Claire not like oranges найдите ошибки

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

1) Я обнаружил, что мой обед(еда) остыла( холодная)
2) Оказалось, что ресторан был полон людей
3) Мы знаем, что они обеспечивают свежей рыбой
4) Им сказали, что они делают отличные лимонные напитки
5)Этот стол не похож на стол для двоих
6)Я бы хотел, чтобы мой стол был далеко от окна

1. Granny is (a) Indefinite Tense) in the kitchen. She is making (b) Continuous Tense) a plum-cake.

2. My wife often makes (a) Indefinite Tense) plum-cakes.

3. I have not seen (c) Perfect Tense) Tom for ages.

4. Two years ago Derry bought (a) Indefinite Tense) a car.

5. The police caught (a) Indefinite Tense) Dan when he was robbing (b) Continuous Tense) a shop.

Как я делаю ДЗ
How do I do my homework
Homework is an important part of studying, so every day when I come home I start doing my homework and preparing for lessons. I do the homework very attentively, and I never forget to do it, because I want to get only good marks. I sometimes do my homework with friends. Doing homework with friends is really funny and you can always ask someone to help you. I also use different dictionaries, encyclopedias and the Internet while doing my homework.
Many pupils ignore homework, because they think that homework is pointless, but it’s wrong. If you want to be a successful student, you should do your home tasks everyday.

S - единственное, are - множественное.
а - единственное, any - множественное.
там где к слову добавляется s - множественное число, там где s нет - единственное.
вот и составляй предложения.
is there a cave on your island?
are there any caves on your island?
is there a sea.
are there any seas.
ну и т.п.

1) I traveled last summer
2) I went to Spain
3) I traveled by plane
4) I traveled alone
5) I went to Spain to visit my friend
6) I saw many historical places
7) I met my friend and many other people
8) The place was comfortable. large and beautiful
9) Yes, I did/ I really enjoyed that trip
10) Yes, I would/ I would like to go there again


1. Claire does not like oranges.
2. Sorry. You can't speak to Jane.She's sleeping.
3. My friend lives in Great Britain.
4. Peter is a businessman. He works all over the world.


1)Claire do not like oranges.
2) Sorry. You can't speak to Jane. She's sleeping.
3) My friend live's in Great Britain.
4) Не знаю

Новые вопросы в Английский язык

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО. Hello, everybody. Today I would like to talk about The Little Prince. This is one of the books I think everybody should read. I wou … ld like to name my presentation The Art of Small Steps. I think this book shows us that that it takes time for good things to happen. We just have to be good and patient. The story looks like a fairy tale, but it is not. It is an amazing story about a little boy who lives on another planet. He is not alone. He has a rose that he loves very much. He does everything to protect it. He is happy. But he wants to know what is happening on other planes. So, he visits them. His travels help him gain wisdom. He is curious and wants to know what is in people’s minds. He asks a lot of questions. You know, I think that he puts these questions to me, the reader. He wants to help us understand the real values in life. This boy shows us that love and friendship are very important. He knows that people should support one another. He protects his rose on his planet. He is responsible for his actions. He cares about his friend, the fox. He is the example we should follow. I was sad at the end o the story. But then I understood that the Little Prince went back home to his rose. He shared his wisdom with me, his reader. I’m very grateful for that. I know that his story taught me the art of small steps. I know that if I work hard regularly, I will achieve my goals. I also know that I should love and respect people around me. And I should protect my planet. 1.1 Answer the following questions according to the text 1/2/3/4/5/6 According to the text, what does the book show to the reader? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to the text, how do the travels help the Little Prince? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to the text, why does the Little Prince travel? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Find in the text: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 a synonym for the verb to save _______________ an antonym of the adjective impatient _______________ a noun meaning journey or trip _______________ a verb meaning to have a deep feeling of affection _______________ 1.3 Based on the text, write if the sentences are True or False. Justify your choice 1/2/3/4/5/6 a) Travels are important and useful for the Little Prince. _____________ because_____________________________ b) The Little Prince did not teach anything the reader. _____________ because_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.4 Give another title to the text 1/2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5 Explain the message of the text in 30-40 words 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 ____________________________________________________________________ II Put the verb into the correct form 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 1. We usually _________________ (play) tennis on Fridays. 2. Yesterday Jake _________________ (lose) his keys. 3. They _________________ (play) in the same team last year. 4. _________ you ever __________ (be) to Spain? 5. James _________________ (drink) all milk yesterday. 6. Felix _________________ (write) a report every day. 7. The show ________ already_________ (start). 8. It’s a big factory. Five hundred people _________________ (work) there. 9. The book _________________ (lie) on the table. 10. Mr. Brown _________________ (know) everyone. III Change the APC sentences to SPC sentences. 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 1. It is the boy’s toy. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 My friend’s pictures are beautiful. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4 1.09 Complete the dialogue with the key phrases. Then listen again and check. Now practise the dialogue with a partner.​


Reading Practice R 9 Look at the statements below about the city of Bergen. Read the text to decide if each statement 1-10 is T (true) or F (false). 1 … Bergen is inside the Arctic Circle. 7 It is dark in Bergen all year round. 2 There are more than seven mountains 8 The Bergen Aquarium houses a large variety around the city of Bergen. of sea life. 3 Bergen was an important port for the Vikings. 9 There are plenty of different souvenirs to 4 Columbus discovered Bergen. bring back from Norway. 5 Tourists can tour the Bergen area by ferry. 10 Food is usually cheap in the centre of 6 The houses in Bergen are good for Bergen. protecting people from the cold.​

помогите пожалуйста вот это все я вас прошу ​ умоляю вас помогите сдавать через 15 мин

помогите пожалуйста. Составить диалог о съёме жилья, результат- отказСоставить диалог о съёме жилья, результат- отказ​

1. Wendy is from Boston. 2.We are from Pskov. 3.Nikola and Mark are from Paris. 4.I am from Tambov. 5.You are from Vladivostok . 6.He is from Madrid . 7.She is from Rome.

"Битлс" изменили стиль популярной музыки до неузнаваемости,что вызвало новый музыкальный феномен 60-х.Их музыка была свежей и оригинальной.Она застряла в головах прошлого поколения и до сих пор влияет на поп и рок группы.
"Битлс" стали мировой сенсацией.Они писали о каждодневных предметах,в основном о любви,-это всё могло касаться каждого.Они трогали сердца миллионов людей такими песнями как"Hey Jude",'Love me do","Help" и "Michelle".Их песни были просты и броски,но также очень технично сконструированы,с большим влиянием классической музыки.
"Битлс" были также первым "бойз-бэндом",хорошо представленным,симпатичным и одетым в костюмы,что сделало их очень привлекательными для всех девушек.
"Битлс" также писали песни о таких мировых проблемах,как жизнь в мире,что трогало различные поколения,включая и наше.Их музыка старалась мотивировать смотреть на яркую сторону жизни(быть оптимистами).

Harder sharper longer bigger older taller later stronger

Were the foods good ? How long did you stay there ? How did your travel ? Did the weather fine? What did you do in the evenings ? Did you meet anybody interesting ?

Если я правильно поняла,решение таково(у меня нет аудио )
-What cavemen ate?
-He ate meat and plants.
-Where did they live?
-They lived in caves
-What were the cavemen?
-Тhey wore clothes from animal skins
-They ate meat and plants!
-What did they hunt?

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