Чит таблица для starbound

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Starbound: Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.4.3]

Get Item Base on hover over Item - Get the Item Base of the Item you hover over
-Current Stack
-Max Stack
-Item ID(Read Only)
-Pixels worth
-Item ID Lenghts
-Category Name Lenghts
-Name Lenghts

Max out all Items

No Item consume on placing

Instant break Block

Infinite Health Alternative

Infinite Health Alternative Mod

Max Breath/Inf Health/One Hit Kill - Select what you want
-Current Breath
-Max Breath
-Last Hit Enemy Current Health
-Last Hit Enemy Max Health
-Inf Health
-One Hit Kill
-Inf Breath

Inf Jumps + Slow Fall/No Fall Damage

Debug Mode - Activates the Debug mode

Player Coordinate Stuff
-Player X
-Player Y
--Teleport to Cursor Activation - Activates Part one of Teleport to Cursor Activation
----Teleport to Cursor Activation Player -Activates Part two of Teleport to Cursor Activation
----Teleport to Cursor - Teleport to the Cursors Location

Cursor Coord - Read only
-Cursor Postion 1
-Cursor Postion 2

Get Gravity - Get the Gravity Pointer

Set Gravity
-Gravity to set to

Teleport Activation
-Save Location
-Saved X-Pos
-Saved Y-Pos

Ultimate Craft - Craft whenever you want and you don't need the materials

Ship Level
-Ship Level

Mech Energy
-Current Mech Energy
-Inf Mech Energy

Get Is admin Pointer

Disable Tile Protection

Player Can Always Beam Up

Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

Table Makers

Bloodybone Table Makers
Posts: 285 Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:19 am Reputation: 118

Starbound+28 v1.4.4 [Steam]

Post by Bloodybone » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:35 pm

This is for the 64Bit Version of Starbound

Get Base Ptr - Get Base Pointers of the Player
-Current Health
-Max Health
-Current Stamina
-Max Stamina
-Current Hunger
-Max Hunger

Get Pixels Ptr - Get Base Pointer of Pixels

Don't lose Pixels - Don't lose Pixels on death or when buying stuff

Get Item Base on hover over Item - Get the Item Base of the Item you hover over
-Current Stack
-Max Stack
-Item ID(Read Only)
-Name 2
-Pixels worth
-Item ID Lenghts
-Category Name Lenghts
-Name Lenghts
-Item Path String

Max out all Items

No Item consume on placing

Instant break Block

Max Breath/Inf Health/One Hit Kill - Select what you want
-Current Breath
-Max Breath
-Last Hit Enemy Current Health
-Last Hit Enemy Max Health
-Inf Health
-One Hit Kill
-Inf Breath

Infinite Health Alternative

Infinite Health Alternative Mod

Inf Jumps + Slow Fall/No Fall Damage

Debug Mode - Activates the Debug mode

Player Coordinate Stuff
-Player X
-Player Y
--Teleport to Cursor Activation - Activates Part one of Teleport to Cursor Activation
- ---Teleport to Cursor Activation Player -Activates Part two of Teleport to Cursor Activation
----Teleport to Cursor - Teleport to the Cursors Location

Cursor Coord - Read only
-Cursor Postion 1
-Cursor Postion 2

Get Gravity - Get the Gravity Pointer

Set Gravity
-Gravity to set to

Teleport Activation
-Save Location
-Saved X-Pos
-Saved Y-Pos

Ultimate Craft - Craft whenever you want and you don't need the materials

Ship Level
-Ship Level

Mech Energy
-Current Mech Energy
-Inf Mech Energy

Get Is admin Pointer

Disable Tile Protection

Player Can Always Beam Up

Load Lua Library Alternative // Only use this if the "Bloodybone" Script prints "Failure injecting the "luaclient-x86_64.dll""!

Version 1.4.4:
Updated Cheat Table to support newest Game Version

Version 1.4.3:
Updated Cheat Table to support newest Game Version
Added Disable Tile Protection
Added Player Can Always Beam Up

Version 1.3.4 Update 2:
Added Infinite Health Alternative Mod

Version 1.3.4 Update 1:
Added Infinite Health Alternative

Version 1.3.4:
Complete overhaul
Added Inf Mech Energy
Added Set Gravity

Update 2:
Added to Get Item Base on hover over Item
-Pixels worth
-Item ID Lenghts
-Category Name Lenghts
-Name Lenghts

Teleport to Cursor can be used in the air as well now

Added Get Mech Energy Pointer

Added Get Is admin Pointer

Update 1:
Added Craft whenever you want

Added Ship Level

If you find any bugs or have any Problems write a reply or write me a PM

Also feel free to ask me any questions regarding the table like how I made that or this

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