Beamng remote control ошибка connecting timeout

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Sorry Backend System Outage! Don't worry it will back on soon!

  • The Backend did not respond could be the firewall or ISP

Primary Servers Offline! sorry for the inconvenience!

  • The Launcher failed to check for an update firewall or ISP

Launcher Update failed!

  • The launcher failed to download the new version

Cannot Create BeamNG Directory! Retrying.

  • The launcher cannot create the BeamNG folder it will automatically relaunch requesting admin after 3 secs

Please close the game and try again

  • This error will happen if the game is already running under the same profile / launcher was unable to reset the folder

Cannot Create Mods Directory! Retrying.

  • The launcher cannot create the Mods folder it will automatically relaunch requesting admin after 3 secs

Cannot Create Settings Directory! Retrying.

  • The launcher cannot create the Settings folder it will automatically relaunch requesting admin after 3 secs

Please launch the game at least once

  • This will happen when the launcher tries to modify the game's profile directory and fails. Launching the game should fix it

Failed to launch the game

  • This will happen when the game refused to update the profile directory

Failed to Launch the game! launcher closing soon

  • Launcher failed to start the game launching the game once before retrying could fix it

Game Closed! launcher closing soon

  • This will happen after the launcher was able to start the game and shouldn't happen unless the game failed to start or closed

Mod did not load! launcher closing soon

  • This will happen when the mod was found not loaded by the game for 35 secs that should only happen if beamng is corrupted or when someone is attempting to load their own system

Failed to find the game please launch it. Report this if the issue persists

  • Code 1 means that the launcher was unable to find the game under Steam a potential fix would be to reinstall or launch the game, also you might want to set Steam to online mode
  • Code 2 means the same except the launcher was unable to find the game ID under Steam
  • Code 3 means that the launcher was unable to find the game's info (where it last started version ect. )
  • Code 4 means the same except the launcher was unable to open the location where those values should be
  • Code 5 means that the game runtime files were not found if after launching the game it still doesn't work then report the error

Sorry. We do not support cracked copies report this if you believe this is a mistake

  • Code 1 means that steam was found but not where it's installed this could be fixed by just running steam or reinstalling steam.
  • Code 2 means that the game ID was not found under the steam directory.
  • Code 3 means that the steam directory where the game ID would be was not found.
  • Code 4 means that steam was not installed/Not found.
  • Code 5 means that the game was not installed in a steamapps folder meaning it was moved manually.
  • Code 6 means that the launcher was unable to link a steam ID to the last steam ID the game was launched from could be that the user doesn't own the game (borrow). (Make sure he redownloads the launcher to make sure it doesn't fix itself)

Illegal steam modifications detected report this if you believe this is a mistake

  • Code 1 means that the launcher found illegal files in the steam directory

Below is a list of all the Server Error Codes, what they mean & how to solve them in most cases.

Note: If the server closes immediately check the log you will find startup error codes

11 янв. 2018 в 1:48

Hi, I was trying to connect the remote control app to my PC, but it said "The game seems to be blocked by the windows firewall" even though I let it through. Please help, I would like to use this app on my PC. And yes, I have tried connecting and the app just crashes.

11 янв. 2018 в 4:10

Are both your devices connected to the same network?
Are you sure your antivirus, firewall and anything similar is not blocking the game from connecting to the phone and vice-versa?

11 янв. 2018 в 4:28

Are both your devices connected to the same network?
Are you sure your antivirus, firewall and anything similar is not blocking the game from connecting to the phone and vice-versa?

Thanks for helping Nadeox, both of my devices are connected to my network, the point was that the game has been saying that it is being blocked when it actually isn't, I checked both windows firewall and my antivirus settings and the both allow it. Im not sure about the tablets connection, its not really one of those ones you can fiddle round with the firewall, (im not even sure it has an antivirus XD) but do you think maybe there is somthing else possibly blocking BeamNG?

7 окт. 2019 в 16:00 i have got the correct app on my phone, and beamng is allowed through the firewall, my antivirus does not block it, and both my phone and PC are connected to the same router, which is not set to block any types of connection (though my pc does receive the wifi via connection sharing through a laptop, due to it not having a wifi capable network card, however it is still receiving the internet from the router, the laptop just acts as a wifi receiver)

8 окт. 2019 в 3:48 I'm not too sure about using another device for connection sharing would work for the app.
Do you have any way to directly connect the PC to the router, even if temporary?
Or, try on the laptop directly. 8 окт. 2019 в 4:15 the laptop is a potato and hasn't opened steam to install any updates since 2016, and i do not own an ethernet cable to go all the way across my house, down the stairs, and then back across to the router 9 окт. 2019 в 5:55 would it be possible to connect the phone via USB to control the game?

9 окт. 2019 в 9:16 No, this is not possible, the app is meant to be used with a wireless connection from your phone, and then your phone wired or wireless(ly) connected to the same router. 9 окт. 2019 в 10:45 ive been trying to use network tethering, which makes an ethernet network between the phone and the PC over USB and can provide internet to my PC through my phone, but the app refuses to consider this a network and asks me to connect to wifi, how can i make it use this tethering network to connect to BeamNG? 9 окт. 2019 в 11:08 and if that is not possible, why? why is the only option available being connect both phone and PC directly to the same router via wire or wireless, and why does network sharing not work? they ARE both connected to the exact same router, they are both receiving the exact same connection from the exact same source, and why are other connection types not allowed? why cant i use USB? or internet sharing via USB? or internet sharing via bluetooth? why must i use this one very specific connection with absolutely no leeway? if there is a connection between phone and PC why am i not allowed to just use it? why must i go and spend money i dont have on a wifi capable network card when i have several other connection options available to me that you wont let me use?

10 окт. 2019 в 3:04

This depends on how your device's tethering connection works.
What matters for the game, is that it can discover the phone in the network it's connected to.
As far the PC itself can find the phone, the game does not care if you are using WiFi, Tethering or else.

Commonly tethering works in this way:
Your phone is connected to your router, and your PC is connected to your phone.
Your phone's tethered connection is a separate connection on its own. You won't be able to see the devices connected to the router itself, but only the other devices connected to your phone.

I don't think any phone does this differently.

And that's why you won't be able to use tethering for this.
Your PC is technically connected to a different network than your phone, which won't make them discover-able to each other.

You can test this by using an IP/Network discovery App, as it would let you see what other devices are available on the same network your device is connected. Ideally, you should see the phone from your PC, and viceversa.

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Помогите решить проблему, в стиме купил игру, после загрузки карты игра начинает пытаться грузить текстуры и слетает (Crash-report), что делать?

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Blow Off

Даниил, попробуй на кнопки на клаве понажимай. это именно функция игры, а не баг. помойму буква о англ. на крайняк в в настрах полазий

Даниил Катаржнов

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У меня 8гб оперативки а в BeamNG используется только 4гб, в чём проблема?

Даниил Маликов

помогите я ккупил в стиме начинаю играть моргает экран черный

Роман Веревкин

Андрей Хоменко

Ребят. Суть в том что купил через стим игру, все было хорошо.
Но после обновления - качаю тачки и у них колеса пробиваются сразу.

Андрей Пинчук

Роман, у меня вообще 15 фпс постоянно, не могу ничего найти, меняю графику, 15 фпс что минималки что максималки, уменьшаю разрешение-15 фпс. Комп соответствует более чем минимальные системки. ((

Артем Юшков

Камиль Сабитов

Привет всем. Проблема такая. Игра на ноуте идет минуту плавно, а потом тормозит жутка. Я понял что игра с начало играет на видюхе от Нвидео, но потом работает на Интоловской и все тормозит. Стоит выключит шнур питания от ноута и воткнуть обратно то всё норм, но это только на 5_10 сек. Такая хрень была на пиратке, я купил лицуху и всё ровно так же. Запускал на другом ноуте тоже самая проблема.

Игорь Земцовский

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