Как установить exiled scp sl

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Full Name:

E-Xtended In-runtime Library for External Development


EXILED runs plugin support on

60% of all SCP: SL Servers.


Contributors to EXILED:

KadeDev, RogerFK, sanyae2439, jeppevinkel, Redolant, Cyanox62, iRebbok, Holmium67, PintTheDragon

GitHub Page


Changes (non-breaking)


  • [Exiled.CustomItems] Custom Weapons will now spawn into the map with the correct clip size.
  • [Exiled.Events] Fake players (if their IP is set to "127.0.0.WAN") will no longer cause errors in the TransmitData patch.
We cannot verify signatures from co-authors, and some of the co-authors attributed to this commit require their commits to be signed. We cannot verify signatures from co-authors, and some of the co-authors attributed to this commit require their commits to be signed.

joker-119 released this Oct 8, 2021

No changes from 3.0.3-beta

joker-119 released this Oct 1, 2021

No changes, just a re-release that is compatible for SL build 11.0.0-parabellum-rc-3.1-adec73b1

joker-119 released this Oct 1, 2021

Changes (breaking)

joker-119 released this Sep 28, 2021


  • [Exiled.Loader] Fixed an issue where plugins were not being loaded properly.

joker-119 released this Oct 1, 2021

Официальный дискорд-сервер и репозиторий


Изначально эта страница была создана пользователем BlakcHole -> BlakcHole. Поэтому, авторство вроде-как должно принажлежать ему. Ранее, эта страница располагалась тут -> Сервер

Full Control aims to give you full control of all the damage values in the game in painful detail.

Lobby rooms before round start

Adds a lethal item in SCP-012 containment chamber

VPNShield EXILED Edition made by SomewhatSane☆

A VPN blocking plugin for EXILED SCPSL servers.

Team that helps SCPs

In case you missed SCP-106 teleporting to you randomly in Containment Breach, this plugin enables a way for Larry to do it in SCP:SL.

Very easy roleplay and fun plugin that makes each human have a different size. (They can be more fat or thin too)

Plugin that log your server bans into your discord with the help of webhooks.

Plugin which allows you to create NPCs

If you drop an item inside the cage of SCP-173 you will get another one.

Plugin to lockdown SCPs and Class-D personnel at the beginning of the round for a specified amount of time.

Allows the editing of which alive roles result in the winning team

A plugin that allows you to have an infiltrator inside the classD. The plugin is fully customizable.

Custom client for SCPSL to run stuff on clientside while launcher is running in offlinemeode

Makes group badge colors rainbow

ModerationSystem plugin is a moderation plugin, you can find many commands to moderate your server: mute, ban, kick, warn, playerinfo, unmute and unwarn.

Plugin that adds IUI (FBI) GOI to the game

Exiled plugin that turns players into ghosts when they die.

RPNames is a plugin that gives every player a title and a nickname for RP

joker-119 released this Oct 10, 2021

Popularity Levels:

EXILED is run on over

590 listed and non-listed SCP: Secret Laboratory servers. This makes up

EXILED has risen as a replacement for the now defunct SMod system.


  • [Exiled.Loader] The order in which plugins are enabled has been altered so that Exiled.x plugins will always load EXILED plugins first, to ensure plugins accessing their static Instances do not cause errors.

joker-119 released this Sep 30, 2021



По уверениям отображающейся информации бота, EXILED установлен более чем на +/-50% серверов, серьёзно соперничая с SMod. Стоит учесть, что существуют сервера, на которых не установлено таких API, отчего большая часть настроек, возможных на имеющих SMod и EXILED серверах, будет недоступна на серверах, где они не установлены. Такие сервера не имеют префикс Modded в списке поиска серверов.


Logo for both the EXILED plugin and EXILED Hosting Service


  • [Exiled.Events] FailingEscapePocketDimension and EscapingPocketDimension event patches should no longer throw errors.
We cannot verify signatures from co-authors, and some of the co-authors attributed to this commit require their commits to be signed. We cannot verify signatures from co-authors, and some of the co-authors attributed to this commit require their commits to be signed.

joker-119 released this Oct 8, 2021



joker-119 released this Sep 25, 2021

Re-updated for SL version 11.0.0-parabellum-rc-1-603f54bd

  • Player.IsJumping has been removed.
  • Player.CurrentAnimation has been removed.

The animations for players is now client side. IsJumping will probably make a return in the future, not sure if CurrentAnimation will or not.

This article may be outdated. You can help this wiki by updating it.


How EXILED is used:

EXILED provides plugin services to SCP: Secret Laboratory servers just like SMod did in the past. The collapse of SMod and its development team gave way for EXILED to be created.

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