Обзор самолета fw 190 a4 war thunder

Обновлено: 04.07.2024


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Основные характеристики

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The Fw 190 A-4 is a rank III German fighter with a battle rating of 4.3 (AB/RB) and 4.0 (SB). It was introduced in Update 1.43.

"Würger" is the German nickname of this beast of a plane, or in English, Shrike. It can also be translated as slayer, choker, or strangler. In that regard fits the English designation well too: "Butcher-bird"

General info

Flight performance

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 5,800 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 619 603 12000 23.4 24.0 10.6 10.6 420
Upgraded 675 648 20.9 22.0 18.4 14.1


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
912 310 N/A 700 310

Survivability and armour

  • 3 mm Steel - Fore engine cowling
  • 5 mm Steel - Secondary engine cowling
  • 6 mm Steel - Lower engine plate
  • 8 mm Steel - Lower cockpit/fuel tank plate
  • 5 mm Steel - Rear fuel tank plate
  • 6 mm Steel - Pilot seat back (first plate)
  • 8 mm Steel - Pilot seat back (second plate)
  • 12 mm Steel - Headrest
  • 57 mm Bulletproof glass
  • Self-sealing fuel tanks (1 underneath pilot's feet, 1 below and behind pilot)

Modifications and economy


Offensive armament

The Fw 190 A-4 is armed with:

  • 2 x 20 mm MG 151 cannons, wing-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total)
  • 2 x 20 mm MG FF/M cannons, wing-mounted (90 rpg = 180 total)
  • 2 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, nose-mounted (900 rpg = 1,800 total)

Pilots who are really experienced with the aiming and hitting of the MG151/20 might want to use stealth belts on the MGs and cannons, to avoid being spotted by tracers. Using stealth belts on the machine guns only is also useful for aiming the cannon more easily without the distraction provided by the light machine gun tracers.

  • Air Targets: Universal (AP-T/AP/AI/AP-I)
  • Ground Targets: Tracer (AP-T)

The best ammunition available for use with machine guns is Universal. Universal utilizes armour-piercing tracer rounds, armour-piercing rounds, adjustment incendiary rounds, and armour-piercing incendiary rounds.

  • Air Targets: Air targets (AP-I/HEI/HEI/HEI/HEI/IT) - Consisting of 2/3 Minengeschoße, this belt is very effective against any aircraft.
  • Ground Targets: Armored targets (APHE/APHE/APHE/IT)

The best ammo to use for both cannons is the Air Target belts. They will destroy fighters and bombers faster than tracers. They are different for both cannons, however. For the MG 151's they have a high explosive incendiary shell, armour-piercing shell, and incendiary tracer shell costing 110 silver lions per "per reload". The Mg FF/M's have high explosive incendiary shell, Fragmentation incendiary tracer shell (self-destroying) and armour piercing high explosive shell which cost 40 Sliver Lions "per reload."

Usage in battles

The A-4 is a punishing Boom & Zoom fighter. The armament is fantastic and dive speed/top-speed is very good. Use this to your advantage. As should be familiar now with the previous Focke-Wulf (and future models), the turning capabilities of this plane are very poor. Dogfighting is not recommended with the Fw 190.

This should not discourage you from seizing opportunities, however. A Fw 190 A-4 in a balanced furball can be devastating when acting as a wingman, keeping other fighters from attacking your teammates. These opponents are less focused on evading you, as they are busy trying to attack your allies, giving you the time to line up the shot. As soon as the fight begins to tip in the enemies' favour, it's time for you to make a quick disappearance, as enemies actively trying to get on your tail will almost always succeed.

The 190-A4's weapon set is fantastic, too. Four 20 mm cannons are more than enough to rip any plane to shreds and the backup MGs, while not particularly damaging against other fighters at this tier, are great for strafing light ground targets like AA guns. Your firepower is only rivalled by the Airacobras and the twin-engine heavy fighters.

The Fw 190 A-4, as all the planes in this line, are some of the best Boom & Zoomers in the game and should be flown exclusively in this style. But like the Fw 190 A-1, it is one of the more manoeuvrable Focke-Wulfs. The performance at high speeds is excellent, as is it's dive and climb characteristics. Do not ever engage this aircraft in a turn fight as this will usually end badly. Instead, fight primarily in the vertical. Always try to have an altitude or speed advantage over your opponents (climb off to the side at the start of the battle and then enter the highest battle you come across).

In the defensive, as in the previous plane, you can often just dive away from most planes at high speed. In a dive, the 190 can, due to its short wings, pull quite some stunts to lose your attacker or even cause him to lose his wings! Again, be sure to regain your energy and altitude after a fight.

The best tactic for this plane is Boom and Zoom tactics, although careful energy-fighting works well too at higher speeds. There are generally two types of Boom & Zoom strategies: Tailing Boom & Zoom or Burst Boom & Zoom:

A Tailing Boom & Zoom is when the pilot sweeps in behind a target and follows (or "tails") him for a few seconds before breaking away. The benefit of doing this is that the attacker has a longer time to aim and take down the target. This comes at the cost of having less energy to climb back up afterwards, and you are a fairly easy target for other nearby enemies.

If you remain behind your target for too long, you will lose too much energy and won't be able to climb back up to safety. Any turning involved makes your situation worse, though remember that smart foes in more agile planes will often try to counter this tactic by baiting you into a turn. Keeping their plane just out of your sights entices you to keep following them for just another second more until they've drained your speed and then you will be a slow, easy target.

Burst Boom & Zoom is when a pilot dives down directly onto an enemy, fires a 1-2 second burst at close range, and immediately zooms back up to a safe altitude. The benefits of this tactic, as opposed to the former, is you have far more speed to climb back up and you will be safer from return fire, as you will have spent less time in the enemy's "zone". The problem with this is that you have far less time to shoot, and may not even damage the enemy if your aim is off even by a little.

Specific enemies worth noting

Some planes, you might see which are very deadly opponents are the: Spitfires, Typhoons, Beaufighters, Mustangs, Yakovlevs, B-17s and the Wellingtons These planes should not be underestimated, they can all fight this aircraft extremely well.

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Not controllable Controllable
Auto control available
Not controllable
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Combined Not controllable
2 gears
Not controllable

Pros and cons

  • Excellent firepower
  • Excellent roll rate for defensive manoeuvres
  • Great energy retention and great acceleration in dives
  • Good climb rate
  • Good top speed
  • Good supply of cannon ammo for MG 151
  • Engine almost never overheats even on WEP
  • Excellent flaps
  • Loses power above 5,000 m (16,400 ft.) steadily
  • Stalls quickly, and is difficult to control once stalled
  • Very bad turn rate, as a trade-off for the high dive speed
  • Terrible stock grind
  • Only 90 rounds per gun for MG FF/M
  • Sluggish at lower speeds (around <350 km/h)



After shortcomings of the A-1 were identified, the Fw 190 was continuously improved. This led to the following variants:


The Fw 190 A-4 is a rank III German fighter with a battle rating of 4.3 (AB/RB) and 4.0 (SB). It was introduced in Update 1.43.

"Würger" is the German nickname of this beast of a plane, or in English, Shrike. It can also be translated as slayer, choker, or strangler. In that regard fits the English designation well too: "Butcher-bird"

General info

Flight performance

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 5,800 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 619 603 12000 23.4 24.0 10.6 10.6 420
Upgraded 675 648 20.9 22.0 18.4 14.1


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
912 310 N/A 700 310

Survivability and armour

  • 3 mm Steel - Fore engine cowling
  • 5 mm Steel - Secondary engine cowling
  • 6 mm Steel - Lower engine plate
  • 8 mm Steel - Lower cockpit/fuel tank plate
  • 5 mm Steel - Rear fuel tank plate
  • 6 mm Steel - Pilot seat back (first plate)
  • 8 mm Steel - Pilot seat back (second plate)
  • 12 mm Steel - Headrest
  • 57 mm Bulletproof glass
  • Self-sealing fuel tanks (1 underneath pilot's feet, 1 below and behind pilot)

Modifications and economy


Offensive armament

The Fw 190 A-4 is armed with:

  • 2 x 20 mm MG 151 cannons, wing-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total)
  • 2 x 20 mm MG FF/M cannons, wing-mounted (90 rpg = 180 total)
  • 2 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, nose-mounted (900 rpg = 1,800 total)

Pilots who are really experienced with the aiming and hitting of the MG151/20 might want to use stealth belts on the MGs and cannons, to avoid being spotted by tracers. Using stealth belts on the machine guns only is also useful for aiming the cannon more easily without the distraction provided by the light machine gun tracers.

  • Air Targets: Universal (AP-T/AP/AI/AP-I)
  • Ground Targets: Tracer (AP-T)

The best ammunition available for use with machine guns is Universal. Universal utilizes armour-piercing tracer rounds, armour-piercing rounds, adjustment incendiary rounds, and armour-piercing incendiary rounds.

  • Air Targets: Air targets (AP-I/HEI/HEI/HEI/HEI/IT) - Consisting of 2/3 Minengeschoße, this belt is very effective against any aircraft.
  • Ground Targets: Armored targets (APHE/APHE/APHE/IT)

The best ammo to use for both cannons is the Air Target belts. They will destroy fighters and bombers faster than tracers. They are different for both cannons, however. For the MG 151's they have a high explosive incendiary shell, armour-piercing shell, and incendiary tracer shell costing 110 silver lions per "per reload". The Mg FF/M's have high explosive incendiary shell, Fragmentation incendiary tracer shell (self-destroying) and armour piercing high explosive shell which cost 40 Sliver Lions "per reload."

Usage in battles

The A-4 is a punishing Boom & Zoom fighter. The armament is fantastic and dive speed/top-speed is very good. Use this to your advantage. As should be familiar now with the previous Focke-Wulf (and future models), the turning capabilities of this plane are very poor. Dogfighting is not recommended with the Fw 190.

This should not discourage you from seizing opportunities, however. A Fw 190 A-4 in a balanced furball can be devastating when acting as a wingman, keeping other fighters from attacking your teammates. These opponents are less focused on evading you, as they are busy trying to attack your allies, giving you the time to line up the shot. As soon as the fight begins to tip in the enemies' favour, it's time for you to make a quick disappearance, as enemies actively trying to get on your tail will almost always succeed.

The 190-A4's weapon set is fantastic, too. Four 20 mm cannons are more than enough to rip any plane to shreds and the backup MGs, while not particularly damaging against other fighters at this tier, are great for strafing light ground targets like AA guns. Your firepower is only rivalled by the Airacobras and the twin-engine heavy fighters.

The Fw 190 A-4, as all the planes in this line, are some of the best Boom & Zoomers in the game and should be flown exclusively in this style. But like the Fw 190 A-1, it is one of the more manoeuvrable Focke-Wulfs. The performance at high speeds is excellent, as is it's dive and climb characteristics. Do not ever engage this aircraft in a turn fight as this will usually end badly. Instead, fight primarily in the vertical. Always try to have an altitude or speed advantage over your opponents (climb off to the side at the start of the battle and then enter the highest battle you come across).

In the defensive, as in the previous plane, you can often just dive away from most planes at high speed. In a dive, the 190 can, due to its short wings, pull quite some stunts to lose your attacker or even cause him to lose his wings! Again, be sure to regain your energy and altitude after a fight.

The best tactic for this plane is Boom and Zoom tactics, although careful energy-fighting works well too at higher speeds. There are generally two types of Boom & Zoom strategies: Tailing Boom & Zoom or Burst Boom & Zoom:

A Tailing Boom & Zoom is when the pilot sweeps in behind a target and follows (or "tails") him for a few seconds before breaking away. The benefit of doing this is that the attacker has a longer time to aim and take down the target. This comes at the cost of having less energy to climb back up afterwards, and you are a fairly easy target for other nearby enemies.

If you remain behind your target for too long, you will lose too much energy and won't be able to climb back up to safety. Any turning involved makes your situation worse, though remember that smart foes in more agile planes will often try to counter this tactic by baiting you into a turn. Keeping their plane just out of your sights entices you to keep following them for just another second more until they've drained your speed and then you will be a slow, easy target.

Burst Boom & Zoom is when a pilot dives down directly onto an enemy, fires a 1-2 second burst at close range, and immediately zooms back up to a safe altitude. The benefits of this tactic, as opposed to the former, is you have far more speed to climb back up and you will be safer from return fire, as you will have spent less time in the enemy's "zone". The problem with this is that you have far less time to shoot, and may not even damage the enemy if your aim is off even by a little.

Specific enemies worth noting

Some planes, you might see which are very deadly opponents are the: Spitfires, Typhoons, Beaufighters, Mustangs, Yakovlevs, B-17s and the Wellingtons These planes should not be underestimated, they can all fight this aircraft extremely well.

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Not controllable Controllable
Auto control available
Not controllable
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Combined Not controllable
2 gears
Not controllable

Pros and cons

  • Excellent firepower
  • Excellent roll rate for defensive manoeuvres
  • Great energy retention and great acceleration in dives
  • Good climb rate
  • Good top speed
  • Good supply of cannon ammo for MG 151
  • Engine almost never overheats even on WEP
  • Excellent flaps
  • Loses power above 5,000 m (16,400 ft.) steadily
  • Stalls quickly, and is difficult to control once stalled
  • Very bad turn rate, as a trade-off for the high dive speed
  • Terrible stock grind
  • Only 90 rounds per gun for MG FF/M
  • Sluggish at lower speeds (around <350 km/h)



After shortcomings of the A-1 were identified, the Fw 190 was continuously improved. This led to the following variants:


The Fw 190 C is a premium gift rank IV German fighter with a battle rating of 5.3 (AB) and 5.0 (RB/SB). It was introduced during Update 1.85 "Supersonic" as a reward for the 2018 Festive Quest for ten Christmas toys for pilots earned during the event. This variant receives a high altitude supercharger meaning it will exceed in performance at higher altitudes, this is complimented by its decent climb rate. But this plane sacrifices 2 wing mounted cannons for enhanced flight capability.

General info

Flight performance

This aircraft has a very unique play style in regards to the other 190s.It can turn reasonably well at most speeds, having turning capabilities akin to that of the 1st 190 in the tech tree, albeit at a major cost in energy. This fighter has a mediocre climb rate, around 15.6 m/s (RB/SB) which is below average for the BR range it sits in. The most unique feature this aircraft possesses is its supercharger allowing it to perform at altitudes well above 7km.

This 190 has a fairly slow top speed at sea level, so you won't see it running away from most planes but at high altitudes, it is reasonable fast.

Like any other 190, the roll rate is exceptional allowing for good firing solutions during dives and good defensive flying capabilities. As mentioned before, the turning capability of the 190 is fairly decent and not something to glance over. Although, it can't function as a dedicated turn fighter, it can perform very well in dogfights. In addition, the 190 has a very low stall speed which is a good asset to have in vertical dogfights. Another point to mention is that this 190 has an off-centre off mass (possibly due to the intake at the bottom of the plane) which is very noticeable during low speed maneuvers.

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 11,000 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 663 646 13900 21.1 21.9 12.3 12.3 450
Upgraded 709 685 19.0 20.0 19.6 15.6


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
912 310 N/A 700 310

Survivability and armour

This plane is not suited for close quarters dogfighting, but despite its low mass excels at energy fighting. It will not last long in a turn fight. The front armoured glass plate of the cockpit is 57 mm thick, and the pilot is protected from the rear by 2 plates, 8 mm and 12 mm thick respectively. The engine is prone to damage in head-ons due to the lack of armour protection around the engine cowling.

Modifications and economy


Offensive armament

The Fw 190 C is armed with:

  • 2 x 20 mm MG 151 cannons, wing-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total)
  • 2 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, nose-mounted (900 rpg = 1,800 total)

The Fw-190 C receives 2 MG 151 20 mm cannons mounted in the inner wings behind the propeller, and 2 MG 17 7.92 mm machine guns mounted in the nose, the standard for German aircraft at this point in the tree. The 20 mms get 500 rounds of ammo with their respective belts making them considerably deadly and optimal for longer battles. The MG 17s get 1,800 rounds of ammo but do lesser amounts of damage, best used in combination with the 20 mms, but can be used to effectively peck damage lighter aircraft.

Usage in battles

Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Not controllable Controllable
Auto control available
Not controllable
Not auto controlled
Auto control available
Combined Not controllable
1 gear
Not controllable

Pros and cons

  • Exceptional climb rate
  • Main armament is deadly and receives a vast quantity of ammunition for prolonged engagements
  • Decent turner, can out-turn some fighters it comes up against, but will suffer in turn fights
  • Supercharger gives great acceleration and performance at high altitudes
  • Premium bonus
  • Control surfaces very responsive at extreme speeds
  • Incredibly high speed required to rip wings >900km/h
  • Cannot sustain in prolonged turn fights
  • Lacks sufficient armour protection, both frontally and from the rear
  • Susceptible to fires when fired at by .50 cal rounds from tracer belts in particular
  • Even its climb rate can be exceeded by some opponents in an up-tier and even down-tier
  • Is outperformed by the Dora series of 190
  • Struggles to accelerate past 700km/h, even in a near vertical dive
  • Very poor control response during near stall maneuvers


The Fw 190 C is an experimental high-altitude fighter powered by the DB-603 engine, developed from the same project that yielded the highly-effective Fw 190 D series aircraft. Designed to be a high-altitude interceptor, the Fw 190 C was designed with a unique power plant consisting of the DB 603 engine mated to an underslung turbocharger. While moderately successful, the Fw 190 C was never ordered into production, being superseded by the Fw 190 D and Ta 152 programs.

Following the success of the Fw 190 A series, Focke-Wulf pursued the development of several variants which would be capable of high-altitude flight, as the Fw 190 A’s radial engines suffered at higher altitudes. The first such design was the Fw 190 B series, which were essentially converted Fw 190 As with a pressurized cockpit and engine boosting. However, Focke-Wulf soon pursued the development of new inline-engined variants of the Fw 190 A, using the Daimler-Benz DB 603 and the Junkers Jumo 213 powerplants. The Junkers-powered Fw 190s would later be spun off into the highly-successful Fw 190 D series, while the DB 603 engine was given to the experimental Fw 190 C.

The Fw 190 C featured a DB 603 inline engine mounted in an extended engine cowling; despite this, the Fw 190s retained the cowling of the Fw 190 A. The aircraft featured a huge underslung Hirth TK 11 supercharger designed to boost engine performance at higher altitudes. The aircraft first flew in this configuration in December of 1942. In the same month, the German Air Ministry (or RLM) ordered 727 Fw 190 Cs; however, this order was soon cancelled in favour of the more-successful Fw 190 D and Ta 152. As a result, the Fw 190 C would never enter serial production and remained a prototype aircraft project.


See also

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