Feudal kingdoms обзор

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Примечание: Данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

“We plan to have a majority of features survival games players expect, including new features like dungeon crawling and city building with citizen NPC collection and trading. We plan to also have our cloud foundation in place for item storage, progression, server transfer, and we also plan to have real-time voice and text translation.

Moving beyond early access launch we plan to be focused on adding to these systems including in-depth quest lines associated to each NPC citizen, intimate lore that describes the world the player is in, the intended deep storyline our studio has envisioned, and based on community commitments and the success of early access we plan to do cinematic cutscenes related to each quest line, with voice acting, and facial animation to display emotions.

In addition to introducing more polish and content to existing systems we plan to introduce new ones by introducing twitch integration for in-game effects and temporary cosmetics controlled by the broadcasters channel viewers. We also plan on opening our webapi for discord relay capability based on item movement in a chest or destruction of a building piece for example which should be available soon after the Official server launch.

We plan on fully replacing our assets with laser scanned high geometry assets that take advantage of Unreal Engine 5's Nanite capability. This will require extensive work capturing real environmental objects as well as the objects you could place to decorate your kingdom.

We plan on implementing several different styles of building structures with both square and rounded configurations, and would like to include cosmetic recipes to alter structure appearance as well. Currently we have five different tiers of building structures available, with designs on adding several more as development progresses.

Players will come to expect the same level of customization with their gear and weapons by choosing what "kind" of axe to craft, be it visually appealing to the player - matching a houses colors for raiding - or just to change up look as you play the game. These recipes will also be drops that are introduced as content releases and typically included in or centered around a particular lore event. By release we plan to have 23 different styles of every weapon and tool type in the game, how is this possible do you ask? Its largely thanks to UE5 nanite that affords the dynamic streaming of high poly assets from disk. We no longer have to worry about 30 different people in view all wearing different gear, its a new day.

Our commitment to raytracing and high poly art does not end with the environment, or the building pieces, as with the character we plan to create a near photorealistic metahuman rig capable of complex customization and even emotional response for use in cutscenes and emotes.

Our goal is for players to have as many customization options as possible when it comes to a character’s appearance, their base design, etc. We’d like to incorporate realistic animations as well, for example a player’s jaw moving when they communicate in-game via voice chat. There’s a possibility that we may be able to animate the lips and facial muscles to move accurately based on what words are being spoken in-game.

During the early access period we plan to release a large number of new maps (over 50), including custom high resolution dungeons the player can explore in each of them, each island will have unique landmarks, biomes, and a unique visual appeal based on the setting the player may want to live in. This includes desert rocky canyons with limited foliage, but maximum visibility and favor to survive in such a climate being acclimated to that weather. You may want to explore massive redwood forests or bountiful birch and conifer lands. Each biome will have unique predators and prey, as well as tamable animals. Some NPC citizens frequent certain areas more than others making travel and trading a powerful commerce.

One of our long-term wishes is to implement ships and ship building within the game so players may travel to other worlds with their belongings intact. Eventually, we’d like to bring combat to the high seas, allowing players to build war vessels and battle other ships as well as besiege coastal kingdoms.

We are prioritizing land combat, primarily with both melee and ranged weapons, though we have designs on incorporating magic into the game as well. Currently the camera is in third-person mode, with plans in place to give players the option to zoom into first-person mode. One of our objectives is to add a wide variety of weapons with custom animations for swings and blows as well as bow and projectile control. PvP combat will most likely be directional with some exceptions, with players having the ability to kick and interrupt enemies, wear down foes in a battle of stamina, run away to fight another day, etc.

A feature we plan to implement is a companion app for Android and IOS, which players can use to view and change inventory remotely, view leaderboards, and chat with their friends. We would most likely have players sign up for the app through a SerfWorks or PlayFab account.

We plan to go cross play with Xbox and PS5 by release, this requires a formal stable build that passes certification which will include the years of early access testing on PC to form the foundation of our release pipeline where we can include these platforms at a regular interval and release in tandem with complete community transparency.

We plan to introduce instanced dungeons that are PVE and PVP oriented, you may find another group of explorers or helpful companions where combined you can defeat the most powerful of enemies in the dungeon. Monsters drop quality loot that can be deconstructed for base resources, so its an alternative way to farm for resources while also having a good chance at crafting recipes, rare quality drops, and potentially some wanted or unwanted player intervention.

The game will most likely include an Auction House for the trading of rarer finds and specially crafted items, with plans on supporting the trading of NPC citizens as well so players can collect them all.

But what if someone attacks your base? Well in feudal lands your land is yours, and in order to take it from you a player must declare war, think of a medieval battle where a tent city gets built over night, resources like food and ammo are carted in, catapults built, all while guarding that castle you plan to raise. Well those tents are your spawn points, that food is your resource cost for spawning, and you could simply win by starving out the other player hiding behind their castle walls eating the last bits of grain that are in the stores. You get to play how you want, if you want that castle, you can take it, you can destroy it, you can build a new one in its place. We plan for this by early access, however after we plan to introduce more visual guidance around server ownership and claimed territory as well as alliances both enemy and friendly, including the top level house those houses are related to. We also plan to introduce kingdom taxation where the lead houses for a server get benefits for vassals that live in their realm, and certain punishments for killing them. We plan to do this in a fair and balanced way, to allow the underdogs to rise up and take over the alpha, to defend the weak against zergs, so much of our war system is confidential as its unique in design - its our promise to make the most enjoyable survival game possible for as many people as possible.

The overall goal to exit early access is to have every system of equal polish and depth that meets the expectations of the customers at the frequency we expect to deliver. And even after release we will continue to add content to these many systems, based around new lore that gets introduced to the game - at this time we do not see an ultimate ending like a story book an evolving one that remains centered in the Feudal Lands universe that introduces new NPC characters, threats, and abilities to combat those threats.

Its going to be a wild ride!”

“2 Years to meet all communicated community commitments.”

“Its critical to our success that we include the community as early as possible, to fine tune and balance our systems at scale while affording the opportunity to include critical community feedback during our overall development process.

This is why we have chosen early access, as the core foundation of the game will be playable but the majority of the story and content like quests and deep NPC interactions will be introduced over time during the course of Early Access.

For the most part Early Access will feel very similar to final release, we will have adopted much of the lore into the game by the time early access hits, but with time comes more content and delivered lore that will ultimately culminate in the finale of the initial Feudal Lands storyline.

This will take years to achieve, adding quests and voice acting, music, and providing alternate choices during the questline to achieve entirely different perspectives of the same overall story.

The studio has funding to make it to the finish line based on the vision we have set forth and our timeline, based on this budget and development time the final release of the game should be of AAA quality meeting the expectations of players of all types as best we can, while employing staff of talent from around the world to introduce our planned content over time.”

“Validating Unreal Engine 5 art pipeline, and world requirements, testing with testers to confirm hardware requirements are accurate based on expectations. You can gather trees, rocks, and foliage from map around you, you can craft tools, weapons, armor, and building pieces, you can build a base and craft 27 different crafting stations and some 300 different items in the game. The game is multiplayer first which is why we are on Steam so early, however players can interact and drop items, help each other, and soon can communicate with voice using PlayFab.” “We don't plan to change the price, and we do not plan to sell expansions, but instead make them freely available to ensure everyone can play with everyone, no matter the platform or year they purchased.” “We have a very active Discord and Facebook page where we take feedback from fans and discuss it among the team to see if it is something that will help improve the gameplay, This occurs daily, we also started sharing videos on YouTube of the results of our UE5 transition - we will continue a deep level of outreach and inclusion of our communities across many different platforms, we just named the current primary ones above.”

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Feudal Kingdoms

Feudal Kingdoms — это игра в жанре стратегия и симулятор, разрабатываемая Blood and Pixels для платформы PC. Окружение в игре относится к cтилистике история, а выделить особенности можно следующие: инди, стратегия, пошаговая стратегия, 2d, средневековье, градостроительный симулятор, изометрия, пошаговая тактика, ранний доступ, достижения steam, градостроение. Вам будут доступны такие игровые режимы как «для одного игрока».

Во всем мире игра Feudal Kingdoms будет распространяться по модели разовая покупка издателем Blood and Pixels. На данный момент стадия игры — в разработке, а дата её выхода —

11.2020. Бесплатно скачать Feudal Kingdoms, в том числе и через торрент, нельзя, поскольку игра распространяется по модели разовая покупка.

MMO13 еще не вынес Feudal Kingdoms оценку. Игра распространяется в магазине Steam, пользователи которого еще не оставили отзывов.

Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.

Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

“"1053 a time of conquest, diplomacy and the ability to rule over his kingdom and to protect his population and use it properly."

We are planning a full release with the full gaming experience and fun for the fourth quarter of 2021.

In Feudal Kingdoms we want to create a game experience that combines a realistic but also fictional world. Due to the realistic population structure, which you have to consider very carefully, as well as the different seasons and their associated effects, there are many challenges that you have to combine in a simultaneous and strategically clever way.

We want to learn from your experience and develop the game further through your feedback. The game has grown with the community and we want to complete it. We take our time to publish the game in our opinion in the best possible way and especially to develop it further.

We as a team are of the opinion that we have reached a point where it makes sense to involve the community. The game is playable and the exchange of ideas will make it an even better experience.”

“The current plan is for 12 months. That depends on the feedback we get from you players and the direction we take. We still have some features that we want to implement. Some of them you will see from the beginning, the gaps and rooms have already been created.”

“We and Feudal Kingdoms will continue to develop.

The full version will of course contain qualitative improvements and some new elements of gameplay such as real-time battles and multiplayer mode. Why? It is for our small development team work for which we want to take our time to implement it correctly and exactly. The battle system is still being worked on, also the AI. The fun and experience of Feudal Kingdoms is a part we put a lot of attention on, that's why we want to implement these two features. Feudal Kingdoms will be developed for the release of one year and is remarkable with its already existing features.”

“The game has been developed for about a year until this point and is very advanced for this. Our core mechanics are already implemented in early access. You will get a very extensive and detailed UI, but we would like to expand it further with your feedback.

As a special feature the game has the feature of a realistic population, the player can endanger the population as well as increase it by his decisions and above all by his experience. Agents who have different tasks like sabotage, diplomatic action or those of the city holder are also included in the Early Access. The inventory and resource management is equipped for the player. The building structures with their upgrades are fully implemented, but work continues on all features. The battle system is implemented but will be significantly improved by the upcoming real-time battles.
As we mentioned before, we focus on the fun and atmosphere created by challenging the player and setting few limits to his own creativity. The strategy of every single player will therefore be completely individual in every game. The game can be played with many features and offers all the above.”

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About This Game

Top features
Realistic population structure

In no other grand strategy game are so many details and impacts in the own game strategy than in Feudal Kingdoms. The villages / settlements with their inhabitants need food to survive, most of which is grown on fields. The season will also influence the possibilities. In winter for example the ground will freeze, this will lead to starving inhabitants as soon as the stock goes empty. If you want to expand your kingdom and will start a battle against other kingdoms you need soldiers. Soldiers are farmers which need to be recruited. But the farmer will be missed as a food producer. Soldiers who died in battle will be gone. Therefore the birth rate and population density can go down or even decrease. Many factors have to be taken into consideration and every king has to decide if he will expand his kingdom but fort he cost of a weak nation.


Every settlement has his own stock of different foods, fur, wool, so as on weapons, armor and many other items. Also armies need enough stock of food in their inventory for their campaigns to prevent starving or moral loss. That might seem obvious but has a big impact on the upcoming features and agent interactions.


There are three types of agents: The henchmen, aristocrats and noblemen

They can interact across the boundaries of their own settlement. A henchman has the skill to destroy a food stock of a village from another kingdom with a fire. If this happens in winter, the inhabitants will perhaps starve. In Feudal Kingdoms you can weaken your enemies without starting a brutal war.

Aristocrats can improve the research efforts. Also they can be used as negotiator to strengthen your own diplomatic position or to weak the diplomatic position of your enemies.

The noblemen have the responsibility to manage your settlement but they can be also used as military leader in conquests.

Game Content
Kingdom selection
When starting a new game, you get to choose from a set of pre-defined kingdoms, each of them with their own history and traits. This grants the possibility of choosing the right starting conditions for your preferred play style.

Settlement overview
Each settlement comes with a bunch of attributes indicating the condition of its citizens. Are your people happy? Is there enough wood on stock in preparation for the next winter? How many vegetables will be available after the next harvest? Do I provide enough living quarters, and do I have enough manpower for the next iron mine?

This and much more require a fair amount of micromanagement.

Furthermore, each settlement has a certain amount of buildings that can be built within city boundaries, like schools for example, and a defined amount of agricultural structures outside of the city like a sheep farm, which is essential in cloth production.

Educational buildings like schools and libraries generate “research points”. These points can be spent in your research area to further customize your game experience. Do you prefer a more economic approach or rather rule the world with a strong army? What about the social aspects?

Rising your troops
(work in progress)

We created an easy but powerful tool so you can build your army as individually as possible. Combined with various research options you are able to raise armies as specified as you want. Whether your army is specialized in melee combat or a combination of range, melee and mounted units is up to you.

Recruit your agents
Agents are an important factor in your kingdom. There are three types of agents with their own set of skills, boosting your power in both social and military aspects.

The “Henchman” – use him as a spy or assassin. Which way do you prefer? Assassinating enemies or undercutting enemy territories and tearing them apart from the inside?

The “Aristocrat” – a more reputable type of character. At least at first glance. Tricking an enemy faction into lucrative trade agreements or maybe the formation of strong alliances. It’s up to you.

The “Nobleman” – not only a good leader for your army but also an excellent personality for managing your villages and cities.

Other already available mechanics contain a large set of buildings that form unique production chains and the possibility to set up automated trading routes between your settlements.

Feudal Kingdoms

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