Scp blackout коды

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

26 авг. 2019 в 16:37

Where are the codes ?

i'he manage to finish the game up to hard and i try to finish it (in normal) by taking the door in the power room (you need 18 "generators") or taking the failsafe (in hard). In both situation i am blocked by a code that i can't find. I have the code to the safe in sleeping quarters and the PIN to the rings.
where can i find the codes ?

26 авг. 2019 в 17:36

one more PIN to find. I don't know where to find the PIN in the menu area

[Разработчик] 28 авг. 2019 в 8:47

Almost all of the PINS are in game, some are secrets that you can be led to by following clues!

Недостаточно оценок Basics of Blackout От Big Dicc Marty и соавторов This guide is all about helping new players with the game. Including finding those pesky batteries! В избранное В избранном Этот предмет добавлен в избранное.

В сети Big Dicc Marty
В игре
VTOL VR 9 авг. 2019 в 17:55 10 авг. 2019 в 8:54
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Response "Blackout" (None - Level 1)

Doctors Orders (Level 1 - 3)

Routine Maintenance (Level 3 - 4)

The Genesis Program (Level 4 - Escape)

Meet the Skips

Notes for the Future

Комментарии Response "Blackout" (None - Level 1)

Welcome! You are probably wondering, "What in the hell is a TELR? Why is there roaring? Who the heck is TAS? Why do I not have a body?" Worry not! For this section is all about making it out of the cell and out into your first 2 keycards!

First of all, get out of your cell and make sure not to lock yourself in another one! If you care to listen to the lines, everything has hit the fan and you gotta escape as a lowly D-Class. If you head into the lobby and look around, a man named Dr. Harman will talk to you over the PA. He will then instruct you to find the keycard in the guard room near by. Once you have that keycard, he instruct you to go off into some other places you probably have no idea where in space-time they are.

There are 3 possible locations he will tell you to go to with your new shiny visitor card and special flashlight.
-D-Class Bathroom
-Guard Quarters
-Staff Bathroom

The D-Class bathroom is right next to the door leading to the Quarters. Coming out of the cells, it should be in the left corner of the lobby. Head in and take a peek around for that nice emerald green level 1 keycard.

The Guard Quarters are just a bit further down, like I said earlier, it is right next to the D Class bathroom. Using the cells as a reference point, it will be in the left corner of the lobby on the western side. Head through that door and straight through 'till you see another door with big white text above it reading "Quarters." If you take a peek around, you can find the previously mentioned level 1 keycard and maybe a battery or a few pain pills! (Those are especially useful for later!)

The Staff Bathroom is the furthest away from the bunch. Once again, using the cells as a reference point, the door is directly left of you as soon as you leave the cells. It should be right on the western wall, a bit far away from the Quarters. Enter, take a left and go straight down until you see those wooden doors. Look through those two rooms and you should be able to see a nice level 1 keycard.

Congratulations! You can access a few new locations and probably have already encountered a few skips. Check out Meet the Skips section for more details about them!

Doctors Orders (Level 1 - 3)

Well then! You've made it just that little bit further. Hopefully you haven't been ripped to shred, fed to a giant baby, turned into a shadow or eaten by now! Let's find you those next two keycards!

You've got your level 1 and a sense of accomplishment, what now? Well, just a few more orders from Harman to go throw some switches in tunnels infested with a bacteria that would happily use you as a breeding ground.

Before we get to that, listen to Harman, he will tell you where that next keycard will be. Since there is alot more things going on, I'll be pointing you towards the map just to the left. Only 2 places this time, though much further away and one being a bit more tedious. Harman will say to go to either the break room or the warehouse. Those black dots are where that Level 2 keycard can spawn, as where Harman tells ya to go. Just after that, He will yell for you to go to the maintenance office. Take a minute and go find that third keycard to save some time. I marked it on the map in white dots.
Those rooms with the level 2 and 3 may contain some more pain pills and batteries, an incredibly valuable resource.

Well then, wasn't so hard to get 2 and 3, was it? Now, you only need to do a few objectives and one more keycard to get towards the pulsing veins of Site-50, Sub Lab 11.

The next stop is the maintenance office, labeled in a dark green dot. Head in and take a look around, you need to flip a lever and a breaker. If you are unsure about where to look and go, look for the terminal and poke around in there. There should be instructions.

That's all for Level 3, hopefully you haven't died 10 times making it to this point!

Routine Maintenance (Level 3 - 4)

Just a little further now until you get to the real meat of the game! The next parts will be a bit complicated! The next thing you need to do is to head into 3 sets of tunnels filled with Mastermass, or BEHK. These might seem like terrible places to be, but I can assure you that if you keep your calm, you will be fine.

First off, let's get you to those tunnels! You might have heard a voice line from TAS, that robo-woman over the intercom, that says the Zone A maintenance tunnels are open. These are those red doors you probably saw as you ran around the facility. The three "sectors" are located in the three different sections of the facility. I have my own name for them, calling the one by the Quarters MTF, the one by the bathroom Agent and the one by the break room Scientist.
The MTF entrances are red, agent is orange, scientist is blue. They are marked with their own colored dots.

This map may look familiar now, I marked down all the entrances for the tunnels. I don't have a map for the tunnels, you are on your own for that. Since I can't help you navigate, I can tell you about all of the things you will see in those tunnels.

BEHK has spread through the tunnels and has begun a very large infestation. The flesh dogs are passive now, they won't hit you unless you touch them or they touch you. Something that isn't passive is the flesh leeches or whatever you wish to call them. They will pop out of the flesh and try to take a bite at ya, but are practically harmless so long as you don't stand still and keep moving. That is about all for the tunnels.

Once you have gone through all three of those tunnels, Harman will instruct you to go format some computers. Before you can do this, you'll need a level 4 keycard. I marked that on the map with yellow dots. Head into those rooms and peek around, you are sure to find it.

Once you have that, you can start getting around to formatting those computers.

Harman will tell ya that there are three, one in Dr. Gerald's office, site director and the archive. I marked those locations in a white dot. It's just a matter of going in and pressing E on a computer that asks if you want to format. Mind the sparks.

Congratulations once again! By now, you probably died a good few times to show you that these skips don't play around. One last area to pass through before you can start making your escape. Sub Lab 11.

The Genesis Program (Level 4 - Escape)

How is the taste of inevitable betrayal? If your friend told you already, then this may not have been a surprise. Now you have to go to sub lab 11. This is where I can't really help you without getting incredibly complicated. I can tell you where you need to be and what to expect though.

First of all, just getting there. Head to the black dot I put down and talk a walk in. You will see some big blast doors.


I hope you are good at exploring for the rest of this, as the area has a randomized path. You are looking to get into TELR Containment, or the Genesis Program. There are three different ways to go about this. You can go through the pulsing rotten heart of Sub-Lab 11, through the cold vents, or ocassionally through the halls. My personal preference is through the vents, fighting IEMP is way easier than walking through fleshways of wall bodies that want you to be sucked in with them and flesh dogs that want to see you seeded with BEHK so that you can become the key to the end of the world.

We have 2 new skips you can find in Sub Lab 11, IEMP and VEMT. VEMT doesn't roam around the facility, so you don't need to worry about him. But IEMP is quite different.

VEMT is mostly a pathway you can take to cut through the facility. You can pretty much just run through his containment and not worry, so long as you don't slow down.

This little toy looks like an absolute nightmare, but he is quite shy. He'll follow you around, wanting to stab you in your shins and ruin all the hard work you have done so far. It is easy to deter him with just a look. He will trip over his shoe laces without even a light blast. Just look at him.

The first special room you need to be looking for is a sort of lab, has three offices and an area for doing experiments and such. Check all the doors and keep an eye out. In there, you can find a vent entrance. Just walk through and drop down. Once down, take a left and go into the room that requires level 4 access. Head in, find your keycard, maybe recontain big mama TELR and get ready to enjoy a vent walk. After that vent walk, exit S-11 and get ready to make a mad dash to the exit.

As soon as you leave Sub Lab 11, everything will be covered in flesh, you will hear chase music, and you need to start sprinting to the elevator in the lobby. You can't just go the easiest way, as BEHK really likes to block off some doors and pathways. Head through the MTF Tunnels, navigate your way through the quarters hallway and sprint to the elevator door.

If you have made it this far, congratulations on escaping! You did well killing all of humanity ! All that is left are some tips and tricks!

Meet the Skips

Right! It appears that a few people have alot of questions about the skips. Since I didn't really cover them all in depth in the main walkthrough portion, I will make sure to give you all I know about these lads and lasses!

First of all let's explain the naming scheme while using TELR as an example.

The naming system consists of three parts, the main trait, object class, and side traits. The T in TELR stands for Telepathic (IIRC.) It's the main trait he has and you probably already know this from the whispers you hear in game that may be telling you to kill yourself! The E afterwards is simply the object class, with TELR being Euclid. (You can already guess that this is wrong, but there are in-lore reasons for this.) The last two letters are just other traits, I don't know the 2 other traits for TELR but it isn't very important.

Now, on to the actual skips, with the main attractions being the first we look at.

TELR, nicknamed "The Collective," is a large entity roughly 2-3 stories high that presents as a light consuming shadow with two blood orange eyes. You won't see this big lad outside of S-11, but you will see small instances that spawned from his body count. A quick blast of light does stun these instances and in most cases will send him away, save for one that takes an extra stun when he gets back up. The main instance, called Derek, can sometimes rage. This rage causes his eyes to glow white and for him to roar upon activation. He can not be stunned, you must run from him until you no longer hear chase music.

BEHK, nicknamed "Mastermass," is a sentient bacteria that gets smarter the larger it gets. The flesh is always present in the map, though it won't spread outside of the tunnels unless you release it from Lab B-102 or BEHKs minions fall from the vents. The flesh dogs seem very hard, but can't do anything as they don't follow you out of the room. Simply moving into the next hallway is enough to deter them until they die and "seed" the area. The tunnels also contain flesh wall leeches that burst out from the mass when walked past. These are also harmless so long as you move away from them before they bite.

The next few SCPs are a bit more side show, but can still prove a danger to the player.

SEUK, nicknamed "The Frog Men," are 2 skinny and colourful eyeless entities that may look similar to another SCP in the first series, except these won't scream and sprint at you. These guys are sound based, as they have no eyes to see. Moving, opening doors and using your flashlight will add to an invisible value that is their rage meter. This meter does drain at an unknown rate, though it seems to be fairly fast. Simply stay still and they won't be a problem.

PESK, nicknamed "The Babies" and "Queen Baby," are carnivorous worms that inhabit children's toys like dolls and such. The 5 small babies that you see in Site-50 are harmless alone, but will become extremely hostile as soon as 2 are with you at a time. A simple light blast will cause them to have a seizure and become stunned for a good few moments. The large baby, present only in safe storage, will charge you regardless if you aren't sneaky enough. If you are charged, you must run away before you are turned into a pulp.

CEHM, nicknamed "The Hanged Man," is an entity that presents as a human (male or female) hanging from a noose mysteriously attached to the roof. You can hear it crying often even through walls. Looking directly at the entity will cause the player to blackout, presumably to commit self harm unintentionally. This SCP isin't especially dangerous, so long as you keep your head down and don't touch it.

IEMP, nicknamed "The Marionette," is a puppet wearing a two piece suit that wishes to stab every human he sees. The marionette enjoys classical music and you can tell he is present through the humming. He is only in S-11 and can be stopped by looking at him, which causes him to trip and fall.

CESS, without a well known nickname, is a ghoulish woman that appears in any window and will emit a loud and heavy ghost like breathing. When looked at, CESS will drain your health until you look away. Pretty simple, just don't look at it.

VEMT, nicknamed "Mors," is a hive mind entity that is unknown in description. He is a hunter and will hunter any human that enters his pocket dimension through the doors in his containment chamber. He does not roam and is mainly used as a path through S-11.

Notes for the Future

Well then, regardless of how you ended your runs, escape or death, you can probably enjoy these simple tips and tricks!

Batteries can be found through searching bodies and in just about any room.
A few good spots to look in Dr. Millars office, the warehouse storage room, B-103 and the maintenance office.

Pain pills:
About the same as batteries, nothing more I can add outside of never using them unless you are on Mild Pain or below.

Very nice fact, with the sprinting buff, strafe sprinting (Holding W and A or D) Is alot faster than just going straight forward. I highly recommend using this, as I find it very useful in my own runs.

These things are spread around the map, with usually only 3-4 being spawned per run. These are exceptionally useful as they can add more power to the map. They are red with writing saying EPOKey on them and are used by going to the console in the power room and interacting with the keycard slot and then the button.

If there is anything else you wish me to add to this guide, feel free to tell me on the official discord server or through steam!

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