Nova aetas mount blade warband секреты

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

- AI sea travel bugs fixed
- Fixed Church's Tithe
- Fixed player kingdom vassals recruiting 'x'-named troops
- You can no longer build a castle on an island without port, beach or harbour to prevent AI travel bugs.
- Fixed empty inventories of tavern merchants (book sellers, jihad, crusader merchants)
- Heathen temples are now destroyable
- Fixed infinite harvesting wheat
- Fixed gold not being removed from player when building a farm
- Town options are no longer locked for players with rescue prisoner quest
- Smithy's grindstone will now add prestige and XP
- Added flag to mounted gunners so they use their firearms now
- Replaced 'Jihadist' word by 'Mujahed' for better historical accuracy
- Moved Plate Armour from tailor's items to blacksmith's ones
- Fixed non-controllable overhead thrust spear animation
- Added flag to make the Slaver Chief use his horse
- Fixed some freezes
- No more ships stuck at Zendar or other harbours
- Restored distance for AI lords joining battles to default value.
- Players no longer pay for lords in exile at player's court
- Fixed village building message hold: 'please, move yourself another 999 cm.'
- Fixed bug where AI parties might reinforce foreign centers.
- Negative effects of traits at dialogue are applied 1x now
- Fixed bug when cutting a tree and message appears that sawpits are full, while they're empty.
- Fixed infinite wood sawing //needs testing
- Fixed budget screen miscalculation, war tax was subtracted twice.
- Fixed guildmaster dialogue where you can buy an enterprise without applying for apprenticeship
- Fixed bandits not appearing at Kidnapped Girl quest
- Fixed selling prices for tradegoods. Materials like stone and timber are no longer sold for super low prices and gold is more
worth than silver now.
- Melting ore will now grant prestige points
- Mine collapse will now have a 75% chance of removing ores and ingots, instead of removing all.
- Disabled flagbearers when fighting inside a castle
- Added workaround to fix player being stuck at (Hierosolyma) siege when freelancing //needs testing
- No longer swinging with pikes
- Disabled switch to sword for pikemen (game keeps reverting back to pike somehow. )
- Increased player's party support at village fight with bandits.
- Fixed freelancer bug where the player asks to return from vacation and there's no way out if relation is below 0.
- Pope's dialogue for asking player to go on crusader is now prioritized besides other dialogues.
- Fixed new troop tiers from appearing at towns when kingdom hasn't reached the appropriate tech lvl yet.
- The woodcutter's axe will now be removed from the player's hand upon breaking it.
- Disabled option to revert to native tournament arena
- Moved craftable mail/plate armour at the tailor's workhop to the smith's.
- The player now buys a charter for the use of forests/mines from the sovereign if the nearby center isn't granted to a lord yet.
- Fixed option appearing at crusader/jihad camp to join the campaign in case player is leading it.
- Corrected traits gain upon chosing options with regards to cathar's sect.
- If the player is either delivering a letter, invited for a feast or invited to swear vassalage, the guards will let him enter the castle now.
- Fixed delivering ale/wine to new world
- No more war tax or church's tithe if player is a freelancer
- Fixed typo's at pope's dialogue for crusade
- Fixed colony fort gatehouse texture
- Fixed weird traits for Rhodok and Sarranid lords
- Corrected jungle texts, displaying location.
- Added more code to prevent raining in interior scenes \\needs testing
- Player can now enter enemy streets if he's performing a quest to meet an enemy spy.
- Fixed Trade Convoy and village farmer parties disappearing from map when using sea travel
- Resized crossbow models
- A feast in Mithridias will now take in a separate scene to avoid a CTD
- Fixed freelancer bug where vacation quest can't be completed, because lord has been defeated in battle and thus temporarily disappeared.
- All Agonic lords are now Christian, some following a 'false' religion is no longer allowed.
- Acztaocs now don't declare war upon mainland kingdoms and vice versa to prevent an invasion
- Added code to prevent cannoneers spawning outside the scene boundaries
- Option added to craft a new ship rather than buying one in the New World.

- Added pirates at fixed points in the Old & New World
- Added hostile tribesmen as parties in the New World
- Added awesome loot for pirates and tribesmen
- Added galleon ship model for battle scene
- Added Council Constable
* Ask for report about army strength
* Send/remove patrols
- Introduced abandoned mines on world map
* Repair for 15,000 to get small weekly profit

- Improved world geographical map by rounding coast edges
- New icons for Acztaocs and tribesmen parties.
- The kingdom's budget screen will now follow right after the personal budget screen
- Replaced Mithridias' castle battle scene to reduce burden on pc
- Seeds are more abundant now
- Added several warnings/hint messages on screen ingame (inventory is full, press enter for kingdom's finances. )
- Added prestige points for mining iron, silver and gold
- Masterpiece chance is now increased by 3 each day you work.
- Greatly redone the Cathars
* Added Cathar Crossbowmen and a Cathar Leader
* Reduced amount of Cathar Extremists, but the parties are larger.
* Added option to pray (5 piety points required, 50% chance to escape)
- Added corrections/additions to the script that makes units use their pikes in battle //tested
- Ranged units will now draw swords when the enemy is closer than 7 meters and reequip ranged items when the enemy is
further than 900 meters //tested
- No crusade is called if there are 3 or more wars between Christians. If not and crusade is launched, the kingdoms will make
peace for the greater good. This is to prevent crusaders from fighting each other.
- Added Calradic troops for recruitments at towns
- Player can join the crusade only if he's a nobleman now
- Greatly balanced the prices of tradegoods, items and intermediates at the tailor
- Reduced bloom effects from wooden materials.
- Completely revised the way of gaining traits
* Your actions increase the chance of gaining good/bad traits
* Chance is lowered weekly
* The way to gain traits by selecting options corresponding to a story stays, but will trigger much less frequently.
- Peace negotations will now be less frequently and wars more
- Completely overhauled ingame textures and native models
- Option added to craft ships in New World, when having no ships. Costs 48 hours to craft. Options to buy/sell are removed.

- Goods in Acztaocs towns may show the cost in gold, but you're supposed to pay with cocoa beans. It's merely an exchange of
- Conquered towns in the New world cannot be managed like the towns in the Old World, they're merely large colonies.

- Lords attacking player's colonies feature is disabled for now.

© Quintillius - Nova Aetas

Обсудите обновление в обсуждениях. Обновление: 31 дек. 2016 в 11:27

Fix for AI not visiting town.

Обсудите обновление в обсуждениях. Обновление: 31 дек. 2016 в 5:36

- Fixed freezes (!) (Use hotfix v4.0.1 to play your old savegame)
- Fixed OPCODE 2173 errors at towns/villages without owner
- Fixed exploit buying slaves for 100 and selling for huge profits
- Removed trade modifier for silver to make price lower than gold
- Small bombs now only kill up to 3 enemies and large bombs up to 5 to prevent exploits
- No longer lords wearing helmets indoors
- Added condition to prevent king sitting on floor
- Fixed bug where firing comm of justice fires comm of finance instead.
- All lords now wear boots indoors
- Fixed player vassal title not changing
- Added trigger to memorize changed troop class to prevent it from reverting back to default
for player faction troops.
- Fixed wrong price for first of Crusader recruitable troops
- Added condition to prevent player escaping at sea and getting stuck \\ Needs some testing
- Lord whom player enlisted to, no longer defects to prevent utter gamebreaking bug
- Khergits no longer claim colonies
- Fixed not consuming cannonball and gunpowder if player shoots cannon
- Calradic troops are now upgradeable
- Fixed Acztaoc recruits costing gold \\ tested
- Fixed colonies not transferred upon pledging vassalage to liege.
- Fixed colonies having no garrisons \\ Needs some testing
- Fixed low-capitalized names of commissioners
- Attacking village with bandits no longer results in Calradian type farmers to spawn
- Farm invisible wheat blocking fixed
- No longer super loot from villages and goods are faction specific now
- You can now hire Acztaoc volunteers with cocoa beans and there are more available
- Fixed being unable to recruit tier II at castles when being a vassal
- Fixed Sylpheia siege scene terrain
- Gold is now more worth than silver
- Minimum payment for peace is now 2,500 Florins
- Fixed Acztaoc lords being stuck when travelling from Ixtepexi landgroup to Aztlan landgroup
- Added fixes to sea travel to prevent lords permanent stuck (tested 30 days)
- Added condition to prevent decide_faction_ai OPCODE 521 error
- Fixed being unable to craft items at tailor with silk as material
- Episcopal seals are now checked and removed from inventory upon crafting
- Fixed two books increasing same skill having only one book doing so
- Fixed building second castle makes visiting first castle leading to construction menu
- Tailor has now its own chest with unique stuff
- Mithridias throneroom siege scene replaced by another scene to prevent crashes
- Added spawnpoints at Aldurias and Tulgar to prevent lords from being not spawned
- Fixed Waldemar siege scene messy terrain
- Fixed Waldemar interior scene
- Fixed Musketeer Range appearing at town construction overview when tech tier VI isn't reached yet.
- Fixed wrong chances for townhall interiors to be upgraded
- Fixed being able to restore ancient Aldurias multiple times
- Fixed 25x typo 'atleast' instead of 'at least'
- Fixed bunch of error messages while sea travelling
- Fixed musketeer's uniform becoming white at distance
- No longer possible to apply for apprenticeship at multiple towns
- Fixed Armet Helmet
- Balanced tournament prizes (thanks to Sergio_Morozov)
- Choosing Grandmaster as Monarch title now gives crown too
- Fixed dialogues for bringing wheat (now flour) for planting
- Fixed error cannot find mesh for Helmet_A1_01
- Fixed text displaying amount of ships when disembarking on land
- Fixed sending gifts to your vassals not increasing relationship with 20
- Fixed text displaying wrong new title of vassals (aesthetic effect only)
- Colonies are now reinforced with troops
- Fixed faction specific troops not changing skills when new tech tier is reached after game reload
- Fixed OPCODE 101 error when companion joins party (core game bug)
- Added inventory capacity checks when mining ores
- Fixed black armor legs
- Fixed bug where town buildins give too much piety
- Fixed kingdom budget overview leading to weird menu's instead of new tech menu
- Fixed unaccessible troops at Durquba castle
- Added message when buildings limit is reached for colonies
- Fixed selling/buying prices for lots of items
- Added dozens of entry points at Hashalla throneroom
- Fixed typo for Vaegir cathedral (Catholic dominance, istead of Orthodox dominance)
- Added more room for kingdom budget lines
- Added conditions to prevent OPCODE errors for troop_change_relation_with_troop script
- Added condition to prevent OPCODE errors for prisoner release dialogue
- Tweaked Radoghir siege scene for better AI movement
- Fixed various typo's
- Added missing entry point in Ichamur for defender spawn
- Fixed wheat fields (farming) harvest starting sooner than a week
- No recoil/dying from harvesting wheat anymore
- Added text telling you if your inventory is full (farm, mining)
- Player can no longer get killed by bombs to prevent ?bug?
- Added tweaks to Jihad script to make Jihad leader hold Hierosolyma
- Fixed bunch of non-critical error messages at start of game
- Replaced Zendar Harbour for better navigation

- Auto Save feature, game automatically saves to current saveslot every weekly budget overview, can be disabled at camp menu
- ENBshaders: reddish colour neutralized and bloom effect halved
- Disconnected Zendar and Rhodok troop tree and added Zendar Recruit troop
- Introduced taxes:
* Poll tax (50 Fl * class no)
* War tax (250 Fl * amount of wars)
* Church's Tithe (10% of total income)
* No tax for players in debt (lower than -250)
- Random tavern sellers now restock
- Revised script for lords joining player in battle
* No longer player required to be marshall for lords joining player siege
* No longer need for lord to have <0 relation with opponent and >0 relation
with player's faction to join battle. Now lords join battle if they're enemies with opponent and at least neutral with player's faction.
* Lords join battle if they have >-2 instead of >-1 relationship with player.
- You can now change your kingdom's culture at cost of 1,000 renown, reset of treasury and tech and -15 relationship penalty with your vassals.
- Customisable player faction troops now have cloned their power strike, athletics, weapon master, ironflesh and horse archery too.
- Added option to enable main party if it disappears somehow (camp menu)
- Replaced Sword of Harlaus II at Uxkhal

- Better numerical strength for Swadia
- Better numerical strength for Turguhns
- Reduced tournament bet max with -63% to 75 from 200 Fl.
- Reduced Khergit amount of armies with 35%, pls die
- Player has now negative relationship with Turguhn center owners
- Drastically lowered profit rents from residents to give roughly 4% profit

- You pay for nobles even if they aren't your vassal yet
- OPCODE 16 error -> update Warband to v1.61+
- There is no deathcam in siege scenes

- Lords attacking player's colonies feature is disabled for now.

Nova aetas 5.0 full guide От Drunkenslav This is a full Guide to Nova aetas and all you need to know, from bugs and exploits to secrets and tactics В избранное В избранном Этот предмет добавлен в избранное.

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Оглавление руководства

Character Creation and religion

where to do at start?

what to do (early game)

how to get money?

Battle tactics and how to fight

Colonialism and Castle building

Bugs and Exploits

Комментарии Character Creation and religion
  • Focus on High INT and healing, this time youll be the medic - with 14 int you can heal yourself for some XP mid battle
  • i reccomend Christianity as your faith, Christianity is most widespread and makes the game easier, also if you have enough renown you can ask pope to be the head crusader and take Jerusalem from those filthy heathens! Deus lo vult!
  • Paganism can work too because you can pray at noregr and khergit lands also the coolness factor
  • Islam is only in sarranid lands but if you really like sarranids then you can choose it. sarranids are quite strong
  • atheism and judaism are really hard i dont recommend em
where to do at start?

First you will need to create your character
- I recommend being STR and INT focused with low Charisma because you can earn charisma while praying. and with 14 INT you can heal yourself mid-battle
difficulty Tier of religions By easiest to hardest
1. Christianity - most widespread
2. Paganism - Second most widespread
3. Islam - third most widespread but is only in 1 country
4. Judaism - not reccomended, you can only pray if you meet rabbi at a tavern
5. atheism - Cannot pray at all meaning no free CHA

Now that you created your Character you need to know where are the good places to go
-Good locations to start

1. Vaegir Lands
- its lands are filled with Tundra bandits which are weak
- vaegir tsardom has good well rounded troops with good shields so theyre good against tundra bandits
- near them are Noregrs with strongest infantry
- mostly safe place with weak bandits

2. Rhodok lands
- Low amount of bandits and bad loot
- strongest Crossbow units in all lands
- mostly safe place and is near Zendar

3. Noregr coasts
- Sea raiders with

50 armor
- strongest troops to recruit
-Great loot
- you can get 1k+ for just destroying sea raider landing which spawn quite consistently
----------------------------------------these are the less recommended ones---------------------------------------
4. Swadian lands
-Dangerous Bands of Cathar knights Spawn there which makes them dangerous place to be in
-mediocre loot
5. khergit steppes
-dangerous steppe raiders
-no usefull resources
6. Sarranid lands
-nothing good
7. America and aztec lands
-weak troops and good XP
-no food
-is on the other side of the world
-cannot recruit troops
-you need a ship to get there

what to do (early game)

so you started and dont know what to do

- You should move towards vaegir lands and get troops,

-in this mod recruits cost 25f each and you have low amounts of money, getting noregr troops is most worth it, but Papal troops are a good starting choice too, their second tier troops are good, if you can get to them.

-if you will fight Sea raiders be prepared to die, because Sea raiders have from 35-50 armor and good weapons but if they die they drop it, so atacking their hideout is best way to earn good equipment early (also can one shot most people with throwing axes)

- you can also move to ruins of uxhal where you can find Sword of king harlaus which is a great 2 and 1 handed sword with good stats, perfect for starting, you cannot find it inside the castle, its outside near the statue

- Your main Focus will be getting Weekly money, nothing else is important

-you can earn 6k+ a tournament, with decent settings even 9k

-do quests for lords as usual

Map of Bandit spawns:

how to get money?

So you started and youre poorer than a rat, well good for you earning money in this mod is easy
so here are some way to earn money

1. Tournaments - You can gain a lot of money by doing tournaments, my best bet for you is to go 2 teams 3 people and bet everything, then give yourself a lance and try to win. you can of course exploit the system but this way you can get 900 or 1200 a battle, 6k a tournament

2. Fighting - Fighting Sea raiders can get you Really nice money too since they drop armor worth 1.8K if youre lucky, Looters now have a good armor too so its a good option if you dont want to exploit tournaments.

Long term way to earn money

1. Enterprises - enterprise can earn you between -500 to 2000 a week so Choose enterprises wisely i reccomend Dyeworks in rivacheg, it can earn around 4k a week

2. Real estate - Real estate is quite expensive and innefective way to earn weekly income, Most of it isnt worth your buck for example shack costs around 1.5k and earns you around 80 florings a week, but it might be usefull late game when you have tons of money to spend, and the extra income would pay off eventually

3. Invasion of Aztec empire - The most fun option of them all, Taking over Aztec empire is quite hard but i myself have conquered entire aztec empire with 80 men, you can see more information about that further below

4. Colonization - Really entertaining But expensive way to earn money, Colonization of the New world will be explained in details further below

Battle tactics and how to fight
  • What troops should i use?

- i reccomend vaegir archers or rhodok crossbowmen (if you can stand how awfull rhodoks look)

- Vaegir and sarranid cav is best from my experience

- Crossbowspam is still OP

-Cannons are underpowered and are not worth the money, Thought they can kill many people in one shot

-If you want to do shield wall, get some polearm troops too, i reccomend Geronian guard because theyre just the Best support troops with 65 armor and a halberd theyre almost unbeatable if covered by shieldmen

Доброго времени суток. Вопрос к людям игравшим или играющим в мод для Warband Nova Aetas (A New Era). Отстроил свой замок, отправил одного из людей на должность канцлера и когда захотел нанять министров. канцлер мне говорит, что нужно на каждого министра 10000 золотых, а в казне 0. В моде дипломатия министры нанимались бесплатно, а через казначея и пополнялась казна, а что тут делать я что-то не пойму.

Может как и в моде викингов: зайди к себе в тронный зал, поговори с главным исп. твои обязанности, посмотри казну королевства и пополни её.

в диалогах с канцлером должна быть возможность пополнить казну из своих личных денег.
или можно подождать конца недели, когда казна пополнится налогами.

Да, уже разобрался, в конце недели мне дали 17 тысяч в казну,на них я нанял казначея, а у него уже можно увеличивать казну своими финансами.

Друзья подскажите как быть, что делать, куда идти . ' Ситуация такая. Играю за персонажа женского пола. В игре (в моде nova aetas) построил свой замок , начал развиваться объгрейдить его. Длее мне предлагается, выдать мою героюни за муж что бы её признали в ряды достойных носить титул неприкосаемой королевы, принцесс и т д . Имея в распоряжении замки и земли. Трудность заключается в том что я никак не могу найти ей ковалера. Логично что она воительница и многие этой темы шарахаются . Но вот не задача с теми с кем разговор в итоге вяжется и они не против подобного брака , эти персонажи всё в один голос говорят про какое то августейшее событие. Которое по идее в иговом периуде идёт в августе месяце. Я уже весь август искатал , что за событие никак не могу понять . Подскажите друзья, может кто знает более подробно что нужно делать . Быду очень благодарен '.

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