Jedi outcast секреты

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1 фев. 2014 в 16:31

Yah only you will need some program to open the cfg files, and I don't know which one plus are you supposed to change both SP and MP. See steam sold us crap and doesn't care.

It's possible to edit the games CFG files to play in your native resolution.
They are located in the base folder after launching the SP and MP at least once.


Find these lines to edit the resolution:

seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customwidth "1920"
seta r_customheight "1080"

Add this line to change your field of view:

I've done this and it works fine. Make sure to still change your video options in-game to make it look better, just don't touch the resolution setting. It should be blank.

2 фев. 2014 в 0:13 You can use basic windows notepad :). Just rightclick->edit. Simply if you want widescreen in MP, change jk2mpconfig.cfg, and when you want it in SP, change jk2config.cfg. Easy as that. Have fun guys. 28 апр. 2014 в 21:37 2 мая. 2014 в 22:13 13 сен. 2014 в 12:34

SolidName, I had the same issue. Make sure that you have "seta r_fullscreen" set to 1, and that you have gone to your video card settings and check a box that says something to the effect of "override the scaling mode set by games and videos" (that's what Nvidia has), you can get to these settings by right clicking on the desktop and picking the [indert your type of video card here] control panel.`

EDIT: I found the solution online. Find the jk2sp.exe file and right-click on it. Select properties, then go to the "compatibility" tab. There you will find an option that will "disable display scaling on high DPI settings." Check that box, and suddenly you will have control of your resolution and not be all zoomed in on the top corner. (all credit goes to Dur89 for this fix)

Отредактировано Shizmagician; 2 окт. 2014 в 20:15 8 янв. 2016 в 14:12

SolidName, I had the same issue. Make sure that you have "seta r_fullscreen" set to 1, and that you have gone to your video card settings and check a box that says something to the effect of "override the scaling mode set by games and videos" (that's what Nvidia has), you can get to these settings by right clicking on the desktop and picking the [indert your type of video card here] control panel.`

EDIT: I found the solution online. Find the jk2sp.exe file and right-click on it. Select properties, then go to the "compatibility" tab. There you will find an option that will "disable display scaling on high DPI settings." Check that box, and suddenly you will have control of your resolution and not be all zoomed in on the top corner. (all credit goes to Dur89 for this fix)
Dude, thank you so much! And to your friend Dur89 !

Of course its that simple that a windows right click, properties can fix it. Jesus, so long time ive used for this resolution thing.
Your a lifesaver. <3

Смотрю я, смотрю на игровой рынок и удивляюсь: когда нас перестанут кормить игрушками на движке Quake 3? Впрочем, качественные игры всегда привлекают, вспомните хотя бы небезызвестный Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Не буду ничего говорить о красоте "Джедая", однако ресурсы можно и повытаскивать. Опять Quake 3, опять .pk3.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\cfg - всеразличные файлы конфигурации.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Demos - демки, записанные на движке игры.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Fonts - немного шрифтов.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Gfx - много текстур.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Levelshots - немного скриптовых картинок.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Menu - еще немного текстур.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Models - модельки вместе с их текстурами.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Music - вся игровая музыка, разбитая по уровневому принципу.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Sound - то же самое со звуком.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets0.pk3\\Textures - очень много текстур, разбитых по папкам по самым различным критериям.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets1.pk3\\Sound - еще одна папка со звуками.

<Каталог игры>\\Gamedata\\Base\\assets1.pk3\\Ui\\Assets - немного текстур элементов интерфейса.

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