New world ошибка failed to join queue

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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The breath gauge is pretty short in New World, but now players have found a way to permanently extend it and basically breathe underwater, and all you'll need is a buddy with you (and to die, a lot)!
Gipboo found out the secret and promptly shared it, as all you'll need to do is duel a player, die, and then duel again as you travel underwater!

It's not quite clear how much there is to discover in New World's underwater areas, but if anyone - well, any two - are up for exploring, you now can!

Here's a really fast tip for a pretty solid legendary earring in New World, which lts_kc helpfully pointed out! You can get the earring in a cave from Foreman Harold, but you'll need to be level 51+ to have it drop:

Source: lts_kc.
The mob is actually ice-immune and there also seems to be a bug with the legendary itself, as the health regeneration affix can just turn off on death (or possibly even teleportation), so keep an eye on that if you get it! The drop rate isn't quite clear, as players report getting it as early as 1-5 kills, while others are getting to upwards of 70+ with no luck (but there's an apparently pretty solid musket that drops more frequently at least), so keep that in mind and make sure you're level 51+ or it definitely won't drop!


While we don't quite have server transfers ready yet, Amazon Games have posted an update on the feature with all the functionality it will have, how it will work, and even a timeframe for when it's coming.
We should hopefully be seeing the service arrive sometime next week and everyone will be getting a free transfer token, so let's take a look at all the details on what you'll have to do and what the feature offers (including paid tokens arriving at a later date, with the possibility of more free ones along the way, and only same-region transfers available):
Server Transfer (Source)
Greetings Adventurers!
Our team has been working incredibly hard to get this feature tested and to a place where we are confident that it will perform exactly as intended. While we want everyone to find their long-term home in Aeternum as soon as possible, we also want to ensure that the process is seamless and ready for everyone to use. During our testing we uncovered some edge cases where the transfer experience does not meet our standards for its release. This means that we will be taking some extra time to get these issues resolved before we feel comfortable giving everyone their free server transfer token.
To keep everyone updated and ensure players know what to expect, we want to answer some of the top questions we’ve seen about how the server transfer will work.
How do I transfer my character?
You need to log into your character, which means waiting in any applicable queues. Go to the in-game store where there will be a new tab to claim your character transfer token. You need to leave your Company. You need to remove any active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders. Your character must be located in a sanctuary (such as a settlement or outpost). What comes with me when I transfer?
You will keep all character progression (level, weapon mastery, titles, etc.). You will keep your Faction alliance and progress You will keep your inventory and storage. You will keep all of your currency. You will keep your houses and housing decorations. You will keep all quest progress. What does not transfer with my character?
Your Company membership needs to be terminated before transferring, and will not carry over. Active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders must be removed and will not carry over. Your friends list is world specific and will not transfer. Where can I move my character to?
You can move your character to any world in your region, except: You cannot move your character to a full world. You cannot move your character to a world in maintenance. You cannot move your character to a world set that you have an existing character in already. Will there be opportunities to transfer again if I choose the wrong world, the world my friends chose filled up, or I regret choosing the world I transferred to?
Transferring again will require an additional token. Our team will continue monitoring world populations, queue times, and will evaluate the need for an additional wave of server transfer tokens to be given out for free. After we are sure players have had plenty of time to find the right server for them, we will later make server transfer tokens available for purchase in the store. We will give notice ahead of time when tokens are changing to a paid service. We know that Server Transfers are highly anticipated and we are working diligently to provide the best possible experience for you. We appreciate your patience and anticipate transfers will be available next week. Every applicable resource has been working on this and will continue until it is done at quality.

It seems more and more players are enjoying their New World experience, or at least more of them are sharing their thoughts through Steam's review feature, as the game's rating has gone up from "Mixed" to "Mostly Positive" in just under 2 weeks!
It seems earlier reviews were at least somewhat affected by the significant queue issues the game had at launch, as you might expect with tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of players sitting in a queue just dying to share their experience! However, as the queue issues lessened the review scores rose rapidly, with the game having jumped from a 41% "Mixed" to its current status on 70% "Mostly Positive", with almost 100,000 reviews in!

Now it remains to be seen whether the review score keeps climbing, and one of the most relevant milestones will be the 45-day mark, when Steam adds a "Recent reviews" section which will have its own rating and percentage, in addition tot he "All reviews" category we see now. We'll certainly keep an eye on what the score does over the next couple of weeks. Also, bonus Steam stat: the player-base has so far peaked at 913,000 concurrent users and is still on top of the "current players" charts most of the time.
Originally spotted by: lagerixx.


We now have an official statement from Amazon Games on how to fix the Easy Anti-Cheat issues that have been preventing players from accessing the game:
1.0.1 Notes (Source)
Greetings Adventurers,
We are aware that there are some issues with EAC and Steam preventing players from accessing New World.
If you encounter this issue, we recommend re-installing EAC or verifying the game file through Steam to resolve this issue and get back to playing.

Снова подождите, пока не появится список очередей. В нем должны быть перечислены все миры и доступные очереди. Это может занять некоторое время, поэтому будьте терпеливы! Не нажимайте больше Refresh.

Как устранить ошибку Failed to Join Login Queue Connection Error в New World

Когда список миров полностью загрузится и детализирует очереди, вы должны быть готовы снова войти в систему. Повторно войдите в очередь, нажав Play (Играть), и ошибка должна быть устранена. Это работает в 99% случаев.

Если нет, перезапустите игру, повторите шаги и попробуйте снова. Удачи в постановке в очередь в New World!

Как устранить ошибку «Неустранимая ошибка» в New World

Первое невероятно простое: Перезагрузите компьютер. Перезагрузка компьютера устраняет проблему в 99% случаев, и она не должна повториться.

Второй способ немного сложнее, но не сложен. Переустановка игры в большинстве случаев устраняет проблему. Она не должна повторяться и, вероятно, связана с повреждением файлов игры. Эта проблема решается во время переустановки.

Панель управления (Control Panel)

Открыв его, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на активном сетевом подключении. Прокрутите вниз до Свойства, и вы увидите список активных элементов, который включает протоколы. Прокрутите вниз и снимите галочку с пункта Протокол Интернета версии 6 (TCP/IPv6) (Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)).

Протокол Интернета версии 6 (TCP/IPv6)

New World теперь должен запускаться без проблем. Если у вас возникнут дополнительные проблемы, повторяйте предыдущие шаги до тех пор, пока не добьетесь успеха. Удачи!

Все еще испытываете проблемы в Новом мире? Читайте о том, Как устранить ошибку Failed to Join Login Queue Connection Error в New World.

Ill get some WoW Classic launch ptsd from this

I was in the tutorial and it bugged somehow and had to restart the game so now I have to wait for another 1 to 2 hours to play xd

“Queue World” goteem lolol

Is it 10 months or 10 mins? :D

Assuming this is also a stress test so I personally expect this.

Happen to me just now, queue from 900+ for almost 4 hours and got that error.

This shit keeps happening over and over. 4 hours, 2 queues failed, one allowed me 30seconds into the game then disconnected into another queue. Very proud of the famous amazon servers.

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