Star wars empire at war remake как установить на gog

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

This mod catapults Empire at War into 2077. It maintains the game's design philosophy, while adding new units, better graphics, and deeper gameplay.

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Performance suplex, skynet integration, giftbaskets. The best version of the Remake mod to date.

EAW Remake credits:

EAW Remake 3.1 Credits:
EmperorNiko: The vast majority of the new unit icons. Major AI tweaks. Adding the new ISD lights to several ships such as the Venator, Nebula SD (Not in atm), Vindicator and more!
The new Pirate lords. Sector ideas for the future of the GC stuff. Tons of code and bugfixes.
Jeroen: Starfighter performance tweaks. New ISD 1 and 2 model and textures, ISD 1 turret meshes by Elratie. Tons of code and bugfixes.
LukeLasermaster: The music overhaul, all the new music in the mod put together by Lasermaster from various SW sources, and the new GC intro texts in collaboration with the Gruzzle.
GrundleGruzzle: The Gruzzle for the new GC intro texts, in collaboration with the Lasermaster.
Maxim: New AI aggressiveness on the Galactic conquest maps and general advice on script related matters. Also blast damage script.
ThatOneBullet: For removing the ground combat in EAW and making the AI not shit itself.
Wolf: For his help on the new window textures, hangar kitbash piece texture bakes, and being generally insightful.
Doci: For the great texture and modelling advice, and all talks art related. Also his Sith Interdictor and MC 80 Wingless.
Elratie: The ISD 1 turret meshes are his.
Dolynick: The CR-90 and DP-20 textures.
Kad_Venku: Layer Z script.
RBP: Some of the new unit and hero icons.
ArvisTaljik: Arquitens texture.
Doppinder: Because he asked to be in the credits and makes great screenshots.
Enpremi: For his awesome insight into all art related matters, and for helping with the ISD armor and all the spine stuff.
Maxloef: For the really helpful comparison images on the ISD build.

As always, a warm thank you goes out to all the people that helped make the mod happen!

Very special thanks to all contributors who over the years have allowed me to include their great work in the mod:

- EmperorNiko the Hand of the Dutchman for all of his amazing help over the years (code, text, ai, models, so much more) not just with the Remake mod, but with Old Republic at War back in the day,

- Megabalta with the mindblowing particles, textures, and projectile collaborations

- Enpremi the Hypeforger with the new and exciting ways to bend this engine into shapes it wasn't meant to,

- His brother, Seregruth, for equally amazing Vong unit models and textures,

- Farseer and Warb_Null for being ever kind and willing to share content (models, textures, shaders),

- Arvis for all our great collaborations on models and textures,

- the Awakening of the Rebellion team, Steiner & Co who always offer great talk, ideas, and content such as planet textures,

- Wolf 2.0 for his great model and texture work on the Sabaoth destroyer,

- Maxim and ThatOneBullet for all the sound advice on script related matters and otherwise,

- Elratie and Doci, for being perpetually awesome, the modelling and texturing excellence duo, creating content that makes me feel happy inside when looking at it,
for all the great models and textures and sharing them with the mod with rebel units such as the Assault frigate MK II and textures on almost all Imperial ships,

- Beta520 with his amazing Mandator II (Bellator) model and texture, and many more textures such as the Nova cruiser and Torpedo sphere,

- Gaukler for his shader work,

- Corey and the Thrawn's Revenge team for putting up with so much shit while staying willing to share model and texture work,

- Maxloef for his great models and textures (MC 80)

- EvilleJedi for allowing Empire at War mods to use his free release ships from the very start of our community,

- CloneTrooper for all his great ground unit models, textures and animations, ported from various other SW games,

- Bobbtmann for his ridiculously high quality Home One model and textures,

Масштабная модификация для игры Star Wars: Empire at War 2006 года, существенно осовременит ее до стандартов 2019 года. Мод улучшает графику в игре, изменяет дизайн локации сохраняя дух оригинала, добавляет новых врагов и углубляет привычный игровой процесс.

Второй раунд MOTY наград!

Второй раунд MOTY наград!

Последний день первого тура MOTY Awards

Мод года 2019

Еще скриншоты из закрытой беты

Мод года 2019 Еще скриншоты из закрытой беты

Распакуйте архив в папку с игрой - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars Empire at War\corruption\Mods
Откройте Steam и нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на игре - "Параметры запуска". Добавьте sweaw MODPATH = Mods \ EAW-Remake
После этого можете запускать игру

Распакуйте архив в папку с игрой - EAW-Remake в EAWX \ Mods
Поместите файл .bat в папку Forces of Corruption
Дважды щелкните на файл ".bat " и наслаждайтесь игрой

Star Wars: Empire at War "Мод Галактика в огне v3.1 - 3.2"

Star Wars: Empire at War "Мод Галактика в огне v3.1 - 3.2"

Star Wars: Empire at War GOLD: Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.121/1.120-748742] <Recifense></p>

Star Wars: Empire at War GOLD: Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.121/1.120-748742]

15 лет спустя Star Wars: Empire at War все еще получает обновления

15 лет спустя Star Wars: Empire at War все еще получает обновления

Мод с русским языком?

народ кто играл что скажите?

СЕРЁГА 003 Сложно, красиво, эпичненько, стоит того)


СЕРЁГА 003 Хз, я в стиме просто пару кнопочек нажал)

AnaBIOS у тебя лицензия же

СЕРЁГА 003 Да, помню еще давно как-то брал Star Wars Collection по какой-то башенной скидке)

а ссылка на стим есть ?

Выглядит весьма впечатляюще! Really not bad. Автор, поделись опытом, как тебе удалось так круто улучшить графику?)

На 2K не особо хорошо выглядит, но эффекты отличные, плохо что наземных боев на галактической карте нет.

у меня одного не качает?

А для пиратов как установить этот мод?

у кого-нибудь еще вылетает игра при попытке загрузить сэйв.

LegioN_N7 Да сохранился в сохранился в битве в системе ракатан-прайм.

LegioN_N7 да таже проблема (не только в римейки но и в альянсе моде)

Ggrievous короче говоря я закренделился уже пинаться с этими багами и тупо купил лицуху в стиме. и всё! никаких проблем больше. сижу играю спокойно, радуюсь и плакаю от счастья

LegioN_N7 дарова,ты можешь объяснить пожалуйста.как его установить?облазил весь инет,но так ничего путного не нашёл

Grinvichs как мод установить?

Кто-нибудь еще играет в этот мод?

У кого какой ФПС? Как его повысить - системка тянет все, а здесь 15-20 фпс 4гб-патч установлен.

У меня вылетает на рабочий стол при загрузке боя с Затмением,при остальных норм работает

Красиво, эпично, но дико неудобно вследствие тотального затемнения и реалистичного масштаба кораблей

у меня проблема когда установил мод захожу игру потом схватку и нет космической станций

Sanya 5 на кнопочки справа от миникарты потыкай

Какие кнопочки?Там нет никаких кнопочек, кроме оригинальных.Все кнопочки,кроме меню и маяка закрыты!

Поместите файл .bat в папку Forces of Corruption - А где файл bat .

ruslan123451 Хэй, нашел решение ?

Самый кривой мод, из тех, в которые мне доводилось играть. Да, комп у меня уже далеко не современный - Е31245, 16 Gb, GTX970, но это поделка умудряется в космических боях просаживаться аж до 5 фпс, при этом настройки графики вообще никак на это не влияют. Проблема исключительно в кривых моделях кораблей. В Galactic Conquest, по причинам известным только создателям сего шедевра, в принципе отсутствуют наземные бои. Даже инфраструктуру планет нельзя строить, так как вкладка планетарных построек не активна. Начал играть за Империю, на карте с 86 планетами, дожал Сопротивление до 1 последней планеты, выиграл бой за неё, но 1 отряд (герой Rogue Squadron) успел сбежать. И сбежал он на планету под моим контролем. Казалось бы - вот и всё, последний бой. Ага, хера два, этот юнит тупо стал бессмертным, его со всех стволов расстреливает с пару десятков ТАЙ и все стволы Затмения, а ему пофигу. В итоге - бой не закончить, так как юнит противника невозможно уничтожить, отступать он не хочет, а мне даже варианта на отступление нет. Лучше продолжать играть в ванильку.

Мод нормальный но скажу честно. Проблемы с запуском Да у меня возникала такая херня и просто тупо вылет. Лаги и фризы? Ну ё маё да их целая куча. Невозможно играть с 5 fps. Тот-же например Battlefront Commander, хорошо оптимизирован.

Я не понял а где космостанции?

Перепакуйте архив, пожалуйста, используя хотя бы fast lzma2 можно получить 2.61 гб.

Сегодня я расскажу как можно установить с лёгкостью мод на игру star wars empier at wars, этот способ работает и на официальное дополнение если, что.

2)После того как мы скачали мод, кидаем папку в директорию игру в созданную заранее папку мод. В папке скаченного мода должна быть только DATA.

3)Теперь надо создать файл с расширением bat, но перед этим мы создаём текстовый документ и пишем туда вот эти строчки "swfoc MODPATH=mods\MEWV1.2"

swfoc - название ярлыка

mods - Название папки куда мы скинули мод

MEWV1.2 - Сокращённое название папки с модом

4)После того как мы создали текстовый файл мы должны просто поменять расширение с txt на bat.

Теперь мы сможем устанавливать неопределённое количество модов, и запускать их с помощью файла с расширением Bat.

Если всё будет удачно то, я выложу лаунчер модов для Star Wars Empire At War FOC

This mod catapults Empire at War into 2077. It maintains the game's design philosophy, while adding new units, better graphics, and deeper gameplay.

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A new Petroglyph Patch, a new Remake update! Winter has come and is just about out the door but that just means there's room for Remake in your heart.

Release of Empire at War Remake V3.5

This Version includes: A large number of bugfixes and gameplay changes such as a MP instant desyn fix, invasion timer fix, skirmish AI fix, among a number of other tweaks and bugfixes, as well as a few new units for the latest released version of Remake, that is version 3.4.
This patch will NOT include: Any of the major reworks/overhauls meant for 4.0 This means no new starfighters, Galactic conquest buildings, land combat, skydomes, or any of the other fancy things you'll have seen pop up on the changelog channel. This patch isn't for that. This patch is to provide a final, functional, experience for version 3 of Remake.

The reason for now giving out this patch now, is the recent game patch, which introduces new possibilities for us modders that we want to start utilizing as soon as possible. This will however, break the mod for any versions of the game that are not updated, which is to say, any version of the game but the steam version. To give everyone who does not own the game on steam a chance to play Remake with the bugfixes made for 4.0, we are releasing this final 3.5 Version.

3.5 Changelog

General Changes
- Fixed MP map instant-desync (Not totally immune but as less likely to happen as older releases of Remake)
- Fixed Skirmish AI
- Fixed GC AI now spawning reserves
- Total restructuring of AI_Combat_Value. AI should weigh ship power better.
- Fixed Endor Killzone skirmish map impassable area
- Updated Tactical Camera settings
- Fixed Hutt Asteroid Death Clone Desync
- Increased Invasion Requirement to 350
- Fixed multible Talon Karrde in Skirmish
- Lots of text fixes
- Added missing units to the GC build filters
- Cleaned up Skirmish Build list sorting
- Removed pirate land units spawned as starting forces in GC
- Fixed land audio playing in space battles of certain map types
- Added Sith Empire GC hologram icon over Dromund Kaas
- Changed Headache’s VO from Nebulon-B to Vengeance. (No Custom VO for it yet)

New Stuff
- Added Endurance-class Fleet Carrier
- Added Lancer-class Frigate
- Added Captain Shack and Venator "Liberation"
- Added 1v1v1 Skirmish Maps
- Added Nebula-class Star Destroyer to Skirmish
- Added Harrower-class Dreadnought
- Added Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser
- Added Admiral Ozzel

Visual Improvements
- Added New Vigil Texture
- Added new Maurauder Model
- Added new Dauntless Model
- Added new Vigil Texture
- Added new Secutor Texture and Lights
- Added new Nova Sail Effect
- Added new Turbosailer Sail Effect
- Added new Nebulon-B Texture and Lights
- Added new MC80 Texture and Lights
- Added new MC75 Lights
- Added new Allegiance Lights
- Added new Nebulon Heal Effect
- Added Low Red Mouse by Default
- Added Lancer Projectiles
- Fixed Interceptor V and Wild Karrde TL color
- New Icons for variants
- UI Button and Text cleanup
- Corona-class Armed Frigate given a vaccine
- Build Timers give to the proper ships
- Added Icon to Z-95 Hullcracker
- Added CIS paint to combat Lucrehulk variants

Balance Changes
- Reduced max target distance of supers to max optimal range of their hardpoint fire ranges.
- Adjusted max target distance of artillery & AA units.
- Lowered Combat Power of Fighter Heroes in a Company.
- Increased Yavin IV max station level to 5 as it's a faction capital.
- Increased Nebula Pop Value from 20 to 25
- Increased Nebula Build Cost from 27500 to 32500
- Increased Nebula Build Time from 75 to 120
- Increased ISD-I Build Time from 55 to 70
- Increased ISD-II Build Time from 60 to 80
- Increased Dominator Build Time from 75 to 110
- Increased Allegiance Build Time from 90 to 120
- Increased Procursator Skirmish Build Time from 35 to 55
- Increased Sabaoth Destroyer Build Time from 60 to 75
- Increased Sabaoth Destroyer Build Cost from 20000 to 25000
- TIE Interdictor no longer fires torpedoes at Starfighters
- Torpedo sphere comes with a single TIE defender squadron in addition to the standard 4 (8 in reserve) TIE fighter squadrons.
- Decreased Aggressor Skirmish Build Cost from 30000 to 25000
- Increased Aggressor Skirmish and GC Build Time from 70 to 75
- Increased Trireme Fire Rate by 25%
- Decreased ARC-170 & 175 Turn Rate from 1.25 to 1.0 (Text not done yet)
- Changed Pirate Base Garrison to 2 Z95 (2 Reserve), 2 Z95-TB (2 Reserve), 1 Trireme, 2 Interceptor IV
- Nerfed the fire rate of the Kandosii's broadside turbolasers
- Added Voca's Lancers
- Changed Vigil Garrison to TIE Fighters
- Increased Vigil HP to 2000
- Increased Secutor Garrison Reserves to double Venator Garrison
- Limited Secutors to 3 at a time
- Increased Vigil Population Value to 3
- Increased Interceptor V Population Value to 3
- Venator Freighter properly buildable again
- Removed retreat prevention from Battlecruiser/Small Dreadnought-sized ships
- Moved Republic Secutor to the Construction Pad in Skirmish for Rebels
- Moved the Mandator II to the Construction Pad in Skirmish for Rebels
- Decreased Orbital Gas Depot planetary income bonus from +100% to +50%
- Fixed Home One not spawning in South GC
- Moved Aggressor Engine Hardpoint
- Fixed Pirate Asteroid Base Shield and HP insta death
- Fixed MC80A Insta death
- Changed Errant Venture garrison from 4 X-Wings (4 Reserve) to 1 X-Wing (1 Reserve), 1 E-Wing (1 Reserve), 2 TIE/LN (2 Reserves), 2 YT-1300 (No Reserves) to reflect NR and Smuggler loyalty and lore of keeping some TIEs
- Added +40% Income bonus to Errant Venture
- Moved Starbase upgrades for skirmish over to other build queue
- Mandalorian Units automatically have armor abilities
- Underworld sprecific upgrades increased from 25 to 33% and more units added
- Increased Corona Frigate Build Time from 12 to 25 Seconds
- Increased Corona Frigate Build Cost from 4000 to 8000 Credits
- Increased Corona Frigate Population Cost from 1 to 8
- Decreased the Pirate Starbase shield regen from 800 to 300
- Added Tractor Beam ability to Vindicator
- Readded Freighter Lucrehulk’s meager armament
- Fixed Aggressor not turning to face target
- Fixed Aggressor Ion Cannon not stunning
- Increased Aggressor Ion Cannon damage from 7500 to 10000
- Increased AOE range of Aggressor Ion Cannon from 350 to 500
- Increased Aggressor Plasma Cannon damage from 5000 to 7500
- Increased Aggressor Skirmish Build Cost from 25000 to 27500
- Health of all Shieldgate hardpoints Increased from 1000 to 2000
- Health of Skirmish Shieldgate Shield Generator Increased from 2000 to 12000
- Decreased the fire rate of the Munificent’s Dual Turbolasers
- Increased the cost of land-to-space weapons in skirmish from 5000 to 25000
- Increased Fortressa Population cost from 30 to 60
- Broadside-class Cruiser limited to 3 at a time in skirmish
- Interdictor-class Star Destroyer limited to 2 at a time in Skirmish
- Interdictor-class Star Destroyer skirmish build time increased from 75 to 90 seconds
- Decreased the speed of the Corona from 10 to 6.5
- Decreased the turn rate of the Corona from 1 to 0.5
- Increased the skirmish build cost of the Corona from 3000 to 8000
- Increased the skirmish build time of the Corona from 20 to 30 second

Install Instructions

(Plagiarized from Thrawn's Revenge instructions and edited to apply for Remake)

Instructions for Manual Installation instead of workshop.

Right click the EAW-Remake.rar and select "extract here"
Place the mod into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Wars Empire at War\corruption\Mods (Default)

To play the mod via Steam:
-Open Steam and go to Empire at War, right click and select Properties.
-Click Launch Options and add MODPATH=Mods\EAW-Remake
-Close Properties and click Play, selecting Forces of Corruption.
-To play the original game just reverse the second set of steps and remove MODPATH=Mods\EAW-Remake from the Launch Options.

Right click the EAW-Remake.rar and select "extract here"
Place the extracted EAW-Remake folder into Forces of Corruption\Mods,
Place the .bat file into your Forces of Corruption folder (should be with your swfoc.exe).

C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\Mods\EAW-Remake\Data\etc.

apply the 4 gb patch to the games executable (swfoc.exe), this prevents the game from crashing by running out of memory. Don't forget it!

Double-click the .bat to play

Right click the EAW-Remake.rar and select "extract here"
Place the extracted EAW-Remake folder into EAWX\Mods,
Place the .bat file into your Forces of Corruption folder (should be with your swfoc.exe).

C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - Empire At War Gold\EAWX\Mods\EAW-Remake\Data\etc.

Apply the 4 gb patch to the games executable (swfoc.exe), this prevents the game from crashing by running out of memory. Don't forget it!

Double-click the .bat to play

Credits and Thanks

Jeroen - Lead Dev
- Allegiance
- Annihilator
- Death Star
- Interdictor Star Destroyer
- Eclipse
- Executor
- Immobilizer
- Vindicator
- Imperial Star Destroyer
- Venator
- Procursator
- Secutor
- Centurion
- Harrower
- Lucrehulk
- All the TIEs
- Vigil
- Dauntless
- Nebula
- Jehavey’ir
- Kandosii
- Keldabe
- Crusader
- Praetor
- Star Forge
- Corellian Destroyer
- Xyston
- MC50
- Viscount
- Quasar
- Low-Orbit Planet models
- Various rerigs
- Various texture reworks
- Various particles
- Various Projectiles

EmperorNiko – Remake Dev
- 90% of the Memes
- ISD recolors
- Arquitens turrets
- Various rerigs
- Various fighter kitbashes
- Various texture color edits
- Various hull light reworks
- Various unit icons

BurningAlways – Remake Dev
- Tons of XML and Lua Coding
- Extensive bug fixing

Luke Lasermaser - Remake Dev
- Collecting and implementing all the Music
- GC Intro Text

1138 – Remake Dev
- Endurance rework of Nebula

MWY – Remake Dev
- UI Art and Layout.
- Various AI and Lua Script work
- Various hull light reworks
- Various reskins

BetaHK – Remake Dev
- Mandator II rework
- Nova Cruiser texture
Desert Falcon
- TurboSailer texture
- GC Intro Text
- Broadside
- Ton Falk
- MC80 Liberty-type
- Arquitens
- Venator rework
- YT-1300 port
- Reskin of VSD, Gladiator, Arquitens, Venator, Escort Carrier, Procursator, Quasar
- E-Wing

- Galaxy Map grid

- Low-Orbit Planet models

- Reskin of Arvis’ skins for VSD, Gladiator, Arquitens, Venator, Escort Carrier, Procursator, Allegieance
- Dreadnaught Cruiser
- ISD-I turrets

- MC80 Wingless
- Assault frigate Mk.2

- Reskin of DP20, CR90, Viscount, Marauder

- Various particles

- AOTR Scripts and help implementing them

- Relay Command Station
- Providence
- Profundity
- Hapan Nova Cruiser
- TurboSailer Model

- Recusant
- Munificent
- ARC-170
- Subjugator
- Tri-Fighter
- Vulture Droid
- V-Wing

- Saboath Destroyer
- Hapan Battledragon
- Corona (Yep Wolf made CoVid)

- Z-layer Script

- MC80 Home One-type

- Reaper Destroyer

- Various hero icons

- Shield Gate

- Hammerhead Cruiser

If you were not included let us know and it will be ammended.

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