Enderal как установить enb

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

A realistic and stylized ENB based off of Rudy ENB. Full credit goes to him. Started as a simple ENB and turned into a huge mod list.

Off-site requirements

Mods requiring this file

Mod name Notes
Enderal Enhanced Graphics ENB requires all requirements from the original mod.

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

Must receive permission from Rudy

File credits

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 1

  • Updated mod guide to include a couple more mods
  • Improved sunsets and sunrises further
  • Decreased glossiness during certain weathers to prevent glowing grass and hair
  • Tweaked cloud cover during day time and night time
  • Improved sky lighting for interiors
  • Increased reflection for overcast and aurora weathers

Version 0.4

  • Updated mod page to include numerous new mods to enhance ENB
  • Improved cloud cover in most weathers
  • Increased horizon intensity and lighting in multiple weathers
  • Decreased Dawn and Dusk glossiness to offset grass flickering bug
  • Increased fog density in numerous weathers - primarily during sunset and sunrise
  • Decreased reflections in rainy weathers to minimize the "white" texture look
  • Made rain less transparent to improve rain fall on screen
  • Added golden colored volumetric rays in the Golden Forest
  • Minimized the reflections in snowy daytime weathers
  • Modified sun size and glow in some cloudy weathers
  • Decreased reflections in Old Man Manor
  • Increased aurora intensity in Red Aurora Weather

Version 0.3

  • Added reflections to all interiors and night weathers
  • New Desert Weather
  • Improved Horizons
  • Increase vibrance ifor day, night, and interiors
  • Decreased overall brightness threshold - i.e. Scenes will not be as bright
  • Improved Particle Lighting
  • Improved underwater lighting and light refraction
  • Decreased point lighting in all interiors
  • Decrease sunny brightness for some weathers

Version 0.2

  • - No more white / blownout sky. Reworked Cloud cover.
  • - Improved night sky to be more natural for all weather's
  • - Improved rainy weather's to look more wet and glossy
  • - increased saturation slightly for all locations
  • - decreased brightness in Pine Forest Weather's
  • - Improved horizions during sunset and sundown
  • - removed Lens Flare for BETA 2.0 (needs tweaking)
  • - Improved Specular lighting for all weather's and interiors
  • - Matched skylights of interiors with exteriors
  • - 100% reworked Golden Forest Weather
  • - Reworked Desert weather and fixed cloud issues
  • - added fog cover to bright weathers to help with blown out LOD
  • - Tweaked distant fog to add depth

Version 0.1

Premium membership donations accepted

CURRENT VERSION: Version 1 (Full Release)
Please make sure you download the most recent Enderal update (Version 2.0.7+)

TWO WATER OPTIONS: Mineral Teal (default) and Natural


If you like the mod, all credit goes to Rudy! If you hate the mod, credit / blame goes to me!

This preset includes all the fancy effects offered by ENB and is therefore very intensive.

Awesome Video Created by Relentless Zen. Check it out and give him a like!

8min video showing one of the most FPS intensive locations

Wanting a realistic and stylised next generation look for Enderal, you found it! At times it can be bright and clear; others it can be foggy and bleak.

Main Features:
High Quality Bloom
Lens Flare
Dense Fog Effects
Bleak and Desaturated
Auto Depth Of Field
Wet Effects
Bright days and Starry Nights
High Quality Reflections
Mineral Teal Water
Cinematic Letterbox (Can be disabled)

Skyrim SE
Enderal SE
And a beefy rig to run it!

Average FPS Cost
15-20 FPS

In game you can turn the ENB effect on and off as well as make tweaks with below controls:
shift+F12 - disable/eneble effects
shift+Enter - ENB GUI
shift+F7 - DOF on/off
Insert - screenshot - saved in the game folder

Community Submissions

User Echoness

Because there are two methods of installing Enderal SE (Nexus & Steam), it means there are two ways of installing the ENB.

ENB Install Directory
Nexus version of Enderal= Skyrim SE Folder
Steam version of Enderal= Enderal Folder

The below mods are listed in the order of installation.
For example : Embers XD, will be overwritten by Cozy Campfires.
This is intentional and not doing so may lead to missing textures - i.e. Purple Textures in the game world


All of the listed mods are 100% safe and will not cause any CTDs

If you ONLY WANT the ENB and none of the additional textures/mods, that is fine.
At a minimum, you need to follow Steps 1 , 2, 3, and the final step for water.


 Step 2:
- Download STEAMIN ENB for Enderal in the file section
- Unpack and open the folder titled "Contents in Skyrim SE Folder"
- Copy the following three items into the Skyrim SE / Enderal Folder: enbseries folder, enblocal.ini, enbseries.ini

The ENB Should now WORK! Fire up Enderal and make sure it launches.
If it doesn't, you did something wrong. Start over.

If everything launches, then continue with the guide.

Step 72:
Choose Option A or B (ONLY ONE)

Option B
Natural Water
- Download the Optional "Natural Water" file in the STEAMIN ENB File section.
- DO NOT DOWNLOAD The Vanilla Water Color mod from the above Option A.
- Place the optional file (enbseries.ini) into your Skyrim SE folder. Overwrite when prompted to do so.


You are now done installing mods! Move on to the final step below
I also suggest reading the FAQ, which will help clear some things up

fFirstSliceDistance= 2896.0000 or greater.
fShadowDirectionalBiasScale= between 0.30 and 0.47
If either of these are not present in your ini, add them under [DISPLAY]


Before Launching the game, make sure you ARE NOT USING the following plugins
All of these plugins should be deleted or disabled. ONLY USE THE MESH AND TEXTURES from these mods.
- ENB Particle Patch
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM)
- Blended Roads
- Water for ENB
- Embers XD / Embers HD
- Glorious Doors

In Game Functions:
shift+F12 - disable/eneble effects
shift+Enter - ENB GUI
shift+F7 - DOF on/off
Insert - screenshot - saved in the game folder


I have had a lot of people ask how to increase saturation or vibrance in game.
To do so follow the below steps and see the comparison images.
1. Open ENB Menu in Game (Shift+Enter)
2. In the Shader Parameter Window, open up ENBEffectPostPass
3. Under the Vibrance Section, increase or decrease to desired level
4. Save Configuration

Depth of Field (DOF)
Depth of Field is the Effect which causes distant objects / scenery to become blurry / out of focus.
DOF is enabled by default. To disable this effect follow the below steps.
1. Open ENB Menu in Game (Shift+Enter)
2. In the ENBSeries section locate the effect titled EnableDepthOfField
3. Uncheck the box (green check mark)
4. Save Configuration


Q: If I just want to install the ENB and none of the listed mods, can I do so?
A: Yes, if that is the case, simply install steps 1, 2, 3, and the final step for water.

Q: The map is very white and shiny, is there a way to fix it?
A: This is a bug with ENB. Some ENBs like mine make it worse due to direct light values, but it cannot be fixed. There is a work around however: If you go into the ENBLocal file and change the KeyUseEffect to 77 and KeyCombination to 0, it will turn the ENB off and on when you pull the map up (Letter M). Just know this will change all of the in game ENB functions. Since I use a controller, this is not something I use, so I do not wish to dive into this further.

Q: Do I have to install it in the Enderal SE folder? I followed instructions by installing the ENB in the Skyrim SE folder but the ENB doesn't work.
A: If you use the Steam version, everything goes into the Enderal folder. Nexus goes into the Skyrim SE Folder.

Q: When I make changes in my SkyrimPrefs.ini, they dont seems to affect the game?
A: The Steam version has its own folder and own ini files. Nexus version = Skyrim.ini & SkyrimPrefs.ini / Steam Version = Enderal.ini & EnderalPrefs.ini

Q: I'm not sure how to install mods in general or mods for Enderal, can you help?
A: Because of the double install nature of Enderal (Nexus vs. Steam), I suggest you reach out to the people on Discord. The Enderal SE Discord is very active and the people are extremely helpful!

Q: What is the recommended load order of the mods?
A: load them in the same order I have outlined in the guide.

Q: Why are the Trees so bright at night time?
A: Because you did not install the Trees Emissive Mod listed in the guide.

Q: How do I disable Letterbox (Black bars)?
A: Download the optional file to remove or follow these steps: In game open the ENB menu: shift+Enter ; In the right hand window you will see: ENBEffectPostPassFX ; Scroll down until you see letterbox and uncheck. Make sure you hit Save.

Q: How can I increase or reduce the DOF effect?
A: If you want to disable it completely, follow the steps in the Game Options section above. If you want to increase or decrease the effect, follow these steps: Open the ENB menu in game ( shift+Enter) and in the right hand column under Shader Parameters, you will see ENB Depth Of Field FX. Increase / Decrease the Far Blur curve until the effect meets your needs.

Q: Can you change the colors in the ENB / Can you please make an ENB without _____ effect?
A: No. This ENB is based on my personal tastes and preferences. Feedback is always welcomed, but I am not going to change the style of the ENB to meet someone else's personal desires.


Rudy ENB - Enderal Discord - Nexus Community

Информация по модам в Enderal

1. Помощь и Поддержка
2. Установка
3. Моды Skyrim в Enderal
4. Общие советы
5. Титры

1. Помощь и Поддержка

Мы очень рады, но также и ошеломлены, большому вниманию, которое привлек этот проект (разработанный в наше свободное время). Большое внимание подразумевает множество игроков и, следовательно, множество вопросов и проблем.
Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что наши возможности по поддержке несколько ограничены (как и отсутствие доступа к ресурсам Skyrim). Поэтому мы рассчитываем на сотрудничество с сообществом. У нас есть форум поддержки, где проблемы могут разбираться как разработчиками, так и сообществом:

Мы также хотели бы услышать об ошибках на нашем сайте отслеживания ошибок:

Удаление Enderal и восстановление Skyrim
Чтобы вернуться к установке Skyrim, используйте кнопку «Установка» в лаунчере и нажмите на кнопку «Удалить Enderal». Теперь вы сможете выбрать либо удаление, либо архивирование Enderal. Если вы выберете архивирование, лаунчер переместит данные Enderal и восстановит установку Skyrim. Этот процесс обратим, так что вы можете переключаться между Skyrim и Enderal по желанию.

3. Моды Skyrim в Enderal

Enderal использует свой собственный мастер-файл (ESM). Моды, разработанные для Skyrim, должны быть скорректированы для их безопасного использования в Enderal. Это справедливо и для ENB модов, предназначенных для настройки освещения в Skyrim; так как Enderal меняет все настройки освещения, никакие параметры ENB, заданные для Skyrim, не произведут соответствующего эффекта в Enderal. Кроме того, моды ENB могут препятствовать постепенному затемнению изображения в заставках, приводя к визуальным ошибкам.
Мы полагаем, что многие моды Skyrim будут адаптированы сообществом Enderal (и созданы новые моды). Мы советуем подождать, пока мод не будет адаптирован (или сделайте это самостоятельно).

My preset for ENDERAL, updated for the recent ENB binaries, with all the fixes for meshes and textures needed to make ENB look decent in this game.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission or crediting me
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

All credits goes to:

- Boris Vorontsov
- Opethfeldt
- Kyo
- JawZ
- gp65cj04
- ericking1992
- arsil
- Scegielski
- ZeroKing
- Midhras
- Trillville
- Insomnia
- CeeJay.dk
- prod80
- MTichenor/IndigoNeko
- Marty McFly
- Matso
- Miratheus
- kingeric1992
- OtisInf
- Kermles
- Mindflux
- Mangaclub
- Robx99
- Brumbek
- Arthmoor
- Bethesda

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 5.0c

  • PRESET - Updated to the recent binaries 0.444, fixed disabled AO

Version 5.0b

  • PRESET - tweaked Interiors, disabled cubemap for the rain effect (it's buggy in Enderal)

Version 5.0a

  • Updates
  • - Reworked Ambient Occlusion and Indirect Lighting, previous version generated too many bugs. This one is a bit experimental, I increased the range of the effect and its intensity.
  • - Restored Character Glow. The Phasmalist Apparitions should be visible again. You will probably have to play with the parameters in ENB UI [CHARACTERGLOW] section, because in the interiors they are hardly visible.
  • - A few corrections here and there.
  • ENDERAL essential fixes for Rudy ENB:
  • - Restored normal maps for a few meshes.
  • - Fixed collision mesh for the wooden columns. They can be found, for example, in "Lateral View" in Ark.
  • - Fixed glow effect for Phasmalist Apparitions, they should no longer glow too brightly outside.
  • ENDERAL addons for Rudy ENB:
  • - Fixed normal maps for the road signs.
  • - Added HD Glazed pottery - HD meshes, with a completely new texture.
  • - Added HD Silverware - HD meshes, with a completely new texture.
  • - All the candles shoud be HD, now.
  • - HD meshes for Bowls of Ancient Nation.
  • - Textures for SMiM chandeliers are the same as in my fixes (overwrite or no, it doesn't matter).

Version 5.0

  • Why 5.0? The numbering is based on my presets for Skyrima LE.

Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted

ENB preset for ENDERAL Forgotten Stories, slightly refreshing look of this game

Additionally, all the fixes, for meshes and textures, needed to make ENB look decent in this game. Plus compilation of my mods for Skyrim, which will also be useful in Enderal.

If you are curious how it looks in the game, watch this video:


A few additional installation steps, only required in ENDERAL

- It looks like this game has some hard coded settings in the EnderalPrefs.ini file. Especially one - "iBlurDeferredShadowMask". Whenever you change something in the game settings, this parameter always returns to its default value, which is -128.
I'm not entirely sure, but this parameter is responsible for how many times the shadows are filtered in the game and its defult value is 3. I guess, that the game engine ignores such a ridiculously great value as 128, but if it's larger than 3 and you use ENB, then there is something like a halo around the items and characters in the game.
So, the last thing, after making changes in game settings, is to visit the "Others" section and edit the EnderalPrefs.ini file. iBlurDeferredShadowMask must be set to 3 if you want to use ENB. IMPORTANT. All changes to EnderalPrefs.ini files should be done using the game launcher, not the windows explorer.

- And the second important thing. Enderal uses ENBoost, unfortunately sometimes happens, that it overwrites the enblocal.ini file. Make a backup of your file, just in case, and after changing any settings in the game options, make sure you are using your file.

And a few more things related to the game

- SureAI, authors of ENDERAL did something weird with the way the shadows are rendered in this game, so in some places performance is tragic. For example, if you stand on the other side of the bridge behind Riverville, next to the Ark road sign and look towards the village, with the maximum range of shadows drawing, your fps will fall to about 30, even without ENB. The only way, to improve performance, is to lower the shadow drawing range in the game settings.

- There is an ENB lighting bug with the game map, unfortunately not fixable.

- Detailed ENB shadows works in my game, but they don't work for Boris (ENB author), and it's not clear why. So, just in case here are the screenshots of my settings (remember that these are just examples), and an archive with my files to download in the Optional Files section.

- In the EnderalPrefs.ini essential lines should look like this:

- Better check it twice, especially "bDeferredShadows" if the sky in the game looks strange .

My preset is designed for the white balance - 6500K and Gamma 2.2

- The sharpening options you can find in the GUI - shader parameters window, effect.txt, adjust it to your taste.

Hot Keys in my enblocal.ini :

shift+F12 - disable/eneble effects
shift+Enter - ENB GUI
shift+F7 - DOF on/off
Insert - screenshot - saved in the game folder

If the shift+Enter combination didn't work for you, change in the enblocal.ini these two lines: KeyCombination=0 and KeyEditor=35. Now the END key should bring up the GUI.

Suggested mods:

Many things in the game use the textures from Skyrim Dwemer Ruins, so maybe install Markarth City and Dwemer Ruins Architecture pack from Noble Skyrim

Feel free to edit and make your own! If you base your configuration off this and upload it, please include a reference. Remember that the original author of ENBseries is Boris Vorontsov, and that he encourages setting distribution! Please remember to include all files, and throw out the appropriate credits.

File credits

Boris Vorontsov, for creating ENBseries.
polo702, for his Skyrim preset from which some settings were used.
CeeJay.dk and everyone else who's worked on SweetFX for sharing their excellent work.
Marty McFly and everyone who's worked on MasterEffect for sharing their stunning work.
HeliosDoubleSix for allowing useful code from their Skyrim ENBseries to be used elsewhere.
kingeric1992 and JawQ for their great work on the ENBseries Modular Shader Library and other assets.
Aiyen for their wonderful work on Skylight ENB.
And anyone else tangentially related to this project.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 1.0

Premium membership donations accepted

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