Commandos beyond the call of duty коды

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Во время миссии наберите 1982gonzo и вам будут доступны следующие коды:

[SHIFT]+[V] направление взгляда всех противников.
[SHIFT]+[X] телепорт (выбранные "партизаны" перемещаются на место, куда указывает курсор мышки) .
[CTRL]+[I] неуязвимость.
[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[N] успешное завершение миссии.

Коды к миссиям:
Mission 2 4JJXB
Mission 3 ZDD1T
Mission 4 RFF1J
Mission 5 K4TCG
Mission 6 MIR4M
Mission 7 7QVJV
Mission 8 K99XC
Mission 9 AAAX1
Mission 10 JSGPW
Mission 11 CMODD
Mission 12 JGHD3
Mission 13 PUUWW
Mission 14 WT348
Mission 15 139P0
Mission 16 L9IPV
Mission 18 YJOJG
Mission 19 YFCWJ
Mission 20 GDKWT

29 авг. 2016 в 7:09

Type "GONZOOPERA" during the game, now you have the following cheat

[Shift][V] - Trace user
[Shift][X] - Tele-transport (place the selected commandos
under your mouse cursor)
[Ctrl] - You are invincible
[Ctrl][Shift][N] - Finish the mission
[F9] - Information about the level
[Ctrl][Shift][X] - Judgement day
[Alt] - Items
[Shift][F4] - Trace Commandos
[Crtl][F9] - Show Debug Output
[Alt][F11] - Ventana (WINDOW) Help
[Alt][Shift][M] - Write to MEMACT.DAT
[Alt][Shift][L] - Write to MEMLIN.DAT
[Alt] - Picte Interface

Just add the line

to the commandos.cfg then you can use the following codes:

[Shift][X] - Tele-transport (place the selected commandos
under your mouse cursor)
[Ctrl] - You are invincible
[Ctrl][Shift][N] - Finish the mission

Level 2: YBN9J
Level 3: XAPIB
Level 4: QDOAU
Level 5: IIWAY
Level 6: EW82M
Level 7: SJ8S1
Level 8: V6J27

Another level codes:
Mission - Password

Dying Light - (none)
The Asphalt Jungle - 8K2IX
Dropped out of the Sky - 9R291
Thor's Hammer - 44G9J
Guess who's coming tonight - 4HSAB
Eagle's Nest - J8TSN
The Great Escape - LUK2L
Dangerous Friendships - DUSLZ

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19 июл. 2016 в 4:40

1 How to Activate Cheats in Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty

I have figured out the new cheat code thanks to the announcement in the Commandos 2: Men of Courage news. Merge Games neglected to add to BEL's and BtCoD's news/discussions that they entered the same code in for these two games as well.

The new code: pyroforever

To enter it press the "ctrl + shift" keys, hold them down, then type "pyroforever".

All the button commands are the same as far as I can tell.
Shift + X = teleport
Ctrl + I = Invincible and Infinite Ammo

I hope this aleviates some pain that cheaters have been facing. I know I was quite annoyed when I couldn't teleport around the map, or get shot at by thirty guys and not have a scratch on me.

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