Sonic battle чит коды

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Sonic Battle title.jpg

Sonic Battle (ソニック バトル) is an isometric fighting game with RPG elements. It is the second fighting game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, following Sonic the Fighters.


Battles are fought in 3D arenas with up to 4 players. Each character has a set of attacks and abilities. The majority of attacks are performed with the button, including the combos (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Attack), Air Attack, Upper Attack (used to knock opponents straight up), Heavy Attack (used to knock opponents away), and Aim Attack (used to home in on an opponent after the Heavy Attack). The button is used to jump, and the button lets the player block attacks, or replenish health if the button is held.

The playable characters also have unique special moves, the three types being Shot, Power, and Set. Shot moves are projectiles which can damage an opponent from a distance. Power moves can deal damage quickly in a single move. Trap moves generally involve using a type of bomb to surprise-attack the enemy. However, only a limited number of special moves can be selected. Shot, Power, and Trap must be allocated to three slots: Ground, Air, and Defend. The special move the player sets to Ground will be used when they press on the ground. The move set to Air will be used when the player presses in mid-air. The last slot, Defend, has a different function; When the player sets a certain type of special move to Defend, then every time an enemy uses the same type of special to attack the player, they'll automatically block it.

Each player has a health bar and an "Ichikoro Gauge". When health is completely depleted, the player is KO'd and loses one life (in a survival match) or the one who KO'd them gets a point (in a KO match). The Ground, Air, and Defend settings are chosen at the beginning of the match, and every time the player respawns. As a player takes damage, blocks attacks, or heals, the Ichikoro Gauge fills up. When it is full, the next special move the player does will instantly KO anyone it hits. However, if they chose to defend against that type of special, or successfully block, their Ichikoro Gauge will be filled instantly. Players healing damage will also slowly fill up their Ichikoro Gauge, but are still vulnerable to attacks.


Battling with Emerl

Emerl, the Gizoid, forms the basis for Sonic Battle's story.

The main gimmick of the game is called the Skill Capture system. Emerl can imitate the actions and attacks of every other character. He starts out with slow, incomplete captures of Sonic's abilities, which serve as the default moves. As the game is played, the abilities of other characters are recorded as Skill Cards. After each fight, certain skills are captured this way, one card per character per fight (so if Emerl fought Tails, he would get a Tails data card, and if he fought Sonic, he would get a Sonic data card.) The capturable actions consist of not only the attacks and special moves each character performs, but their individual abilities in running, jumping, mid-air actions, and the like. These can be allocated to their corresponding slots in Emerl's ability list, and doing so gives Emerl the new moves to use in battle. (Note: What the charaters do ingame does not determine what the Skill Card will be.) Sometimes you will get a rare skill such as one of the skills on the third page of Emerl's skill-edit list (ex: fight pose, color 1, attack support). There are 309 skill cards to collect in all, though the rarest can't be acquired by fighting combatants in normal battles. Emerl's ultimate battle cards can only be earned through Tails' virtual training in the final chapter of Story Mode. Secret character-centric abilities can only be obtained via passwords.

However, all these abilities cannot be used simultaneously. A limit is placed on the amount of non-default Skill Cards that can be used, in the form of skill points. Each card has a certain number of stars shown on the corner, and for each star, five skill points must be available to use on it. The total number of required skill points of all the allocated Skill Cards cannot exceed the current maximum of skill points Emerl has accumulated. Like the Skill Cards themselves, the skill point maximum is increased slightly with each battle, to a maximum of 500.

Since Emerl is powered by the Chaos Emeralds, there are cutscenes in the Story Mode episodes in which the Emeralds are used to enhance Emerl's abilities. Each Emerald raises the skill point maximum by 10, a rather large amount considering that most of the time, individual battles raise it by 1-5 (depending on performance). The player can choose to replay a Story Mode episode after it's been completed, but the Skill Card/Point data is still saved. Oddly enough, the skill point maximum is raised at the Chaos Emerald cutscene every time the player reaches them. This means the same Story Mode episode can be repeated to raise Emerl's skill points faster than normal.


In addition to the principal Story Mode with overworld exploration and battle arena fights, there are a number of other game modes available in Sonic Battle for single or multiplayer (by connecting the Game Boy Advance with up to 3 others via a link cable). These include "Battle", "Challenge", and "Training" modes, where one can specify the specific characters, opponents, and arenas to spar in, as well as a selection of 2D mini games largely unrelated to the fighting motif. These include:

Чужой компьютер

Battle Brothers

Battle Brothers

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Александр Степанов

Александр Степанов запись закреплена

Всем привет.
Вот решил поделиться небольшим читерством.
После многих часов потраченных нервов на эту прекрасную игру, я нашел способ немного расслабиться и всполна насладиться игрой.
Все умения хоть по 99999.
Неважно какой уровень и персонаж.
Все в начале игры,хотя немного прейдется помучатся.
Кому интересно такое, пишите мне, я всё обьясню.
Предупреждаю,черезмерное читерство с навыками может испортить атмосферу игры.

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Владислав Митрофанов

А смысл делиться читерством?

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Кирилл Фокин

Владислав, чтобы набрать больше половины пати читеров, а потом прокнули ивенты на получение сетового легендарного шмота "Читара из Машины"

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Александр Константинов

Александр Константинов

Кто Ваню опять выпустил из клетки? Признавайтесь

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Тевтонец Пётр

Блин, было бы интересно провернуть это со своим братков

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Иван Глебов

Иван Глебов

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Дмитрий Чистяков

Иван, зачем чит энджин, если можно просто сейв обработать в проге или хекс-редакторе

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Иван Глебов

Иван Глебов ответил Дмитрию

Дмитрий, ну чит энженом можно анимации во время боя ускорить

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Дмитрий Чистяков

Иван, ну это да, тут согласен

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Александр Титов

Какой в этом смысл? Ты же играешь в игру, чтобы получать удовольствие, а какое в твоём случае удовольствие можно получить?

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Павел Шейн

Александр, ну для проверки кое-каких теорий я бы не отказался заиметь такой чит отряд. Да и иногда хочется спустить пар (эх вспоминаю М&B с читами).

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Александр Троицкий

Эм, есть нормальный редактор сохранений, я вот сейчас им пользуюсь, так как игру сильно ребаланснули, ввели новые механики и противников, и просто надо тестить новые билды, так как в игре это долго да и че говорить на айрон мене жопа пригарает не хило, редактор экономит туеву хучу времени, ну и чит энжен на скорость в бою X3 на карте X5)


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