Skylords reborn как установить

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Patches are a modification to the files of Skylords Reborn, issued by Project Staff. Every patch will contain one or more of the following materials:

  • New game content: Cards, Maps etc.
  • Balancing changes: Changes made to even out the power balance between cards.
  • Bug fixes: Changes made to correct unintended behavior in the game.
  • Client/Backend/development changes: Technology or configuration changes that go on behind the scenes.
  • Patch Notes: An official documentation of the changes made.


Afterwards also download the installer, that will install Skylords Reborn on your PC. Having sucessfully downloaded the game client is required for the installer to work.

Background image of the nature faction.

Welcome to Skylords Reborn!

Skylords Reborn is a fan-made project that revived BattleForge, a multiplayer real-time strategy and collectible card game set in the mythological world of Nyn.

As a Skylord you collect cards from different factions of Nyn and build decks to magically summon spells, creatures and buildings that suit your unique play style. Skylords Reborn is not pay to win or pay to progress, and only dedication and mastery will lead you to victory.

Crush bandit encampments, topple mighty titans and survive the wicked twilight hordes or compete against other Skylords to reign supreme. Embark on a journey, learn the strengths and weaknesses of each card and achieve the unimaginable. A reborn world awaits you.


Game Client

Firstly download the game client, which is the original game code and hence the last version of BattleForge before it got shut down. The game client is available from the following download locations:


  • Many behind-the-scenes changes for stability.
  • Prevented the player state to automatically change from `Do Not Disturb` (DND) to another state by the game automatically. For example, previously if you had set your state to DND and then started a match, your state would automatically be changed to `Ingame`. This does not happen anymore and if the player now manually sets their state to DND it will remain in that state until the player chooses the `Online` state again.
  • Fixed in-game chat slow-mode also applying to group, team and match channels.

There are 4 types of changes:

  • Balancing Change : The general type of change with balancing in mind.
  • QoL Change : A change aiming to make use of the card more player friendly.
  • Bug Fix : A change made to correct unintended behavior or functionality.
  • System Change : A change that would fall into one of the categories above but affects a big number of cards at the same time.
  • Made Mini Booster Pack untradeable. These boosters were meant to be opened and not traded, and we noticed some players were trying to scam with this booster.
  • Added "Unlimited" PvP mode for sparring. In this sparring mode players can use both the free PvP cards and the cards from their own collection. This is unlike the "Collection" sparring PvP mode which was changed to allow players to only use cards from their own collection (and will not allow free PvP cards to be used). Ranked PvP works as before and players can freely choose what cards they would like to use.
  • Matches played alone will now not kick the player if they go AFK. Instead, they will not receive any BFP from their daily boost and will also not progress in any quest or achievement. They will still receive the rewards for completing the match (this includes the upgrades).
  • The Ravenheart card as reward from the achievement "Blight's Black Heart" is now tradable. All Ravenheart cards from this achievement have been made tradeable.
  • Added an option to save your password in the login screen.
  • Improved the description and translations of several achievements and quests.
  • Minor adjustments to UI elements in the quests window.
  • Fixed very rarely being able to open gold chests multiple times.
  • Fixed various issues with distributing rewards and updating UI in the post-game screen.

SkyLords Reborn

Дабы избежать дальнейших наплывов вопросов, здесь вы сможете найти ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы (для самых непонятливых "В" это вопрос, "О" это ответ).

В: Когда мы сможем поиграть?
О: Дата ОБТ неизвестна. Сейчас идет Открытый Стресс Тест.

В: Возможно ли будет использовать свой старый аккаунт?
О: Считайте, что игра сделана практически заново и возрождена из пепла, поэтому естественно все сервера так же новые и аккаунты нужно будет создавать новые.
NEW* Аккаунт форума, это и будет аккаунт в игре

В: Будет ли русская локализация?
О: По заявлениям разработчиков, будут поддерживаться все языки, что и у оригинального БФ, так что да русский язык будет.

В: Будет ли донат в игре?
О: По заявлениям разработчиков доната в игре не будет и BFP можно будет заработать игровым путем проходя дейлики в ПВП и ПВЕ на выбор. Но вы в любой момент сможете по своему желанию поддержать разработчиков за свой труд отправив им сумму на своё усмотрение.

В: Будет ли игра как-то развиваться?
О: Разработчики сообщали, что будут развивать игру путем добавления новых карт, улучшением игровых механик и т.д. Велика надежда, что такого как с EA не повториться.

В: На каких платформах можно будет играть?
О: На тех же, что и в оригинальной версии Windows, Linux и Mac.

After creating an account, you only need two more things in order to be able to play the game. You need to download the launcher and you need to download the game client files.

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