Mafia 2 definitive edition как включить physx

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Наша подборка решений для исправления распространенных вопросов включает: пропуск вступительного ролика, способ включения PhysX и исправление бага с мерцанием дыма. Теперь обо всем по порядку.

Как включить PhysX?

Принцип включения в Mafia II и Mafia II: Definitive Edition не отличается:

  1. Идем по пути Документы\Мои игры\Mafia II Definitive Edition\Data\profile\<ProfileID>.
  2. Открываем файл settings.xml.
  3. Меняем значение с <Apex> 0 </ Apex> на 1 (средний) или 2 (высокий).
  4. Сохраняем файл и запускаем игру.

Для этого следуем инструкции:

  1. Запускаем «Панель управления NVidia».
  2. Открываем «Настройки 3D».
  3. В разделе «Выбор программы» указываем «Mafia II: Definitive Edition».
  4. Параметру «Вертикальная синхронизация» задаем значение «Быстро» или «Адаптивный режим».

Это все известные исправления для перечисленных выше проблем с Mafia II: Definitive Edition. Надеемся, они работают у всех.

Файл:NVIDIA PhysX Logo.jpg — Википедия

Новая модификация для своеобразного официального ремастера Mafia II Definitive Edition возвращает в игру эффекты технологии PhysX и физику одежды.

В ремастере при игре на низких настройках графики, вы получаете рабочую физику одежды, но вы теряете все частицы и эффекты PhysX. А при игре на высоких настройках вы теряете физику одежды, зато получаете эффекты частиц. Автор нашел своеобразное решение данной проблемы, чтобы они всегда работали в вашей игре.

Удалите папку "CLOTH", которая находится в каталоге игры EDIT/APEX
При игре в дополнения к основной игре, вам необходимо вернуть удаленную папку "CLOTH" (находится в скачанном архиве)

PhysX All Effect (Clothing, Smoke, Particle) Working only in Gameplay and not working in Benchmark.

Because it doesn't work all effect if test in Benchmark.
And it only works with Nvidia cards.



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PhysX All Effect (Clothing, Smoke, Particle) Working only in Gameplay and not working in Benchmark.

Because it doesn't work all effect if test in Benchmark.
And it only works with Nvidia cards.

How to enable PhysX on Mafia II Mafia II: Definitive Edition

1. Go to Options > Video
2. Choose Global Settings to High not Custom
3. When back will be a warning "You have to restart the game before using the new settings of APEX Physx"
4. Choose OK and Restart game
5. Testing PhysX in Gameplay mode not test in Benchmark

If you want PhysX Cloth on Vito. Please follow the steps below.

Are Physx still in this game?

Always remember this for being one of the showcase games

Shoot up them glass windows and walls!

19 мая. 2020 в 11:41 Nope. It is missing from the game settings and I was not able to enable it even from settings file :-/ No particles and debris and clothing is static. 19 мая. 2020 в 11:42

Damn, so we got a sidegrade

Upgrade in some parts, but those cool physx got removed.

19 мая. 2020 в 11:42 Nope. It is missing from the game settings and I was not able to enable it even from settings file :-/ No particles and debris and clothing is static.
holy **** really? I was just about to install this, If that's the case I'm going back to the original. What a total fail. 19 мая. 2020 в 11:43
holy **** really? I was just about to install this, If that's the case I'm going back to the original. What a total fail.

I know why they did it. Consoles can't handle Physx, they run on AMD cards I believe;

So they just made one version, for both consoles and PC.

But it's a shame. Now the game is a sidegrade, and it could've been an upgrade.

19 мая. 2020 в 11:45
holy **** really? I was just about to install this, If that's the case I'm going back to the original. What a total fail.

I know why they did it. Consoles can't handle Physx, they run on AMD cards I believe;

So they just made one version, for both consoles and PC.

But it's a shame. Now the game is a sidegrade, and it could've been an upgrade.
aaah, that makes perfect sense.

19 мая. 2020 в 11:47

Maybe some bright PC modders can patch it back in, but haha, don't get your hopes up.

That might be a silly idea anyway :P

19 мая. 2020 в 12:01 Checking the files of the game itself. It has PhysX Apex clothing settings for all the characters just like in the old game and you do have an apex specific setting in your config xml file. It was set to 1 by default on my side and it was still static though. tried setting it to 2, didnt help. It seems everything is setup to have it working. but its off for some reason. Hopefully someone figures this out soon so we can turn it on. Esp the coats. Its almost essential. 19 мая. 2020 в 12:03
holy **** really? I was just about to install this, If that's the case I'm going back to the original. What a total fail.

I know why they did it. Consoles can't handle Physx, they run on AMD cards I believe;

So they just made one version, for both consoles and PC.

But it's a shame. Now the game is a sidegrade, and it could've been an upgrade. I'm pretty sure Nvidia made PhysX open source and any GPU can run it now. It's just nobody wants to bother implementing it.

Как пропустить вступительное видео?

  1. Переходим по пути steamapps\common\Mafia II Definitive Edition\pc\sds\video.
  2. Меняем имя для файлов d3t.bik и Logos.bik на любое другое. Рекомендуем просто добавить цифру или указать old.

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