Mount and blade berserk mod как установить

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

This mod adds the Dragonslayer sword, used by Guts in the manga Berserk by Kentaro Miura.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Mod name Notes
Berserk Guts Armor Set
Lands Of Ryhnoria (WIP) Used in a units loadout. Credits to zokman for the mod

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

Kentaro Miura, for the manga Berserk on which this sword is derived from.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 0.3.0

  • Added civilian flags so the dragonslayer can be used in towns.

Version 0.1.0

Kentaro Miura, the creator of berserk has unfortunately passed away May 6th at the age of 54. Extremely sad news, may he rest in peace.

This mod adds the Dragonslayer from the famous manga Berserk by Kentaro Miura, a notable fan of the idolmaster series. You're able to change the settings and how the weapon performs via the xml files and can install several other modules for added effects, such as :

The entire sword was created using Blender, Zbrush, and Substance Painter. Special thanks to several community members for helping me out!

You can also find the Dragonslayer on my Artstation!

You can find it in game with cheats enabled under the inventory screen (priced high so sort by price) or spawn it in via the ID in the xml, you may even get lucky and find it at a shop in vlandia (UNTESTED).

Віталік Лісний

Зайди в папку CommonRes в папке игры ( не модулей, а игры ), скопируй оттуда файл "costumes_a.brf". Затем зайди в папку с модами, зайди в мод Horde Land и CommonRes. Вставь туда скопированный файл

Bahadur Reshidov

Bahadur Reshidov ответил Віталіку

Віталік, так у него в коммонресах и не хватает файла, лол.
Банально не на ту версию установил мод. Скорее он на ВБ, а ты поставил на ИГ, или наоборот

Віталік Лісний

Bahadur Reshidov

Bahadur Reshidov ответил Віталіку

Если по каким либо причинам не работает ironLauncher или Дазуб бессмертен необходимо:
1) Пререименовать или сохранить отдельно папку Data в самой игре, а не в моде.
2) Закинуть в все ту же дирректорию с самой игрой, папку Data из мода
3) Для игры в любой другой мод надо удалить папку Data, которую вы взяли из мода с корневой папки игры и вернуть оригинальную Data (которую вы переименовали/сохранили отдельно), как раз ее резервная копия и лежит в шапке

Новая карта .Добавлены новые предметы, фракций - 7. Есть сюжет.
Родная страница мода: тут

Кратко о сюжете, насколько удалось его понять:
В общем, всего в меню три типа персонажа: мужчина, женщина и Гатс. Для каждого из них линейка игры разная.
Гатс – отпрыск командира отряда наемников Гамбино, с младых ногтей путался под ногами воинов, участвовал в битвах. В одной из битв его отец теряет ногу и винит в этом почему – то сына, и недолго думая, Гамбино решает убить Гатса. Однако, тот не так прост, он сам перебил отца и его телохранителей, и удрал во взрослую жизнь, взяв с собой громадный двуручник и доспех. Там вступил в банду ястребов.
Мужчина – сын солдата, он начал жизнь в городских трущобах. Первая драка, организация банды, все это было в его детстве. (Кстати, о первой драке. Там дерутся дети, т.е. рост персонажей уменьшен вдвое. Из оружия – палки, камни, и украденная ГГ у отца булава, но битва бесконечна, из-за халтуры мододелов нанести урон пацанам нельзя, я месился десять минут, но жертв не было. Воспользовался читом, и был удивлен тем, как дети орут пропитыми голосами «Победа!!») Далее ГГ организует свою шайку, которой некто дает задание на уничтожение Ястребов. Но ястребы быстро перебили шайку, и ГГ служит уже им. Там он встречает Гатса (. )и выходит в люди.
Женщина – осиротевшая в результате набега разбойников дочь охотника. Далее ГГ организует свою шайку, которой некто дает задание на уничтожение Ястребов. Но ястребы быстро перебили шайку, и ГГ служит уже им. Там он встречает Гатса (. )и выходит в люди.
Игра довольно интересна своим переплетающимся сюжетом, куча нового оружия и экипировки, но не все работает как надо бы. Все, кто выше или ниже нормального роста – неуязвимы. Кучка новых, в общем-то не плохих сцен.

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

File credits

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Extract everything to the modules folder. Run from ironlauncher.exe within the Revenge of the Berserk folder.
If Ironlauncher absolutely will not run(and try running as Administrator if you are using Vista) then here is the workaround.

You need to download this patch as well to complete an important quest.
0.97 Adds many new companions, items, and kingdom management. Thanks to the new team for helping with this release. This is not savegame friendly with any other version
V0.97 Changelog
Lots of bugfixing done.
Ogre by Barf such a cool monster.
Resized Gutts
Eighth faction will spawn if you aren't playing as Gutts
Tons of new items that you can get from companions and special armor and weapons for getting 75 relation with any faction.
Many new items for big and small characters lots of new helmets.(Faradon(weapons), Silver wolf(helmets)
Better horses mod by Saregona added. Many new horse textures.
Fifteen starting quickbattles for the non-Gutts storyline
Four new battles for Gutts with bonuses to renown
Foxyman's Formations edited further thanks to thrakkemarn and foxyman.
Custom Commander kit by Rubik added. play as any npc in your party.
Mercenary Officers added to taverns. You must hire them to lead arrays. Regular npc's will not be able to lead arrays properly
*(the band of the hawk with the exception of rickert and casca also can.)
Kingdom Management added.
Also many new companions who can be promoted to lead their own Warband provided you give them a castle or town.
Two separate troop trees depending who your starting character is.
Five possible elite troops depending on your chosen orgin.

Included a new Walkthrough file in text format look in the Extra Folder[/spoiler]
To install just extract the patch to the mount and blade/ modules folder and it will overwrite anything that has been changed in the Berserk Folder. The old berserk mod folder must still be named Berserk

The main focus of this mod is combat and lots of it. Everything is geared to be faster paced. There is blood all over the place and the addition of the more metal sounds turns the battlefield into a loud viceral experience. Based on the Berserk Manga. As the Black Swordsman your character starts out stronger than any other mod. But enemy parties will also have rare elite troops that can rip through regular soldiers with ease and you cannot upgrade your troops to them. Human elites can be captured and persuaded but any apostles the enemy has will never be captured. This mod also has a large focus on a single story arc with scripted quickbattles as part of the main game, and an ending to the game. Though you can continue to play in sandbox mode after you beat the main questline. Wars are also predetermined for some kingdoms. Now including a full starting quickbattle campaign for a regular man or woman as well. With Foxyman's form ranks enemy armies fight with intelligence. I guarantee you will be surprised the first time a proper wedge of knights crashes through your ranks and keeps on going rather than get tied up in your troops.
The Team:
[Berserker Pride]scripter, general assembly, some of everything
[Barf] modeller
[MorrisB]Troop trees, companions, and lore.
[€hr¡s]New map!
The Factions:
Kingdom of Midland
Most Balanced Faction. Heavy Knights, Good Crossbows, and most pikemen of any faction

Kingdom of Tudor
Tudor has almost exclusively mounted units. Some are somewhat poorly armored but an all cavalry force is powerful.
Heavily armored crossbowmen at last tier and mid-tier archers.

The Kushan Empire
The Kushan are very powerful. They are the only Kingdom with two elite units. The bare-chested spear throwers and the very tough Daka demon.

The Holy See
The Holy See has a varied force. Their most powerful are the heavy armored Holy Iron Chain Knights and the Holy Iron Chain Infantry. But the Balden Swordsmen, Morgar Light Cavalry, and Walatorian Fighters all fill out the ranks.

The Alliance of Paneria
The only troops of the Panerians are the city-state Rahna's. The other two cities employ powerful mercenaries. Rahna units are the only ones who use firearms, but it's balanced so they are not a perfect shot and won't 1-hit you. But with many halberdiers and glaives they will be tough in sieges. Their only Cavalry are mercenaries.

The Sixth Faction
Their will be one more faction at some point in the game, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. Just know they will be badass. If you see a bunch of white armies running around on the map don't pick a fight. Not recommended to fight them with anything other than fifth tier and elites.

New Seventh Faction
The Beast of the Interstice are monsters of fiction. Many different troops of different sizes from the massive and almost invulnerable cyclops to the exceptionally quick Evil Pirkaf. All are very dangerous. Not recommended to fight them with anything other than fifth tier and elites.

Eighth Faction
If you aren't Gutts he will form a kingdom at some point in the game. From there he can be your ally or enemy. He will be deadly in autocalc and battle alike. He relies heavily on powerful two-handed swordmen but is also one of few factions to make use of guns.

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