Radio commander читы

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Well, that interesting. Something must have triggered the cheat string or sth like that.

Well you can use the cheat codes to disable it:

Hope that will work ;)

[Разработчик] 10 окт. 2019 в 9:39 When i started the campaign the game says Cheat mode activated on the top right hand corner. Anyway to disable it? Not sure what triggered it.

Well, that interesting. Something must have triggered the cheat string or sth like that.

Well you can use the cheat codes to disable it:

Hope that will work ;)

10 окт. 2019 в 9:50

How does one enter the codes?. Fortunately restarting the game seems to have fixed it. enjoying it so far. Out.

Отредактировано Redz; 10 окт. 2019 в 9:55 [Разработчик] 10 окт. 2019 в 9:58 How does one enter the codes?. Fortunately restarting the game seems to have fixed it. enjoying it so far. Out. 10 окт. 2019 в 23:44 what do the individual cheats do exactly?
[Разработчик] 10 окт. 2019 в 23:47

iseeyou - you can see all the units and their stats, as well as some other objects as bases etc.
charliedontsurf - your men are immortal!

10 окт. 2019 в 23:48 ahh alright then. i will just say my men had power armour on. 11 окт. 2019 в 0:20 Cheat code been activating at random for me. [Разработчик] 11 окт. 2019 в 1:46 Cheat code been activating at random for me.
I will look at this issue. Thanks for reporting. 17 окт. 2019 в 12:30

iseeyou - you can see all the units and their stats, as well as some other objects as bases etc.
charliedontsurf - your men are immortal!

"charliedontsurf"-some refer to call of duty 4 ?
17 окт. 2019 в 12:57

iseeyou - you can see all the units and their stats, as well as some other objects as bases etc.
charliedontsurf - your men are immortal!

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Radio Commander


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It can be: You need to use the radio in your hand Type the following codes. If it was successful, it will be displayed to them. Code ------ Effect -----------------------------------------------------.

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