Cry of fear читы

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

8 мая. 2013 в 17:32 Any cheats I could use to help me. I'm stuck where the girl calls you and tells you she's on top of the building on the other side of the park and my health is extremely low to where I die in one hit. I've tried countless times trying to take each enemy one at a time but I always get screwed over from low ammo. So is there any cheats for health or noclip or anything to help me? 8 мая. 2013 в 18:13 nope. go outside the construction part and there is a dirt patch to dig in that has a key, which gets you into the buildings door on the left. 8 мая. 2013 в 18:15

I think they disabled cheats in the standalone version.

There are six or seven enemies in the park if I remember right. Lure them out one at a time, pistol whip them to stun them and then shoot them in the face. This should kill them assuming you're playing on normal.
You could also try backtracking to look for ammo you've missed or loading an earlier save.

9 мая. 2013 в 8:05 If I have low health, I take advantage of multiple save slots, just so I can go back to where I had better health and try not to lose as much that time. 24 июн. 2013 в 12:01

The only one i found to be working so far is turn on sv_cheats 1 and then use sv_gravity. 800 is the set amount I change it to 200, I believe there is someone making a workaround to get god mode and unlimited ammo. Never understood why they would even disable any of it in the first place in single player and why people get so buthert when people want to use them, its a victimless crime. I bet its the same people who think mary jane should be illegal, oh wait, thats a victimless crime too.

edit. If you go back to the 1.0 version of the game you can use the console commands as you please . (deletes cof and looks for 1.0)

edit,edit . find your skills.cfg file, make sure you back it up, then mess with some of that stuff

Отредактировано J; 24 июн. 2013 в 13:50 3 ноя. 2014 в 20:10 There are no cheats for cry of fear. The developer of the game decided to be a ♥♥♥♥ and patch up all of the cheats 26 авг. 2015 в 11:35 sv_cheats 1 then impulse 101
12 сен. 2015 в 2:20 sv_cheats 1 then impulse 101 Spawn monsters 15 окт. 2015 в 3:19 There is a syringe at the bus stop. 22 окт. 2015 в 17:42 whats the point cheating on a horror game? go play grand theft auto you casuls 15 ноя. 2015 в 1:25 whats the point cheating on a horror game? go play grand theft auto you casuls no. just no. Отредактировано Fatality; 15 ноя. 2015 в 1:25 11 дек. 2015 в 15:34 whats the point cheating on a horror game? go play grand theft auto you casuls I need to get past this one area but I can't even use anything, I can't pick up the syringe, I can't open any doors, and zombies just sort of go through walls and props without trouble, so that's a reason for cheats thank you very much. 19 дек. 2015 в 9:26 this game is hard af i cant even finish it, i need cheats aswell 11 фев. 2016 в 16:38

The only one i found to be working so far is turn on sv_cheats 1 and then use sv_gravity. 800 is the set amount I change it to 200, I believe there is someone making a workaround to get god mode and unlimited ammo. Never understood why they would even disable any of it in the first place in single player and why people get so buthert when people want to use them, its a victimless crime. I bet its the same people who think mary jane should be illegal, oh wait, thats a victimless crime too.

edit. If you go back to the 1.0 version of the game you can use the console commands as you please . (deletes cof and looks for 1.0)

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Запускаем игру и как начали уровень, запускаем трейнер и жмем клавиши интересующих опций.

Функции трейнера:
[0] Unlimited health - Бессмертие.
[1] Unlimited Stamina - Бесконечная выносливость.
[2] One Hit Kill - Легкие убийства.
[3] No reload - Без перезарядки оружия.
[4] Unlimited Items - Бесконечные предметы.
[5] Perfect Accuracy - Точность оружия. (Ошибка в последней опции) переделывать лень было.

Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

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