Wow ошибка 138

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Код 138 представляет собой ошибку соединения, которая появляется на экране при попытке входа в игру. Если вы являетесь одним из пользователей, которые в прошлом сталкивались с ошибкой Valorant error code 138. И если вы не смогли решить проблему, то мы поможем вам понять, как можете фиксить ее самостоятельно.

Исправление ошибка 138 в Valorant

1. Удалить Riot Vanguard

2. Конфигурация Bcdedit

Если вышеописанный шаг не решит проблему, попробуйте это решение.

Теперь в командной строке необходимо ввести следующие коды:

bcdedit.exe /set nx OptIn

bcdedit.exe /set testigning off

bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off

Затем вам нужно перезагрузить систему, и код ошибки, скорее всего, исчезнет. Однако, если проблема все равно сохранится, вы можете попробовать выполнить следующий шаг.

3. Изменить совместимость с Windows

4. Изменения в Приоритете процесса VGC

Если ошибка Valorant 138 продолжает поражать систему, вы можете попробовать этот метод.

Stood in the Fire Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 436

Any help would be great if someone knows how to fix that part be great thank ya for helping

Mechagnome Join Date Aug 2012 Location USA!! Posts 676

Error 138?
Sounds like Francis needs to make a Youtube video about this.

In all seriousness, Fatal Condition means a corrupt file on your end. You'll need to reinstall the client I thinks.
Try deleting Cache, Data, and WTF folders first and see what happens.

Keyboard Turner Join Date Aug 2013 Posts 6

Did u wheel fix that and how teelll me i wanna start con lvl my hunter?

Keyboard Turner Join Date Nov 2013 Posts 7

Brewmaster Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 1,313

Regarding the Bad Zone ID -1 error :

* It is on Blizzard bug radar to fix
* For some unknown reason the game thinks you're in an invalid zone map [eg EK map 0 , Kalimdor map 1]
* Crash is because the game is reporting you in Map -1 . which should be impossible
* They'll try to rescue toons but for now use other toons
* Minusworld analogy was used.

Stood in the Fire Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 436 Originally Posted by wheelmandan

Any help would be great if someone knows how to fix that part be great thank ya for helping

yes i can't get my toon back he lost for ever in heartstoneing home i'll never see him sad face.

yea i have that

thank ya for the help yes its a sad day i've lost wheelhammer the true wheelhammer he's lost in space. he could't make it out of the star gate.

The Lightbringer Join Date Mar 2009 Posts 3,613 Originally Posted by NickCageFanatic In all seriousness, Fatal Condition means a corrupt file on your end. You'll need to reinstall the client I thinks.
Try deleting Cache, Data, and WTF folders first and see what happens. Not necessarily, like Blu posted thinks you're on a world that simply doesn't exist and because of that the client crashes. Had the same issue on premade 90 Monk but simply deleted it since I noticed the character copy at character selection and used my live one.

Brewmaster Join Date Dec 2007 Posts 1,313 Originally Posted by Dedweight Not necessarily, like Blu posted thinks you're on a world that simply doesn't exist and because of that the client crashes. Had the same issue on premade 90 Monk but simply deleted it since I noticed the character copy at character selection and used my live one.

Actually Nick's sort of 1/2 correct there.

At the time of Nick's post he may not of seen that post from Zorbix on the US forums. Zorbix made that post on the Saturday morning. So it may of been lost in the flood of ZOMG WAI MA BETA NO GO posts that they would of had on the forums on Saturday morning.

EDIT : Actually checking timestamps looks like NickCageFanatic had posted before the post from Zorbix existed.

I have been checking year old forums all day today and will continue to do so until the problem is fixed, or until I have run out of all possible options to fix this. (Unfortunately, I ran out fast as my problem appears to be unique to my situation.)

Any external help would be greatly, greatly appreciated. I will do whatever it takes in my power to be able to play pre-patch, even if it means dual-booting into the operating system mess of privacy called windows ten. I have a Ryzen 5 2600, and an RX 570 w/ eight gigs of ram.

Layro Layrok

решил поиграть в WoW Sirus вкл лаунчер не запускается так же как и NOLauncherStart и сам exe перекачал игру 3 раза тоже самое в код ошибке пишет это

This application has encountered a critical error:

The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000".
The memory could not be "written".

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