Как установить lspdfr на гта 5

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Manual Installation Guide

Note that the following steps are for manually installing LSPDFR 0.4. They don't cover the automatic installer.

Once LSPDFR has been downloaded, the simplest way to install it is by extracting the files into your Grand Theft Auto V folder.
Extract LSPDFR first, then the RAGE Plugin Hook. You may be asked to overwrite files, say yes.

Note that your Grand Theft Auto V folder is the one containing the game (GTA5.exe) and its files.

Make sure to extract LSPDFR first, then extract the RAGEPluginHook. The reason for this is to overwrite the RAGEPluginHook that comes with LSPDFR, as it may be outdated.

The files from the LSPDFR download should now be extracted into the game's folder. You should verify that your Grand Theft Auto V folder now contains the following:

  • An LSPDFR folder with the following folders inside:
    • audio
    • chars
    • data

    If your game folder includes all of these files, it is very likely that your installation of LSPDFR was successful.

    To launch the game with LSPD First Response active, simply double click on RAGEPluginHook.exe.

    Upon entering the game, you should notice the locations of Police Stations are marked on your map. If so, LSPDFR is now running.

    Download LSPDFR. The latest version can be found in the downloads section, and is also linked at the bottom of this page.
    Please then go to the RAGE Plugin Hook website and download the latest version.

    Once LSPDFR has been downloaded, the simplest way to install it is by extracting the files into your Grand Theft Auto V folder.
    Extract LSPDFR first, then the RAGE Plugin Hook. You may be asked to overwrite files, say yes.

    Note that your Grand Theft Auto V folder is the one containing the game (GTA5.exe) and its files.

    Make sure to extract LSPDFR first, then extract the RAGEPluginHook. The reason for this is to overwrite the RAGEPluginHook that comes with LSPDFR, as it may be outdated.

    The files from the LSPDFR download should now be extracted into the game's folder. You should verify that your Grand Theft Auto V folder now contains the following:

    • An LSPDFR folder with the following folders inside:
      • audio
      • chars
      • data

      If your game folder includes all of these files, it is very likely that your installation of LSPDFR was successful.

      To launch the game with LSPD First Response active, simply double click on RAGEPluginHook.exe.

      Upon entering the game, you should notice the locations of Police Stations are marked on your map. If so, LSPDFR is now running.


      Some anti-virus software programs mark LSPDFR as a virus. This is known as a false-positive. LSPDFR and RAGEPluginHook make extensive use of memory hooking to achieve a lot of what they do, which can look malicious to anti-virus software. If your anti-virus marks LSPDFR as unsafe or you have odd issues running RPH /LSPDFR, you will either need to exclude LSPDFR and RPH 's files (refer to your antivirus documentation for more details) or you will have to disable the anti-virus software.

      About This File

      If you are installing LSPDFR 0.4 for the first time, we strongly recommend that you do so on a clean copy of Grand Theft Auto V without any other mods or plugins.

      LSPDFR 0.4 brings sweeping changes which have been implemented over a number of years and is the latest major version of LSPDFR, released in December 2018. LSPDFR turns the world of GTA V upside down, giving you the power to enforce the law as you see fit.

      Please see the following resources for more information about LSPDFR and its features:

      16 Screenshots

      What's New in Version 0.4.9 (Build 7874)

      Released July 25

      24 July, 2021 - Minor compatibility update for LSPDFR 0.4.9 (Build 7874)
      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.9 (Build 7874) ending an unusual armistice in Los Santos.

      21 July, 2021 - Minor compatibility update for LSPDFR 0.4.9 (Build 7871)

      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.9 (Build 7871), which adds compatibility for the latest game version:

      • Added compatibility for the new GTA V update (v2372) - "Los Santos Tuners"
      • Updated the included RAGE Plugin Hook to support this.
      • Added optional parameter to the ForceDuty console command to specify an agency.
      • Minor improvements to LSPDFR's weapon holster/unholster animations.
      • Improved handling of bad settings entries.

      10 May, 2021 - Updated to LSPDFR 0.4.9

      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.9 (Build 7800), which introduces new features, changes and fixes:

      • A new apartment has been added in Downtown Los Santos (4 Integrity Way - Apt. 35)
      • Some miscellaneous improvements and enhancements have been made to spawning in apartments.
      • You can now sit down on most chairs, benches, etc. within the game.
      • A new "Arrest Warrant" call has been added.
      • The last played Agency of each character is now displayed on the mugshot board when selecting a character.
      • Drinking green juice in the apartment will now make your character sober again if they're drunk.
      • A new option to control illuminated clothing components was added to the Interaction Menu.
      • Handcuffed suspects now retain their original walking/movement/idle animations properly.
      • Significant changes to the backend Pursuit system incorporating new Investigation and Pursuit stages.
      • Improved the quality of character photos uploaded to the website after a recent game update affected them.
      • The police helicopter sticks around for longer when called as Code 3 or Code 2.
      • Improved pre-loading of Cayo Perico traffic nodes.
      • Added potential fix for peds using bad scenarios at the downtown police station.
      • Fixed potential vehicle spawn crash during suspect encounters.
      • Fixed potentially wrong agency being used during ambient traffic stop scenarios.
      • Fixed bug where some radio stations were missing from the apartments and the Vehicle Interaction Menu.
      • You can now re-open the game's pause menu immediately after closing it.

      20 March, 2021 - Minor compatibility update for LSPDFR 0.4.8 (Build 7749)

      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.8 (Build 7749), which improves compatibility with GTA V update v2245 and includes some minor fixes from our 0.4.9 branch.

      • Improved cayo nodes preloading performance on first load
      • Improved character headshot image quality
      • Improved downtown PD peds spawning
      • Fixed bad scenarios being used for peds at the downtown police station
      • Fixed potential vehicle spawn crash
      • Fixed potentially wrong agency being used during AI traffic stop
      • Fixed various UI glitches after navigating to the LSPDFR pause menu tab since v2245

      18 January, 2021 - Minor compatibility update for LSPDFR 0.4.8 (Build 7688)

      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.8 (Build 7688), which improves compatibility with the Cayo Perico Heist island. Please make sure to replace all files as this update includes updated and new data files!

      • Added pathfinding data for the Cayo Perico island allowing for backup and pursuits on the island
      • Set the Park Rangers as the default agency for the Cayo Perico island
      • Added scenario multiplier for traffic stops (TrafficStop.ScenarioMult, default 1.0f)
      • Added SetPursuitAsCalledIn to API functions
      • Added API function to play police scanner audio with a short intro
      • Added new overload for API function SetPedAsArrested allowing to specify the arresting officer
      • Improved ScenarioResistTrafficStop shutdown behavior
      • Improved backwards compatibility for API function SetPedAsArrested
      • Player character voices are now persistent across sessions
      • Re-enabled the LSPDFR holster/unholster animations which were disabled in 0.4.8 for previous compatibility reasons
      • Fixed a crash in PedArrested event handler when arresting cop was null (could be caused by API calls)

      20 December, 2020 - Minor compatibility update for LSPDFR 0.4.8 (Build 7659)

      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.8 (Build 7659), which adds compatibility for the latest game version:

      • Added compatibility for the new GTA V update (v2189) - "The Cayo Perico Heist"
      • Updated the included RAGE Plugin Hook to v1.84.
      • Removed compatibility for all previous game versions due to technical reasons.

      27 September, 2020 - Updated to LSPDFR 0.4.8

      We have updated LSPDFR to Version 0.4.8 (Build 7575), which introduces new features and fixes:

      • 1893 Grapeseed Ave - a new, modest and rural accommodation option for your LSPDFR player characters to live in.
      • A remastered 'hand-on-holster' (Intimidate) action that fluidly animates, doesn't block movement, and allows for you to quickly draw sidearms.
      • Evidence Markers to mark crime scenes which can be seamlessly placed down, picked up again and customized per agency.
      • Improvements were made to the way in which NPC officers respond 'Code 3' to backup calls and navigate through traffic.
      • A number of new, useful API functions requested by developers were added.
      • As a bonus, to play around with, two of our development console commands were added: 'Chauffeur' and 'CuffMe'
      • Passenger officers and suspects are now able to use weapons while in vehicles, and this has been re-enabled for the armed suspects call.
      • Further ongoing improvements have been made to fix crashes, improve performance and reduce the number of smaller glitches and bugs.

      Please see below for full release notes:

      LSPDFR 0.4.9

      LSPDFR 0.4.9 API

      • Added the following API functions:
        • SetPursuitInvestigativeMode
        • GetIlluminatedClothingStyle
        • SetPedArrestIgnoreGroup

        LSPDFR 0.4.8

        • Added a new apartment: 1893 Grapeseed Ave
        • Added ability to place evidence markers via the Interaction Menu
        • Updated the Intimidate action in the Interaction Menu to use the new 'hand-on-holster' animations.
        • Added a few new public "development" console commands: CuffMe, Chauffeur
        • Added default assembly resolve handler
        • Backup officer numbers are now capped at maximum vehicle capacity
        • Callouts can have an optional advisory message in the notification now
        • Callouts now have a creation source property
        • Police radio actions can now be played while in vehicles
        • Improved behavior for backup using exact position
        • Improved behavior for Code 3 backup responses
        • Improved boat 'traffic' stop behavior
        • Removed debug blip for backup
        • Many small performance improvements
        • Minimum and maximum distances for callouts can now be set separately
        • Reduced logging spam a bit
        • SetPedAsArrested now removes suspect already assigned to the player before reassigning
        • User plugins are now only loaded once per LSPDFR load
        • Fixed an issue where backup would sometimes immediately exit their car upon spawn
        • Fixed RequestBackup API functions not behaving correctly
        • Fixed a bug where user plugins are not freed correctly on unload
        • Fixed the get vehicle manufacturer function
        • Fixed a bug where occupants count was not respected when the agency specified was invalid
        • Fixed a NullReferenceException in CalloutManager after going on duty a second time
        • Fixed a bug where CanUseCars was not always respected for suspects
        • Fixed an issue where StartPulloverOnParkedVehicle did not initialize the correct internal task
        • Fixed an issue preventing robbery callouts to work if too far away
        • Fixed a possible crash when BALLER2 model is invalid
        • Fixed a possible crash when adding player stats
        • Fixed a bug where players were unable to force new parking positions for vehicles on patch 2060
        • Fixed some possible issues with loading the apartments/items inside them

        LSPDFR 0.4.8 API

        • Added many new API functions:
          • DisplayPedId
          • DisplayVehicleRecord
          • GetPlayerRadioAction
          • IsCopBusy
          • IsPursuitCalledIn
          • PlayPlayerRadioAction
          • RemovePedFromPullover
          • RequestBackup (overload to specify number of occupants)
          • SetCopIgnoreAmbientCombatControl
          • SetPedAsArrested
          • SetPedAsIdentified
          • SetPlayerRadioAction
          • SetPlayerWalkStyle
          • SetPursuitAsCalledIn
          • StartPulloverOnParkedVehicle
          • lspdfr_049_7874_setup.exe: Clean. View result on VirusTotal
          • LSPDFR_049_7874_Manual_Install.zip: Anomaly detected. View result on VirusTotal

          Please note that virus scanners can pick up certain script modifications and plugins as viruses, based on what they do. Script modifications and plugins can make use of memory hooking and other techniques that can look malicious to virus scanning software. Site staff or the author may have provided an explanation as to the failed check on the file page.

          Моя готовая и проверенная сборка мода LSPDFR. Работает только на версии 1.0.2245/1.54(для других версий ищите старый RPH).
          Перейдем к установке.

          1. Установить LSPDFR. Выбираем путь к вашей папке(где лежит GTA5.exe) и профит. Тут ничего сложного. - обязательный пункт

          2. Установить RPH. Просто скопировать файлы в папку с игрой(там где лежит GTA5.exe) и согласится с заменой файлов. - обязательный пункт

          Эти пункты обязательно выполнять именно в таком порядке, потому что LSPDFR уже имеет в себе RPH старой версии.

          3. Настройка RPH. Теперь желательно запустить RPH, пройти первую настройку и не забыть поставить загрузку LSPDFR при запуске.- обязательный пункт

          4) Установка модов. Лично у меня в этой сборке все работает без вылетов, моды только самые нужные, ничего лишнего. Копировать все в папку с игрой(ScriptHook'ы и все прочая фигня уже есть в архиве и отлично работает с последней версией игры 1.0.2245/1.54) - по желанию

          Список модов:

          1. ALPRLite
          2. Arrest Manager
          3. AssortedCallouts
          4. CalloutsV
          5. ComputerPlus
          6. LSPDFR+
          7. PoliceSmartRadio
          8. Traffic Policer

          По вопросам можете писать в коменты или в лс сайта, если не понимаете английский. Но все же желательно писать на офф форум.

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