Papers please как поменять разрешение экрана

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

9 авг. 2013 в 4:57

I love the game, but is there any way to stretch it to so that I would not have black borders on all sides and have it on the entire screen? Playing in this sort of letterbox is a little annoying.

Glory to Fullscreen?

9 авг. 2013 в 5:18 Considering that the graphics aren't the best, and it would look even worse in fullscreen, I understand why it's not an option in the game. 9 авг. 2013 в 5:31 2560x1440 here; the game looks truly terrible. I would kill for more room to organize all the shít they make you deal with, It's like playing on a gameboy. 9 авг. 2013 в 5:48 Ouch. And here I am, complaining with my 1440x900 screen 9 авг. 2013 в 6:50 Looks decent, gonan try it myself. But yeah, Fullscreen, Please! 9 авг. 2013 в 20:30

I don't mind the graphics being pixelated, that's fine. what I do mind is having to choose between either squinting just to see what's going on, or having to manually set the desktop resolution to 1280x720 before starting the game.

The game really needs some resolution/scaling options.

10 авг. 2013 в 14:42 Oh yeah, that's probably a lot simpler than my way. :D 10 авг. 2013 в 15:45

Have you guys perhaps tried alt+enter ?

Try setting the compatibility options to 640x480 on the exe. I've heard that does the trick for some people with 1024x768 monitors. 10 авг. 2013 в 20:01 Running on two differnet machines, (1x: 1680x1050; 1x 2560x1440) and it's still noticeable. I may try to do the compatibility mode. I don't mind it being blocky, the screen space being used would be useful though. 9 авг. 2014 в 14:48 Try setting the compatibility options to 640x480 on the exe. I've heard that does the trick for some people with 1024x768 monitors.
Thank you! My netbook now can finally be used to play this game! It looks a bit stretched, but its better than tiny window in the middle! 19 авг. 2014 в 9:52 2560x1440 here; the game looks truly terrible. I would kill for more room to organize all the shít they make you deal with, It's like playing on a gameboy.
That's the point. It's supposed to be difficult to organize all the ♥♥♥♥ they make you deal with. 19 авг. 2014 в 13:23 2560x1440 here; the game looks truly terrible. I would kill for more room to organize all the shít they make you deal with, It's like playing on a gameboy.
That's the point. It's supposed to be difficult to organize all the ♥♥♥♥ they make you deal with. Did you seriously just necro this thread from August of 2013? Jorji would not approve.
9 сен. 2014 в 19:33

I want to play without the large black borders, is there any way? I'm on linux, so no "right click EXE compatibility mode" here :P

I just want the game to STRETCH so that it really occupies the whole screen, because black bars make it visually hard to read and see details. I also don't mind if actual in-game resolution is the same, I know that a tiny desk is part of challenge and the one of points of the game. I'd love a plain and simple zoom. Is it posible?

PS: I've tried different desktop resolutions, from my native 1920x1200 to 1280x800, but black bars are always there. Is there any desktop resolution that make the black bars go away?

I've created a windowed uderlay/cheat sheet for people who have lower resolution screens like me. My screen is 1366 by 768 pixels so it will look best on screens of the same size but might look okay on other resolutions. Just download and set as desktop background. Open to suggestions and requests!

(May need to set taskbar to auto hide)

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I aimed for good looking and functional. Due to the small realestate of a 1366x768 screen some names will be cut off by a little but it isn't much of a problem during gameplay. Countries are order ed alphabetically with the exception of Arstotzka. Appearances such as type face have stayed consistent with the game for easier recognition.

1. Clear
2. Color Back, Blurred, No Ezic
3. Color Back, Blurred, EZIC symbols
4. Color Back, Solid Background, No EZIC (I prefer this one)
5. Color Back, Solid Background, EZIC Symbols

All of these are in the Dropbox link and labeled appropriately.

Anything that anyone would like! Translations or changing something else or maybe a different screen resolution. Just leave a comment.

Try to give me translations if you want it in another language. I'm only fluent in English and I wouldn't want Google Translate to give me the wrong terms.

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