Как запустить scum на directx 12

Обновлено: 27.06.2024

Павел Шкляров

как отключить этот туман после обновы? Играю в одиночку и жутко мешает, не видно ничего

Антон Татаринов

народ такая проблема 14-22 fps i7 2600/ddr3 12gb 1333/gtx 1060 3gb игра на ssd , разрешение отображение 30

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Антон Татаринов

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30 окт. 2020 в 12:00 30 окт. 2020 в 12:01 30 окт. 2020 в 12:02 I tried them both and i'm having problems connecting. Are you able to log in on either? 30 окт. 2020 в 12:09 I tried them both and i'm having problems connecting. Are you able to log in on either? 30 окт. 2020 в 12:09 30 окт. 2020 в 12:10 has your server been updated yet? if not, that could be why there is connection issues which may mean the server is being updated 30 окт. 2020 в 12:12 @ms.green label. are they marked with dx 11 or dx12. i know in the os they are numbered 11 or 12 depending on the version
30 окт. 2020 в 12:20 @ms.green label. are they marked with dx 11 or dx12. i know in the os they are numbered 11 or 12 depending on the version 30 окт. 2020 в 12:44 30 окт. 2020 в 12:46 no when you start game in steam there is 2 options 30 окт. 2020 в 12:47 When you press the big green play button a grey steam window will ( should ) appear giving you two options to play scum, but it gives no indication of any difference, i.e DX 11 or DX 12 if that is the supposed choices 30 окт. 2020 в 12:48 When you start the game up there should be a steam window that opens with two choices for scum. One is the new and "improved" the other is the old. It doesn't specify which. It seems the top one is the dx12 version as far as i can tell. 30 окт. 2020 в 12:51 no when you start game in steam there is 2 options 30 окт. 2020 в 12:55 no when you start game in steam there is 2 options

Both just say "SCUM" for me.

EDIT: I deleted my save folder (sad face) because I was having problems with inventory. My screen would freeze and I could not get out of it. I also verified files and now DX12 shows up.

13 ноя. 2020 в 13:58 this game runs so good with Direct X 12 on my system.
Ryzen 7 2700x
DDR4 16g 3000MHz
M.2 evo 14 ноя. 2020 в 23:12 That's a Hella nice rig you got yourself there Bro. I'd be alarmed and concerned if any game didn't run beautifully on that kind of hardware. 15 ноя. 2020 в 2:29 Enjoy the game bro. Will check if I have DX12 enabled as well. 15 ноя. 2020 в 3:07 Dan, how do you "check to see if X12 is enabled"? I just launch SCUM from the steam app and select "X12 experimental mode" and I'm assuming that enables X12?? 15 ноя. 2020 в 3:57 Bart, the only thing I would definitely add is a bit more RAM, and if your motherboard supports it, I'd grab about 16 more gigs of the U.2 variety. If your MOBO isn't compatible with U.2, 16 added gigs of m.2 would be just fine. (Заблокирован) 15 ноя. 2020 в 6:17

You're saying this game needs 32GB Ram? You're funny.

I don't have 32GB RAM and my game is running just fine on my new system. Yes, 32GB RAM is GREAT but, this game doesn't require it. Get this, I only have, for the moment, 8GB RAM, in an Intel i5 with a MSI RX 1650 Super w/6GB VRAM DDR4 2999MHz. DX 12,

I'm running everything on Vert High and/or, Epic and I'm getting anywhere form 94-110 fps. Game looks great. Soon to get a 4k monitor.

15 ноя. 2020 в 6:36 Well Hunter I can attest that I hardly ever see any app using over 20 GB, and usually far less. I have 32 GB on my rig bc I like lots of RAM, but to your point, not all of it ever gets fully filled. 15 ноя. 2020 в 6:37 15 ноя. 2020 в 7:01 Dan, how do you "check to see if X12 is enabled"? I just launch SCUM from the steam app and select "X12 experimental mode" and I'm assuming that enables X12??
I was wondering this myself. How do I actually start it with DX 12?
edit: Oh, I think I can not use DX12 with a 1080Ti? O.o
another edit: You have to launch SCUM from the Steam library. From there you get the option to use DirectX12! :o (Заблокирован) 15 ноя. 2020 в 14:48 Well Hunter I can attest that I hardly ever see any app using over 20 GB, and usually far less. I have 32 GB on my rig bc I like lots of RAM, but to your point, not all of it ever gets fully filled.

Well, I read it as, you're asking someoe to get more RAM. I plan to upgrade to 16, as soon as, it gets here then, if possible, 32GB, myself. I can afford it but, many others cannot. Telling the OP he needs 32GB is misleading to others that know no better.

Thanks, they do really look a lot better even though, (the game looks fantastic too) I had no problem with how it looked with my other system but, it died in an instant for some odd reason. They looked good but these, look much better. I'll be getting a 4K monitor soon enough. Undecided right now, not sure if I want to go larger than 24" or, not? I do have a monitor ready TV to use but, I used it once before with on my other system and didn't like the way the HUDs in different games, stood out, so large. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

Oh yea, my other system was W7, and even with that, my card also supported DX 12 but, the OS didn't. I've now upgraded to and new PC w/W10. I did play this for a few days still using DX11, it was only yesterday, I decided to try DX 12. I think I'll stick with it. lol

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хочу изменить vulkan на directx, но папки system в доументах нет. Кто можем архивнуть у себя папку? я оттуда файл конфига фзять хочу

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Станислав, конечно. Если коротко, я перепробовал все. Кроме как выставить dx12

Кароч, харэ заебовать, я все инструкции и советы перечитал. Либо кто то с добрым сердцем кинет архив, либо не стоит советовать очевидную хуйню

Братан, не заебуй меня тупыми советами, хочешь помочь - сделай из папки архив и кинь мне

А нахуй ты мне 5й раз пишешь со своими блять, советами, которые на каждом сайте написаны, я что, блять, сам читать не умею. По русски написал - нужен архив папки. А не ебаная куча советов

Роман Мисин

Роман Мисин ответил Дмитрию

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