Starcom nexus обзор

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Starcom: Nexus теперь полностью переведена на русский язык!
Чтобы сменить настройки, выберите русский язык из выпадающего списка в главном меню игры. В игре более 70 тысяч слов текста в различных диалогах, описаниях аномалий, открытий и т. д., поэтому в перевод могли закрасться ошибки. Просим вам сообщать обо всех найденных проблемах игры на форумах Steam.

Примечание: список заданий записывает события на том языке, на котором вы в тот момент играли. Поэтому, если вы смените язык посреди игры, то записи могут не отображаться корректно, если были сделаны в другой кодировке.

Version 1.0.10 is now live on the default branch. This is a relatively minor patch from a gameplay perspective, but a large amount of text has been moved into localization files in preparation for translation work.

It's been tested in Beta by a couple dozen brave commanders on the opt-in branch, but there's always the possibility of bugs slipping through. As always, please report any issues on the Discussion Forums.

Also, this version includes an updated Linux build.

Thanks for playing Starcom: Nexus!

Exactly one year ago today, Starcom: Nexus launched into Early Access. Thanks to the support, playtesting and feedback from the thousands of players to experience its evolution, the game is now ready for general release.

In that time, there have been many updates, new features, alien races, technologies, missions and player suggested improvements. The universe has grown from a few dozen sectors to a huge galaxy. There are now hundreds of unique planet encounters, spatial anomalies and artifacts.

To celebrate the full launch, the game is now 15% off, so for those of you patiently waiting for it to exit Early Access, now is a great time to grab it.

A huge thank you to everyone who has helped bring the game this far, particularly Early Access players who took a chance on it, and to new players, welcome!

Build 1.0.4 is live on the default branch. This is a minor quality-of-life update.

  • Several new music tracks, changes to environmental music logic
  • Increase visibility of "!" planet icons on map
  • Map/game zoom speed options
  • Experimental Polish localization
  • Minor bug and typo fixes

For Steam users patiently waiting for Starcom: Nexus to graduate from Early Access, it's almost here. On December 12, after one year in Early Access, the game will enter full release.

The year anniversary is actually a coincidence, I originally planned for the very start of December but had to postpone a week due to non-development related scheduling issues.

Launching into full release does not mean that development will stop; it does mean that I believe the game has reached a state of full, quality playability. Also, to ensure that the full release is the best possible experience for new players, between now and then I will be focusing primarily on bug fixes and "quality of life" type issues.

For all current players, thank you so much for having the faith to support an indie Early Access title and the incredibly helpful feedback you've given!

  • Quick save system: player can now save (almost) anywhere with F5
  • Option to disable autosave on warp
  • New sector environments, minor improvement to nebula performance
  • Updates to various late game missions
  • Additional missions
  • New space artifacts
  • New anomalies
  • New reputation effects
  • New achievement
  • Improve mission log performance
  • Procedural generation now detects and re-rolls invalid universe (e.g., missing min number of particular anomaly)
  • Aggro due to friendly fire effects shortened, clamped per incident
  • Fix to localization not appearing in dialogues
  • Added baseline experimental Czech, Korean and Japanese translations
  • Numerous bug fixes

Release Candidate 1.0.3, currently available as an opt-in Beta, will be promoted to the default branch next week. This version fixes a number of bugs, adds some minor quality of life improvements, adds several new anomalies and missions and provides a bit more direction for the player during the mid to late game.

It does not mean the end of development, but it does mean barring any unforeseen issues that the game should graduate from Early Access into general release before the end of the year, as promised. Expect an announcement of the exact date soon.

Starcom: Nexus is closing in on graduating from Early Access into general release. It's been quite a journey so far. Since launch, the size of the game universe has more than doubled. We've added new races, new missions, new technologies and weapons, lots of new anomalies, controller support, and hundreds of improvements based on player feedback. While more content is still being added, the core gameplay is well-polished. I expect there to be at least one more Early Access update before the game graduates, but the game's price will be increasing from the Early Access price to its general release price after the current sale period ends. So this will probably be your last chance to get Starcom: Nexus at this price for the near future.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Early Access players who have supported the game by buying it, as well as helped shape the game with their feedback and suggestions. Without you, the game wouldn't have reached the quality and depth it has.

Version 0.16.1 is now live on the main, "default" branch.

If you have been playing 0.14 (the current default build) there are quite a few changes, particularly in the late game. This is the first version with an ending to the story line.

  • End game scenario
  • New technologies
  • New anomalies, now totaling over 200 unique
  • New space artifacts and discoveries
  • New side missions/side-quests
  • New alien races
  • Improvements to mission log system
  • Changes to early game/tutorial
  • Havok more powerful, also targets asteroids and debris
  • Changes to music tracks
  • Objective indicators on map
  • Improvements to controller support
  • Players can now mod the stat modifiers from techs (See StarcomNexus_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods/readme.txt in your game install folder)
  • Various minor gameplay adjustments
  • Numerous bug fixes.

As always, if you encounter any bugs or have any questions or suggestions, submit them via F8, post in the discussion forum or join the game's Discord.

“This evolution circles us back to Starcom: Nexus which, as it stands, is easily the absolute and utter best of the top-down sandbox-style exploration space-based combat "RPG" titles I have seen.”
Chalgyr's Game Room

Об этой игре

Итак, академия позади! Вам поручено командовать вашим первым кораблём. Конечно, это всего лишь лёгкий шаттл, но ведь надо же с чего-то начинать? И этим «чем-то» оказываются неизвестная галактика, враждебно настроенные инопланетяне и отсутствие пути домой.

Исследуйте прекрасный и загадочный открытый мир Starcom: Nexus. Это целая вселенная, где вы будете воевать или дружить со странными инопланетными расами, находить древние артефакты, изучать передовые технологии и строить свой уникальный звездолёт.

“This evolution circles us back to Starcom: Nexus which, as it stands, is easily the absolute and utter best of the top-down sandbox-style exploration space-based combat "RPG" titles I have seen.”
Chalgyr's Game Room

Об этой игре

Итак, академия позади! Вам поручено командовать вашим первым кораблём. Конечно, это всего лишь лёгкий шаттл, но ведь надо же с чего-то начинать? И этим «чем-то» оказываются неизвестная галактика, враждебно настроенные инопланетяне и отсутствие пути домой.

Исследуйте прекрасный и загадочный открытый мир Starcom: Nexus. Это целая вселенная, где вы будете воевать или дружить со странными инопланетными расами, находить древние артефакты, изучать передовые технологии и строить свой уникальный звездолёт.

Starcom: Nexus


Будучи заброшенным в неизвестную галактику, вы должны исследовать, сражаться, развивать отношения с инопланетянами и превратить свой корабль из небольшого разведчика в мощный боевой крейсер — и всё это, чтобы раскрыть загадку неведомых сил, из-за которых вы оказались здесь, и отыскать путь домой.

Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)

I mean there are some starts without any connections. So you need to fly to them, but even with a good speed it takes minutes to reach. And you find some lame planets and need to return again. Do I need to fly in deep space randomly to find other systems? I checked all the systems with wormholes and find nexus gates but then what? I still got the same plasma weapon for hours. Any advises.

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