Читы family paradise

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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local whip = <>

function whip.load(input)

for _, skid in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do

if string.sub(string.lower(skid.Name), 0, string.len(input)) == string.lower(input) then

local gui = script.AccessUI:Clone()

gui.Parent = skid:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("PlayerGui")

return whip



local localplayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local whitelist = <

["GroupId"] = 567658;

local enable = false

for i, v in pairs(whitelist) do

if i == "UserId" then

enable = true

elseif i == "GroupId" then

if player:IsInGroup(v) then

enable = true

if enable then

script.Parent.Parent.LogIn.Visible = true


script.Parent.Parent.Main.Visible = true

script.Parent.Parent.TextButton.Visible = false

RAW Paste Data

XML | 6 min ago | 7.89 KB

C | 19 min ago | 0.02 KB

JavaScript | 28 min ago | 0.22 KB

HTML | 1 hour ago | 2.39 KB

C | 1 hour ago | 0.61 KB

JavaScript | 1 hour ago | 1.13 KB

Lua | 1 hour ago | 3.60 KB

C++ | 1 hour ago | 1.22 KB

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Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!

Amount_Of_Cash = 1000 -- how much cash you want

cash = cash + 10

until cash == Amount_Of_Cash

RAW Paste Data

XML | 6 min ago | 7.89 KB

C | 19 min ago | 0.02 KB

JavaScript | 28 min ago | 0.22 KB

HTML | 1 hour ago | 2.39 KB

C | 1 hour ago | 0.61 KB

JavaScript | 1 hour ago | 1.13 KB

Lua | 1 hour ago | 3.60 KB

C++ | 1 hour ago | 1.22 KB

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