal
180 x Thatch
120 x Wood

332 x Fibers
42 x Metal
540 x Thatch
390 x Wood
5000 x Gold Coin

1000 x Fibers
500 x Stone
2000 x Thatch
4000 x Wood

1512 x Fibers
224 x Metal
3024 x Thatch
1960 x Wood
18000 x Gold Coin

2560 x Fibers
680 x Metal
5600 x Thatch
4200 x Wood
50000 x Gold Coin

500 x Stone
2000 x Thatch
4000 x Wood

Majestic Kraken 22000 x Gold Coin

Crafting Guide [ ]

  1. You will need to create a shipyard to build a ship, and you unlock the ability to do this via the Seamanship tree (Survivalism Tree > Construction & Mercantilism Tree > Seamanship Tree). It currently takes 11 skill points to get to (and unlock) the first shipbuilding node in the Seamanship tree (Basics of Sailing).
    • Look for a place with an underwater shelf, and hang it off the shelf. If is possible to build a shipyard in a place that is too shallow for your boat to leave once finished, and this is a very sad discovery to make.
  2. Construct a framework from the shipyard, put resources in the shipyard itself and use the appropriate blueprint. Don't worry, the inventory of the shipyard is not publicly accessible.
  3. Build a smithy and a loom. It is advisable to create a small structure nearby to house these. The loom is a larger structure, so plan your space.
  4. Construct the appropriate components from the table below. This is done at the Smithy.
  5. These are more like normal building components than resources as you don't need all of them at once to start building. They are all pieceable.
    • If you are missing a plank (side wall of ship), water will come in and it will sink eventually.
      • Some planks can be replaced with Gunports.
        • This can be done after you are done, so if you don't plan to have cannons at the start, you can swap them out later.
    • Decks are like foundations to build on/off.
      • The bottom deck will be solid, the rest will be frames to be filled in.
  6. Build wooden construction components such as walls, ceilings, stairs, and rooves.
    • Everything weighs something on a ship. Look at the deck to see your current weight.
    • You can place cannons on any deck, so you can build platforms at the front and rear to place cannons that face those directions.
    • You can also place things like a smithy and chests, but this should be done last to ensure you can place your sails and such first.
    • Be sure to not block access to the outer hull planks from inside the ship, you want to be able to hit everything with a repair hammer.
  7. Choose and build your sails from the Loom. The sail includes its mast and is worth a certain number of points.
    • It will force you to place your sails along the spine of the ship.
    • The mast extends through all decks, so plan accordingly.
    • The rigging (ropes on the side) do not seem to interfere with most placements (like ladders).
    • If you want to reach the crow's nest, you will have to place your own ladders (rope or wood).
  8. Build and place the Ship Steering Wheel from the Smithy.
    • 1st person visibility is not important as long as the wheel is placed in the open, you will drive the boat from a far third person perspective.
  9. It is advisable to place extra Rope Ladders to get on and off the ship. There is an automatic one hanging off the back that you can't see while building.
    • Ladders can be stacked, these can make them easier to reach from the water.
    • You can use these to reach the crow's nest
    • You can hang rope ladders off anything, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will be climbable in the end.
  10. Build and place cannons (optional)
    • Cannons have a narrow firing arc, you might want to play with this before placing non gunport cannons.
    • Gunport cannons will snap in place.
    • Gunport cannons weigh less than deck cannons when retracted.
  11. Place any other structures you think you might need, but keep weight in mind. This includes the weight of the inventories, once stocked. Remember not to block access to the planks (all optional)
      Simple Bed, If you die you want to be able get back to your ship Water Barrel, Sailing takes a long time, you don't want to die of thirst Bookshelf, Convenient for doing a store all after looting crates at sea to filter you blueprints Ship Resources Box, Stores resources for repairs by hammer/crew. Stores payment for crew. Doesn't let you store anything else like armor or weapons. Food Larder, Stores food to feed the crew. Wood Wall Hook, Allows you to place lanterns and torches. Large Storage Box, To store things. Wooden Chair, You can fish for food while sailing. Dinghy Ship Hangar, Allows you to build and deploy dinghies/submarines Ship Cargo Rack, Anything put in it has its weight greatly reduced, but even having it empty slows down your ship.

To start building a ship, you need to first build a shipyard (be sure to place the shipyard entirely in water even if the placement system allows you to place it half in), then construct a ship frame from that shipyard (it works exactly like the other crafting stations, just deposit your resources and click on the frame you want to craft).

Note: For ships beyond the Raft and Dinghy, you will also need a Smithy and a Loom to craft the planks, decks, and sails, as well as some of the structures you may want to install on the ship.

Once you have a frame crafted, you'll need to craft a deck and some planks. When attempting to place them on the frame, you'll see the locations that the part can snap to.

When all of your decks and planks are placed, you can craft wooden walls, ceilings, doors, etc. to place on the ship to build your cabins and compartments. These will take on special ship-styled appearances once placed.

The max ship level depends on the shipyard quality level. Ship quality is about 10% less than shipyard quality (it seems) as of the March 2019 patch. Ship quality increases maximum level by about 1 level per 10%.

Total number of visible characters on the ship's name plate on the stern of the ship is 18 max characters.

Sails [ ]

Different sails affect the amount of weight that can be carried, the speed, and/or the maneuverability of the ship. Each hull class will have a different allowable number of masts and sail points.

Artillery [ ]

Ships can be armed to defend from hostile Pathfinders, hunt Whales, or fight Ship of the Damned. If you are inclined to piracy, cannons are required tool of the trade.

Schooners are one of the medium Ships in ATLAS.

Build info [ ]

Once you have built a Small Shipyard, you will have the option to build the Ship Skeleton for the Schooner. Additionally, you will need to build the Sails, Steering Wheel, Medium Planks, Medium Deck, and various Wooden Structures to complete the ship.

The tables below show the schooner with sails matching its size class (medium). The ship can also mount other sail configurations shown below in the two tables.(Not in current Patch)

Components (Without Gunports)
Ship Skeleton Amount Material Piece Total
1 Fiber 332 332
Metal 42 42
Thatch 540 540
Wood 390 390
Medium Wood Ship Deck 2 Fiber 94 188
Thatch 176 352
Wood 246 492
Medium Wood Plank 28 Fiber 408 11424
Metal 6 168
Thatch 360 10080
Wood 432 12096
Ship Steering Wheel 1 Fiber 14 14
Thatch 18 18
Wood 40 40
Medium Sails 2 Fiber 512 1024
Hide 80 160
Metal 35 70
Wood 230 460
Total Required Resources Fiber 12982
Hide 160
Metal 280
Thatch 10990
Wood 13478
Components (With Max Gunports)
Ship Skeleton Amount Material Piece Total
1 Fiber 332 332
Metal 42 42
Thatch 540 540
Wood 390 390
Medium Wood Ship Deck 2 Fiber 94 188
Thatch 176 492
Wood 246 492
Medium Wood Plank 18 Fiber 408 7344
Metal 6 108
Thatch 360 6480
Wood 432 7776
Medium Wood Gunport 10 Fiber 408 4080
Metal 6 60
Thatch 360 3600
Wood 432 4320
Ship Steering Wheel 1 Fiber 14 14
Thatch 18 18
Wood 40 40
Medium Sails 2 Fiber 512 1024
Hide 80 160
Metal 35 70
Wood 230 460
Total Required Resources Fiber 12982
Hide 160
Metal 130
Thatch 11130
Wood 13478

Sails [ ]

A Schooner has 4.0 units of sail available, meaning that there are 4 combinations of sails:

  • 4 Small Sails
  • 2 Small Sails and 1 Medium Sail
  • 2 Medium Sails
  • 1 Small Sail and 1 Large Sail

Below is the combined cost of each listed combination:

Four Small Sails
Small Sails Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required Sail value
4 Fiber 115 460 1.0
Hide 28 112
Wood 84 336
Two Small Sails & One Medium Sail
Small Sails Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
2 Fiber 115 230
Hide 28 56
Wood 84 168
Medium Sail 1 Fiber 423 423
Hide 62 62
Metal 28 28
Wood 196 196
Total Cost 3 Fiber 653
Hide 118
Metal 28
Wood 364
Two Medium Sails
Medium Sails Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
2 Fiber 512 1024
Hide 80 160
Metal 35 70
Wood 230 460
One Small Sail & One Large Sail
Small Sail Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
1 Fiber 128 128
Hide 35 35
Wood 120 120
Large Sail 1 Fiber 1080 1080
Hide 200 200
Metal 80 80
Wood 512 512
Total Cost 2 Fiber 1208
Hide 235
Metal 80
Wood 632

Wooden Structures [ ]

A minimum of 32 Wooden Ceilings are required to seal the top deck (though this will prevent access to the lower deck). It is recommended that you place at least 1 Wooden Roof or Wooden Staircase as a way to access the bottom deck. (ships come with an emergency ladder for climbing aboard at sea, though additional rope ladders may be added) Below shows two tables of costs to fill in the deck vs access to the lower deck:

Sealed Deck
Wooden Ceiling Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
32 Fiber 20 640
Thatch 60 1920
Wood 40 1280
Unsealed Deck
Wooden Ceiling Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
31 Fiber 20 620
Thatch 60 1860
Wood 40 1240
Wooden Roof Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
1 Fiber 20 20
Thatch 60 60
Wood 40 40
Total Cost Piece(s) Material Amount Total Required
32 Fiber 640
Thatch 1920
Wood 1280

Total Cost(s) [ ]

Below are two tables showing the total costs to build a Schooner with: gunports/no gunports, 2 medium sails, unsealed deck.

With Gunports & Two Medium Sails Post V10 Update
Material Total Required
Fiber 13622
Hide 160
Metal 238
Thatch 12910
Wood 15270
Without Gunports & Two Medium Sails
Material Total Required
Fiber 15718
Hide 160
Metal 238
Thatch 14738
Wood 16220

Строительство корабля

Если вы правильно разместили все части и материалы, то вам удастся перейти на корабль и нажать кнопку «E» на клавиатуре. Ваша лодка будет завершена и спущена на воду. Если вам интересно, как добавить пушки на свой корабль, то внимательно следите за нашими грядущими руководствами, где мы обязательно расскажем о всей системе крафта морских судов в этой игре.

Ships are how you play the seas to travel, fight, and explore the world of ATLAS.



Additional info [ ]

Level increment [ ]

Часто загрузить рабочий чит - это не простое, но важное дело. Оно обязательно вознаградит тебя бонусами.

В Atlas для ПК и Xbox стали доступны чертежи новых кораблей

Вышло новое обновление для ATLAS, добавляющее корабль-черепаху

В Atlas появилась интересная система торговли

Пиратская песочница Atlas получит новую карту уже в эту пятницу

MMO Atlas переживает второе рождение

Обзор Atlas - новые пираты идут на дно

Размышления по цене ATLAS

Если добавить качественный и полезный файл, он быстро наберет популярность и принесет тебе больше бонусов.

ММО-адвенчура про пиратов. Игра объединяет пиратский сеттинг с фентезийной мифологией, а также использует элементы строительства из ARK: пираты могут захватывать территории, строить корабли, искать сокровища с помощью процедурно генерируемых карт, возводить форты, грабить поселения и нанимать экипажи. В Atlas также можно исследовать затонувшие корабли, браться за задания в квестовой линии, расхищать гробницы, приручать существ (например, огнедышащих драконов), сражаться с богами, а также возводить собственные колонии, города и создавать цивилизации.

Операционная система : 64-разрядная Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
Процессор : Intel Core i5-2400 / AMD FX-8320
Видеокарта : NVIDIA GTX 770 / AMD Radeon HD 7870 с 2 ГБ видеопамяти
Оперативная память : 4 ГБ
Место на диске : 120 ГБ
Интернет-подключение : широкополосное

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Ship Stat & Leveling [ ]

Similar to your Pathfinder, your ship has its own level and stat.

Ships gain experience from sailing around the seas.

Leveling up a ship allows the following stat to be increased:

  • Weight - Adds more maximum weight capacity to ship, while reducing the weight effect on its speed.
  • Resistance - Increase the damage resistance of all the structures on the ship.
  • Sturdiness - Reduces sinking rates, reduces rate of offshore item spoiling, and character vitals depletion.
  • Damage - Increases the damage of cannons and any other ship mounted weapons.
  • Extra crew - Increases the total number of passengers allowed on the ship before it begins to sink. (Passenger count includes: Crewmember, Pathfinders, tamed anymals)
  • Extra beds - Allow additional beds onboard, improves crew anchored automatic hull repairing speed, and reduces overall crew payment amount over time.

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