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The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross | Global

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross | Global

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List gives you a rough idea regarding the worst and best Heroes in the game.

Tier S contains the best heroes, while tier F contains the weakest heroes in 7DS.

Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List


The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List

The Best Heroes in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Right Now?

Shared by DeadestTitan

This guide will give you all of the answers that you might be wondering while checking our The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List above. If there is anything I don’t cover in this article, please comment down below and I will do my best to help you answer it.

In this section, I will talk about the pros/cons of each Hero in the game, their effects, counters, strategies and the best food for them. Sounds great?

Blue King

  • Great healing. However, he doesn’t recover HP to full. He only recovers a percentage of the missing HP.
  • Great petrify: It stops the petrified units from attacking and casting/taking buffs/debuffs. Petrified units cannot be healed.
  • Aim for petrifying a high-priority target before an enemy uses the ultimate healing skill (SSR/SR Elizabeth for example).
  • If Brawler Ban snatches you and then you petrify him, the debuff Snatch will be removed immediately.
  • His Ultimate is very strong but could be misleading for some players: It doesn’t ignore DEF. It only ignores the Resistance stat. For example, if a hero doesn’t have any Resistance stat, then this ultimate will not deal any extra damage.
  • Green Ban starts with 30 Resistance so he will take more damage from the King’s Ultimate.
  • The opponents will always focus on him first (lol)
  • Jericho can counter him.
  • He takes a lot of CC from the enemy team.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross PC version


  • thicc
  • Can achieve 100% crit after 7 skills.
  • Ultimate deals x2 damage. Do not use her Ultimate on low HP unit…
    For example, I see a lot of people focus on my Diane at the start and use Jericho’s ultimate on Diane when she is about 25% HP. That’s a bad move. Better to use it on my King and kill him with a single move then deal with the Diane later.
  • Might not stick in the meta for long as she is kinda a one-trick pony and cannot do well in high PvP matches.
  • Low HP. She is usually dead in turn 2.
  • 2/3 of the PvP teams right now are resistant to Jericho.

Green Ban

  • Free ticket to Champion 1, saving you tons of time and effort.
  • Snatch is very useful.
  • A well built Ban can take the entire enemy team to 50% HP by hitting Snatch into 2 Bronze AoE cards. Yes, it’s true!
  • Can be put in any team. Solid card!
  • You receive the lifesteal at last. For example, If you place a full counter and the enemy gets you to very low HP, the lifesteal can be able to negate all of the damage you received.
  • There are many ways to counter him like cleansing Snatch, using Evasion food, petrifying, etc.
  • His skills are AoE only, he might get hit hard by Kingbram.
  • If he cannot Snatch, he won’t do much damage.

Blue Diane

  • She isn’t popular yet. Cannot find her in many meta teams.
  • Most people don’t care about her while checking there The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List.
  • After 5 turns, her Unique = 1 free Bronze Gilthunder buff.
  • Crazy combo of ultimate & passive stacking.
  • 600% AoE damage when not buffed is crazy.
  • People generally don’t pay attention to her attack seal. Target either Ban or Jericho after the enemies have used cleanses, etc.
  • Her AoE attack can do serious damage at rank 2, about half of her Ultimate damage against the buffed units. Being coupled with Arthur’s silver buff, this can be super deadly.
  • She could be a great bait since many people want to take her out first due to her passive. This saved my King tons of times.
  • She gets some trouble maximizing her unique damage in the current meta (burst damage).
  • Not versatile. Her main job is to deal damage only.
  • She is Speed, meaning she takes more damage from Ban and Jericho, 2 biggest heroes in PvP right now.


The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross PC version

  • One of the best heroes in your first tutorial pull.
  • Very versatile. He can do many other things rather than just dealing damage.
  • Rank 2 buff is super nice. Rank 3 buff could help you win the game immediately.
  • Immune to CC for 3 turns. Ban, Merlin, King, Helbram, etc cannot disable him.
  • His Ultimate has Sever , increasing Ultimate crit chance to 100%, making him great versus Green heroes.
  • Rank-2 Attack card prevents recovery skills from being activated (applies to King’s cleanse as well). You can easily stop the enemies from using heal or cleanse.
  • Jack of all trades. Not best at anything.
  • If you want only buffs, SR Gilthunder can do it better.
  • If you want a strong Red hero, Merlin is better in the tier list.
  • He is okay but just average.

SR Gilthunder

  • Great 4th position in your team.
  • He can do tons of things for just a little price.
  • 30% defense buff is not comparable. 10% Max HP recovery from Elizabeth is not great as this, at all.
  • The buff is for all defense related stats, including Resistance, Crit Defense, Crit Resistance, etc.
  • Great attack buff
  • Not great damage.
  • Not great ultimate.
  • If the target doesn’t have a buff, you might not even bring down the lightning card.

SSR Gilthunder

  • Very annoying taunt.
  • He is a pain when your team has only single-target heroes, or when you want to focus on taking someone down.
  • Ultimate can deal great damage vs buffed targets.
  • Nice hair.
  • Hmmm he is not the GR Gilthunder.
  • It’s not recommended to use him unless you want to build a team around him.

Red Melin

  • Her design tho…
  • Freezes give you a snowball into a quick win.
  • She is oppressive if ahead.
  • Great damage and attack seals from Ultimate. If the targets don’t die, they cannot attack.
  • Insane damage in Elite PvP.
  • She doesn’t have her true form of design.
  • She is simply a spicy version of Gustav
  • If you are super unlucky and cannot get multiple freezes, you will be dead.

Lord Twigo

  • He is just very good.
  • He is funny.
  • Great custumes.
  • His sword name is funny.

Green Meli

  • Full Counter versus AoE skills.
  • Great base damage. Can be great vs Blue units if he achieves crits.
  • Great ultimate, not the best but a Stun is very nice against King so that he can’t heal.
  • Crit when he’s at 20% HP and lower.
  • There aren’t too many great Red units yet. He is one of the decent ones. You can see this in the 7DS Tier List above.
  • If you have Ban or Jericho in your team, he is not needed.

Green Elizabeth

  • Starts the battle with extra gauges. When going second with buff, she can do serious works.
  • Her ultimate gives 2 extra Ultimate gauges, which is nice in a rushing team.
  • Rank-2 skills can cancel buffs.
  • Healing isn’t based on missing HP. You can fully charge your HP.
  • She doesn’t have the King’s Cleanse effect so you will face some hard time.
  • Do not try to heal petrified allies
  • Requires a specific playstyle to make the most of her ultimate.

Other Heroes in the Tier List

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross PC version

SSR Howzer

Not worth putting him in normal PvP. His damage is not worth it and his Unique passive skill is just decent.

If you face him in a battle, you can just ignore him and leave him as the last one standing then keep spamming the stickers on your opponent’s faces.

Red Ban

If you have the Green Ban, just use him instead. Otherwise, you can use him in your team for a while to be the annoyance to teams which are trying to build up a quick Ultimate on a Hero.

For example, someone who wants to rush Jericho Ultimate by switching cards, etc.

He is just okay.

Blue Slader

His Unique can burst down the enemies if you go after your enemies in attack order and they haven’t focused their skills on a specific Hero in your team.

His first skill has a great chance of getting critical hits, but nothing else other than that.

His second skill is not great in the current metagame. Canceling stances is not that important in the current meta.

Red Slader

He is kinda below average. The attack is low and his debuff is decent in PvP. You could use him on King to prevent him from using skills. However, Merlin can do the same thing and be better at other jobs.

His Unique is just so sad.

Blue Guila

She is interesting but there are still better choices. Better to just use the King as his Ultimate is a lot better. He also can petrify enemies.

Hopefully, you have gathered some great information in this The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List page! Please comment If you have any questions!

Here is the complete list of all best The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Teams for the current game meta.

The teams will be divided into 4 main categories, which are PvE, PvP, Death Match (Boss Battle) and Training Cave.

7ds pve team

7ds pvp teams

7ds boss battle teams

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross PC version

training dungeon teams

Best SDSGC Teams

Best PvE Teams

Press the + button to see more details.

Best PvP Teams

Press the + button to see more details.

Best Death Match Teams

Press the + button to see more details.

Best Training Dungeon Teams

Press the + button to see more details.

Boss Passive:
Gains 30% Attack and 50% Crit Chance if Ultimate Move Gauge is completely filled.
Immune to Stun , Freeze , and Attack Skill disables.
Starts with 2 orbs in the Ultimate Move Gauge.

Best The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Teams

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross PC version

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Review

Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross recreate the first two seasons of the anime, but it does have some brand new exclusive storylines in the game. This game not only has excellent 3D graphics, but it also comes with more than 100 cut scenes. By having the main character’s voice lines play by the same Japanese voice actors, and not like many other mobile games, you can actually move around in the world as Meliodas. Interacting with other people at the Boar Hat Tavern like serving food and drink, or cleaning up after people leave. We can see that the dev does its best to remain the authentic.

village guide The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

A Village in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game

If you are not familiar with the anime, Seven Deadly Sins is a story about Meliodas and six other characters who represent the seven deadly sins. They were all framed for killing the Great Holy Knight, and they all disband and hide. After sometimes, they start to group back to bring down a corrupt kingdom. This fight will not be easy because Holy Knights and people from the kingdom will do everything to stop them.

What are the Best The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Teams?

About the combat and team building, the main aspect of the game, you control a group of four Heroes, three of them are the main characters, and the fourth is a backup character in case one of three main characters fall.

Each character has three cards: attack, debuff, and stance. At the start of your turn, you will have seven cards out of nine. You can combine two of the same card type next to each other into a 2-star card, which makes a powerful action. A powerful Ultimate move can be created with a combination of multiple stars cards. While most normal Stages consist of three characters, there is Boss Stage that you can use six characters to fight against.

It’s all about having the best teams in 7DS:GC.

You will have a new teammate as progressing through the story. Most of them are at R or SR tier. Except for Elizabeth, she is an SSR character tier. The next tier is SSR. You can get these characters by opening chests with gem, which you can get through daily/main missions or login reward. You can also easily check which one is great via SDSGC Tier List we gave you above.

One bonus thing is this game does have a very nice feature about pulling characters. Every time you do an 11x pull, if there is no SSR tier character, there is a bar that will fill up by 10%, and once it is full 100%, you will definitely get an SSR tier character.

The highest tier in the game is UR, right after the SSR tier. You can upgrade a character skills by using tokens, which can be gained after battles. Hero’s level can be improved by using enhanced potions. You can equip different outfits, weapon skins, or hairstyles to heroes. This will allow players to customize character looks or optimize power in battles.

Since it is now available worldwide, there will someone who will co-op in events or compete in PVP matches. There will be many upcoming updates, such as events where the player can get higher tier Heroes or items.

There are lots of people who expect to play the game, more than 2 million players had pre-registered for the game. As for the reward, these players will receive:

  • A Meliodas in-game character with costume and weapon.
  • 30 Diamonds.
  • 100,000 Gold.
  • An exclusive box with in-game items.

If you are a fan of this anime or want to try the unique card battle mechanics, don’t hesitate to download it on Android and iOS stores. It is definitely worth a try!

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Клуб игроков The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

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По вопросу наполнения шапки пишите в ЛС. Все добавлю. Сам забросил играть

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Вот спасибо) Теперь можно про рейд не флудить) А то там новая обнова вышла)

Давайте что-ли небольшой список советов сюда напишу, чтобы новоприбывшие могли почитать)

1) Я бы не рекомендовал тратить больше 120 алмазов на лотерею. Некоторые вообще не рекомендуют на это дело алмазы тратить, но, лично мне повыпадали неплохие герои SSR ранга, которые значительно упростили мне прохождение.

2) Не стоит забирать сразу энергию с достижений. Она вам понадобится когда нужно будет фармить шмот на сложном уровне для получения SSR шмота.

3) Вы можете использовать максимум 4х героев в битве, при этом вы можете неограниченно использовать наёмников. При этом вы можете менять полностью сет на героях и обмениваться сетами между героями. Вывод - надо собрать 4 качественных сета и их по максимуму точить и апать.

4) Достаточно закрывать деревни на 4 сердца и пройти связанные с 4 сердцами кв чтобы иметь возможность получить SR шмот за них. По началу этого более чем. За закрытие всех синих кв деревни вы получите алмазы.

5) Не забывайте кушать перед сложными битвами. Вначале мне помогал хавчик на атаку, когда становилось сложно, юзал хавчик на вампиризм. Отлично поддерживает здоровье. С Сетом на вампиризм будет вам превращать до 40% нанесённого вами урона в здоровье. То есть реально за ульту можно полность выхилиться. Особенно если она с критом.

6) Хороших героев ранга SSR так же можно получить за кампанию. Рекомендую проходить её по максимуму возможностей.

7) Для чего ещё есть смысл сохранить алмазы - если битва сложная и вы проиграли, то за 1 алмаз можно реснуть всех героев полностью. При этом враг останется без изменений.

8) Проходите все возможные активности. Они приносят кучу алмазов и плюшек.

9) Золото в этой игре очень важно. Старайтесь не тратить его на всякую ненужную ерунду. Не затачивайте низкоуровневый шмот. А шкалу фейла лучше приберегите для очень сложнозатачиваемого шмота.

10) Будьте готовы к тому, что с 5 главы вам нужно будет иметь не меньше 70К силы пачки, чтобы проходить задания. На 6 главе боссы имеют по 76К силы. Необходимо будет подбирать героев строго сильной против него фракции со станом и дебаффами.

11) Ваша команда зависит исключительно от поставленных задач и того, что вы ей хотите сделать. Если вы фармите подземелья, то логично использовать связку масс ДДшеров (у меня это синяя Диана + зелёный Кинг и Эллейн (кстати у зелёной эллейн буст к здоровью фей). Так же в подземелье лучше всего использовать контровых по цветам героев. Если вы проходите босса, то вам нужны сильные дамагеры по одному персонажу желательно с дебафами типа поджигания (стакается и стак даёт +10% к получаемому урону) + Котроль или стан, чтобы босс как можно меньше ходил. Ну и кушайте хавчик на вампиризм)

12) Звёздность героя сохраняется в любом случае. Это покраска в Рейде. Тут можно не волноваться.

13) На арене я бы советовал кушать хавку на вампиризм и использовать как минимум одного контроля и пару ДДшеров. Так же внимательно читайте навыки. Например Заморозка работает, но если вы ударите замороженного персонажа, то она слетит. Поэтому вешать её нужно в конце вашего хода. Так же на арене время хода ограничено. Если вы его упустили или отвлеклись, система автоматически выберет карты и продолжит драться за вас. Так же на арене не учитывается ваш шмот. Только прокачка героев с их личной одеждой.

14) Чего точно не хватает Рейду, так это восстановления боя. Случайно закрыл игру на автоповторе. Думал, ну всё, пропало 2 ключа голды и слетел автоповтор. Но тогда мне написали при заходе в игру, что бой как-то странно завершился и не хочу ли я его продолжить. Думаю, о молодцы, переиграю. Но я офигел вдвойне когда бой ПРОДОЛЖИЛСЯ С ТОГО ЖЕ САМОГО МЕСТА с сохранением ВСЕХ абилок, готовой ульты и автоповтора. Поэтому не бойтесь разрывов (ну кроме босса города и ПВП Арены)

15) Сброс я не делал, но по идее ты как бы сначала играешь, значит всё должно быть как с нуля.

16) Если вы войдёте в меню героя, где ему можно менять экипировку, пробуждать, повышать уровень и тд и ткнёте на самого героя, то откроете его характеристики и инфу по совмещению с другими героями)

17) Копим алмазы на убершмот)) Без них создать уберсет будет невозможно. И я так предполагаю, что их понадобится много. Короче за алмазы все характеристики SR и SSR шмотки можно бустануть до максимума (если повезёт) Более того можно пересмотреть характеристики каждого пробуждения. И чем шмот круче и выше, тем дороже будет смена характеристик за алмзы). Серые шмотки можно бустить за голду.

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