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Dragon Age: Origin: Таблица Cheat Engine 6.4 [v1.05.13263.0-Steam; Origin-EA; Steam-Ultimate Edition]

5. Активируйте нужный скрипт нажав на квадратик слево от него.

"[X] <== Dragon Age Origins v1.05.13263.0 Origin-EA Script v1.0"-Если у вас цифровая версия от Origin.

"[X] <== Dragon Age Origins v1.05.13263.0 Steam Script v1.0"-Если у вас цифровая версия от Steam.

"Dragon Age (v1.05.13263.0 Steam-Ultimate Edition)"-Если у вас версия Ultimate Edition от Steam.

Если не знаете, какая именно у вас версия попробуйте каждый скрипт. Если скрипт не ваш он просто не активируется.

6. Ставите в нужных читах для значений: 1=Присутствует/0=Отсутствует. Либо нужное значение в других строках в графе значение.

10. Играйте.
Приятной игры.

Dragon Age: Origins: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 05.03.2017] <sbryzl></p>

5 марта 2017 | Таблицы

Dragon Age: Origins: Таблица для Cheat Engine (На атрибуты умение и заклинания) [1.5]

20 февраля 2016 | Таблицы

Dragon Age: Origin: Таблица Cheat Engine 6.4 [v1.05.13263.0-Steam; Origin-EA; Steam-Ultimate Edition] <Recifense></p>


STN Founder
Posts: 4143 Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:48 pm Reputation: 1995

Dragon Age Origins v1.05.13263.0 Steam/EA

Post by STN » Wed May 31, 2017 4:55 am

Here is my contribution for "Dragon Age Origins" version 1.05.13263.0. The table contains a script with the following features:

Game Title : Dragon Age Origins
Game Version : 1.05.13263.0
Game Sponsor : Myself
Process Name : DAOrigins.exe
Script Version: 1.0
CE Version : 6.4
Release date : 20-Jun-2014
Author : Recifense
19-Jun-14: First Release for Steam
20-Jun-14: First Release for Origins-EA
- Health Mode/Full Mana [1]
- Minimum Money [2]
- Cooldown [3]
- Some Pointers [4]
[1] For Human player's heroes;
[2] For Human player only;
[3] For Human player's heroes;
[4] Used in the table;
1) Run CE64;
2) Run Game;
3) Load the game process "daorigins.exe" in CE;
4) Load this table and activate it;
5) Change the value to "Enabled" of each cheat you want to use;
6) Game On;
- You can change those values (be prudent).
CTRL+Home = Enable GM cheat;
CTRL+End = Disable GM cheat;
CTRL+PageUp = Enable MM cheat;
CTRL+PageDown = Disable MM cheat;
CTRL+Insert = Enable FC cheat;
CTRL+Delete = Disable FC cheat;
When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.
Tested on Win 7 64bits

The table also contains (when the scripts are active) the options listed on the attached image.

The features are DISABLED by default. For enabling any of them, just change its value to "Enabled";

Note: There are HOTKEYS. Have a look at the Table Extras for more information.
Note: The scripts use the CE commands assert and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.

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