Читы на breath of fire 3

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Ходите по округе и бейте прохожих мечом - иногда из
них вываливаются деньги.

Уничтожение призраков:
В поместье МакНила используйте Лечение на призраков,
чтобы с лёгкостью их уничтожить.

Infinite Croc Tears:
Go to Ceder woods and find the pond go to the middle of it were there is a small little ditch and press x and you should get a Croc Tear also you can keep pressing the x butten and get infinite of them

Walk around with ryu and slash people with your sword. Sometimes you get money.

Using the Ivory Dice in battle increases the amount of experience points you gain in battle. Using it once doubles the points gained, twice quadruples the points gained, and three times multiplies it by 8.

Free Berries:
For free berries go to the coffee shop and kick the tree with apples in it for berries the berries give you 5 hps back.

Master of Agility:
To get the fairie Meryleep to become your master, go east of Wyndia where there is a spring that is said to be home of the fairies. Have Peco run and knock a rock into the middle of the pool, and a fairie will appear. She will send you on a mission to get an object stolen from her by a crow. Then go to the mountain west of the Arena, and if you walk behind the mountain a "?" should appear. Enter have Peco hit the tree with the crow on it. Take the object back to the fairie and she will offer to be your master. Your agility will go up +2, but your Hp, Power, and Defense go down -1.

Lotsa Life:
When you grow old select rei and go to the moutain where you fight the GooTitan and use pilfer as many times as you want and you will get the life shard and your life will go up one point with one so collect as many as posible.

Master List:
These are all the masters in the game. And the skills they teach you.

More fairies:
Get the Fairie Taria from the three Fairies after you fix the lighthouse. To get more Fairies, place them in the hunting section. Note: For this to work you have to go there after you are older (when Garland tried to kill you, and you disappeared).

After getting Momo back when your an adult, go to Dauna Mine. There is a room behind the location where the Dragon Zombie was fought. Have Momo blast the weakened wall at this location to get the coupons inside. Equip it to get a 10% discount on all items that are bought.

Control the Kaiser form:
Usually, Ryu will not have control of the Kaiser. Select Infinity + Trance + Radiance for it to work correctly.

Hide And Seek, Wyndian Kids:
After Ryu matures, he can be apprenticed to the kids in Wyndia that were in the hide-and-seek game earlier. First, find them in a hide-in-seek game around. They can be found in the following locations.

Bais: In B3 of the Dauna Mine
Lang: Behind a tombstone in the Wyndian cemetery
Lee : In the Eastern Wyndian Checkpoint, in a corner behind the guards
Wynn: In the lower level of Junk Town on the left side

Kill Vulcans in volcano:
The Vulcans in Mt. Zublo are usually very hard to kill. However, they are worth 300 exp a throw, which at that stage in the game is a lot. Use this trick to kill them easily. First, before entering Mt. Zublo, buy a large amount of Molotovs (20-30) from Wyndia. After buying these, go into the volcano. When you meet a Vulcan, get one of your characters to use one Molotov on the Vulcan. It should heal it and the message "Vulcan begins to move!" should appear. After that, destroy it. Ice spells are very effective and the Jump skill (if present) also works well.

Get the Beast Spear:
As soon as you beat Gaist, you need to search his ashes. You will then get the Beast Spear. This weapon will increase his attack by 150! The only drawback is that it will drain about 9 to 10 HP from him every round.

Magma Armor:
Defeat three vulcan at Mt.Zublo and you will (probably) get three magma armors. Equip them and the man with the two lava worms will be easy as a fly (keep them for other fire-using bosses).

Easy exp.:
Get an Ivory Dice and copy it at the fairy village until you get twelve and use them on a Goo Titan or a boss to get more exp (note one ivory dice= double exp 2 dices=quad exp)

Easy ghost battles:
In Mcneil manor use heal on the ghosts to kill them easy.

Control the infinity gene:
Use the infinity and failure gene together.

Ходите по округе и бейте прохожих мечом - иногда из
них вываливаются деньги.

Уничтожение призраков:
В поместье МакНила используйте Лечение на призраков,
чтобы с лёгкостью их уничтожить.

Infinite Croc Tears:
Go to Ceder woods and find the pond go to the middle of it were there is a small little ditch and press x and you should get a Croc Tear also you can keep pressing the x butten and get infinite of them

Walk around with ryu and slash people with your sword. Sometimes you get money.

Using the Ivory Dice in battle increases the amount of experience points you gain in battle. Using it once doubles the points gained, twice quadruples the points gained, and three times multiplies it by 8.

Free Berries:
For free berries go to the coffee shop and kick the tree with apples in it for berries the berries give you 5 hps back.

Master of Agility:
To get the fairie Meryleep to become your master, go east of Wyndia where there is a spring that is said to be home of the fairies. Have Peco run and knock a rock into the middle of the pool, and a fairie will appear. She will send you on a mission to get an object stolen from her by a crow. Then go to the mountain west of the Arena, and if you walk behind the mountain a "?" should appear. Enter have Peco hit the tree with the crow on it. Take the object back to the fairie and she will offer to be your master. Your agility will go up +2, but your Hp, Power, and Defense go down -1.

Lotsa Life:
When you grow old select rei and go to the moutain where you fight the GooTitan and use pilfer as many times as you want and you will get the life shard and your life will go up one point with one so collect as many as posible.

Master List:
These are all the masters in the game. And the skills they teach you.

More fairies:
Get the Fairie Taria from the three Fairies after you fix the lighthouse. To get more Fairies, place them in the hunting section. Note: For this to work you have to go there after you are older (when Garland tried to kill you, and you disappeared).

After getting Momo back when your an adult, go to Dauna Mine. There is a room behind the location where the Dragon Zombie was fought. Have Momo blast the weakened wall at this location to get the coupons inside. Equip it to get a 10% discount on all items that are bought.

Control the Kaiser form:
Usually, Ryu will not have control of the Kaiser. Select Infinity + Trance + Radiance for it to work correctly.

Hide And Seek, Wyndian Kids:
After Ryu matures, he can be apprenticed to the kids in Wyndia that were in the hide-and-seek game earlier. First, find them in a hide-in-seek game around. They can be found in the following locations.

Bais: In B3 of the Dauna Mine
Lang: Behind a tombstone in the Wyndian cemetery
Lee : In the Eastern Wyndian Checkpoint, in a corner behind the guards
Wynn: In the lower level of Junk Town on the left side

Kill Vulcans in volcano:
The Vulcans in Mt. Zublo are usually very hard to kill. However, they are worth 300 exp a throw, which at that stage in the game is a lot. Use this trick to kill them easily. First, before entering Mt. Zublo, buy a large amount of Molotovs (20-30) from Wyndia. After buying these, go into the volcano. When you meet a Vulcan, get one of your characters to use one Molotov on the Vulcan. It should heal it and the message "Vulcan begins to move!" should appear. After that, destroy it. Ice spells are very effective and the Jump skill (if present) also works well.

Get the Beast Spear:
As soon as you beat Gaist, you need to search his ashes. You will then get the Beast Spear. This weapon will increase his attack by 150! The only drawback is that it will drain about 9 to 10 HP from him every round.

Magma Armor:
Defeat three vulcan at Mt.Zublo and you will (probably) get three magma armors. Equip them and the man with the two lava worms will be easy as a fly (keep them for other fire-using bosses).

Easy exp.:
Get an Ivory Dice and copy it at the fairy village until you get twelve and use them on a Goo Titan or a boss to get more exp (note one ivory dice= double exp 2 dices=quad exp)

Easy ghost battles:
In Mcneil manor use heal on the ghosts to kill them easy.

Control the infinity gene:
Use the infinity and failure gene together.

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