Solar eclipse чит майнкрафт

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Thanks for checking out this datapack! First of all, I'd like to mention that disabling the resource pack post-challenge is highly recommended (the moon changes into a solar eclipse-styled sun). Also, any datapack involving illusioners will almost definitely be broken badly by this datapack. For (some) details about the challenge, check out the video above. If you want to install the pack, check the spoiler below.

Download Process
  • Download "" from this page.
  • Open Minecraft, and select the world you want to use the data pack in. Before you start up the world, click the "Edit" button, and then click the button in the editing menu titled "Open World Folder".
  • Unzip the .zip file you downloaded before, and put the folder inside it in the "datapacks" folder for your world.
  • Enter your world, type /reload in chat, and the data pack should start working.
    Make sure the resource pack is loaded as well, in Minecraft's resource packs folder. You can open it through the options menu on the home screen.

In case you can't watch the video, here's how the challenge works:

Starting the Solar Eclipse: Once you've typed /reload into chat, a message should come up telling you to check inside a chest nearby. This chest contains an Eclipse Mirror , a 3-minute potion of Night Vison (as an added bonus, I suppose) and a book giving you similar, but more vague, instructions compared to what's on this page.
Start the eclipse by holding the mirror in your main- or off-hand, and right-clicking. If it's working there will be a loud noise, the sky will go dark, and there will be a message in chat saying " The world goes dark. ". Now, Solar Illusioners (click here for the texture) can spawn, and monsters will spawn just as frequently as on a normal night. Time is frozen.

Ending the Solar Eclipse: To end the permanent night (which, of course, presents disadvantages in terms of light level, monster spawn, etc.) you have to kill the Solar Illusioner and use his "treasure": the Solar Medallion .
This will be a coin-like item with the same emblem that's on the Illusioner's back. This won't be an easy task, though, because he has all the standard Illusioner attacks- turning invisible, creating duplicates, and shooting you with a bow. And, of course, he's got 50 total health. It would be wise to bring some strong gear, but this is supposed to be an early-game challenge.
Once you kill your first Illusioner (yes, one spawns for every 20 creepers) he will drop a Solar Medallion . As a matter of fact, you could farm these in order to use them to set the time to day when it's turning night, but this could be glitchy. But, on to the point- right-clicking will end the eclipse by setting the time to day and allowing time to move forward. It will also prevent Illusioners from spawning by killing them immediately.

Videos, Tutorials, Etc. That I've Used
  • Timber Forge's amazing tutorial on custom items: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 (I didn't use the last one, but check it out anyway). His account on PMC is Timber Forge.
  • Also from Timber Forge- a great tutorial on custom mobs: Part 1Part 2 (There are two more parts, but I didn't use them).
  • And, of course, Bertiecrafter's excellent tutorial series on this site about the ins and outs of function datapacks.

I'm not sure if this datapack is compatible with multiplayer, as it's intended mostly for singleplayer. But you can test it out if you want. Also, there may be a rare chance of the Illusioner spawning with an Ominous Banner on his back (this is due to Illusioners sometimes being considered Raid Captains). But I'm not sure if this is the same for the Solar Illusioner, which is customized.

Thanks a ton for taking the time to look at my datapack! It's by far my most complex yet, and I hope you enjoy it. And, remember, if you find any glitches be sure to report them to me so I can improve your experience.

Bonuslevel 1 : rechts, unten, unten , links, C, rechts, A, Z, Y
Bonuslevel 2 : rechts, unten, unten , links, C, oben, unten
Bonuslevel 3 : rechts, unten, unten , links, Y, A, rechts, unten
Bonuslevel 4 : rechts, unten, unten , links, X, Y, Z, Z, Y
Extraleben : rechts, unten, unten , links, B, oben, unten,
unten, Y
Volle Energie : rechts, unten, unten , links, A, links, links
Guided Weapons : rechts, unten, unten , links, B, A, links, links
Tracking Weapons : rechts, unten, unten , links, links, A, unten, Y
Detonating Weapons : rechts, unten, unten , links, unten, oben, unten
Tarnmechanismus : rechts, unten, unten , links, unten, rechts, A, C,
oben, links, A
"Rally Mode" : rechts, unten, unten , links, rechts, A, links,
links, Y
Video Test Mode : rechts, unten, unten , links, unten, oben, C, B,
Y, unten

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