Ошибка kingdom come deliverance fatal error

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14 июл. 2018 в 5:44

*** Memory allocation for 39 bytes failed ****
Can anyone help me pls I don't know how to fix it.
Any tipps?

14 июл. 2018 в 7:51 14 июл. 2018 в 8:02 Do you have more than one HD? i searched around a bit and some have fixed this problem by setting the page file size to automatic. also have you managed to have the game runing at any point? do you have enough ram and is your graphics card integrated? 14 июл. 2018 в 8:07 Do you have more than one HD? i searched around a bit and some have fixed this problem by setting the page file size to automatic. also have you managed to have the game runing at any point? do you have enough ram and is your graphics card integrated?
I have an Geforce GTX 660,
16GB RAM (7,98 useable)
and how do you mean setting the page file size to automatic? 14 июл. 2018 в 8:09

oh wow, I've never seen this in my game.

I'm guessing it's a VRAM issue if you have enough RAM to run it (at least 8 GB RAM)? Is your HD/SDD full?

14 июл. 2018 в 8:12

Well try this even though i read in another forum that the -heapsize option was a myth

Also another user fixed it by re-installing the game, backing up his saves and erasing everything in the saved games>kinddomcome folder, afterwards start a new game so that it remakes those folders, close and place your savegames back and try loading.

oh wow, I've never seen this in my game.

I'm guessing it's a VRAM issue if you have enough RAM to run it (at least 8 GB RAM)? Is your HD/SDD full?

14 июл. 2018 в 8:13

oh wow, I've never seen this in my game.

I'm guessing it's a VRAM issue if you have enough RAM to run it (at least 8 GB RAM)? Is your HD/SDD full?

14 июл. 2018 в 8:18

Well try this even though i read in another forum that the -heapsize option was a myth

Also another user fixed it by re-installing the game, backing up his saves and erasing everything in the saved games>kinddomcome folder, afterwards start a new game so that it remakes those folders, close and place your savegames back and try loading.

Is this the savegame folder? C:\Users\Dominik\Saved Games\kingdomcome\saves

14 июл. 2018 в 8:21

Well try this even though i read in another forum that the -heapsize option was a myth

Also another user fixed it by re-installing the game, backing up his saves and erasing everything in the saved games>kinddomcome folder, afterwards start a new game so that it remakes those folders, close and place your savegames back and try loading.

Is this the savegame folder? C:\Users\Dominik\Saved Games\kingdomcome\saves Yes, that is the folder you should backup before trying the scorched earth aproach.

Try just erasing the Profile and shader folders first and see if it helps, if not then also try and erase the system.cfg file in the KDC install folder and the _fastload folder inside the data folder. If it still doesnt work then try the other method.

14 июл. 2018 в 9:00

Is this the savegame folder? C:\Users\Dominik\Saved Games\kingdomcome\saves

Yes, that is the folder you should backup before trying the scorched earth aproach.

Try just erasing the Profile and shader folders first and see if it helps, if not then also try and erase the system.cfg file in the KDC install folder and the _fastload folder inside the data folder. If it still doesnt work then try the other method.
That did not worked.
But I created a new game and that works so i loaded my old and now it works again thank you so much for helping me

14 июл. 2018 в 9:12

Yes, that is the folder you should backup before trying the scorched earth aproach.

Try just erasing the Profile and shader folders first and see if it helps, if not then also try and erase the system.cfg file in the KDC install folder and the _fastload folder inside the data folder. If it still doesnt work then try the other method.

That did not worked.
But I created a new game and that works so i loaded my old and now it works again thank you so much for helping me
No problem, guess this can be used as a potential fix for that problem. 14 июл. 2018 в 9:14
That did not worked.
But I created a new game and that works so i loaded my old and now it works again thank you so much for helping me
No problem, guess this can be used as a potential fix for that problem.
Wow now Henry lags while moving :/ 14 июл. 2018 в 9:15
No problem, guess this can be used as a potential fix for that problem.
Wow now Henry lags while moving :/ Erasing the profile folder defaults the graphics settings, you may need to adjust those from high to medium. 14 июл. 2018 в 9:16 Erasing the profile folder defaults the graphics settings, you may need to adjust those from high to medium.
They are already medium
I have 40FPS+ but he is moving strange 14 июл. 2018 в 9:18 Erasing the profile folder defaults the graphics settings, you may need to adjust those from high to medium.
Do you have Discord then I show you a video
Or add me on Steam it works too 14 июл. 2018 в 9:46

if the game crash's all settings go to default for me. I too have a crash from memory but its rare and I dont think its the exact same thing as OP has here. Its memory but one of my dimm slots have ther gone bad or its module so I am running at 12gbs atm, not going to fixe the hardware seeing the MB is 3-4 yrs old so going to replace the whole system soon anyways.

For my issue, I did kinda fix it for me, I basicly closed down all programes (browsers was a big one) to keep as much memory free as possible.

As for you, it would help to know your OS, I looked and did not see it, maybe I missed it. The only solutions I have seen is more ramm, which in your case it should be enough and the other is config your virtual memory settings.

Играл играл, и тут бац, при запуске начинает выдавать такую штуку
[PlayerProfiles] CGameContext. StartGame: User "WarGU" has no active profile
Ни переустановки ничего не помогают, в чем фигня кто знает?
Так, у кого будет такая же проблема, делаем так, нашел данные с игрой и сохранениями в папке С\Пользователи\Имя пользователя\сохраненные игры\Kingdom Come Deliverance
Эту папку вырезаем совсем, и запускаем игру, она запускается, создаётся новый профиль, выходим из игры, из той папки что вырезали, берем папку с сохранениями одну только, и помешаем обратно, и вуаля, все работает)

5 июн. 2019 в 10:30 Game crashing - KCD Fatal Error with Memory allocation

My game has been crashing pretty consistently every 30 minutes - 2 hours printing out "KCD Fatal Error with Memory allocation". The game is frustrating to play considering saving the game can only be done on your own bed.

That said, the first thing you probably thought of is that I do not meet the minimum requirements. However, my PC specs are way above the minimum requirement; listed below:

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8600K 3.6GHz 6-Core Processor
Motherboard: Asus - ROG MAXIMUS X HERO (WI-FI AC) ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance RGB 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 500GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB Superclocked Gaming ACX 3.0 Video Card
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G2 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX

I had already lowered my graphical settings from Nvidea's default settings (set at Ultra/Very High) to medium lowish, and yet I still encounter the crash (this is assuming the crash is related to the graphical resources).

Not sure if it matters but I have a two 1080s SLI, where SLI is disabled (if it's enabled, the game crashes at startup with no error message).

It's a pity because I really love the gameplay. When I'm on Ultra, the game is beautiful and I get solid FPS.

Any help is appreciated! I tried to refund the game but I'm above 2 hours of game time.

Как только включаю игру вылазит ошибка Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Fatal Error. [PlayerProfiles] CGameContext:StartGame: User <имя пользователя>has no active profile! (при этом игра работает, но после рассказа истории начинается бесконечная загрузка). Если нажать OK то игра просто вылетает. У меня пиратка если что.

Делаем так, находишь данные с игрой и сохранениями в папке С\Пользователи\Имя пользователя\сохраненные игры\Kingdom Come Deliverance
Эту папку вырезаем совсем, и запускаем игру, она запускается, создаётся новый профиль, выходим из игры, из той папки что вырезали, берем папку с сохранениями одну только, и помешаем обратно, и вуаля, все работает)

Не в затяг, но миллиардер Мыслитель (9808) Поищи папки, в которых есть папка с названием "Kingdom Come Deliverance"

этой папки нет совсем. я и переустановил и удалял все. ту же дичь пишет

kingdom come ошибка player profiles c game context Start Game user------has no active profile

А если нету сохранений я её только установил? А профиль есть.

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