Ошибка fatally missing registry entries в майнкрафт

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

I get this error message "fatally missing registry entries" when I try to join a local server I set up. I've narrowed it down to Quark or Forge.

I have a test server set up using forge-1.12.2- and the only mod is Quark-r1.3-112 and AutoRegLib-1.3-14 (everything is the latest, MC at 1.12.2). In single player, the mod works fine as intended, but when I try to join the multiplayer server, I get the "fatally missing registry entries" error and can't join, the server says player joined then disconnected. I've tried the recommended build of Forge (not latest) and i've tried previous versions of Quark (all for 1.12.2) and no combination will work in multiplayer, just the same error.

No extra mods, everything default, new worlds after each attempt, nothing I do seems to work. (I have also setup another local server with 9 mods that have no issues with latest forge, but once I add Quark, it throws up the error upon joining. So now I'm using the above test server to narrow down the issue.)

Let me know what more you need.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

which logs? There are 4 .log files in the server logs folder.

I made a gist (first time) and have the 4 logs.
"deleted log"

Anything in your client? Doesn't appear as if the server logs are any help.

Sorry, here you go, just ran a fresh set. Same error still.
"deleted log"

Expected Behavior

Clients disconnect, no error on server side.

Possible Solution

I'm not good at modify mods to maybe remove the items, or if the items are important to the mod.

Vazkii commented Oct 25, 2017

This appears to be your issue. Make sure your quark config on the server is the same as the one in the client.

Thank you for taking the time. Where is the config located for client and server? And would it be as simple as copying one over the other?

For the client, it's in your instance dir, /config/quark.cfg. You can get there ingame by going to the resource packs menu, opening the directory, and going one level up.

For the server, it's in your server root, same location.

Just copy the file over and override the one you don't want.

Isamu-x commented Oct 26, 2017

Thank you so much! That was exactly the issue, the two configs were slightly different. I configured the client config ingame, but didn't think about the server config.

As the title says, I’m having a repeat error (both when my friend or I host) when hosting a modpack. However, we’ve hosted mod packs before, and it was never an issue. Any technical help is very appreciated!

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Just wondering as I want to how do you host a modded server,

Oh! It’s fairly simple. Go to the forge website, select version, open the installer (where it’ll ask “install client/server or extract” and click server) and then you load the .jar of your mods into the mods folder in the server that loads. It’s similar to hosting your own .jar server (Minecraft’s default supported one), however, doing so is a problematic feature. If you need any more help, feel free to DM me on reddit and we can call and get this sorted!

I found two Threads on a similar issue, but nether seemed to haves solution that worked, or referenced other files.

Issue / Bug


Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Removed installed files from server and reinstalled several times.
Reinstalled local clients. Note: Clients worked when solo.

Because of some backward-incompatible changes in Forge between releases 13.20 (for Minecraft 1.11.2) and 14.23 (MC 1.12.2) all players using MC 1.12.2 who have Forge installed are getting the error "Fatally missing registry entries" when trying to connect to a WoL server.

This issue only applies to players using a modded client. Players with vanilla clients still can connect and play without any error.

Some background info about this issue is in this thread at the minecraftforge forum.

A termporary work around for this is to install WoL also on the client.

For a mid term solution we have to consolidate all facts and decide what we could and what we want to do. There are several options I am aware of by now:

  1. Don't do anything about this and just tell all players having Forge installed to also install WoL on the client.
  2. Follow the idea of @diesieben07 and completely redesign the semantics and the implementation of the SpellEntity so that it is not an entity anymore but instead a listener of tick events.
  3. Convince the Forge team that the new behaviour is not a feature but a bug so that it will be fixed in Forge.
  4. Create some tool that will fix the bug in Forge during runtime rather than in code.
  5. Migrate WoL to Bukkit
  6. Just don't register the Spell entity at the Forge entity registry

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

diesieben07 commented Apr 13, 2018

I'll try to go with 6).
This will prevent the Forge server from sending the spell's entity ID to the Forge client during the login handshake.
As a side effect we can't find spell entities using selectors like "@e[type=wol:spell]" anymore.
So I'll add a new module for querying spells.

Oh god, please don't. This breaks things. What you have is not an entity, stop trying to make it one.

Don't mind, I have opened a Forge issue for this.

However, what exactly does it break?

Btw, a spell is really an entity. It is a subclass of Entity. It has a position, motion, it is ticked, it belongs to a dimension, it can be killed, it can collide, and so on. It just hasn't a visible representation.
And I guess that Minecraft is perfectly fine with that.
Also Bukkit supports custom entities, and this is server only.

diesieben07 commented Apr 14, 2018

Server-side entities per-se do not break things. Bypassing all registration is what breaks things.

Adrodoc commented Apr 14, 2018

Well as long as forge does not properly support server side entities we don't have much of a choice.

diesieben07 commented Apr 15, 2018

Well as long as forge does not properly support server side entities we don't have much of a choice.

The choice is to not use an entity.

Adrodoc commented Apr 15, 2018

a spell is really an entity. It is a subclass of Entity. It has a position, motion, it is ticked, it belongs to a dimension, it can be killed, it can collide, and so on. It just hasn't a visible representation.

Of course we can use a tick listener to reimplement the entity class, but that doesn't make much sense either. For now it seems like the easiest option to not register it as a forge entity. Of course this is an ugly work around, but writing our own entity simulator using tick listeners, because forge does not want to support server side entities would be an ugly workaround too.
The thing is Minecraft works perfectly fine with server side entities, it is just forge clients that check for the existence of the ID at startup. If the ID is not sent there (by not registering the entity or by modifying forge) minecraft is fine down the line. Not sending the entity id is also how it was handled in forge for 1.11.2, maybe we can find out why this was even changed in the first place.

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