Niche a genetics survival game читы

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

3 мар. 2018 в 23:58

If you are new to Niche - a genetics survival game, I would highly recommend playing the game without console commands first!

If you purchased this game, then you would want to enjoy the game for all it's worth, correct? Instead of breezing through the game in the speed of light.

You should also know that console commands will not necessarily guarentee any success in this game. Knowledge of the basics of the game's mechanics and some basic genetics knowledge will be a great asset, which you will aquire by playing the tutorial via Story Mode.

After completing most of the achievements through your own perserverance, console commands can be a fun and different way of assisting you through the game.

I say this because console commands can seriously bug up your save file, leaving it corrupted forever (as far as I know).
This can be resolved by exiting the game, and then starting it up again, but some glitches will remain.

Even immortal Nichelings can die if certain procedures aren't followed. They are actually quite vulnerable to Blue Birds, and you can still go extinct, i.e.,have a Game Over, even with the immortality code.

To answer your question, all the possible codes can be seen in the console commands. You can try experimenting by trying all the letters (A to Z) in the box, and seeing what possible commands you can give the game.

Feel free to utilize the Niche Forums, as they may have preexisting answers to your questions. If not, then there are many helpful, friendly people in this community who will be willing to answer, or try to answer, your questions.

5 мар. 2019 в 21:43

press f1 to bring up the console. from there, type a command and press enter
note that a few of these cheats are from the testing branch and might not work
also note that i'm 60% sure using commands will temporarily disable achievements

SAFE CHEATS: using these will not break your game if you use them properly
changeberrycount [number] - gives you berries
exploreallfields - removes ALL grass. in the testing branch, it also currently removes regrowing grass, effectively removing wild creature spawns
detectall [true/false] - allows you to see everything. exit to main menu (NOT the game) and reload to see the effect
increaseage [number] - making the number negative will decrease their age. be careful with this as you can instantly kill a nicheling by making them too old, and setting their age below their current "state" can break the game (IE, making an adult a child). this can be used on wild nichelings and bearyenas to murder them
addstatuseffect [effect] - select a nicheling to add a status effect (EX, healing). DO NOT add pregnancy to your nicheling, as it will break the game
activatestatuseffect [effect] - seems the same as above?
removestatuseffect [effect] - select a nicheling to remove a status effect (EX, heavy bleeding)
jumptoweather [weather] - i haven't used it but i assume it's safe. changes the weather

RISKY CHEATS: i recommend testing these ONLY on a spare save file, as they may break your game
switchgender - select a nicheling. in the past it could break the game, but that might be fixed
setgene [gene1] [gene2] - gene 1 is "active" gene, gene 2 is recessive. this is known to corrupt your save and rapidly age your creatures, so be very careful
takedamage [amount] [cause] - select a nicheling to cause damage. can be used on wild nichelings and probably bearyenas

DON'T USE THESE: seriously
deleteallplayeranimals - deletes all your creatures
resetallachievements_BEWARE - i haven't used it but i'm pretty sure it resets your achievements
gameover - ends the game

UNTESTED CHEATS: you probably won't use them too often. i don't know what they do so knock yourself out
deleteoccupant - i haven't tested this one much. it seems to delete creatures
generateanimals - doesn't seem to do anything?
increasespawn - seems to do something but i haven't noticed what
moveoccupant - can't figure out how this one works
settribesizelimit - related to the most recent testing branch update
activateblindgenemode - same as above

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