Wasteland 2 убежище флетчера код сейфа

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Wasteland 2: DC: тостеры, храмы, статуи, книги, музей, коды

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26 окт. 2014 в 21:42 What's the safe code in Fletcher's Hideout?

I already have safecracking10, and it told me I only have 35% chance to open it.

WTH?that means the safe is LV11?

But it has code panel, so maybe someone know about the code?

27 окт. 2014 в 1:47

That is how this game rolls. In some cases, you can use mechanical repair skill to re-enable locks in case you critically fail. This is another weird design decision, which make little sense but will be defended by those in love with "every action/decision has real consequences" philosophy InXile adopted for this game.

8 фев. 2014 в 9:33 Code of the safe at Infected Village Theres a place between Highpool and AgCenter where you find an Infected Village.
In the beggining of the map you find some people who locked themselves to avoid the insects and the podpersons and the local sheriff give to you a password "M-A-Y-B-E-R-R-I-E-S", what could open a safe in a house at far end of the map. I found the safe, and the keypad attached to it, but the keypad is numerical only, so I guess "mayberries" should be a clue to some child tale, or a joke, or some american jingo (the game make some musical reference), to get the number. The problem is: I am not american and can't make the link. Someone have discovered the code. If it really exists??

8 фев. 2014 в 12:27 24 фев. 2014 в 12:17 I managed to open it with the safe cracking skill. 7 assualt rifle bullets and a pain reliever were in it. (i hoped some armor or rifle but it didn't) 24 фев. 2014 в 12:55 Yeah, I used safecracking to open it, too. It can be oppened by force, using better weapons like AK-94 and G-43 sniper rifles. But the question continues: what is the password. Its only numerical and 1-8 digits. The alphanumerical phone number doesn't works (11 digits), I tried in the very beggining. 26 фев. 2014 в 23:35

Randir14 was right, but the password is M-A-Y-B-E-R-R-Y

Interestingly enough, she also says the house is on the WEST side of town, but the compass puts the house on the NORTH side.

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