Vintage story читы

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

This is a list of commands that are executed on the server and therefor list/change things that may affect all players. Some of these commands may need coordinates, so make sure you use the right notation.



World Control

  • /seed
    Shows the world seed


Protip: Do not actually type the [ ] shown in this command syntax, that is intended only to show which values can be changed!

Vintage Story — Русское сообщество

Виктория, Вот небольшой перевод гайда из официальной вики:

К этому моменту игрок может поинтересоваться, какая передача голубого цвета находится между баром здоровья и баром сытости. Это измеритель временной стабильности, уровень цвета в передаче показывает текущую временную стабильность игрока. Как временная стабильность игрока уменьшается, передача поворачивается против часовой стрелки, и синий цвет в передаче уменьшается. При увеличении, цвет шестерни возвращается по мере того, как она поворачивается по часовой стрелке. Если временная стабильность достигает нуля, зрение игрока резко меняется, и, как правило, случаются плохие вещи.

Снижение временной стабильности:

Некоторые участки поверхности временно нестабильны
Пещеры, подземные пещеры и места, расположенные ниже уровня поверхности, как правило, более нестабильны, чем поверхность мира.
Временные штормы (происходят через регулярные промежутки времени)
Восстановление временной стабильности:

Перемещение в место с высокой стабильностью на поверхности или на более высоких высотах в мире.
Перенесите временную стабильность с временной передачи: держите передачу в левой руке, нож в правой, и держите правую кнопку мыши, чтобы обеспечить 30-процентный прирост скорости.
При убийстве дрифтеров высвобождается небольшое количество временной стабильности.

Commands for Moderators and Admins

  • /help
    List all server commands.


  • /giveblock [blockcode] [quantity] [toplayername] [attributes]
    Creates an itemstack of the specified block in the specified quantity, and gives it to the specified player. The player must have an empty inventory slot to receive the itemstack. Quantity, toplayername and attributes are optional. The default quantity is 1. If player name is not set, the command user's own player is targeted. If attributes are specified, they must be written in the same format as in a JSON file (note: spacing is optional in JSONs and it will be easier to omit spaces here)


  • /giveitem [itemcode] [quantity] [toplayername] [attributes]
    Same as above but for items.


  • /gamemode [0..4|guest|survival|creative|spectator]
    Mode names can be shortened to any length. Sets your game mode:
    • 0|guest Guest mode - Cannot place/remove any blocks but can interact with them
    • 1|survival Survival mode - Can slowly break/place blocks. Can die. Cannot fly. Survival inventory.
    • 2|creative Creative mode - Access to all blocks through the creative inventory. Instant block breaking. Cannot die. Can fly.
    • 3|spectator Spectator mode - Cannot place/remove blocks and cannot interact with anything, but can fly.
    • /gamemode [playername] [0..4]
      Sets the gamemode for given player.
    • /tp [coordinates]
      Teleport yourself to the position given.
      • /tp x y z
        Teleports the player to given pretty coordinate visible from the pretty coordinate box.
      • /tp =x =y =z
        Teleports the player to given absolute coordinate visible from the debug screen on ALT + F3.
      • /tp

      Teleports player by a given relative distance, i.e. teleport

      • /tp [playername] [coordinates]
        Teleport given player to a different position.
      • /tp [playername]
        Teleport yourself to given player.
      • /ban [playername] [reason]
        Ban a player.


      • /unban [playername]
        Unban a player.
      • /kick [playername] [reason]
        Kick a player.


      • /clearinv
        Removes all items from your inventory.

      Privilege Control

      • /op [playername]
        Alias of /player [playername] role admin .
      • /role [rolename] [roleproperty]
        Display or modify [roleproperty] on role [rolename] .
        • /role [rolename] spawnpoint [x] [y?] [z]
          Configure a role specific spawn point. Any player that has this role will spawn at this location.
        • /role [rolename] privilege [grant|revoke] [privelegename]
          Grant or revoke privileges from given role.
        • /role [rolename] landclaimallowance [value]
          Set the max allowed claimable area in cubic meters for every player that has this role. (default: 4 chunks = 4*32*32*32 cubic meters = 131072)
        • /role [rolename] landclaimmaxareas [value]
          Set the max quantity of non-adjacent areas a player may claim. (default: 3)
        • /role [rolename] landclaimminsize [x y z]
          Set the smallest cuboid a player may claim. (default: 6 by 6 by 6)


        • /player [playername] [whitelist|privilege|role|entity|stats|gamemode|landclaimallowance|landclaimmaxareas]
          Modify or display player data.
          • /player [playername] whitelist
            See current whitelist mode of given player.
          • /player [playername] whitelist on
            Adds a player to a server whitelist.
          • /player [playername] privilege
            Lists the players current privileges.
          • /player [playername] privilege [grant|revoke] [privilegename]
            Grants or revokes given privilege for this player.
          • /player [playername] role
            Shows the players current privilege role. (default: suplayer)
          • /player [playername] role [rolename]
            Sets the players current privilege role. (default: suplayer)
          • /player [playername] stats
            Shows a summary of the players current privileges.
          • /player [playername] gamemode [0..4 or partially/fully written game mode name]
            Shows or sets the players current game mode.
          • /player [playername] landclaimallowance [0..9999]
            Shows or sets a player specific extra land claim allowance, independent of the allowance set by the role. (default: 0)
          • /player [playername] landclaimmaxareas [0..9999]
            Shows or sets a player specific extra land claim areas allowance , independent of the allowance set by the role. (default: 0)
          • /player [playername] allowcharselonce
            Allows the player to re-select their class after doing so already.

          Multiplayer Commands for Players

          • /land [claim|free|info|list]
            <translate> Claim an area of the world where only you can build or use blocks in.</translate>
          • /land list
            <translate> Displays a list of the claims that you made so far, you can use displayed index number to modify it, see below.</translate>
          • /land info
            <translate> Display information on the claimant of the current position, if there is any.</translate>
          • /land free [index]
            <translate> Deletes a claim of yours.</translate>
          • /land adminfree
            <translate> Deletes the claim of a player as an admin.</translate>
          • /land claim [load|new|grant|revoke|gn|ge|gs|gw|gu|gd|start|end|add|plevel|fullheight|save|cancel]
            <translate> Create or modify an existing claim.</translate>
            • /land claim load [0..999]
              <translate> Load an existing claim for modifying. Use index number as shown in /land list to select which claim.</translate>
            • /land claim new
              <translate> Create a new claim, also marks the start position.</translate>
            • /land claim grant [playername] [use|all]
              <translate> Grant given player access to your claim. 'use' for only use/interact rights, 'all' for use and place/break block rights.</translate>
            • /land claim revoke [playername]
              <translate> Revoke a previously granted privilege to given player on your claim.</translate>
            • /land claim grantgroup [groupname] [use|all]
              <translate> Grant given player group access to your claim. 'use' for only use/interact rights, 'all' for use and place/break block rights.</translate>
            • /land claim revokegroup [groupname]
              <translate> Revoke a previously granted privilege to given player group on your claim.</translate>
            • /land claim allowuseeveryone [true|false]
              <translate> Grant or Revoke use access to all players</translate>
            • /land claim start
              <translate> Mark a start position for a cuboidal area to be claimed.</translate>
            • /land claim end
              <translate> Mark an end position for a cuboidal area to be claimed.</translate>
            • /land claim [gn|ge|gs|gw|gu|gd] [-99..99]
              <translate> Grow the currently selected cuboid towards north/east/south/west/up/down by given length. If no length is supplied then the selection is grown by 1 block.</translate>
            • /land claim [sn|se|ss|sw|su|sd] [-99..99]
              <translate> Shrink the currently selected cuboid towards north/east/south/west/up/down by given length. If no length is supplied then the selection is shrunk by 1 block.</translate>
            • /land claim add
              <translate> Adds the currently selected cuboid to the currently edited claim. A claim may exist of multiple cuboids, as long as they are adjacent to eachother.</translate>
            • /land claim fullheight
              <translate> Vertically grow the currently selected cuboid to encompass the full height from world bottom to world top. Note that with default settings this is not possible because players cannot claim that many chunks.</translate>
            • /land claim save [description]
              <translate> Save current claim modifications and stop editing the current claim.</translate>
            • /land claim cancel
              <translate> Discard all modifications to this claim.</translate>


            • /group [create|disband|rename|invite|acceptinvite|leave|list|kick|op|deop]
              Create/manage or destroy a player group. Player groups currently only serve the function of offering a seperate channel to chat in in addition to granting access to claimed areas.
              • /group create [groupname]
                Creates a new player group, own chat channel. While in the this group's chat channel:
              • /group invite [group] [playername]
                Invites a player to this group
              • /group acceptinvite [groupname]
                Accept an invite to join the group
              • /group leave [group]
                Leaves this player group.
              • /group list
                Lists all groups you are currently in.
              • /group rename [oldgroupname] [newgroupname]
                Renames the group.
              • /group kick [group] [playername]
                Removes a player from the group.
              • /group op [group] [playername]
                Grants operator status to this player, which allows them to invite other players.
              • /group deop [group] [playername]
                Revokes operator status from this player.
              • /group disband [group]
                Destroy a player group. Must be owner to perform this command.


              These commands affect the players Worldmap and waypoints.

              • /kill
                Kills the player.


              • /emote [wave|cheer|shrug|cry|nod|facepalm|bow|laugh|rage]
                Character does an emote animation.

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