Dimensional doors как убрать черную дыру

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Dimensional Doors is a mod by StevenRS11 and SenseiKiwi which adds a whole new set of Dungeons to explore in an alternate dimension, as well as pocket dimensions which can be used to create large rooms that don't take up space in the Overworld, and teleportation doors which can transport players between two doors even tens-of-thousands of blocks away.

Valuable loot awaits explorers who can survive the many traps of the dimensional dungeons.

Note that each dungeon room has its own world map, so expect hundreds of maps to be generated.

Rifts [ edit ]

Rifts are the black cloudy residue of a dimensional door or dimensional portal. They are what is left behind when the player walks through a dimensional dungeon portal, preventing the player from re-entering that same portal unless the player re-opens the portal by right-clicking on it with a Rift Blade. Rift clouds can sometimes spawn in nature as well, but if multiple rifts occur near each other for any reason they will start to multiply and eat away at the world around them similar to the way Endermen pick up blocks, only with more destructive results. Additionally Endermen themselves will begin to occasionally spawn in these areas.

Rifts can be destroyed either by placing a block directly in the block of space where they occur, or by right-clicking on them with a Rift Remover.

Rifts without portals or doors attached to them can also be created using a Rift Signature. A Rift Signature links any two points set by the player by right clicking with the Rift Signature. Upon the first right-click, the coordinates of where it was clicked will be stored, and when the item is right-clicked a second time somewhere else, rift clouds will appear at both locations. If a Dimensional Door is then placed down at one rift point and then the player walks through that door, a matching door will be created at the point of the other rift for the player to walk through. This can be very useful as an escape method if a player becomes lost in a dimensional dungeon.

Dimensional Dungeons [ edit ]

Dimensional dungeons are each one a randomized maze of rooms provided by the Dimensional Doors mod which consist mostly of Fabric of Reality, a solid black substance which disguises the environment of these dimensions to resemble an empty black void, and various types of Stone Brick.

Dimensional dungeons can be found from the Overworld between two short pillars of Stone Brick which will spawn in the world naturally when this mod is installed.

Limbo [ edit ]

If the player dies in a dimensional dungeon or in a pocket dimension, the player will be sent to Limbo. Limbo is a dimension in which fall damage does not effect the player and items in inventory before death will be retained, but the player must find a portal similar to those seen on the overworld to enter a dimensional dungeon in order to escape. These portals are much harder to see against the landscape of Limbo however since everything in Limbo is made of a dark block called Unraveled Fabric. Alternately the player may venture deeper down into limbo until a flat plane of eternal fabric is reached. Stepping onto one of these flat planes will teleport the player back to the Overworld, but at a completely random location which could be tens of thousands of blocks away from the original portal or door. Alternatively it could transport the player high up in the air, causing the player to die on impact.

Pocket Dimensions [ edit ]

Pocket dimensions are rooms that can be placed by the player using a Dimensional Door. These dimensions consist of one large room enclosed in Fabric of Reality, which is then once more encased in an impermeable layer of Fabric of Reality, meaning that there is no way of falling into an infinite void in these dimensions. More Dimensional Doors can be placed within these pocket dimension rooms to create the player's own system of rooms with the benefit of taking up no extra space in the Overworld.

Monoliths [ edit ]

Monoliths are the unique mobs found in the dimensions added by the mod. These creatures are used outside of Limbo to prevent cheating. If the player mines outside the stone brick trap hallways, the Monoliths will begin to teleport you to Limbo.

Upon approaching a Monolith a texture of an eye will slowly open. Once you are close enough to the Monolith, the eye will fully open and an ender effect will appear around you. Eye contact does not matter, proximity is what triggers it. Shortly after, you will transported to a random location in Limbo; whether you are already in Limbo or not doesn't matter. This can be used to your advantage to quickly traverse Limbo in search of a portal back.

The Monoliths cannot be harmed in any way, and unless you intend to travel to the Limbo it is highly advised to avoid them. It is also worth noting that you can see Monoliths on the mini-map, represented by a red texture missing sign (red question mark.) Monoliths cannot hurt the player in any way besides teleporting them.

This video shows the dimensional doors and their features.

Dimensional Doors

Dimensional Doors is a mod for Hexxit which allows the player to create or enter areas called Pocket Dimensions. Pocket Dimensions are accessed with Dimensional Doors. These can either be player-created areas, or spawned in by world(s) generation.

Currently there are three different Dimensional Doors. They are the Dimensional Door, the Warp Door, and the Transdimensional Trapdoor. Each of these serve a different purpose. If pocket dimensions are thought of as levels, every Dimensional Door descends a level, and every Warp Door ascends a level. Every time a Dimensional Door is gone through without going back to the Overworld, an additional Warp Door is needed to ascend to the Overworld. However, the Transdimensional Trapdoor will bring the player back to the Overworld, although if the player goes too deep, the trapdoor may get "confused" on where to send them. The catch with these is that they are one-time use only!

However, no matter what the risk may be, the reward of these pocket dimensions can be worth it, with most chests having loot like diamonds and enchanted books. Creating a new pocket dimension, a 29x29x29 block area is created, all within a 2x1x1 area. The pocket dimensions also seem to act exactly like the Overworld, other than beds which will explode like in the Nether and no mobs will spawn, which means trees, farms or anything else can be protected in these dimensions. The only exception to this are Monster Spawner and Soul Cages.

Захотелось добавить немного мистики и неизвестности в обычную игру Minecraft? Dimensional Doors идеально подходит для этого! Открывайте двери в неизвестность, дайте волю своей фантазии и наблюдайте за тем, как изменится игра вместе с модом DimensionalDoors.

Dimensional Doors - неизведанные измерения

Данный мод дает возможность путешествовать в "Переходные порталы" и даже посещать новые измерения. Все, что вам нужно для этого - найти дверь в другое измерение, или скрафтить ее самостоятельно. Разные типы дверей ведут к разным измерениям, поэтому хорошенько подумайте, какая дверь нужна вам.По мере прохождения мода вам могут встретиться отдельные карманы измерений, соединенные между собой дверьми. Так же вы можете попасть в подземелье, в котором вас ждет много ловушек и сокровищ, или в лабиринт.

Если вы разрушите пространственную дверь, появится разлом. Чтобы попасть в него, вам нужно поставить дверь на место прохода.

Dimensional Doors - неизведанные измерения

Вам не посчастливилось и ваш поход в другое измерение закончился неудачей? Вас ждет измерение Лимб, в которое можно попасть только при смерти в подземелье или если дразнить Монолита - слишком долго смотреть на него. Выбраться из Лимба можно коснувшись блока Вечной Ткани, или создать портал.

Dimensional Door is a block from Dimensional Doors. Dimensional Doors are useful for many things, such as quick travel and creating blank Pocket Dimensions. The dimensional door acts similarly to Portals, as they both lead to pocket dimensions, however instead of leading to a Dimensional Dungeon it leads to a blank room made almost completely from Fabric of Reality unless put under a Rift that leads to a dimensional dungeon.

Rift Blades [ edit ]

A Rift Blade is a sword found in dimensional dungeons. It has the power to open temporary pocket dimension portals by holding down the right-click for an extended time, however this will not create a permanent door and once the player goes through it a rift will be left behind.

The Rift Blade additionally has a special attack which teleports the player to a nearby enemy if the player is close enough and right-clicks the enemy. These two abilities seem to be treated by the game as enchantments and the usual glow of an enchanted item can be seen on the weapon. It should be noted that while placing a Rift Blade on an Anvil with an enchanting book will seem as though it can apply the enchantment, it doesn't appear as though these enchantments actually become applied to the weapon.


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