Читы на dante s inferno

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Вольная трактовка бессмертного произведения «Божественная комедия» за авторством итальянского поэта Данте Алигьери. Точнее, адаптация его первой песни, в которой рассказывается о путешествии Данте, ведомого римским поэтом Вергилием, по девяти кругам ада.

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New Game+ mode:
Successfully complete the game to unlock New Game+ mode.

When you gain the ability to charge your holy projectile, Dante is
invulnerable while releasing the attack. Use this to evade the closest
enemies attack while damaging other enemies with the projectile.

Easy Souls:
When Virgil appears near a save point, stand by him and press R. He will
tell you a part of the story. Do it again, and he will say something
else and give you Souls. Save the game, intentionally die, then
continue from the save point. Talk to Virgil again to get more Souls.
Repeat this as many times as desired.

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