Dungeons of edera обзор

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

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Примечание: Данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

“Feedback is crucial to make the final version of this game the best it can be. Through out early access I will be bringing in ideas from the players as the final chapters of Dungeons of Edera are rolled out. Listening to the players feedback and critiques throughout the development of my first project, Hold the Fort was an awesome experience and I want to make sure the community is involved in this one!” “While I do not have a set date for a full release at this moment in time, I expect that the game will be released in Q4 2021. I want to ensure this game has an amazing experience without rushing for a deadline.”

“I will continue to to release major content updates on a monthly basis that players can track on our Trello Roadmap. These updates will introduce you to the two other faction in this story from the broken alliance, The Surfract and the Wakara:
The Sufract are a group of three clans playing hard to live areas of the continent and helping each other to survive. They rule with the council of three, a representative elected from each of the tribes. Each clan specializes in certain areas and trades with the others so all survive.

The Wakara travel the huge desert and surrounding areas plying their trades to those they meet, scavenge the land or simply try to live off the land. Most travel in small family/friends units and attend a few annual gatherings at the Crystal Oasis every year.

The final version will also include more talents that will unlock more spells, weapon classes and abilities such as crafting! Players can also expect new enemy types, additional dungeons to explore, and lots more loot!”

“The early access version of the game gives access to players to the two out of four chapters of the campaign and the never ending bounty board to keep players engaged for many hours. While the early access version is stable and playable, players can expect some bugs and other issues while playing that we intend to fix as they are found prior to releasing into full version.” “On Dungeons of Ederas full release, the price will increase.” “Feedback will be incorporated with every future update - where ever it comes from!”

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"В этом коротком обзоре я расскажу о новой ARPG dungeon crawler игре Dungeons of Edera в средневековом сеттинге, которая похожа по геймплею на Ziggurat и менее известный Omnifootman. Хорошая графика, музыка, неплохая боёвка и сюжетный режим Dungeons of Edera. По ходу ролика я кратко рассказал об основах геймплея Подземелий Эдера, и посмотрев видео до конца вы точно для себя решите стоит ли играть в неё.

Dungeons of Edera

Dungeons of Edera — это игра в жанре rpg, приключения и экшен, разрабатываемая Monster Tooth Studios для платформы PC. Окружение в игре относится к cтилистике фэнтези, а выделить особенности можно следующие: экшен, приключение, ролевая игра, инди, упрощённый рогалик, для одного игрока, ранний доступ, от третьего лица, сложная, градостроительный симулятор, фэнтези, средневековье, 3d, dungeon crawler, процедурная генерация, слэшер, рогалик, достижения steam, action roguelike, ролевой экшен, экшен-рогалик, похожа на dark souls, подземелья. Вам будут доступны такие игровые режимы как «для одного игрока».

Во всем мире игра Dungeons of Edera будет распространяться по модели разовая покупка издателем Monster Tooth Studios. На данный момент стадия игры — в разработке, а дата её выхода — 28.08.2020. Бесплатно скачать Dungeons of Edera, в том числе и через торрент, нельзя, поскольку игра распространяется по модели разовая покупка.

MMO13 еще не вынес Dungeons of Edera оценку. Игра распространяется в магазине Steam, пользователи которого еще не оставили отзывов.

Dungeons of Edera - это мошеннический экшн-ролевый экскаватор подземелий с процедурно сгенерированными уровнями, в котором вы будете сражаться с полчищами монстров, чтобы вернуть Эдере ее былую славу. Получите мгновенный доступ к игре; следите за процессом разработки. Подробнее. Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)

This patch we are changing how many shards are given when disassembling items as well as releasing some of your most requested features!

Check out the full details below

  • Gem Crafting Tweaks: Disassembling uncommon or higher tiers will always give shards and disassembling legendary weapons will grant full gems! Chart below on odds.
  • Map is now moveable using WSAD or left control stick on gamepads
  • Stash now has a filter to sort by items
  • Dungeon Modifiers are now shown in Journal
  • Pause Menu now has a button to help get your character unstuck - after a small delay you will teleport to start of the dungeon with a msg on your previous coordinates, map name, and dungeon seed - report this in our discord to help us resolve these bugs!
  • Option to keep crosshair always enabled has been added to options
  • Option to skip all cutscenes has been added to options
  • Added talent to increase shards given when disassembling items
  • other minor fixes.

hello, could I be explained how soulbounds work thank you or are maybe not activated? thx

Check out the full details below

  • Gem Crafting: Weapons will no longer give gems when disassembled, but shards which must be crafted into full gems!
  • Talent Tree Overhauled: Talent tree is now broken up into a section for each class - You will need to reset your talent points for existing characters - the price of which has been drastically reduced.
  • Troll FX added on overhead swing
  • Shimmer spore cavern light visibility increased
  • Bosses have a minor chance to drop Gems
  • Shards have a minor chance to drop from common enemies
  • other minor fixes.

Dungeons of Edera - Early Access Gameplay [3D Rogue-lite/ Hack and slash/ Dungeon Crawler] A Guide By one of the highest global ranked Boss Killers, Some basics and Stuff you should know about Boons and Skills!


Dungeons Of Edera обзор игры. Новый Dungeon crawler с элементами RPG! Roguelike arpg игра

Let's Play Dungeons of Edera - Rogue Lite Action RPG Indiegame - Gameplay PC - deutsch / german 2021 I have barely played and know nothing. Here is my advice. FIRST OK, so dropped, and allegedly MTS addressed the reason I stopped playing since the horror of 0880. So was their revamp effective? At the start, I had 2 Sapphire shards, an emerald shard, an Amethyst shard. From 3 dungeons. For my test dungeon that I ran after 0881, I ran a mushroom-gathering in the caverns, big map; should get lots of phat lewtz. I manage to drag about 300-weight of heavy metal to the boss-summons point, drop about half of it, then dispatch the Boss. I scored an Emerald gem d.

It has been just over one year since we released Dungeons of Edera into early access. It has been quite the wild ride and I could not have kept up without the amazing support of our community of fans! Thank you for your continued support as we finish out our roadmap to 1.0 release within the next year!

This patch we add some much needed QOL improvements and overhauls on two maps!

Check out the full details below

  • Map Overhaul: Shimmerspore Cave - Completely overhauled to a more dark and gritty Cavern with lots more exploration opportunities and secret rooms added!
  • Map Overhaul: Outskirts of Null Harbor - Replaced the temporarily story map with a full blown procedural dungeon and added to the random map pool.
  • Melee hitstop slightly increased
  • wands base magic damage reduced
  • Staff base magic damage increased
  • quick spell menu will now only show spells you can cast with equipment you have equipped
  • last stand and fiery bash now correctly cost 1 talent point
  • enemies will now sometimes dodge left or right when attacking player
  • Weapon Modifiers added: % bonus magic damage, Hp regen, Stam regen, Mana Regen
  • Parry is no longer a separate action, execute a parry by bringing up shield just before an enemy attack hits you
  • AI shock totem tick rate reduced
  • boss magic and physical damage scaling slightly reduced
  • New enemy type: Bandit Paladin
  • dual wield mobs no longer instantly swap between melee and ranged
  • crafted weapons are no longer soulbound
  • legendary crafted weapons now take custom names
  • Character selection in main menu simplified
  • other minor fixes.
  • Shimmerspore Cave module bounds refined - modules will no longer overlap blocking paths
  • Arena Quest type spawning bugs fixed
  • Procedural Dungeon Seed added to map - Stuck? Found a bug in a map? Report the dungeon and seed number in our discord to help us fix this asap!

The tree feels like a big trap. Mana hungry skills or a DoT that's literally not worth mentioning. I get the feeling that you're not really supposed to be an "archer" but at the same time the game sort of lets you believe you can do because there is a whole tree dedicated to it. Am I just being bad or is it currently just a trap tree. hello, I find a big potential on this game, and I would like to know if the complete translation of the game is planned in French, am really a like of this game that seems simple but in the end more complex than at first, good job the devs Why is it that the game is nothing but asset flip? Why are people so into this? It seemed nice other than how unoptimized it is and how much of it is nothing but copy-pasted asset flip bs. Amazing. Steam is full of this, asset flip bs.
If you like simple hack and slay, aswell as continously upgrading and personalizing your character, this game might just be for you!
You just have to keep in mind that this game is skill in early access, and the chance to encounter gamemechanics or bugs that mildly inconveniences you is bound to happen. Most of the time its quite funny tho and doesnt necessarily has to be a huge downside to your enjoyment of the game. Moreover, the developer keeps updating the game with new content, bugfixes and balance patches. I would love to see how far the developer is going to take the game! ^^
Checks all the boxes for me. Difficulty settings make the enemies tough enough for levels to be rewarding. The areas are beautiful, the souls inspiration is there but the game is original enough to have its own signature. Love dungeon crawlers and this is pretty much the only fps roguelite I've come across to scratch that dungeon, soulslike, retro, linear/open, rpg vibe.

This game gets a lot of things right that even heavy hitters often get wrong. Powerful items are rare enough that you're not replacing them every few minutes, which would make them feel meaningless. That's a major weakness in a ton of loot-based games, from Path of Exile to Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

But it's still possible to find a couple truly great items even early on in the game, making them treasures to be protected. And *that's* what loot should be about: TREASURE! Finding things that you actually value and enjoy. Materialism at its finest. :)

(Yes, fans of this type of game are by definition materialists to the core. Most of us see loot drop, we're not leaving it behind. Not. One. Coin. And for good reason -- more on that in a bit.)

Combat is surprisingly robust and fluid, and the magic system is good. Still a bit rough around the edges but no more than is to be expected. Visually gorgeous -- much higher quality than I anticipated, especially on the subterranean levels, the texture and vertical dimensionality of which are sheer joy.

If there's one thing I am disappointed by it's easily the encumbrance and town portal systems.

If you leave a level it vanishes and you can never go back.

But you can also only carry so much without becoming encumbered, and you'll typically hit that point before you're even a third of the way through a level, which reduces your movement speed to a boring, plodding walk.

You *could* prevent this by only holding on to the choicest items available (or most of them, anyway?), but it's vastly more profitable to just pick up everything and plod along until you can sell it back in town, which also happens to be the only place where you can find out what a given item is worth. Every fan of the roguelike and action RPG genres has been working this balance since about the time they were born.

In the classic roguelikes, you'd typically find some place to stash your stuff and then come back to get it when you cleared a path to a shop. Sometimes this would take weeks of actual game play. But in Diablo (which was based on Nethack, donchano) stuff on the ground would disappear when you saved and quit, much like in Edera and its other heirs.

Diablo solved this problem quite elegantly through the introduction of town portals, well over 20 years ago. Make a portal, go back to town, appraise and sell your winnings, upgrade and change things as needed, get back in the action. So fun.

In Edera this beloved mechanic is broken by the impermanence of the dungeons.

We're left with the no-win bargain of either giving up most of the wealth we've earned through combat, weakening ourselves severely in the process. or of walking through the final two-thirds of every dungeon so slowly that it becomes difficult to stay awake. (Not leastwise because you can't even save and come back, so by the time you finish a level it's the middle of the bloody night. )

So in a nutshell, one way or another, the game currently punishes any playstyle that doesn't lead to slow, endless, grueling hikes. I hope a way is found to resolve that, either by finding a path to make town portals work both ways (most preferable option, guys), or by introducing some other mechanic that makes being overburdened not such a godawful, well, burden?

Because otherwise I am loving this game, and I very much want to see it succeed. Keep up the good work!

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