Код друга my singing monster

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

This is the page on the MSM wiki for people to exchange their Friend Codes. If you're looking for people to add to your Friends list, to light each others' Wishing Torches, exchange keys and all of the other Friends activities, this is the place! If you're trying to recruit new members for your tribe, please do it on the Tribe Contacts page.

Before adding your code to the list below, read the Rules section carefully.


  • Don't use bold, underlined, italic or ALL CAPS in your entry. Also don't use a custom font or larger text.
  • Use no more than four (4) graphic symbols.
  • Add your code at the current month, with Date and Friend Code.
  • Don't have your Friend Code more than once in the list. You can add multiple different codes, but no more than four (4).
  • You can move your code up, but only if at least a month has passed since you added or moved it previously.
  • You canupdate your code without moving it, any time you want.
  • Don't ask for people to use your code for the referral bonus. also apply here.
  • It is useful to include your in-game name in addition to your code. That will make it easier for your friends to find you in the friend list.
  • Make sure your Friend Code doesn't have an error, missing or extra digit or other people can't use it.
  • Anyone who promises more than 5 diamonds for using their referral code is lying, to trick you into giving them your referral.
  • If someone promises to do something for you if you give them a key, remember that the game doesn't tell them who has given that key! You might be able to reach an agreement by communicating in other ways, such as messages on people's walls here.

January 2021

March 2021

97286939DL-29/6/21 my name is carolineannewitt pleaase give me more monsters for tribal island! I need them now!

94347097BN - 28/6/21 - hello my name is mew and I’m active everyday I light people’s torches if they light mine and send keys to a random person every week so please add and light my torches

Как добавить код

September 2021

78307421DF - ([[1]]) Hi, my username is TrevorPQ46 I will light your torches daily If you light mine and also like my plant Island please.

June 2021

  • 91393667FL (10/1/21) hi my nickname is "Deddalum" i log into the game every day and i would like to find friends who can light my torches and i will try to light their torches the same way
  • 98946319KF (9/25/21) Hello, my nickname is “amormul”, i log into the game every day and i would like to find friends who can light my torches and i will try to light their torches the same way
  • 99712937DB- (9/25/21) Hi, my name is "uma qualquer" I log into the game every day and would love if someone would help me light my torches or change keys. I'm at level 15 and I will try to repay by lighting your torches too
  • 93640664FG my name varies depending on which island I need torches lit for and I would appreciate any help I can get and will be sure to return the favour.
  • 14844209FB my game tag is Gagers618, my account is 5 or 6 years old so I'm basically a vet, will try and light torches if you light mine, go ahead and add me and check out my islands
  • 63095086KG- (8/31/21 hi my name is IceShroom and you can light any torches you want i mainly want air plant and earth lit have a wonderful day
  • 13973995LH- (6/29/21) Hiya

October 2021

  • (10/10/2021) 91830283FD - Hello, I'm just here for the torches! Light mine and I'll light yours on a daily basis. My name is AngyChoocyMilk
  • (10/10/2021)73149623NL IGN: Sonofbloke - join my tribe bruv!
  • (10/9/2021) I'm 89598399IB (IGN: AtomuBoi), and I've been play My Singing Monsters since 2019 (lvl 39) and I think I'm pretty good at it, The only problem is with 3 classes of monsters coming at once, I'm having a hard time catching up, So please, if you could light my torches, I would really appreciate it.
  • 68730692KI (10/9/2021) I'm Alccap (IGN: WubboxMaster), and I've been play My Singing Monsters since 2014 (lvl 51) and I think I'm pretty good at it, The only problem is with 3 classes of monsters coming at once, I'm having a hard time catching up, So please, if you could light my torches, I would really appreciate it.
  • 17814766EC (10/9/21) Hey! I'm TheCustorm. I'll light your torches, but i can't promise you that i'll light them everyday. If you light my torches daily then i'll put you on my favorites and I will light your torches daily too! I hope your having a wonderful day! Byeee!
  • 83668009HN (10/9/21) IGN: bitmene - i play two times a day and i will try to light a torch of every one! you can also light my torches too, i would be grateful!
  • 61314737CL (10/9/21) IGN: Kongou - Playing daily and am trying to build up my islands(‐^▽^‐)
  • 65541697HJ (10/9/21) IGN: Lucas F L O - I am constantly online and will lite your torches when you lite mine. I send keys to the person that lites my torches the most. If you could, please lite etherial, water, and cold, thanks!
  • 100190858EG (10/9/21) IGN: laurofgrd - I play everyday and will light your torches if you light mine! I appreciate key exchange as well :D
  • 100031831EJ (10/9/21) IGN: DaPlayYT Hi, my name is DaPlayYT, I play every day and light torches, so light mine, I send the key to the friend who helps the most, inactive friends are excluded.
  • 98526830NM (10/9/21) IGN: Okktob (with dwumrohl on pp) Lighting torches as often as I can, if you light me back of courseᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
  • 96461440DG (10/8/21) IGN: Tinylilybear10 - Hello there! I am online every day and light torches when ever I can. You don't have to light me back, but I would like it especially on cold, haven, or oasis. I would also like if you sent me keys. Have a good one!

Other Friend Code sources

You also may want to look at some of the following external resources (not affiliated with this wiki):

Please read the posting rules before adding your code.

February 2021

December 2020

63407233CL(03/30/2021) Heyo People! Just got back into the game looking for some friends to get going with for torches! Also started a new tribe! If you can get to level 15+ weekly you're welcome to join :D

94807081HN(03/29/2021)Hey guys my 4 year old son loves this game . He's on it all day which means that I am too . We light everyone's torches and hope you can light ours as well. He loves to look at your islands and give them all thumbs up so add us as a friend. Thanks 😊97630184AE(3/28/21) Hey, I’m Arianna. Please add me as your friend. It makes me happy to light torches for my friends and I love it when my friends light my torches. I am a very active player even though I just started playing a few weeks ago.
• 96813900CE (3/19/21) I’m level 17 and trying to breed a ghazt. I’ll try to light torches everyday as long as you have the island that you want lit in your username. My current username is “GabeUrBoi (Plant)” Thanks.

4419647FL(3/17/21) I am level 42 and I will light one of your torches every day guaranteed. my name rn Is epic kenya plz and then my name. please light with ever island is having an event. love yall please add me. I add back.

66993122BA (3/19/21) Hey im Potato muncher. Im level 37 and i always light my friends torches and send keys. Im somewhat active and if i join a tribe i will level up my monster a lot. Light my torch and I'll light yours for sure.

97098008AA (3/17/21) Hello, I am a level 18 player and I try to play daily and light torches. my in-game name is neikowolf187. If anyone needs torches lit, I will light them and in return could you please light mine? Thx

80923937HF (3/18/21) Hi I’m Mike. I play everyday and light everyones torch that needs to be lit. I’m lvl 18 and plant and cold are my main islands right now. Air is in progress. If you friend me I’ll definitely light your torch since I don’t have much to do.

20600127IB (3/16/21). I’m active everyday if you light my torch i’ll be sure to light yours, also please upvote whatever island you light.

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Вам необязательно входить в аккаунт, чтобы оставить комментарий с кодом друга. Найти его можно так: для этого достаточно войти в настройки (кнопка находится справа в нижней части экрана) и проследовать в раздел «Помощь». Во всплывшем окне будет написано ваше экранное имя, а чуть ниже – BBB ID. Скопируйте код, чтобы сообщить его другим игрокам.

May 2021



July 2021

! I'm Waxyn! Please light my torches and you got yourself someone loyal to FOREVER LIGHT your torches! Thanks

I also have a tribe that went to lvl 1000 last week with some spots open.

  • 80766178JM (7/5/2021) I'm Bessa and I'll light torches if you light my torches. Keys will be sent to whoever lights the most
  • 90781812II (7/4/2021) greetings, I go by Hidnn on MSM. to make it simple: I play multiple times per day,and I light everyone's torches. if you tend to my torches, please light natural island torches, thank you.
  • 98901275KJ (7/4/2021) Hi. This account is for my 7 years old boy Elan who plays the piano and loves music. He enjoys this game and would love to make some friends. If you are new to the game and wanted friends. Please add us. We will light your torches and gives you a big thumb up everyday. Have fun!!
  • 98377535CJ (7/4/2021) Hey, Typhonix here - I light torches daily as well as send keys to those who light my islands the most. If you have the time to light in return it would be greatly appreciated! Good luck out there!
  • 98274225CH (7/4/21) Bippa, Level 27- I am on everyday from morning, evening, and night. I will always light your torches aslong as you light mine. I also give keys to people who light my torches consistently.
  • 63662957AL (7/3/21) I'm DsFanboy!! I actively play My Singing Monsters, and I can light your torches if you light mine :O
  • 99006383JH 7/3/2021 My friends code, he just needs the friend goals for the gems
  • 88208040DC (6/4/21) ID-Kik-Hi im a Msm veteran and whoever used my code,thanks and enjoy the free diamonds!,we will be a monster family.Im sending keys for who use my code and lit torches. P.S. I would appreciate who lit my torches because its a help for finding rare monsters.
  • 87329521ID- (7/2/21) Username: EDC | Hi! I'm very active, and I will light your torches if you light mine, and even send you keys if you contribute enough! Also, I very commonly have the name of an island at the end of my in-game name, which means I want you to light said island.
  • 85484972NK (7/2) Username: lolmao Hi i will light torches if you light mine. I am very active and login everyday
  • 98745608EM (7/4/21) Username: JustMichael | Hi i am a msm player and i will try light all your torches as long as you light mine!
  • 91442584KI (7/4/21) Username: Peachy | Hi! I’m an active player and get on multiple times a day. I will light your torches as long as you light mine
  • 81265916DC (7/4/21) Username: Oliato6745 | I'm level 19 and I'm on almost everyday. I will light torches.
  • 27612010IK (7/9/21) Username: Bounique | Hey! I'm Bounique or Rose. I love this game a ton, and I'm pretty active. I will light torches whenever possible. Let's be friends!

August 2021

April 2021

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