Kite atom как установить

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

At a high level, Kite provides you with:

  • 🧠 Line-of-Code Completions powered by machine learning models trained on the entire open source code universe
  • 🔍 Instant documentation for the symbol underneath your cursor so you save time searching for Python docs


  • macOS 10.11+, Windows 7+ or Linux
  • Atom v1.13.0+


Visit our help docs for FAQs and troubleshooting support.

About Kite

Kite is built by a team in San Francisco devoted to making programming easier and more enjoyable for all. Follow Kite on Twitter and get the latest news and programming tips on the Kite Blog. Kite has been featured in Wired, VentureBeat, The Next Web, and TechCrunch.


Installing the Kite Engine

The Kite Engine needs to be installed in order for the package to work properly. The package itself provides the frontend that interfaces with the Kite Engine, which performs all the code analysis and machine learning 100% locally on your computer (no code is sent to a cloud server).

macOS Instructions

  1. Download the installer and open the downloaded .dmg file.
  2. Drag the Kite icon into the Applications folder.
  3. Run to start the Kite Engine.

Windows Instructions

  1. Download the installer and run the downloaded .exe file.
  2. The installer should run the Kite Engine automatically after installation is complete.

Linux Instructions

Installing the Kite Plugin for Atom

When running the Kite Engine for the first time, you'll be guided through a setup process which will allow you to install the Atom package. You can also install or uninstall the Atom package at any time using the Kite Engine's plugin manager.

Alternatively, you have 2 options to manually install the package:

  1. Search for "Kite" in Atom's built-in package manager and install from there.
  2. Run the command apm install kite in your terminal.

I think this package is bad news.

Good catch. Let us know what about this package looks wrong to you, and we'll investigate right away.

To get started with Atom, we'll need to get it on your system. This section will go over installing Atom on your system as well as the basics of how to build it from source.

Download buttons on

Download buttons on

Download buttons on

The button or buttons should be specific to your platform and the download package should be easily installable. However, let's go over them here in a bit of detail.

Installing Atom on Mac

Atom follows the standard Mac zip installation process. You can either press the download button from the site or you can go to the Atom releases page to download the file explicitly. Once you have that file, you can click on it to extract the application and then drag the new Atom application into your "Applications" folder.

When you first open Atom, it will try to install the atom and apm commands for use in the terminal. In some cases, Atom might not be able to install these commands because it needs an administrator password. To check if Atom was able to install the atom command, for example, open a terminal window and type which atom . If the atom command has been installed, you'll see something like this:

If the atom command wasn't installed, the which command won't return anything:

To install the atom and apm commands, run "Window: Install Shell Commands" from the Command Palette, which will prompt you for an administrator password.

Installing Atom on Windows

Atom on Windows

The context menu Open with Atom in File Explorer, and the option to make Atom available for file association using Open with. , is controlled by the System Settings panel as seen above.

With Atom open, click on File > Settings , and then the System tab on the left. Check the boxes next to Show in file context menus , as well as Show in folder context menus . And you’re all set.

Installing Atom on Linux

You can install Atom on Linux using your distribution's package manager by configuring it to use one of our official package repositories. This will also enable you to update Atom when new releases are published.

Debian and Ubuntu (deb/apt)

To install Atom on Debian, Ubuntu, or related distributions, add our official
package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using apt-get (or apt on Ubuntu):

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .deb package and install it directly:

Red Hat and CentOS (YUM), or Fedora (DNF)

To install Atom on CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Scientific Linux, Fedora, or related distributions that use the YUM or DNF package managers, add our official package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using dnf (or yum depending on your distribution):

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .rpm package and install it directly:

SUSE (zypp)

To install Atom on openSUSE or other distributions that use the Zypp package manager, add our official package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using zypper :

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .rpm package and install it directly:

Updating Atom

You should consider updating Atom periodically for the latest improvements to the software. Additionally, When Atom receives hotfixes for security vulnerabilities you will want to update your version of Atom as soon as possible.

"Automatically Update" is enabled by default in Core Settings of the Settings View, which will allow Atom to check for updates automatically. If you disable this setting you can update Atom manually.

To perform a manual update:

  • Click on the Atom > Check for Update menu item in the menu bar.
  • Search for Application: About in the Command Palette and click the Check now button.

Atom will begin to update if an update is available.

"Automatically Update" is enabled by default in Core Settings of the Settings View, which will allow Atom to check for updates automatically. If you disable this setting you can update Atom manually.

To perform a manual update:

  • Click on the Help > Check for Update menu item in the menu bar.
  • Search for Application: About in the Command Palette and click the Check now button.

Atom will begin to update if an update is available.

Portable Mode

Atom stores configuration and state in a .atom directory usually located in your home directory ( %userprofile% on Windows) . You can however run Atom in portable mode where both the app and the configuration are stored together such as on a removable storage device.

To setup Atom in portable mode download the zip/tar.gz package for your system and extract it to your removable storage.

Then create a .atom directory alongside the directory that contains atom.exe, for example:

Then create a .atom directory alongside the application, for example:

Then create a .atom directory alongside the directory that contains the Atom binary, for example:

Portable Notes
  • The .atom directory must be writeable
  • You can move an existing .atom directory to your portable device
  • Atom can also store its Electron user data in your .atom directory - just create a subdirectory called electronUserData inside .atom
  • Alternatively you can set the ATOM_HOME environment variable to point wherever you want (you can write a .sh or .cmd script to temporarily set it and launch it from that)
  • Portable mode installations will not automatically update

Building Atom from Source

The Hacking on Atom Core section of the flight manual covers instructions on how to clone and build the source code if you prefer that option.

Proxy and Firewall Settings

Behind a Firewall?

If you are behind a firewall and seeing SSL errors when installing packages you can disable strict SSL by running:

Using a Proxy?

Машинное обучение продолжает проникать в самые разные сферы человеческой деятельности, и такая технологичная область, как разработка ПО, конечно, не могла стать исключением. По прогнозу специалиста по ИИ и машинному обучению Сергея Маркова, озвученному в лекции «Итоги ИИ-2019», в 2020-м году появится большое количество инструментов разработки, использующих машинное обучение. Это навело меня на мысль, что какие-то из этих инструментов должны быть доступны на рынке уже сейчас — могут ли они в таком случае помочь «в быту» обычному веб-девелоперу, пишущему на Java, Python и JS?

Забегая вперед, скажу, что, к моему сожалению, решений, способных генерировать хоть сколько-нибудь «боевой» код, в открытом доступе сейчас нет. Ближе всего к этому подошли Bayou и DeepCoder, но и эти проекты всё еще слишком сырые. Больший прогресс наблюдается в смежных направлениях — таких как автокомплит, статический анализ, генерация тестов. Об этом я и расскажу в статье.

Плагин для ускорения написания кода при помощи «умного» автодополнения. Kite индексирует кодовую базу проекта, что подразумевает показ наиболее релевантных подсказок. Помимо собственно автокомплита, при необходимости можно в один клик раскрыть встроенную документацию с примерами кода для 800+ библиотек (наиболее полезно для библиотек типа numpy или pandas). Раз в неделю на почту присылается отчет со статистикой использования функции автоподстановки.

Предложения Kite (помечены значком) намного релевантнее нативных. Pop-up с документацией подскажет, что можно передать в kwargs

Раньше Kite отправлял небольшие куски кода на сервер, что многим не подходит по соображениям безопасности, но — хорошая новость! — сейчас Kite от этой практики отказался, и весь анализ происходит локально. В использовании плагин вполне дружелюбен — легко устанавливается и шустро работает, не загружая систему. Kite поддерживает большинство популярных IDE: Idea,PyCharm, Sublime, Vim, Vs code, Spyder и Atom.

В сухом остатке: пожалуй, самый готовый для боевого использования проект в подборке. Рекомендую всем, кто пишет на Python.

Для других языков есть аналогичные продукты — Codota для Java или TabNine, который поддерживает 22 языка. Не успел их распробовать, но по ощущениям, Codota предлагает более консервативные подсказки, в то время как TabNine (для Java) предлагает целые куски кода, включая имена переменных (иногда без всякого контекста) и попадает в точку.

По меткому выражению разработчиков, DeepCode — это Grammarly для кода. Назначение — помощь разработчику в обнаружении ошибок и уязвимостей в коде. Self-hosted решение поставляется в виде docker-контейнера, интегрируется в систему контроля версий через хуки и настраивается буквально за 10 минут. Также доступен бот для проверки пулл-реквестов. Заявлена поддержка языков Java, Python, JavaScript, и TypeScript.

Пример рекомендации DeepCode

Впечатления от использования: очень порадовал низкий процент ложных срабатываний. Все найденные проблемы были вполне реальными и не выстреливали по не зависящим от качества проверки причинам (код с багами не запускался, небезопасный код не использовал пользовательский ввод). Предупреждения, связанные с производительностью, также выглядят вполне резонно. Количество обнаруженных проблем в сравнении с анализатором Java кода FineBugs или той же PVS-Studio выглядит незначительным — 200 против 2-4 тысяч. Не знаю, считать ли это плюсом, но 200 штук по крайней мере реально разобрать, чего не скажешь о 4 тысячах.

Бот проверяет каждый pull request

В сухом остатке: если при работе с линтерами вас всегда расстраивало количество ложных срабатываний, стоит попробовать DeepCode. Также это отличный способ контрибьютить в opensource: форкните проект себе, прогоните тест — и парочка полезных pull requests у вас в кармане.

Этот продукт выглядит самым амбициозным в подборке. Британский стартап, в прошлом году получивший 20 миллионов в качестве инвестиции от Goldman Sachs. Если изначально я искал что-то, что генерирует код по тестам, то DiffBlue генерит тесты по коду с возможностью встраивания в CI. Продукт отличает хорошая интеграция с тестовой инфраструктурой Spring Boot. Работает с Gradle, Maven, testng, Junit.

Разработчиком заявлены два режима работы:

  • Essential: тесты генерируются по сигнатуре метода
  • Advanced: также учитывается тело метода и тесты генерируются для каждого ветвления в коде.

DiffBlue сам мокает классы, генерирует фикстуры и ассерты.

На реальных проектах DiffBlue показал себя неоднозначно.

Kite currently works with macOS 10.12+, Windows 7+ (64 bit), and Linux. You can view this article to learn which Linux distributions and versions are compatible with Kite.

Kite requires an x86-64 processor with AVX support. We currently don't support Apple silicon devices.

Downloading and Installing Kite

You can download the latest version of Kite here. Follow the instructions on the download page to learn how to install Kite on your system.

If you encounter issues while installing Kite, please browse the known install issues to learn how to troubleshoot your problem.

Running Kite for the First Time

The following steps are only relevant if you're running Kite on your computer for the first time.

Creating an account

When you open Kite for the first time, Kite's desktop GUI, the Copilot, will appear and ask you to create an account.

If you don't have a Kite account yet, then you can create one at this screen. You can also choose to skip creating an account by clicking on the "Continue without email" link at the bottom.

If you already have a Kite account, input the email associated with your Kite account. The Copilot will then ask you to provide the password for your account.

If you would like Kite to install plugins for all the supported editors on your system, ensure that the "Install Kite for all supported editors" radio box is checked. If you would prefer to manually choose with editors to install Kite for, ensure that the "Let me choose which editor plugins to install" radio box is checked.

Choosing your editors

If you chose to manually select which editors to install Kite for, the Copilot will present a UI to let you choose which editors to integrate Kite with. Otherwise, Kite will install plugins for all the supported editors on your system and the Copilot will skip this step.

Kite currently supports the following editors:

  • Atom
  • JetBrains: GoLand, IntelliJ, and PyCharm
  • JupyterLab
  • Spyder
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Vim
  • VS Code
❗ Important: If your editor was running while you installed its respective plugin, you'll have to restart your editor for Kite to integrate properly.

You'll be able to manage which editors are integrated with Kite afterwards as well.

Final settings

Finally, the Copilot will ask you to configure two usability settings.

If you check "Show the Kite icon in your menu bar", Kite will display its menu bar icon in your system tray when it is running. You can learn more about the menu bar icon in this article.

If you check "Automatically integrate Kite when new editors are installed", then Kite will automatically integrate with editors that you install on your system in the future. For example, if you were to install Sublime Text 3 later, Kite will automatically install the plugin for Sublime Text 3 without any action from you.

Using Kite behind a proxy

If you are using Kite behind a proxy, Kite will automatically detect your proxy settings and configure itself properly. However, you can also change your proxy settings in the Copilot settings.

Start Coding!

At this point, you're ready to start writing some code with Kite. Please view the related help articles to learn how to use Kite properly.


The following is a brief guide to using Kite in its default configuration.


When starting Atom with the Kite Assistant for the first time, you'll be guided through a tutorial that shows you how to use Kite.


This tutorial will only be displayed once. You can show it again at any time by running the command Kite: Tutorial from Atom's command palette.


Hover your mouse cursor over a symbol to view a short summary of what the symbol represents.



Click on the Docs link in the hover popup to open the documentation for the symbol inside the Copilot, Kite's standalone reference tool.



If a Def link is available in the hover popup, clicking on it will jump to the definition of the symbol.


Simply start typing in a saved Python or JavaScript file and Kite will automatically suggest completions for what you're typing. Kite's autocompletions are all labeled with the ⟠ symbol.


Function Signatures

When you call a function, Kite will show you the arguments required to call it.


Kite also shows you How others used this function, which are the most popular calling patterns inferred from all the open source code on the internet.


Kite comes with sevaral commands that you can run from Atom's command palette.


Command Description
kite.related-code-from-file Search for code related to the current file in the Copilot
kite.related-code-from-line Search for code related to the current line in the Copilot
kite:open-copilot Open the Copilot
kite:docs-at-cursor Show documentation of the symbol underneath your cursor in the Copilot
kite:status Show the current status of Kite in the status panel
kite:package-settings Open the settings for the Kite Atom package
kite:engine-settings Open the settings for the Kite Engine
kite:tutorial Open the Kite tutorial file
kite:help Open Kite's help website in the browser

If you wish, you may also setup keybindings for the commands listed above.


You can view and change the Kite Assistant's settings by finding Kite in your list of installed packages, then clicking the Settings button. Alternatively, you can run the command Kite: Package Settings from the command palette.

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