Как запустить fallout 4 vr на oculus quest

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

14 июл в 12:37

I got a headache from trying to figure out what does what with the controllers. I can bring the pipboy to my face but cannot figure out how to change it or pick something else. I did find that pressing the menu button brings up the menu but it also brings up SteamVR asking
me what I want to do. I figured out how to move, but it is not that great. Is there somewhere that tells what each button does? I like SkyrimVR because you can move the left joystick to move forward.

Has anyone tried Quest 2 to play Fallout 4 VR via Steam? Any issues with Quest 2 Touch?

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Use it with my quest 1 just fine over virtual desktop.

If it runs on your PC, it runs on the Quest 2.

Touch controller work fine. Also, I tested fo4vr with two different rigs. 1080ti with 7700k and my current 6800xt with Ryzen 3900x. Both tested in virtual desktop and link.

I only tested the vanilla base game with the 1080ti at 90hz. I was getting over 80% reprojection, but wabbajack essential VR mod list lowered it down to about 40%. For the 6800xt and 3900x, I’m getting less than 15% reprojection at 90hz with no super sampling. In comparison to virtual desktop and oculus link, go for oculus link. Virtual desktop lacks ASW, which is essential for having smooth gameplay.

106 уникальных посетителей
2 добавили в избранное

это просто напросто проводное подключения не больше не меньше. (больше в специальном раздели)

название говорит само за себя. чудесные силы интернета переносят изображения по воздуху в вашу шляпу с телевизорам. (подробней также в специальном раздели)

тут говориться про Virtual Desktop и al vr (мне повторять про раздел?)

если надоело инди в магазине oculus по 40 доллар

самое лёгкое подключения из всех!

для него нам понадобиться, провод от 3 метров, 9 гб на пк чтобы установить приложения oculus, и сам шлем.

лично я пользовался (и пользуюсь) таким подключения всегда. поскольку air link мылит картину

если говорить коротко то oculus link выглидит так
а oculus link+air так
а теперь подробней! нам понадобиться шлем с прошивкой начиная с 30v, и самое главное
чтобы интернет был хороший! чтобы нечего не загружала сеть, и желательно 5g

1. заходим в приложения oculus на пк и в вкладку бета и включаем функцию air link вот так:
в шлеме делаем тоже самое

This is a guide for installing, optimizing, and modding Fallout 4 VR.

My equipment - GTX 1080ti, 6700k stock, SSD

Sorting through 16 different threads and guides to get this info was tedious, hopefully this condenses everything down for those who have yet to take the modding plunge.

Download and Install FO4VR

Test that the game works

Install Touch Emulation

Make the following .INI tweak to fix menu swipe emulation

Test that emulation works

Optimize game for your system (Shadow resolution, super sampling, etc)

For GTX 1080ti users like myself, download this optimized .INI from Youtuber SweVive, or use Bilago’s tool to get performance acceptable for your setup

Test that the game is working properly

Tweak Gameplay through .INI edits (Note, these are optional)

TAA off, FXAA on, fixes blurriness a bit Fallout4Custom.ini

sStartingConsoleCommand=taa off;fxaa on

Fix scale to be taller, felt short Fallout4Custom.ini

Fix VATS target switching sensitivity Fallout4VRCustom.ini

fVATSTargetUpdateSec=1 (This is the delay before updating the aim and switching targets. Tweak to preference)

Shrink sneak indicator and move it downwards Fallout4VRCustom.ini

Shrink and move activation indicators closer to controllers Fallout4VRCustom.ini

Fix power armor HUD visibility Fallout4VrCustom.ini

[VRUI] (Pick through and distribute these changes in the Power Armor sections)

fPADashboardRightZ=12.5 // +Up or -Down

fPADashboardMiddleZ=14.5 // +Up or -Down

fPADashboardMiddleRotateZ=0 // Left or Right

fPowerArmorOverlay_Helmet_TranslateY = -10 // +Away -Towards

fPowerArmorOverlay_Helmet_TranslateZ =-12 // +Up -Down

fPowerArmorOverlay_Helmet_RotateX =-30 // -Towards you +Away from you

Fix Starfield visibility Fallout4VRCustom.ini

Disable intro video on launch Fallout4VRCustom.ini

Backup Game Files

Get NMM to look at Fallout 4 VR

Option 2 - Use the supplied .EXE in the zip of my files. This is a modified install of NMM that finds Fallout 4 VR. Once NMM updates to a new version that can detect it, you can get rid of this.

Configure LOOT to work with your NMM installation

When LOOT cannot find Fallout4, make a new entry for FO4VR. Use all the same settings as the Fallout 4 row, but point the path to the Fallout4VR.exe directory. LOOT should now work.

Install Mods

Texture Optimization Project - This is a complex installation, involving creation kit, needing a Bethesda account, etc. Worth it in my opinion as it gives you some overhead performance to mod with

Install any other mods

My files


I was having massive stutter problems and ultimately the last setting changed was Oculus Debug Tool SS back to 1.0 which gave me rock solid 90fps.

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Awesome thanks, anyone think they might do any kind of official support?

Is the vr version any different than the normal version in vr ? Seems like a lot to configure to play

Not getting that problem.. Sometimes textures only load in one eye at first like the ground but it catches up and fixes the rendering pretty fast, never persistent. What exactly is only being rendered in one eye? The star map ini tweak fixes the stars doing that.

How is it running for you after giving it a whirl finally?

I really, really appreciate this post. Thanks bud. I had given up, going to jump back in and give it another go. I have pretty much exactly the same specs as you. Cheers!

Stay optimistic and test between every step. Read carefully and follow the instructions closely. Message me if you have any questions

I had to now add this to Fallout4Prefs.ini

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