Teso ошибка 206 patchmanifesterror

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

25 июл. 2017 в 8:03

Did anyone else get "error 206 -Patchmanifesterror_unzip failed" after the latest patch?

I tried to fix it and looked at Zenimax support guide on this, did not help. Neither did uninstall & installing the game again. Still Error 206 when i try to lauch the game.

25 июл. 2017 в 8:37

same problem here!

I use a Mac OSX and I have this particular error too (206)

Unfortunately I couldn't fix this yet, but at least i'm not the only one apparently;

I also asked in this forum, but no answer

Did you try to delete the ProgramData folder?

25 июл. 2017 в 8:54 google: eso error 206, and click on first link. sorry don't know how to link stuff.
25 июл. 2017 в 8:58 green PINNED threads at top of Discussions has ALL the ANSWERS for ESO, lots of LINKS to solve all ESO problems. just so you know. 25 июл. 2017 в 10:03 I've just come across same problem. Advice from ESO support not particularly helpful if
you don't have much knowledge of computer systems.Will try Trigger's suggestion
25 июл. 2017 в 10:40 Tried everything I could find regarding this problem and launcher still gives the same error :/
25 июл. 2017 в 10:40

I must say that I find it incredible that it is necesay to understand the locastion of files, which files are to be looked a and what to do then. I bought the game. I know nothing about how computers function. It should surely be possible for game developers to patch games in a way the playerrs do not need technical knowledge to play

25 июл. 2017 в 12:50 I also have same problem I deleted laucher, didnt help. Deleted the game and that didnt help either. Let us now the solution to this problem. 25 июл. 2017 в 14:32 green PINNED threads at top of Discussions has ALL the ANSWERS for ESO, lots of LINKS to solve all ESO problems. just so you know. Ya, O.K. But, what do you do when you get a notice from ZOS saying "You are running a TRIAL version, buy the game". I have spent over $140 on the game. I have PROOF. Steam receipt and credit card company router number. They still haven't accepted my PROOF . I only played for 2 weeks. So, I am requesting a full charge back. If I don't get it, I'll file a claim with Small Claims Court. I'm 72 years old and a true gamer, but I have time to take ZOS to court. Stay tuned. 25 июл. 2017 в 17:40 Ya, O.K. But, what do you do when you get a notice from ZOS saying "You are running a TRIAL version, buy the game". I have spent over $140 on the game. I have PROOF. Steam receipt and credit card company router number. They still haven't accepted my PROOF . I only played for 2 weeks. So, I am requesting a full charge back. If I don't get it, I'll file a claim with Small Claims Court. I'm 72 years old and a true gamer, but I have time to take ZOS to court. Stay tuned. Enjoy your Steam ban, maybe a time out will do you some good. 25 июл. 2017 в 23:27 google: eso error 206, and click on first link. sorry don't know how to link stuff.
None of these work, neither does the pinned posts info. I have uninstalled and re-installed the game, i even removed manually all the files & registryentries etc i could find. And still i get the same error. 26 июл. 2017 в 1:16 I've found out that my virus software blocked all the patches, but I just can't find out how to give permission to allow them. I'm working on it 26 июл. 2017 в 1:49 26 июл. 2017 в 3:52 26 июл. 2017 в 4:09 I must say that I find it incredible that it is necesay to understand the locastion of files, which files are to be looked a and what to do then. I bought the game. I know nothing about how computers function. It should surely be possible for game developers to patch games in a way the playerrs do not need technical knowledge to play

Then do not buy pc games, consoles and console games are there for people who just want to pop the game disc in and press play.

However, pc hardware/software/games require a little more technical knowledge to use, especially when you come accross problems which in pc world is often.

I am receiving the error: "Error 206 - PatchManifestError_UnzipFailed" when I open the ESO launcher. I am unable to repair the client. When I click "repair," I get the same error.

Neither of these solutions work/apply. There are no "patchdata" at all.

I am not able to log in to submit a ticket.
Clicking the "log in" button after I type my ID and password, does not do anything. It seems like the "log in" button does not respond. "Account recovery" button does respond (but that isn't what I need).

Is this an authenticator issue?

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Денис Лыкин

Денис Лыкин запись закреплена

Может кто помочь решить ошибку 206 patchmanifesterror unzipfailed? Нажимаю кнопку восстановить, но игра не восстанавливается. Вместого этого снова вылезает данная ошибка (версия стим)

Наталья Сорокина

Наталья Сорокина

After yesterday's patch I can't get in to game. "Error 206 - PatchManifestError_UnzipFailed" pops up couple of times when I open the launcher. When I hit "Repair", I get option to repair or close, but when I choose repair, I just get the error once more and no repair.

I have tried:
- closing the launcher (many times)
- restarting pc
- going through the steps on support page: WHAT SHOULD I DO WHEN I RECEIVE A "ERROR 206: PATCHERROR_UNZIPFAIL” ERROR MESSAGE? I downloaded the game, checked subfolders for patchdata-folders - though thee wasn't any - and checked that my virus protection allows the game.

No change, still cannot get past the launcher error message.

I've added Game Consultant report, if that's any help


I have the exactly the same problem. And a funny thing, I can log in to my account on the website but not to support.

@XsliZ3r well that's even more odd.

I submitted the ticket to support. And now guess I just wait for them to answer. I've had so much fun with Midyear Mayhem with my few hours to spare on gaming. and now event is wasted on this.

I have the same issue, however I just tried launching the game using "eso64" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client" and it actually worked. This will only work temporarily as it just skips the launcher and starts the game, meaning any new patch will *** it up. Also, are you using the regular or Steam version? I just looked at my files and i have a zosSteamStarter despite using regular. My launcher appears to be missing as well. Could anyone else check their files to see if they have everything? I have the same issue, however I just tried launching the game using "eso64" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client" and it actually worked. This will only work temporarily as it just skips the launcher and starts the game, meaning any new patch will *** it up.

That's great you found some workaround. I tried this too, but my game just crashes a moment after launch every time

Edit: I have regular version, not from Steam.

None of the adviced steps helped me, but maybe you are in luck.


I am having the same problem.

I recently bought a Steam controller and decided to reinstall ESO through Steam. Big mistake it seems as I keep getting the same error message as you. I've also tried using the non-Steam client but even there no success.

Troubleshooting FAQ didn't help either nor the link from Ignor.

I got responce from support, includin running as admin, re-checking firewall and antivirus and using Repair from different location (which ended up with same loop). No help yet.

None of the adviced steps helped me, but maybe you are in luck.

But this is different error. You think it could solve this one too?

Same problem here, EU/PC, Win10. Tried repair, but now I can't launch from launcher. Says repair but when clicked it gives the Error 206.

Please @ZOS_GinaBruno can you help?


How-Much-Is-The-Fish Stamsorc
A Friend Of Nature Magwarden


got same proplem! did all steps support page told and still same 206 error all time. help!

Last night I had the exact same problem. No 'Live Chat' or telephone support, only their 'Web Assistance' - which had a number of steps to got through. Did them all, none helped.

I submitted a ticket saying none of these steps helped resolve my problem . got an email this morning . detailing the same steps as I went through on the Web Assistance. They obviously do not read their submitted support tickets.

I also attached the report generated by the 'Game Consultant' and ask that they review it and advise me . guess what . they didn't.

ZoS, please pull your finger out, actually read the support requests made and get this problem resolved. You used to have Live Chat and a support number that could be called. Now it's emails (that you obviously do not read), standard template replies' and "up to 48 hours" . not good enough - please refer to the instruction at the start of this paragraph.

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