Коды wolfenstein ps3

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Successfully complete the game to unlock the cheat menu with "Infinite Money",
"Pumpkin Heads", "Unlock All Veil Powers", and "Unlock All Weapons" options.
Note: Enabling cheats will prevent trophies from being earned.

Have a saved game file from Wolfenstein 3D on your hard drive or memory card.
Then, start the first level, "Train Yard", to get $1,000.

Defeating the final Boss:
During the first phase, use Empower to get through his shield, then use the
Panzer Rocket Launcher and Veil Blue Rocket Launcher. During the second phase,
use the Slow Motion or Empower to defeat him. During the third phase, instead of
running up the ramp, shoot him with a sniper rifle or rocket launcher. Move
slowly, and get to the stairs. Have a weapon ready to kill the four waves of
Sniffers. Then, shoot him until he falls. During the fourth phase, just shoot
him and use the explosives.

В главном меню выберите "Дополнительно" (Extras),
а затем "Коды Энигмы" (Enigma Codes)
Затем вводите один из указанных кодов для открытия разных бонусов:

Заметка: Коды находятся среди собранных предметов во время прохождения игры.

Уровень из Wolfenstein 3D:
В главе 4, на секретной базе вы встретите Аню.
После кражи вертолета, поднимитесь наверх и найдите комнату
с старым матрасом на полу у окна. Взаимодействие с кроватью,
чтобы играть на уровне с Wolfenstein 3D.

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