Вар тандер ошибка 29

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Keofox, Как будет выглядеть карта Польша после сброса Фаб-5000 на неё теперь? Висящие в воздухе домики?

Вот вот, а то в тизере какую угодно замануху можно показать.

Очень недурно! Надеюсь мой компьтер не расплавится от этой красоты! Молодцы, за ковши отдельное спасибо!

согласен корж пили это что то.

ох сколько же багов нас ждет. Дома в воздухе, летающие танки, проблемы с коллизией. Ух

Я жду моменты, когда бобры спецом будут обкидывать респы по кругу, чтобы замедлить команду (вражескую естесно) ещё при спавне. Тактика))

найс коменты чистите

Такие вот адекватные у нас администраторы и помощники. Называется сходил поесть. Все потёрли. И ведь не было не нормативной лексики или какого-то другого негатива. Мирно обсуждали.

согласен, тока твой пост обновил, а его уж нету))

Лучше всех рыть будет фаб 5000

забыл про ядерку ?

Nugzarich, После ядерки уже никто не поиграет и вообще кратер будет невидно.

Чёт не пойму, а где А-10 и Су-25?

тебя же закрыли?

2 РПУ этому господину

Если механика окапывания хорошо впишется в общий геймплей, то вы - большие молодцы! Но мне почему-то кажется, что это увеличит число кемперов и бодрость геймплея, которая и так не высока, упадёт ещё сильнее.

Особенно хорошо она впишится в геймплей на рангах ниже 6-го, без сомнений коренное изменение геймплея для всей игры.

В игре по сути окапываться будут только СССР и Британцы с АВРЕ

Спасибо за ещё одну крысиную механику, а то ж их так мало было, да?

Новая возможность для тактических манёвров, как и остовы подбитой техники. Разве не круто? А то Destruction Derby на танках, не совсем отражает ход боевых действий

PakoTuHa_61rus, Чел если бы это была стратегия или бои 30 на 30 на огромной карте тогда да тактические, а так это будет только мешать играть всем.

Визлей заказывали? Получите. Ковшиком теперь можно будет нагрести под НЛД, чтоб не отлетать с одной тычки, особенно на совках? Ничоси у вас технологии. Но главное – воронки теперь похожи на то, чем они должны быть и оттуда реально можно будет от башни играть, нюанс лишь в одном – движок у вас уже, как у A6M5c – еле тянет что уже есть. Но проблема известна, года 3 ещё будем дружно все фризить в боях тунков.


The B-29A-BN Superfortress is a rank IV American bomber with a battle rating of 7.0 (AB/SB) and 7.3 (RB). It was introduced in Update 1.47 "Big Guns". The B-29 follows the B-24 Liberator in the U.S. bomber branch and is currently the last American propeller-powered bomber in the US Tech Tree. At the top of its game, the B-29A-BN is one of the most powerful and heavily armed bombers found in War Thunder, though it suffers from both an immense repair cost, and a large chance to face early jets.

In the few years leading up to World War II, the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) realized that its current primary heavy bomber, the B-17 would not have the range nor the payload which would be needed to efficiently transit what would end up becoming the Pacific Theater. To compensate for this Boeing began to develop a prototype which would incorporate a pressurized cabin to allow for higher altitude flying, which would help to protect the bomber from Japanese fighters which struggled to get to the higher altitudes.

The resulting XB-29 prototype and the later production series B-29 bomber had everything the USAAC was looking for, high-pressured cockpit, a maximum altitude of almost 32,000 ft (9753.6 m), true air-speed around 372 mph (600 kph) and could carry a massive payload of bombs upwards of 20,000 lbs (9,072 kg). Defensive positions on the B-29 were well placed to ensure maximum coverage surrounding the bomber. This bomber was one of the first aircraft to be fitted with the General Electric Central Fire Control system which could be used to remotely control four of the remotely controlled turrets (two dorsal and two ventral). Though in their early stages, this aircraft's turrets each also had a General Electric analogue computer linked to it allowing the weapons to be more accurate by automatically factoring in airspeed, gravity, temperature and lead time for the inbound aircraft. With this setup, these turrets could be controlled from the nose, tail or any of the three mid-fuselage positions and a single gunner could actually control more than one turret at a time increasing the effectiveness and lethality of the bomber's defences. Bristling with 12 x M2 Browning machine guns, the B-29A-BN was extremely difficult to approach, yet make a successful pass and leave untouched.

Unlike other bombers which can take on a secondary role as a pseudo-attacker, the B-29A-BN is a bomber, period. The sole purpose of the B-29 is to beat ground targets into submission either with upwards of 40 x 500 lb bombs, 18 x 1,000 lb bombs or 8 x 2,000 lb bombs. The larger 1,000 and 2,000 lb bombs are perfect for base bombing while the relatively smaller 500 lb bombs make the perfect tool for carpet bombing where vehicles, pillboxes or anti-aircraft artillery may be clustered together.

The B-29A-BN is an aerial beast which can drop a beastly amount of explosive ordnance, rivalled by few, but is not immune to enemy fighters. Altitude is this bombers friend and when achieved can be a safer haven from which to rain down explosives on enemy bases or vehicles.

General info

Flight performance

B-29 jonigustavo 001.jpg

The B-29A-BN, much like its contemporaries the Messerschmitt Me 264, Blohm & Voss BV 238 and Tupolev Tu-4 was built for the sole purpose of flying high and dropping large amounts of bombs. To account for these characteristics, others such as manoeuvrability, rate-of-climb and acceleration were compromised. The B-29 is a heavy aircraft which when adding 10,000 – 20,000 lbs of ordnance will only make the plane that much more difficult to get to altitude, but once there this aircraft does have a decent cruising speed. To help speed up gameplay for this aircraft, it is given an air-start at the beginning of matches and also after landing to reload and repair due to its sheer size and difficulty climbing to its bombing altitude.

The typical method of utilising this bomber is to fly the aircraft to a higher altitude. Depending on the enemy fighters, attackers and interceptors which appear in the match, you may be able to stay lower around 20,000 ft (6,000 m) or you may need to increase closer to 30,000 ft (9,150 m) to make it extremely difficult for the fighters to follow you up and many if they do get that high, their engines are struggling to keep the plane above stall speed which provides you with the opportunity to leave them behind or to easily pick them off with your gunners.

One downside to flying at the higher altitudes in arcade battles is that if you bomb a base but don't completely destroy it, it is difficult to circle back around and bomb again when the bombs have reloaded. A wide circle is necessary to accomplish this and it may be better and more efficient instead to fly towards another base, bomb it and turn around and finish off the first base. Another option too is to leave the partially bombed bases for the smaller and slower bombers on your team to finish off or just catch the partially bombed bases on a return pass.

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 9,100 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 615 603 12000 33.2 34.4 4.1 4.1 1,500
Upgraded 669 641 30.7 32.0 11.7 6.5


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
609 389 332 322 270

Engine performance

Survivability and armour

  • 60 mm Bulletproof glass in front of the pilots.
  • 6.5 mm Steel plates in front of the pilots.
  • 6.5 mm Steel plates behind the pilots.
  • 6.5 mm Steel plates in front of tail control tractions.
  • 6.5 mm Steel plates boxing around rear dorsal gunner and beam gunners.
  • 6.5 mm Steel plate behind the rear ventral gunner.
  • 60 mm Bulletproof glass in front of tail gunner.
  • 6.5 mm Steel plate in front of tail gunner.

The B-29A-BN had to be judicious when it came to providing protecting armour for the aircrew at the sacrifice of additional fuel or ordnance. In fact, later models removed many of their defensive turrets in order to allow for more fuel and ordnance to be loaded. It is obvious that an aircraft this size will be a huge target for enemy fighters to attack with the nose section (cockpit) and the tail turret being the two most likely targets (head-on attack and tail approach attack) and thus both areas were outfitted with 60 mm bulletproof glass which helps against lower calibre weapons, however 20 mm and above make short work of the bulletproof glass. 6.5 mm steel plates are scattered around the aircraft to provide protection for both the crew members and some of the control surface linkages. Though not a stop-all invincible shield for the crew, it many instances it provided enough protection to allow crew members to survive and fight another day.

Modifications and economy


Suspended armament

B-29 meanswing 001.jpg

The B-29A-BN can be outfitted with the following ordnance:

  • 20 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs (10,000 lb total)
  • 18 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs (18,000 lb total)
  • 40 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs (20,000 lb total)
  • 8 x 2,000 lb AN-M66A2 bombs (16,000 lb total)
  • Note: A nuclear payload becomes available for the B-29 in Ground Arcade battles of BR 6.0 and higher. It consists of 1 nuclear bomb and is attainable after reaching 15 kills in the match.

One might say the B-29A-BN is effectively a dump truck which can dump a ton of explosives, no make that upwards of 10 tons of explosives upon enemy targets. Utilising speed at higher altitudes, it is the purpose of the Superfortress to race to an enemy base or ground targets and just rain down TNT. With three choices of bomb weights to choose from and four different configurations, there is no shortage of ways to destroy ground targets. The 1,000 lb and 2,000 lb bombs come in most handy for base bombing as they do the most amount of damage for the least amount of effort in a concentrated area. Area of denial is the speciality of the 500 lb bombs when used in carpet bombing operations. Carpet bombing is effectively laying down many of the 500 lb bombs at one time over an area where vehicles such as trucks, tanks and anti-aircraft vehicles or hardened structures such as pillboxes or anti-aircraft artillery may be located at. Since vehicles are on the move, dropping multiple bombs at a time making it more difficult for them to move out of the way and avoid the inbound ordnance.

With the B-29A-BN, there is no real overkill with the bombs, which can make the Superfortress a prime target to be eliminated early as with upwards of 20,000 lbs in bombs, the B-29A-BN can make short work of enemy bases and end the match earlier than most will expect.

Defensive armament

The B-29A-BN is defended by:

  • 2 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns, tail turret (550 rpg = 1,100 total)
  • 2 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns, rear ventral turret (575 rpg = 1,150 total)
  • 2 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns, rear dorsal turret (500 rpg = 1,000 total)
  • 2 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns, front ventral turret (500 rpg = 1,000 total)
  • 4 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns, front dorsal turret (400 rpg = 1,600 total)

The B-29A-BN is defended by an impressive 12 x .50 calibre Browning machine guns rivalled only by the Blohm & Voss BV 238, Tupolev Tu-4, Consolidated PB4Y-2 and B-24 and the Boeing B-17. Typically when bombers add more guns, they had to add more crew to operate them which increased the overall weight of the aircraft, though ensuring more protection, it also reduced the amount of fuel or bombs which could be carried.

As a historical note, the advent of early analogue computers which were outfitted on the B-29A-BN and the state-of-the-art General Electric Central Fire Control System allowed for remote operation of both dorsal and both ventral turrets along with the tail gun if needed. The turrets could be linked through the fire control system and allow one gunner to operate multiple guns at one time. Simplifying this process and allowing gunners from just about anywhere on the aircraft to control the turrets reduced the number of crew members needed to operate the aircraft. Though four times the size of a B-25, the B-29A-BN operated efficiently on the same amount of crew members, seven.

The computer-aided turrets allowed for more accuracy when firing and can train the guns in just about any direction needed to combat incoming fighters. The tail gunner position is especially deadly as a fighter perched on the tail will be flying into the oncoming bullets from the tail gun position, thereby taking more damage when hit and more likely to take on a critical hit or disabling blow. Though not totally invulnerable to the crafty fighter pilot, the B-29A-BN in its own right is a porcupine with sharp quills pointing in all directions which will make it as difficult as possible for anyone to get past the defences.

Usage in battles

The ultimate strategic bomber for the USAF. Loaded up with eight metric tonnes (8 long tonnes) of bombs and twelve good ol' Browning heavy machine guns this is the Superfortress! A wonderful advertising name, but don't be fooled, it is bigger than a barn and thus impossible to miss. Keep a safe distance from any hot combat zones. Your defensive turrets will not keep you safe, they will shred any foe getting close, but the B-29's enemies do not need to! So concentrate on what this plane is good at; delivering payload, and lots of it.

Once your bombing run is complete, start descending towards your airfield; enemy fighters might be trying to find you so you should be even more alert now than before. The B-29 has one of the most powerful defensive systems installed on any bomber, so you should be able to defend yourself reasonably well unless it is a head-on attack where you will have very limited protection. You must also combine it with a defensive style of flying to utilise it to its full potential; the B-29 offers great handling for its size. Despite this, be very careful when you enter a dive. It is just as prone as any other aircraft to suffering structural damage if its limitations are exceeded.

Great defensive armament will destroy most enemies that do get close. Being able to point at least four fifty-calibre in every direction and about six to the rear position will deal with any fighter quickly. But do not forget the size of the Fortress. Most of the enemies shells will hit some mark.

Of course, bomb load is very good with the B-29, with its historic performance as one of the best American bomber in service. Up to 8 x 2,000 lb could be carried in the bomb bay

Another way the B-29 can be played is in a "hit and run" tactic. In BR 7.0, the B-29A-BN will face mostly jets, so climbing to a very high altitude sometime wouldn't work because the jets will be able to catch up quickly. The "hit and run" tactic is very risky, but it can be very enjoyable, and if it works then you can end the game in 15 minutes. Since the match will start with the B-29 spawning in at about 4,500 meters (15,000 ft), go into a shallow dive and maintain speed about 450 km/h (270 mph). Dive towards an altitude of around 3,000 meters (9,842 ft) so that enemy anti-aircraft positions do not fire at the B-29, which may expose it to other enemy fighters. Do not head directly to an enemy base, instead go around 10-20 degrees off course towards the base direction so that the enemy can't easily find the B-29 from tracing a line between the friendly spawn point to their base. If present, use clouds to obscure the B-29's profile in the skies.

From here, the enemy jets' behavior will decide if this tactic will work or not. Typically, the enemy would be divided between the planes attacking ground targets at low altitude, far from a bomber's path to a base, or planes climbing to high altitudes for energy fighting and searching for high-altitude bombers. The intent of the dive to

2,000 meters and the 450 km/h speed is to squeeze in between the ground attackers and interceptors and pass by undetected. If everything goes right, the B-29 should be able to reach its first base unimpeded without any fighters in pursuit, which can allow a B-29 the opportunity to knock out three or four bases before enemy fighters become alerted toward the B-29 precise location. From that point, the B-29 can either attempt to use the rest of its payload against the enemy airfield (unadvised as the low-altitude run exposes the B-29 to the anti-aircraft guns at the airfield) or return back to base triumphantly awaiting a bomb reload.

Due to this tactic hinging only on the success of slipping through the enemies undetected, this tactic should not be relied if there are no clouds for concealment, the match is an uptier against more advanced jets, or if the player is not able to sustain the repair costs of a damaged B-29.

27 сен. 2019 в 15:25

"couldn't update launcher in (insert/path/War Thunder)"
unable to login due to this and have already tried reinstalling the game.

is this a new gamefeature or can it be fixed?

27 сен. 2019 в 15:35 It maybe your Anti Virus software stopping the updating of the game files. When the launcher loads it ensures you have the latest version of the game. If your client doesn't have the latest version the launcher will try to update the game files in the War Thunder directory. Make sure that the security settings in you AV software will allow this. (Normally this means placing War Thunder in a Trusted or Exceptions List; dependent on the brand of AV software you are using) 27 сен. 2019 в 23:18 this seemed to work, i just had to allow your .. second launcher? to pass thru my firewall aswell 29 сен. 2019 в 5:55 aaand im back, same issue and i havent changed settings since last fix 29 сен. 2019 в 6:40

what exactly is happening ?

you start the game from the Steam library (or do you use a desktop shortcut ?!), it's looking for game updates (and maybe you get the error message about the launcher not getting updated) and then the play button turns red so the launcher is ready to start the game ?!

or does the launcher get 'stuck' at some point or the game client isn't starting ?

29 сен. 2019 в 7:58

im watching the warthunder launcher screen where everything looks normal untill i look at bottom of screen.

"Downloading update info" not loading anything but showing that loading circlethingy on left moving

red text at bottom of screen saying "Couldn't update launcher" and the playbutton is grey.

the launcher keeps popping up when im away from the computer aswell trying to download it seems.

29 сен. 2019 в 8:01

also had the message i mentioned in the first post about not finding the path to the game on my disk.

still logged in and played it yesterday after fixing firewall but now its back to where i started

29 сен. 2019 в 8:29

there may be a reason (or hint) given in the launcher logs - when the launcher is stuck at 'downloading update info' it usually cannot reach the update (master) server.

are you on a home network ?!

you may be able to run the game when you go into the launcher settings (wrench icon in the top right corner) and hit the check files button (your game might still be slightly outdated but the play button may become availabe once the launcher checked the files).

the launcher keeps popping up when im away from the computer aswell trying to download it seems.

that's the auto update. you can enable / disable it in the launcher settings.

also had the message i mentioned in the first post about not finding the path to the game on my disk.

this could be related to the upcoming release of easy anti cheat (EAC). while it is not yet active Gaijin is already preparing the launcher for it and this may cause this issue =/

i guess we'll see a few more launcher updates in the next few days / weeks.

  • B-29 (США) самолёт-носитель ядерного оружия — в Танковых реалистичных боях убран добавленный по ошибке вариант появления «бомбардировщики».
  • Исправлена ошибка с отображением количества топлива в бою, из-за которой скорость расхода топлива зависела от качества соединения с сервером.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в пробном выезде бронетехники самолёты под управлением ИИ после уничтожения появлялись с недостаточной скоростью, из-за чего разбивались.
  • Исправлена ошибка, в некоторых случаях приводившая к аварийному закрытию игры на загрузке ангара у пользователей видеокарт Nvidia.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой игроки в бою не видели на миникарте маркер “Внимание на карту” (репорт).
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой пламя из форсажной камеры на минимальных настройках графики отображалось чёрным (репорт).
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в окне аренды нельзя было открыть контекстное меню техники, используя кнопки геймпада.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой невозможно было закрыть окно с наклейками, используя кнопки геймпада.
  • Исправлена ошибка, которая в некоторых случаях приводила к аварийному закрытию игры на консолях PlayStation.
  • Для вооружения с телевизионной головкой самонаведения исправлено отображение наземных юнитов на слишком низкой дистанции.
  • ИС-7 — исправлена ошибка с некорректным отображением спаренных 7.62 пулемётов в рентгене (репорт).
  • Vickers Mk.3 — исправлена виньетка в прицеле наводчика, поле зрения в прицеле увеличено (репорт).
  • Пе-8 — включены раздельные топливные баки (меньшая вероятность поджога топлива). Более точный расчёт инерции самолёта в зависимости от текущего веса (загрузки топлива, вооружения и т.д.). Уточнена термодинамика двигателей.
  • AV-8A — исправлена ошибка отображения пилона блока ЛТЦ в комплекте вооружения «ЛТЦ/ДО х240».
  • МиГ-27М — ракеты Р-60 в пресете со 100-кг бомбами исправлены на Р-60М.
  • ZTZ99-III — исправлена заниженная относительно ZTZ99-II стойкость бронирования лба корпуса (репорт).
  • ZTZ96, ZTZ96A, ZTZ99-II, ZTZ99-III — время перезарядки 125-мм орудия уточнено с 7.5 до 7.1 с.
  • Type 79 ASM — добавлено превышение над линией визирования в полете.
  • ЗСУ-37-2 — исправлено отображение в рентгене различных угловых скоростей наведения для левого и правого орудия (репорт).
  • HMS Peacock — добавлен поисковый радар в рентгене.
  • Churchill I — исправлена ошибка обратного вращения гусениц.
  • Для участия в Авиационных симуляторных боях теперь требуется включённый Easy Anti-Cheat.
  • В созданных игроками сессиях Авиационных симуляторных боёв отключены самолёты под управлением ИИ, заменяющие недостающих или покинувших сессию игроков.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой баллистический компьютер для ракет на старте миссии в совместных боях не включался автоматически, если игрок до этого играл на бронетехнике или на корабле.
  • Убрано автоматическое отключение баллистического компьютера после израсходования боекомплекта. Это позволит не включать его повторно после перезарядки в воздухе в аркадном режиме.
  • F-104G (Италии) — в номенклатуру вооружения добавлена ракета AIM-9J, модификация AIM-9B перенесена на II уровень исследования модификаций, модификация LAU-10/A — на III уровень. Добавлен доступный сразу и без изучения модификаций пресет с 2хAIM-9B.
  • F-104S — в номенклатуру вооружения добавлена ракета AIM-9J, модификация AIM-7E перенесена на II уровень исследования модификаций и больше не требует исследования LAU-10/A, модификация AIM-9B перенесена на III уровень.
  • F-8E — добавлен пресет 2х AIM-9C и 2x AIM-9D.
  • Ту-1 — исправлены материал и толщина бронестекла в носовой части кабины.
  • Изменены условия получения некоторых достижений и награды за их выполнение. Это не повлияет на награду уже полученных достижений и прогресс выполненных частично. Полный список изменённых достижений:
    • Разное — Сборка на заказ
    • Разное — Путь к совершенству
    • Разное — Переоснащение на верфи
    • Разное — Перевооружение
    • Разное — Доработка напильником
    • Экипажи — Эксперт
    • Развитие — Выше только звёзды
    • Самолёты — Никто не догонит
    • Танки — Машина победы
    • Флот — Флагман
    • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой звук выстрела пушек немецкой Begleitpanzer и британской 40-мм qf2, а так же 57-мм ЗИС 4 при виде от наводчика был чрезмерно громким и не регулировался.
    • Исправлен чрезмерно громкий звук привода вращающегося блока стволов пушки М61 ЗСУ М163.
    • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой звук камеры сопровождения полёта снарядов главных калибров кораблей отсутствовал первые 4 секунды полёта.
    • Исправлен слишком тихий звук обозначения начала артиллерийского удара.
    • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой звук стрельбы пушек М230 вертолётов серии Апач не зависел от темпа ведения огня.

    Патчноут отражает только ключевые изменения и может не включать полный список улучшений. Изменения, направленные на развитие War Thunder, производятся регулярно и могут не требовать выхода обновления.

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