Object reference not set to an instance of an object 7 days to die ошибка

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
Transform BulletInstance = (Transform) Instantiate (bullet, GameObject.Find ("BulletSpawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
BulletInstance.rigidbody.AddForce (transform.forward * BulletForce);
CurAmmoCount = CurAmmoCount - 1;
CurAmmoCount = 30;

тут по-разному может быть.
вероятнее всего BulletSpawnPoint объекта нет.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ShootBehaviour : MonoBehaviour private Transform bullet_;
private int bullet_force_factor_;
private int bullets_count_;

// Use this for initialization
void Start() bullet_force_factor_ = 5000;
bullets_count_ = 30;

19 сен. 2014 в 5:53 Patch Error: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

Game ran the other day. Installed the new patch this morning and now when I try and launch my saved game, I get this error:

"NullReferenceExeption: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object"

This is a SP Survial Game, saved on my hard drive.

- I did a game verification, it found 3 files and fixed them.
- I tried to install the 64-bit version
- I tried to install the 32-bit version
- All my Google searches came back with server side issues, from Alpha 3

I have one other save from a few weeks ago, with nothing built on the map, that loads just fine.

I am out of ideas, anyone have any suggestions other than starting a new map.

**I know this is an alpha, and this stuff is going to happen**

Windows 7 64-Bit
Intel i7-3770K
ATI Radeon HD 7970

14 июл. 2017 в 17:02 CONNECTION ERROR: "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"


I've been struggling with this all evening.
Whenever I connect to my regular server, it starts to load, then says 'Creating Player', the console comes up and some red text says "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

I have combed through here and the Internet for all possible fixes and I've tried every single one.
I've tried:
-- the trick with the 'Saves' folder in the Data folders.
-- the full 'step by step' deletion of all data by Red Eagle LXIX, including the registry deletion.
-- renaming the individual data folder for the server under 'Random Gen'
-- validating cache (twice)
-- reinstalling the game (twice)
-- restarting steam
-- restarting computer
-- rebooting router

I can still play Singleplayer and connect to ANY OTHER server online, just not our one.
I shall expect unhelpful responses like "there's something wrong with the server" but every single other member of my group can connect to it.

Here's what happened:
> Server was working fine
> Server admin wanted to do some modifications to respawn times and reboot the server
> Server admin did so
> Server rebooted.
> Everyone else can log on except me.

The admin spent the last two hours going through all these "solutions" online with me, trying each one. None of them work.

Если лицензия стим? То продай аккаунт какому-нибудь лоху если пиратка? Купи стим лицензию. Возможно какие-либо файлы были повреждены во время скачивания, проверь целостность Кеша. Если пиратка, удали.

У меня пиратка а стим версия для 64 разрядной винды а у меня 32

neo neo Ученик (249) Надо найти хорошего специалиста и поменять, лично я купил себе новый комп, а старый продал. Есть сайты где можно купить такой же как и у меня ПК только дешевле (не помню что за сайт в общем я купил плохой ПК за 40к (это с кредитом) а на сайте за 24к можно даже лучше купить)

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